Cannot feel any emotions anymore please help

I can't feel any emotions. I havent for almost 2-3 years. I'm 25/m/uk.

My life is fine on the outside, long term gf, £50k in bank, renting a decent house. no friends though other than online but fixing that. I can make friends if they talk to me first i just cant initiate it. Good job too.

I think I preferred having my depression and suicidal thoughts from years ago, because atleast I was feeling something.

I havent cried for years and I laugh and smile regularly but I am empty inside. I don't feel anything other than anger or excitement.

Currently off sick from work for a month or so, got another month off to relax.

Currently on:

Propanolol - anti anxiety (around a month)
zopiclone - sleep (around a month when i need it)
venlafaxine - 150mg - anti depressant (doubled this week)
aripiprazole - 5mg (reduced) anti psychotic.(1 week)

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the only reason you can't feel is because you're a coward and you're using psychopathic adaptation to just be a pussy instead of conquering your limitations

meds might be messin with you. talk to your doc/whoever prescribes you them about your current issues.

explain a bit more what you mean. Are you saying I'm stuck in a comfort zone? I could get behind that but I've done amazing things the past couple years every so often and it doesnt change anything. I felt a rush of excitement going on a rollercoaster like 30 times in a row a year or so ago. But its happiness/sadness that I'm missing.

I told them that this was my problem and this is what they put me on, but they are changing them every so often like 2 days ago they doubled/halfed some of them. I wasnt on anyt meds for 2 years until around a month ago.

I was on risperidone for a while years ago and I somewhat think its done some damage to me.

You really should get discord and add me user. I literally have all the answers but I want to share them with you. Feels weird just posting them on a thread. It's also too much to type out in chunks I'd rather share it with you in convo.

Just download discord and add me broski. It's nto voice chat, it's text.

If it makes you more interested, or if I seem more valid, fwiw in from 2013 to 2016 I was on venlafaxine at 300mg. It was the fourth antidepressant I tried. It's a dual-action SSNRI and that is why I went on it and why I was immediately cranked to 300mg.

I'm 100 percent healthy now, but still on venlafaxine, 75mg dosage, only reason I'm on it is I haven't wanted to go thru the gnarly withdrawal sideeffects whilst studying.

literally just download discord and add me so I can fucken help you help yourself lol.

looking into getting it now. appreciate it. May not get it soon but maybe later today and I'll add you.

My advice is just do it. It's a series of mouse clicks and some typing, that's all. That's my measured pressure to you, apart from that I just say I hope you do and there's no rush, you can add me whenever and I'll be happy to chat brother.

And fwiw the first poster was born with more limbs than braincells and his situation has not changed - the second poster gives common advice, and is courteous, but their advice, in comparison to the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I can share with you, is like a teacup and my advice and info for you is the fucken massive ALMA telescope array.

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any advice from anyone else? Anyone who has felt similar and got out of it? or even still in it?

everything we see on the most basic level is external stimulus processed by our brain
it is light, it's not the object itself, the object could be anything, or at least, it can be, once we know of other objects - it's our neural connections that actually present our world to us, the stimulus is always being interpreted. The brain functions using symbols, and the main two languages in processing these symbols are the language we learn at birth, and numerals. Language in and of itself is governed by a logic. Logic is an intangible concept that has a kind of magic, in that it exists and is real but does not exist in our reality at all as far as we know our reality and as far as what we know exists as it does exist according to our logic - so you see, logic is a beautiful thing, it doesn't need the limelight, it doesnt' need to take centre stage, rather it is like a friend who has our back, always there to guide us if we need their help on our journey. We may even consider logic to be ourselves, in so far as logic is needed for our existence, and our existence is needed for logic. Just as we give logic a name, know it's function, althought not necessarily it's form, logic also seems ingrained within everything, to a degree, and logic is logic - that is to say that symbolically speaking logic is beneficial to existence, and illogic is not. It is logical to drink and to eat. It is illogical to jump off a tall tree, or to throw ourselves into a spiky bush.

