Any tips on finding/getting the services from an escort? It's going to be my first time.
Any tips on finding/getting the services from an escort? It's going to be my first time
Don't do it user, fornication is a sin.
There’s a few legitimate websites for that, I can’t remember them, but it shows you by city and on occasion actual pornstars have postings. It’s just like $700 minimum for the normal escorts and I imagine the pornstars charge in the $1000s. That being said when I have my bread right I’m going to fuck holly Hendrix
Please don’t! You’re better than this! Just ask a pretty girl out! Go out and use your game! Pretty girls are lonely, too. Believe it or not, they are trust me! They just want a guy to notice them and be nice to them. Pretty girls get hit on by jerks and hurt by them. Don’t be intimidated! Just look around for some pretty girl who is dorky and not a ho.
Just get out there and TRY!! Ask a lot of girls out. Get used to a lot of rejection and don’t let it bother you.
Seriously, I know pretty girls who go out and they want a guy. But I see these lame dudes just sitting there with their heads buried in they goddamn phones. It saaaaad.
Please don’t use a sex worker. Those are for old men. You’re better than that!
I wish the world was as depressed and hopeless as me.
Do it no girl pretty enough would waste more money than just a few 300 bills
That will never happen, dorky girls only care about athletic meat heads. You can still be a Chad and not some fuckass who played ball their entire lives and have no fucking ambition. Girls only care stupid boys, I'd rather be the sky dad that punishes them and kills the boys.
>Pretty girls are lonely, too.
Oh wow look at the big man over here. Nobody has suffered as much as him. Everybody feel bad for this guy, he's having such a hard time. Harder than anyone else ever.
>played ball their entire lives
>no fucking ambition
Nigga I'm a scrawny nerd but even I know this line of thinking is a cope. Sports aren't my thing but let's be honest, you need to get up real fucking early so you can practice, hit the gym like mad to stay in shape, and do all that for years on end and if you start to slip you're off the team.
Honestly academics probably take less effort. I didn't have to be disciplined or put effort into anything until my second year of college, but Chad has be doing that shit since 8th grade and on top of that he had to get at least a D- to stay in school so he could still be on the team.
Don't be a fucking child.
Young men actually use prostitution services more than older men.
nigger I didn't read all of that for u to tell me u have no future stay mad loser
>boys play ball
>be u today
>same shit
Your fault not mine. Slave away at that shite job u stupid goy nigger
>still plays the same shit today
youre a massive faggot and its grandad whos payong for ur shitty hobby
You're a fucking moron, sports are really fucking easy unless it's at a professional level. And most Chads never take it seriously enough anyway to reach that level since they do drugs and get drunk.
>Pathetic children who never put effort into extracurriculars or academics but have convinced themselves that sports are dumb and easy, despite being incapable of doing said dumb and easy activity.
You realize that you're not smart simply because you're not athletic right? You can be dumb and weak at the same time.
just call your mom
Sports are easy as shit, half the battle is genetics. And if you’re blessed with those genetics sports are easy
Bro, I'm an autistic faggot who has b payed hundreds of dollars towards various escorts.
These fucking whores ARE NOT as advertised.
You get there, place the money in the dresser, they get naked, maybe suck you for like 20 seconds and then bend over with their dry ass pussies. They're not into it WHATSOEVER and it's annoying that you paid for a service and get fucked over by a whore with no interest in the experience.
Better off just jerking off and saving your money for other shit.
In autistic as fuck but don't really care how I lose my virginity. I've known people that played nice guy and got pitty fucked or turbo douches that fake their interests and personality to get laid. I don't want any of that cringy shit, I just want skin on skin and will pay cash. I don't even care if she's into it I just want an average blowjob. How does one find a hooker where its illegal?
All I can think of for now
Good luck homie
I can tell you don't read just by reading ur post u fucking dumb nigger.
fucking exactly, tell me how much brain power goes into having fun playing hockey?
lmaoing @ normalfags
Don't unless you know for sure she is independent, e.g a student fucking in her dorm for example.
When you spend money on prostitutes, you typically give that money to some form of organized crime who are also involved in human trafficking. The prostitute herself may not be but that doesn't mean they money doesn't go into the business of moving teenage girls around so that fat old greasy men can fuck them weekly.
Fat somewhat old man (30) here. A man's gotta get laid somehow. You think women are going to fuck me? I don't use young women, though. Only women who are independent and about 25.
Well good luck raising your iq without good genetics.
I see nobody has actually helped you. Sorry about that. Anyway- I'd be glad to give you the skippy.
Sugar Babies are the legal alternative to traditional prostitution in the states. Being a whore is illegal, but being a pimp is not.
See for that route.
Alternatively, you can use pic related for normal prostitutes. Just make sure to never talk about money for sex and just leave the cash on the nightstand when you leave.
That said I do not condone Human Trafficking, but I support the right for people to partake in it's fruits. (I don't know why, but eh I've never done it myself)