How do I compliment any female on her skin? I got an idea of saying something alomg the lines of: "You have very nice looking skin. Say, if skins are considered clothing, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you just to wear that beautiful skin. That's the length anyone would go to be the owner of such nice skin". Not even trolling, I'm genuinely looking to improve my social skills and make people love me and enjoy my presence.
How do I compliment any female on her skin...
Other urls found in this thread:
Give her a basketful of lotion.
I don't have much money. My life sustaining expenses leaves no room for luxuries.
Give her one bottle of lotion.
Okay. How do I know what kind she wants? What do I say? What would explain my behaviour?
Ask her about her preference of fruits she likes to put in her vagina and get that scented lotion flavor
Ask if she would be okay if you sniffed her vagina, at which you can make accurate note of her scents and find the best lotion that compliments her aroma
Tell her to put it on the skin or she gets the hose again.
Give me the dialogue. What you would say and what you thinks she would say. I trust you user, I really do.
So edge. So cringe. KYS
No. Please. I need this one. I need you. I am putting you in control of my life user. Please consider it.
"Are you about a size 14?"
(Wild horses plays softly on the juke box)
How would she know the size of her own skin? I would need to measure it myself, wouldn't I? Asking something about her that she couldn't answer seems rude to me.
Meanwhile at OPs house.
No I wouldn't do that to a girl I think is cute. It would be stupid to ruin that beautiful form just so I can look fashionable.
But for real though don't comment on her skin, it'll come off creepy. Say something about their outfit, or hair, or shoes or something.
this is why everyone is laughing about commenting on the skin.
But her skin is what makes her look nice. I've tried to envision what she'd look like with slightly darker or lighter skin and none of it feels right.
>Joe Dirt
>not Hannibal Lecter
>tfw not sure if bait
You’re forgetting that silence of the lambs came out in 1991.
Its not surprising to me that people on this site haven’t heard of a film that is near 30 years old.
He never blinks the entire film.
Watch it. One of the most memorable and frightening pieces to come out of Hollywood.
Wouldn’t its skin look better on you though?
Or perhaps its skin would make a fine book.
Respect your elders!
But it wouldn't look as natural on me as it does on her. The only reason I would wear a girl's skin is to feel like her, in this case talking to her is more appealing than being her.
It's like saying I shouldn't know who Cheech and Chong were because I'm not 60. Come on m8, it's a classic. It's literally a fucking meme.
Bro, the 20 year olds these days have no idea what monte python is or who bob dylan is.
What makes you think they would pick up on a single great movie from the early 90s?