>Just be yourself, bro.
Just be yourself, bro
Do you think you can be aunthentic or original in something?
No, you are just the outcome of the social conditions around you.
Also, that guy in the picture will be happier.
>Also, that guy in the picture will be happier.
you are the definition of npc herder. still an npc nonetheless
And you are the definition of walking meme that can't answer with arguments.
This is the idolatry of a man who is utterly defeated by illusions, who never even took up the fight to be defeated in reality. Someone who was defeated by their own doubts and cucked out of happiness itself by their complete and utter cowardice and lack of faith in their fellow man.
This is a man whips himself before his master has even lifted a finger.
thats because there's never a point in arguing with npcs bucko. you can never change them no matter how hard you try.
You jest but so or later, probably in your late 20s or early 30s, you'll realise how true that piece of advice was and how it is no longer relevant to you anymore.
>just be yourself, bro
Good bait, 7/10 would fall for it again. Like, you should be yourself, unless your hobbies are uncommon and you don't like things like watching sports and drinking rat piss (beer), if you like something like writing, drawing and studing them you should neck yourself you awkward cunt, you're a abberation that should've never gotten out of your mothers womb
>how true that piece of advice was
You mean actually being yourself, or the normie version of "being yourself", which is "be exactly like us"?
why would you want to hang out with people who don't even like the things you're into and do a bunch of things you don't enjoy? even if you got laid it would basically be like you raped yourself with a stranger because you actually have no real interest in the person behind that skin or the situation you're in
what are the steps to submitting into the grand conscience? I cant continue on like this anymore.
I wouldn't get in a relationship with a woman over shared interests as much as I would over shared values and greater compatibility. Whether or not she likes anime as much as you or likes the same music you do isn't going to affect the relationship nearly as much as her wanting to be polygamous and you monogamous, or if she wants to move out of state and you want to stay where you are, etc. Hell, a lot of the people I get along best with don't share a lot of my interests but the people who share my interests can get on my fucking nerves.
>why would I be myself when everyone will hate me for doing things i like?
Congrats on being exactly the retards you vilify. I cant think of a more blatant example of Not Fucking Getting It. Be. Yourself. Like the things you like without fear of being thought weird or of it making you am outcast. You literally define your own misery by labeling yourself as an outcast. It's no wonder you people are so fucking stupid. Everyone says "be yourself" and you retards Intepret it as "be someone else"
>if you like something like writing, drawing and studing them you should neck yourself you awkward cunt, you're a abberation that should've never gotten out of your mothers womb
What? I've never heard a girl actively hate on a dude for these things. Maybe you're going after the wrong women user. A guy I work with does all that stuff and has a live in girlfriend. The "artist" is actually a pretty sexually marketable character archetype for meeting women, to put it one way.
You think the biggest problem most people have here is trying to be something they're not?
Jesus Christ you retards, please don't fuck yourselves over.
Be yourself, do what YOU like, find people who share the hobbies you like, you will never have these years where you are young, lack responsibilities and free to make mistakes which you can recover from.
Once you reach 30, those times are over.
Ask for advice or get the fuck back to Jow Forums
You deserve to be exiled for being a faggot.
And pedos and animal fuckers should just commit suicide. Think of the poor children and dogs without jacking off.
This user has an absolutely solid point. Why do you feel guilty for being who you are? Literally everyone has skeletons in their closet. Nobody is proud of everything they've ever done, or will ever do, or are into. Just be comfortable in your own fucking skin or end up a jaded hateful alcoholic like the "degenerates" you pretend to vilify on the internet. Grow some 'nads and be confident. Don't put all of you out there, just what you admire the most. Stop being such a fucking faggot.