There's a girl I know at work. She is 17 and she's been hinting that she wants me to take her virginity...

There's a girl I know at work. She is 17 and she's been hinting that she wants me to take her virginity. The thing is I'm 22. 17 is legal in my state, so it's all legal. But she's still in high school. And I am in college. I know some people are really casual about sex and what not, this girl is really outgoing and a free spirit and what not, and we've both kinda talked about dating each other. But I really don't want her to grow up and look back and regret losing it to a creepy older dude. Because I know your first time can be special to women and what not.

pic absolutely unrelated

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> this girl is really outgoing and a free spirit and what not
I would normally go on my usual diatribe telling you not to make her a whore, but she seems determined to be one regardless.
I'd recommend leaving it alone for several reasons nevertheless--the first obviously being that it reflects poorly on you to be doing it with a high schooler of all people, but also because she's a whore in her mindset, she is likely unstable and thus prone to making this whole thing blow up in your face.
If she gets pissed at you, for example, she has a huge amount of leverage if she wants to paint you as a creeper or rapist.

Are you counting on dating this girl? It depends on the situation. I knew a guy who as 23 and he dated a 17 year old but I think she had already graduated.

I'd go for it, just make sure she isn't crazy first.

Yeah, that's the thing. We've only known each other a couple weeks but she is texting me all the time. All I know is that she is absolutely adorable and I am a weak willed man.

I mean, she's either going to fuck you or someone else. At least you can have a somewhat positive influence on her.

>she's been hinting that she wants me to take her virginity
In what way? You're asking for sex advice on Jow Forums so forgive me if I'm skeptical that she wants your dick

>Talking like this while in college

You should kys and what not

Time to groom her into your personal cum dump

>There's a girl I know at work
>She is 17 and she's been hinting that she wants me to take her virginity
You kinda talked about dating, you're probably socially retarded and can't really make an informed opinion on what she wants or means.
Texting someone =/= wanting to fuck
Be aware of any blowback from her, if she does want to fuck you and anything isn't to her liking or she isn't emotionally mature enough to be fucking she may bring it up with your workplace.

Just run before you find yourself in a world of shit and hurt.

How does one "hint" that she wants you to take her virginity?

Other than that, if you like her do it faggot. She's 17, she's legal, and it's not like she's going to magically become more mature when she gets 18.

>But I really don't want her to grow up and look back and regret losing it to a creepy older dude.
Dude, what the fuck? If she's down for it you have the green light. Hit that, whether you want to date her or you decide it's not going to work out. Fucking millennials, I swear.

Well she invited me to hang out with her and I asked her if she didn't mind the age difference. She said she "doesn't care if I'm old" and then she said here you can fuck anyone when you're 17. And then she told me she was a virgin a little later.

But I think you guys are right. I'm just gonna get to know her and then decide. She's a really sweet girl and I wouldn't just fuck her and move on like a dick because I don't think that's what she wants.

>it's all legal
Get fucc

She's legal. That's all you need to ask

I think this is lovely and she is absolutely legal and you are age-appropriate.

I lost my virginity at 23 to a 37 year old, a professor at my uni and it was HAWT

Think about how stupid you were in high school. No imagine trying to date someone like that. In a month you'll be back here complaining that your gf spends all day on her phone gossiping about retarded shit and has no shared interests, you know, because shes in fucking high school and the scariest event in her life right now is a prom.


>spends all day on her phone gossiping about retarded shit and has no shared interests

So like all women nowadays?

It really depends on how her parents feel cause she most likely still lives with them.

>ablooblooo 17 year olds are dumb children that can't tie their own shoes or make any decisions for themselves and as a 22 year old Jow Forums poster you are way too mature for her and also it's immoral to date anyone under the age of 25 minus your age gap times 7 divided by the current phase of the moon.

If it's legal it's legal. A 5 year age gap is nothing. I was in a FWB relation with a girl who was 10 years younger than me.

She keeps telling me they'd be cool with it because they had a similar age gap but im not so sure.


Do it dude

wait until her birthday duuuuh and you should make sure shes sure first not a good idea to do the sexy times with co-workers

It's gonna be funny to each you on Maury when you accidentally get her pregnant !


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She wants to fuck and it’s legal. Dude. Just fucking do it. Fucking a girl in high school when I was last college was held fucking worth it (she was 18, btw).

dude literally no one cares, hit it