I am not here to explain to you the answer to life the universe and everything. In fact I don't want to. Because what I want to do is give you some information, and education, to help you live the best life you can. Because you are bloody amazing, you are gifted, you are talented, and you have so much potential. More than you know. And I want to honour that by helping you.

our minds are not perfect, which is not to say that they are broken, no, rather they are like a car - a car functions wonderfully when taken care of by a professional. The professional understands the form and function of the car, knows how to do regular checkups and perform maintenance, and mechanics often have a deep appreciation for cars. This is how we ought to understand our brains - we are the mechanics, I'll get to that a bit later.
There will always be mysteries of life - of our existence - of human beings. And that's okay. We don't need to know everything. I mean that, we can live a wonderful life, co-existing with one another, without knowing everything - we just need to know the right information and know enough of it, to understand ourselves, first and foremost.

a few things to clarify first:

one - we have the brain, the brain can function with just he brain stem, and with a total lack of any other activity, essentially the person ceases to exist.
The mind is intimately linked with physical aspects of the brain but far exceeds the physical boundaries in it's potentiality

mental illness and mental health are not as disparate and scary as we may think. in fact, all typical, healthy human beings experience what could be classified as mental illness - dreams. we dream, the dream is not real, it occurs inside our head, if it's good, and we remember it, we generally wake up feeling good, if it's bad, we wake up feeling bad.
here's the thing though - the dream is a physical thing, it physically exists in the form of the action potential within the neurons, the electric pulses that are the basic mechanism of the functioning neuron, and form the framework of our thoughts, our conscious existence.

So I now need to let you know that the term "real" is not clear-cut. Thankfully though we have somewhat unspoken rules about determining reality - the most basic unspoken rule is that for something to be real, as we know it, within our reality, it must be tangible and able to be experienced by another human being. It's this dual experience of external stimuli that is the building blocks of our reality and the unspoken mutual contract we engage in that clasps our reality together.

We say that dreams are not real, but we know the physiological effects are real. We blend our understanding to suit our existence - which is fine, as it is acceptable in both form and function to do so.

Despite what may look like a fragile existential conceptual ecosystem that is our existence we know, due to history and the documentation of human existence and the research involved in this area, that we as human beings have shown incredible adaptability, flexibility, and resilience in an always changing, often mysterious, deeply complex, and richly intense existential conceptual ecosystem that we know as life, or the external stimulus we experience.

This is the fundamental core piece of knowledge that underpins and nourishes everything else I will say, and my general outlook on the world and human beings. So from that foundation I now want to delve further into things, specifically discussing and presenting my ideas, based on sound research evidence, relating to mental health, mental illness, the brain and it's form and function, and the mind and it's form and function. I'm not just going to blab out information from researchers and their work - I am going to synthesize all the information relevant to the discussion from various fields of study and I will bring it all together, and present it to you in a simple and easy to understand way, coz that's how I do things. I am confident that you will experience many so called "lightbulb" moments, you know those moments when a bunch of scattered ideas or thoughts seem to magically come together and like a puzzle that has the final piece placed within it, the answer or the understanding of the solution is suddenly there.

I haven't written the rest. I wrote that up on the weekend when I had some spare time. It's my thesis if you will. If you want more you know where to find me.

thanks going to read it soon, bossing at the moment with a friend. Appreciate it.

let me know if you want me to continue

How do you know I'm amazing gifted and talented? By the backstory or?

I do try to keep a birds eye view approach of my mind, body and situation which is why I ask for help every now and again. I have my own personal goals and try to achieve what I can. Its just these non existent emotions that I have no control over that I need help with.

Where are you getting this information from? Is this what you study?

>I am confident that you will experience many so called "lightbulb" moments, you know those moments when a bunch of scattered ideas or thoughts seem to magically come together and like a puzzle that has the final piece placed within it, the answer or the understanding of the solution is suddenly there.

