Is this bad?

Everytime I see an attractive girl that I might be interested in, I always think to myself “You’re black, she wouldn’t want you anyway”. Should I stop this?

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inb4 Jow Forumstards "you're not wrong"

fugg dude, I'm brown and actually feel the same most of the time. my confidence is basically gone anyway and the only way I got to meet girls was by them hitting on me, or if they are leftists where I know they don't have anything against my ethnicity

anyway, this is not a healthy mindset for anyone...

Sad bump

We'll all have our insecurities dude. In my experience of living in London, rural girls tend to be the least likely to go with a black guy. However, I think the more pride you own that weakness with the better.

You will, at least, get a lot of art hoes. Especially if you dress in colours that compliment your complexion.

Not trying to be an asshole, but I think some girls out there wouldn't date a black guy and it has nothing to do with racism, it's just the girl's particular tastes on men.

You can still give it a shot, I mean you can be an attractive and confident black male right?

I really, really don't think women know what they want on that level. They just want something they can believe they want.

Your belief always trumps what you're believing in IMO.

I don't think I really understand you, but whatever you said, if that helps you to approach woman then by all means go ahead, in the end you lose all the battles you don't fight anyway, might as well give it a shot.

You're not wrong...


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>everytime I think about trying I dont
>should I stop this?
I dunno, if you never want to accomplish anything in your life then by all means keep doing what you're doing

You've spent too much time on Jow Forums.

How about you go after black girls

>not op
All I want are arthoes thanks user

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This is true. Just how I’m not attracted to black women. It’s just the way of the road sometimes

usually the [x] variable is actually rather meaningless and we use it as a reason to not talk to girls, sometimes because of an underlying fear of rejection, or for other reasons. My advice is just talk to the girls you find attractive, and try to silence that inner voice telling you all the negative outcomes. Sometimes I wish I could take my own advice, too.

Mulatto master race

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I was raised by a white woman and apparently that governs a boys attractions in later life.

Dunno how OP explains it but I've been told by a lot of race baiting white girls that it makes total sense that I'm only into your women, Hitler.

My first girlfriend also said she loved how cuddly I was. Spoiler, her dad was fat.

I think women tend not to care thaaaat much about race like us visual guys do.

I don't wanna be "that guy", but most white women who date black guys see them as a social assets or accessories. They like to be stared at by women who think they're jealous and see black people as stereotypical dudes that treat them special just because they want to get laid. Every single black/white relationship i've ever seen is like this.


Or they've had some negative experiences with white people or a harder-than-most upbringing and think only a black guy will be able to relate.

Of course you should stop this idiocy. Stop deciding for the people too. If she isn't into you, she isn't but there is no way to know before you try.

I am a super visual guy and don't care too much about the race meme either. There are too many fucking variations, so it's more accurate to go by the person.

you dont need to be black to think that