Thought, as in our experience of reality, is incredibly important to understand - what I mean is - it is fucking important to understand ourselves, who we are, not just in the sense of our personality, or our hobbies, our dreams, values. But we must know who we are on a biological level too. We must know that who we are, or our ability to be the best person we can be, is not just about thinking happy thoughts - no, it's about understanding the basic but extremely important connections between eating well, sleeping well, thinking well, and mental health as a whole.
The answer - as it has always been - is you. You are the answer - but you have to understand yourself, as I said, not just in the realm of the mind, but also in the realm of the body.
If a person doesn't sleep well, they are predisposed to being emotionally unstable, if they are emotionally unstable they are predisposed to making poor choices, if they make poor choices they are predisposed to negative behaviour, if they behave in such a way they are then predisposed to emotional instability - and so on and so forth.
It's the same if people don't eat well.
Or if they have negative and harmful thought frameworks, perceptions of self, or the world.
Ultimately, if I wanted to, I could drive a person insane by depriving them of food, or water, or sleep, or by breaking them down mentally through subversive strategies which would erode their self awareness, self belief, and general concept of validity in reality.
This, at the end of the day, is the core of mental illness. The person suffering mental illness, in the majority of cases, is experiencing a disconnect from reality, an inability to function within reality, they are not able to experience and interact with reality as per normal.
As I've said, this can then become a vicious cycle - their sleep pattern is fucked up, they eat less, their brain becomes less functional, their mind becomes more unstable, and it goes on.
But the answer is you.