I do, but I would say everyone does. I'm not sure where this fits in so you might need to elaborate. I've downloaded discord. Just waiting a go ahead from a friend to use it.

I also haven't slept properly in roughly 3 days. I feel fine, but its taking a while to take in information and process it. Sorry for delay.

You're doing well considering that was my rough draft and it's quite convoluted and not as simple as it will be once I've polished it.

For what it's worth it's pointless right now to try and figure out where I am going with my process, or why I have said what I've said, as my entire thesis is like a modular lego build - and the understanding of it all is only fully realized once you've had the opportunity to actually read all parts of it, and experience how each part fits together seamlessly to create a body of work that fits together and makes perfect sense.

I study neuroscience, psychology, and general medicine in my own time.

I hear you and understand the issue you see is the non existent emotions and the inability to solve this issue.
I am confident in what I am saying to you and sharing - it may seem like I am beating around the bush - I could just tell you the "answer" - but I know it is futile if not stupid to just rush in and fuck the pussy like that. The "answer" is like a house, looks great right, but if the house is not built on solid foundations, foundations that fill in all the gaps and provide a clear, understandable, logical strength and support, then the house is useless, sure it's form looks good, but it has no function, it would be stupid and dangerous to live in a house without strong foundations.

forgot to post the picture lol.

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I read a lot.

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Struggling to understand why you are telling me this rather than the straight answer.

> sure it's form looks good, but it has no function, it would be stupid and dangerous to live in a house without strong foundations.

Yea I get that but if you have the answer you start with that then build around it.

Have you been through this? Do you understand it? Or is this thesis you're doing about mental illness as a whole? I'm not really following you.

i'm writing an answer now, i hope you're still here

In order to successfully rehabilitate someone suffering from mental illness it's crucial to acknowledge and understand that mental illness is not all in the mind - it's important to understand the connection between the semi-non-physical realm (consciousness, thought, emotions, memories) and the physical realm, specifically the physiological realm of our body, even more specifically, our brain, as in the organic tissue within our skull that is composed of billions of neurons.

The function of the brain on the most basic level is a framework of neurons which use electrical pulses to send chemical messages between other neurons which results in our experience of reality based on the external stimulus received by the sensory neurons. The chemical messages are moved between neurons via specifical chemicals known as neurotransmitters.

There are a variety of neurotransmitters however they do not have specific one-dimensional functions, as in, one neurotransmitter is often capable of interacting and affecting a multitude of different systems or framework.

The neurotransmitters are usually considered "endogenous" which means they are created within our organic system, specifically within neurons, however, that synthesis requires precursor enzymes, in general the two most important are l-tyrosine and l-tryptophan. Tyrosine is an amino acid found in many protein rich foods. The recommended dietary intake for tyrosine is 33mg per kilogram. Tyrosine is synthesized into l-dopa, which is the precursor for dopamine, and dopamine is the precursor for noradrenaline, and noradrenaline is the precursor for adrenaline.
All of these are neurotransmitters except for adrenaline which is a hormone.
Tryptophan is found in a variety of protein rich food sources - like Tyrosine, it is an amino acid. Tryptophan is the precursor to a few things, most notably serotonin, and serotonin is the precursor to melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, melatonin is a neurohormone.

Knowing that, we can now understand the brain's function is directly related to the food we eat, or don't eat. Brain dysfunction on a physical level will almost always mean cognitive dysfunction within the realm of the mind - the way we experience, understand, and deal with external stimulus, the way we understand our selves, reality, and our ability to remember and to form coherent logical thoughts are all aspects of the mind that are affected by physical brain dysfunction.

But this is just one aspect of mental health.

Because he doesn't have an answer. The guy typing up these paragraphs of nonsense is probably Schizoeffective or on coke.

still here will read now. Sorry had to go chemist.

