Ever since I took the Redpill, my hatred for women has become solidified. Don't get me wrong I still love my female relatives, but after learning about female nature I can't look at women the same. They've singlehandedly ruined the majority of first world countries with their absolutely retarded voting habits and it makes me angry that they were given the vote in the first place. Not to mention the fact that I was lied to as child about what women want, which set me up for failure once I actually started dating. I really thought women were equal to men growing up, but the finding the redpill and then seeing modern women's behavior firsthand has crushed any kind of egalitarian views I once had.
How do I stop hating women?
Honestly, date men they re less of a headache or try to find a girl that couldn't give two shits about politics. You are over generalising too much but I understand your position to a degree
Go gay dude. I hate the bullshit women do too. But not enough to hate them. I mean I hate fat obesse women because of childhood trauma. So I am quick to snap on them. But look how they are picked on by dudes.
My current issue is how inexperieced/naive young women are.
I look to different races for this. Black woman are far more understanding and totally cool. Latin woman are great too. Its the upper class white women that are an issue. They are controling as fuck.
Once you turn 16 you will start to rethink many of your beliefs.
are you actually looking to stop hating women, or justify your hatred in another thread to hit bump limit?
because, spoiler alert, once you actually open your eyes to how women collectively behave, you're not going back.
You know, i hate feminists and how they are turning this world into a politically correct estravaganza, but i still hate you morons more because as a cis white male and whatnot i get automatically associated to patetic delusionals like you.
Yes. Help me understand so I hate them less.
I'm not white and don't ever use "cis" while you're talking to me faggot.
Ewww, I'm not a faggot, although I do watch white sissy boys in lingerie get their ass split open by BBC's.
Sounds like yer gay son, congrats
>"how do I stop hating women?"
>is gay
Just try not to interact with them too much. You're on easy mode basically because you don't have to deal with their shit just to experience some emotional intimacy and have sex.
You sure got the point, retard
What point?
I'm in the same spot as you, user. I hate being slave to my own hormones. I wish I could just turn gay but it doesn't work for me.
And every fucking time I meet a girl that seems different, she eventually turns out to be the exact same as others. It's really hard not to be bitter and hateful.
I'm not gay, but yes to everything else.
Neither am I but I wish I was able to become gay.
I can't help it, white men look feminine as fuck. And there's something about an asshole being split open by a BBC that's just hot.
Just find yourself a white bf then. Many guys are shameless fags nowadays, I'm friends with a feminine gay dude and he looks hotter than my ex (no homo)
it's always someone else with you isn't it. the excuses and the blaming, it just never stops
What are you talking about?
>Ever since I took the Redpill
Stop using Jow Forums or whatever echo chamber you visit. I used to use Jow Forums for some years and when I stopped I found my views became much more moderate.
Maybe read some books about women's problems in whatever country you're from. Personally I used to be much more racist towards black people, but once I educated myself on the problems they faced I became more understanding of them. Unlike what redpill sites will have you believe, women do face problems in modern society that men do not.
I find that I also like women more when I find some fiction or music I enjoy was written by one.
Also, separate women from your dick. Don't take the women you rejected you as representatives of all women.
With these kinds of posts on Jow Forums though you probably don't actually want to stop hating women.
I'm sorry but are you being sarcastic right now?
>Women face problems
Like what? Not being able to be naked in public?
>don't have kids
>fuck the world
And look on the bright side, at least you are redpilled, much worst off are the bluepilllers.
So you thing, be as happy as you can be, eventually you'll dying and nothing matters.
boy this thread is filled with Jow Forums
its like a big ol circle jerk.
>So you thing, be as happy as you can be, eventually you'll dying and nothing matters.
Some people can find happiness in love and having children.
for starters? menstruating every month.
And how is that a problem?
it's extremely painful
dont fucking bother dude they all deserve this shit if they arent smart enough. let them fucking rot.
For you
for you
Tthen either be gay or bi and have sex with dudes. Seems like its the best choice for you since you hate women so much.
Jow Forums is kind of like Jow Forums. You have to visit it only in short spurts or you'll end up a hateful bitter person.
I don't wanna be "that guy", but i hated women for much worse reasons than you for a long time (physical abuse). I became addicted to ghosting girls after screwing them and laughing at shutting them down after. Sooner or later a woman challenged my views and we've been together (travelling the world) for about four or five years now. Because of my views on women, i treated her very unfairly in the beginning of our relationship. She pays for most things she wants to do with me, makes more money than me and provides me with support i couldn't even get from my family. I'm the luckiest man alive and i love her.
Good luck, user.
Sorry you had it so rough user
I simply got high and read up on some of the shit they go through. It was similar to what i went through but there was more sexual stuff. So thats how i understood somethings. Understanding women fuck helps, but I wish women would admit to it more instead of finding a scape goat.
>Jow Forums is kind of like Jow Forums. You have to visit it only in short spurts or you'll end up a hateful bitter person.
Retards like you will never understand the fact that r9k and pol is like it is because it doesn't change people or whatever, but because people come there with certain experiences and conclusions already.
When I came to r9k I already knew what women are like, the only thing was that I found likeminded people there who were hurt as well.
How can a guy stop that? The thing is every women goes through that, and have each other to help.
the only retard here is you, user.
Fuck I could never get a girl to deal with my shit.
Quality argument right there. Fuck off
Same here. I'm so fucked up at this point, no girl would want a guy like me.
>I became addicted to ghosting girls after screwing them and laughing at shutting them down after
I shamefully gotta admit that I do something similar and honestly it feels good.
"girls will never like me REEEEEEEEE"
Rather than becoming angry towards women in general, you can also use it towards your advantage when interacting with women.
I don't subscribe to 100% of the red pill philosophy, but i do agree with like 70-80% of it. Use the knowledge about female nature and use it as a form of clarity. It makes building effective relationships with them easier and less stressful to you. Because you finally understand certain feminine behaviors you didn't understand before. Don't be hateful, be grateful.
>projecting this hard
Guys, you need to work on yourselves before even considering hooking up with someone.
I myself have sort of wanted to get back into the dating scene but I am not emotionally stable enough. It would just put stress on the relationship.
think of yourselves first and foremost.
This is not possible. I have pretty much everything a good boyfriend should have except for mental/emotional stability and relationship experience. All of which stem directly from having been alone all my life and having multiple insecurities that unfortunately cannot be rid of.
It is possible user, you just need to talk to a professional if its really bad.
this is an alright advice actually
just go on Jow Forumstrufemcels and check out their posts. you basically will learn that ugly females have a hard time finding an actual partner who doesn't just want to fuck them and that an ugly dude can still achieve more than an ugly chick by making social gains (hobbies, money, etc.)
but yeah, if you are an average or above average girl you have life on easy mode lol
I don't really see the point of that, nor have the money for it.
You're absolutely right in hating women OP. They literally destroyed Europe for foreign cock
Just having someone to vent to and talk about your problems is more powerful then you can think.
I do really hope you work through it user.
>Just having someone to vent to and talk about your problems is more powerful then you can think.
I know. I use Jow Forums for this exact purpose. It's cheaper and more genuine.
So how should women be viewed?
>falling for the redpill meme
Go outside and talk to people, women are people too which means 80% of them are fucking garbage but 20% are aight.
Fuck off elsewhere with your bait.