Will I ever be able to attract an attractive woman?

When I look like this

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I could say get a better haircut and accutane but the problem is that you look like lost puppy whos on verge of crying.

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Your forehead is a bit big, but I wouldn't say that you are objectively ugly. You look normal, like a 6/10. Your acne and acne scars are definitely holding you back though.

Found your facebook, sending mass messages to people in your area saying you want to hang out with them.

I have a strange feeling that i've seen your face before on this board.

Yeah I just turned 23 and people tell me I look like 12. I'm also short (5'7)

What kind of haircut do you suggest? I don't have access to accutane, they won't perscribe it to me because I've taken it too many times in the past

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You look like my flatmate, who is 5'7 and has a very cute girlfriend. Don't be autistic.

>like a 6/10
more like 4/10 because of receding chin.

Thank you I don't have the balls to do that on my own so this is greatly appreciated

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Oh yeah, I didn't click on the thumbnail so I missed that. Maybe 5/10 if we want to be generous.

5/10 at best huh?

Good then I'll continue my celibacy

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Yeah just stand up straight and start doing things to improve your own outlook on life

Confidence really is a game changer for one personally and your personality is way more important in relationships than looks

5/10 is dead average, that means you have to rely more on social skills than looks.

problem is that all girls remove me from snapchat/insta when I am forced to show them my face, lol, so I never really make it to the first date even

You have beautiful eyes user! And light eyebrows are kind of cool looking.
You have acne scars but so do a lot of women, and it’s a point of insecurity for everyone who has them, but not the end of the world.
If you shoot in your league and have a basic level of social competency I’m sure you can find a gf.

Well, I see 200 lbs women at my height date guys much hotter than them and end up with a thousand or more tinder matches.

It seems as if guys are more forgiving when it comes to looks. Specially about stuff that can't be changed (height, scars and jawline etc)

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you'll have better chances approaching women in real life.

That doesen't seem very fair. Why can't I use tinder and online dating like all the girls do? It seems much easier and less cringeworthy/rejecting

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Yeah you're a bit ginger looking.

My advice is to get jacked and fuck Latinas and black women. They will find your features exotic and sexy

I would disagree but that’s beside the point. If you’re looking for supermodel women, you probably won’t have a lot of success.
Using a random 200lb woman as a blueprint for what you can achieve romantically is not realistic. If you focus on girls in your league, dating will be easier and you’ll be more compatible with the girls you date in terms of personality.

>That doesen't seem very fair.
Who said life is fair?
>can't I use tinder
you can but you'll have better chances with women irl because other factors come in (body language, fashion sense and etc.)

Lol I have a thing for black women especially

I am already jacked. Look at the back picture I posted on here

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I think you're hot, OP

>That doesn't seem very fair

Life ISN'T fair.

Read what I wrote in the OP. I want an ATTRACTIVE woman. Not an ugly son of a whore like myself.

Seems hypocritical, I know. It probably is. But I can't help it. Should I give up on it forever and just settle with a 4/10 girl?

Thanks gay user

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>I want an ATTRACTIVE woman.
Objectively or subjectively?

It is all in behavior, not in external attractiveness. You look fine by the way.

A woman who is seen, according to most people, attractive.

Men are not very picky when it comes to universal attractiveness.Women, on the other hand....waow.

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You look like a normal person.

Maybe see a doctor about that acne though.

>A woman who is seen, according to most people, attractive.
Then you'll have to be irrationally confident till you end up being very confident to overcome mediocre looks.

So what's the problem? Black women will kill themselves in the name of a white boy go get yours

You're not morbidly ugly, so looks basically don't matter. You'll have trouble to even attract ugly chicks with a personality like that though.


You look Russian. I know dudes uglier than you with hot gfs so don't sweat it

Not in Sweden, sorry

Pretty much all girls I've approached have been black and I've had rejection 100% of the time. They truly are disgusted by my appearance, lol

Before I even get to say a word I see them frown towards me

Yeah sorry. This is the last time I'm posting here.

I think you look pretty good desu

T. Not a chick

>It is all in behavior, not in external attractiveness.

Not here to bash on you, but this is total bullshit and you know it.

Swedish? Norwegian?


Take a trip to the US, Canada or South America

I guarantee you approach black girls at a bar in a major city here as a jacked, likely tall Swedish dude with an accent and you will get laid like no other

Take a trip m8

Honestly it's not even bad enough to factor in. The Jow Forums autists always latch onto that but the acne and forehead stand out to me as being his biggest issues by far. He's not trying to fuck other lookism incels who are going to measure his ramus angle and whatever other silly shit they do.

Hi, just want to ask you all this question:

Would you still give all this positive feedback to an Indian or even a black guy who'd ask you for advice ?

I'm not saying it hideous but lack of chin is easily noticeable. He could grow a beard to hide it but that's rarely works with blondes/gingers.

You should try curology a acne medicine brand, I wouldn't say your ugly at all

I'm in the same boat as you, except I have an attractive woman, in fact my acne scarring is worse than yours, I got those pits on my face and even on my forehead

I know without reading that Jow Forums will spell doom and gloom about this. Fact is that you actually look like a roughly average guy, which means that it's very likely you'll end up with a roughly average girl. Most guys think average girls look kinda alright and vice versa. Things like confidence change over time.

I don't know much about ache but I believe it fades to scars which are barely noticeable by anyone. Some people are self conscious enough to get them removed (which is totally possible) but to onlookers there really is no point.

That's basically it, the rest comes down to who you happen to meet. I trust you won't do the cold approach like the autists around here.

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is it over?

ignore the facial hair

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Are you Russian?

It's not over if you're willing to date Asian women. Which are the lowest on the racial dating totem pole for a white male. Same goes for you OP

I'm not a girl so don't take what I say seriously, but you look like a bee stung your face.

Getrod of acne and you look handsome from the front. From the side it looks liek you have a weak chin.

You faggots look fine. Not looking like a male model is a convenient excuse to not work on yourself. By that I mean mostly mental work.

The fact that you hate yourselves and have the same insecurity issues of girls is enough to repel even land whales.

>5/10 is dead average, that means you have to rely more on social skills than looks.
Women view the average man as scum. This is a fact.

Celibacy isn't shameful and don't discourage OP.

Why the fuck are you people turning Jow Forums into /soc/ again? They literally made that board because everyone was camwhoring in here. Asking this shit related to your looks is not asking for advice. You just wanted an excuse to post your face and fish for compliments. If you need this kind of validation go to /soc/.

you should worry more about your self-confidence if you're desperate enough to come to Jow Forums for real-life advice

You look fine just gain confidence in yourself and smile man

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Just bee yourself bro

You look like a Texas murderer in this picture. Do you have any pictures that are not serial killer 101? Maybe one with you smiling?

New man, you would kill pussy hear.

Wash your face after you use soap and water on your hands, I.E. after using the bathroom, 15 mins after a shower.

If you wash your face with just water frequently, your acne will clear up.

Products are a scam.

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Jon Lancaster managed to do it and he is literally deformed.

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Get off Jow Forums De Bruyne

His forehead is the only cute thing about him

>blonde hair
>blue eyes

You will be fine. Just smile more and lift some weights.