Thats somewhat my assumption at the moment. But I'm willing to read it

Alright I've just read through. I understand what you are saying. I know that there is a good chance that there is something physically wrong with my brain. If there wasn't I wouldn't be taking pills and would be going through more therapy. I understand that diet and exercise have something to do with it. I'm actively trying to get better at both. Recommendations on foods to eat? I don't know what half of those words are that relate to increasing dopamine.

You just have a really wack way of getting your point across. Its all really drawn out. I know you're giving me advice, so to repay it. If you are doing this for other people, condense it down into smaller points if possible. Its just way too much, I understand if you are doing this as a research paper or something but talking to a regular person its just not needed imo

My assumption is wrong I think, see above.

Another significant way to cause physical brain dysfunction is to inhibit sleep within a person. Whether it's severe short term but prolonged sleep disruption, or long term intermittent sleep disruption, research has shown that the dysfunction or lack of sleep impacts the function of the brain in a negative way.

Everyone knows the immediate impacts of lack of sleep, drowsiness, poor motor control, memory dysfunction.

The cells in our brain require a period of rest to clean up and regroup their nutrition and their balanced state. Sleep is the time when our body and brain flushes out our entire system, refreshing it, and thus maintaining solid form and function.

A chronic lack of sleep disallows the brain and body to deal with the chemical waste that comes from daily use, this waste can potentially damage cells.

"During periods of high neuronal activity, a significant volume of oxygen is used to maintain neuronal membrane potentials, which subsequently produces cytotoxic (cytotoxic = toxic to cells) reactive oxygen species (ROS). Glutathione, a major endogenous antioxidant, is an important factor protecting against ROS-mediated neuronal degeneration."

In chronic sleep deprivation the antioxidant glutathione becomes completely used up and the neural cells are then destroyed by the cytotoxic compounds produced from extenuating circumstances. Thus, brain-death from lack of sleep is possible. Thus, sleep, is fucking important - consistent, good sleep, is integral to physical brain health and thus mental health.

The exact reason as to why I take the time to type all of this out is because if people don't understand why it's important to eat a good diet, and to sleep well, then they are predisposed to making ignorant decisions about their diet and their sleep and thus predisposing themselves to mental illness, or further mental illness, and thus predisposing themselves to taking more and more pills - which is not the solution - sure pills can be useful, but if some cunt can't take the time to actually explain basic fucking form and function of our brain and our mind, to someone who is quite literally, losing their mind, then what's the fucking point - I hope you can see my point now, at least a tiny bit clearer.

I'm not done yet.

The third aspect which is important to understand in terms of mental health, and brain/mind dysfunction/illness is thought.

Yes, thought - the thing that a large amount of people consider to be intangible, non-physical, immeasurable. That's simply ignorance. Thoughts are physical things - they are embodied in the electrical pulses, known as action potentials, within neurons.

Our thoughts, our consciousness, our experience of external stimulus and internal stimulus (example: thinking about thinking) has a physical basis in our organic system and thus has the potential to be massively impactful or impacted by the physical system itself.

To put it simply: Emotions affect decisions, decisions affect behaviour, behaviour affects emotions, and so on and so forth.

Furthermore, the concept of neuroplasticity is fundamental to the understanding of how thought can have a massively detrimental impact on our mental function in both a non-physical and physical manner.

The framework, form, and function of our brains predisposes the brain to being receptive and adaptive - what this means is that our brains are malleable on a neurological level by understanding that the receptive nature of the brain promotes adaption and in saying that the receptivity of the brain also promotes routine and consistent established stimulus.

This means that our mental experience is predisposed to positive adaption or negative adaption. People can easily find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle involving their emotions, their thoughts, their choices, their behaviours. All of which impact upon each other increasing the severity of the vicious cycle.

In that case would you recommend sleeping more, more often? I'm currently all over the place in terms of sleep pattern in the last month but getting better.

The last couple years ive been doing:

Weekdays = 6 - 8 hours
Weekends = 8 - 10 hours. 12 if im really bad.

Currently this week I've been doing well, 6 hours weekdays and likely 8-9 weekend. The previous 2-3 weeks was anywhere between 0 and 12 a day. The zopiclone double dose helped with this. Not taken any for 4 days now and seems to be somewhat regular sleep. But I wake up still tired and not wanting to go back to sleep. Which is new to me.

I understand but you are talking with a lot of jargon. No offense, just trying to help. I'm still reading and taking in what you are saying. Its not basic function and form. It might be if you're reading up on it often but unfortunately not to me. Today atleast.

In the /osg/ thread we came from (If you are rex), the general from before I listed my meds and asked others about theirs. At one point I was giving my opinion on them. My opinion is that I'm not addicted to them. Infact quite the opposite. I don't like taking the anti psychotics.The sleeping tablets are ok and actually work. But I don't take them regularly and I've only took them in the past 3-4 weeks. I was on venlafaxine before, the same 150mg dose and I stopped cold turkey because they weren't helping. I eventually got out of my depression through other circumstances. I've stopped taking propanalol. It was helping me with heart palpitations and was successful. I have a few left and only take them if im feeling super anxious now. which I have only done once.

To some up the last paragraph, I have never been nor do I think I will be addicted to pills. I'm being 'forced' to take them by my girlfriend, doctors and family. To someone who is clueless about my mental health and how to fix it, I have to go with what my closest professional says.

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To continue from this comment:

I do however think the professionals I'm seeing are only giving me pills based on numbers of people killing/harming themselves or others. It seems thats only what they care about. Which is fair enough, but I need more help with my lack of emotions. Thats why I want to kill myself sometimes. I dont want to be fed tablets that just stop me thinking of suicide I want actual help to my personal problem. Hope that makes sense. Was a bit of a ramble.

out of all the comments you've made, this one I felt didn't connect at all with me. I'm not sure of your point or how it relates.

Thought, as in our experience of reality, is incredibly important to understand - what I mean is - it is fucking important to understand ourselves, who we are, not just in the sense of our personality, or our hobbies, our dreams, values. But we must know who we are on a biological level too. We must know that who we are, or our ability to be the best person we can be, is not just about thinking happy thoughts - no, it's about understanding the basic but extremely important connections between eating well, sleeping well, thinking well, and mental health as a whole.

The answer - as it has always been - is you. You are the answer - but you have to understand yourself, as I said, not just in the realm of the mind, but also in the realm of the body.

If a person doesn't sleep well, they are predisposed to being emotionally unstable, if they are emotionally unstable they are predisposed to making poor choices, if they make poor choices they are predisposed to negative behaviour, if they behave in such a way they are then predisposed to emotional instability - and so on and so forth.

It's the same if people don't eat well.

Or if they have negative and harmful thought frameworks, perceptions of self, or the world.

Ultimately, if I wanted to, I could drive a person insane by depriving them of food, or water, or sleep, or by breaking them down mentally through subversive strategies which would erode their self awareness, self belief, and general concept of validity in reality.

This, at the end of the day, is the core of mental illness. The person suffering mental illness, in the majority of cases, is experiencing a disconnect from reality, an inability to function within reality, they are not able to experience and interact with reality as per normal.

As I've said, this can then become a vicious cycle - their sleep pattern is fucked up, they eat less, their brain becomes less functional, their mind becomes more unstable, and it goes on.

But the answer is you.

Yes I am Rex. And yes I understand there's jargon and aspects of it are difficult to understand - as far as I am aware you've not had good sleep for the past three days right? You mentioned that earlier, so your cognitive function is not as sharp as it normally would be. I hope I haven't come across as forceful, as in, if you don't understand this stuff right this minute, then that's bad. That's not what my values or motives are - I have used the term "basic" because it's learnable, understandable. It's not like fucken algebra haha. I mean at first it may seem that way, new words and all that, but we can quickly look up word definitions, and such, to bring us up to speed.

My offer still stands you know, with discord and all.

I hesitate to tell you what to do, or to suggest what to do, simply as I don't know you and your life well enough yet - if I were to become informed, so I could at least give an informed, objective opinion, that would be the most beneficial thing for you and for me in that regard.

And I'm open to getting to know you more and helping bring into focus any areas that don't make sense yet, and helping you help yourself basically.

I empathize with where you're at, it would be tough being pressured or forced to take pills. I hear that.

I don't want to make any promises as I said I don't know you well yet, to make any kind of statement on what you should do or how things will go - but do understand that since 2011 I hit complete rock bottom 7 times. The only reason I didn't kill myself 6 of those times is because I didn't want my parents to suffer and the 7th time is because police pulled me over when I was going 140km/h through a city. I have lived the numbness. I think it is logical to understand that is a person was to eat well, sleep well, and have a healthy thought framework (sense of self, sense of the world) then that person most definitely would experience the typical range of emotions.

Alright well thanks for all this. That made more sense, wasn't sure if you';d finished. I'm actively trying to eat better and exercise more. The sleep is something I wasn't too bothered about. But I'll work on that. I thought my sleep had improved since I last felt super high and super low emotions. I would sleep alot more though when i last felt emotions I think.

The sleep has been somewhat bad recently but is improving. I'm not sure if im supposed to sleep more or less? What would you suggest? My aim is 7-8 hours weekdays, 9-10 weekends. I can stick to that once things get better (Which they are).

I have your discord username written down, I'm hesitant to use it because of some situations that I've heard about at work. I work in IT. But I'm leaning more towards using it because of some people on osrs wanting to talk to me and I feel like its more safe nowadays. Failing that i'll spin up a VM and use that. But thats just extra resources.

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It's impossible for someone to grab someone's IP through discord. All in all it's a safe program to use - as long as you're not a dumbass and click on random links sent to you by random people who can't be verified as legit and trustworthy. That's risky.

Furthermore, you can always create a "fake" email and use that to sign up to discord, and just use a fake name, all that good stuff.

I honestly would have to get to know you better to really give quality suggestions.
But in general, six to 7 hours of sleep is healthy - but it has to be nourishing, restful sleep - not interrupted sleep.

Food, it's important to eat a diet with protein, antioxidants, zinc, iron, vitamin c, probiotics (helps maintain a healthy digestive system), fibre, and that's about all I can think of right now without going off and doing research haha.

I do hope you'll add me because I want to also talk about the meds you're on, and just see how things are. Not going to tell you what to do, but as a fellow human, and you seem like a nice human, I feel like I would be irresponsible to not help you if I can. I don't want you to be stuck in a situation that you don't need to be in at all. I take this seriously, I have from the moment in OSG a few hours ago - fwiw my parents are both medical professionals, Dad is a doctor, and so is my sister. This shit is my life haha. I am not a doctor but I do live by the hippocratic oath in my daily life - and my future career will be in mental health. So I hope that helps ease any concerns you may have had around me.

I'll likely be on it this evening after another quick check. Its not IP or my details being leaked i care about, I can change both. I've seen some nastier crap come from it.

That is reassuring I guess. I will add you once I've checked it again and had dinner.

Ah I see.
Well I hope the check goes well.
What's for dinner? it's almost 3am here and I'm famished ha.

bell pepper (think thats the american term for it, we call it pepper)

Chicken satay sticks, breaded cheese/rice. about 600 cal altogether.

Where you from? Why you staying up so late?

And yeah they do call em bell peppers. Guess they kidna resemble a bell, or at least, they're more bell-like in comparison to thin peppers.
We call them capsicums here in Australia. I once had an American friend cook up stuffed "bell peppers" and they were incredibly delicious. Perfect on a cold winters night.

Your dinner sounds delicious too. I've never had breaded cheese rice but it looks so good.

And I'm staying up late because I wanted to help you and because I'm on holiday for one more week, so it's not too bad doin an all nighter.