How do I get a date when I'm 22 and have never had any interest from girls?

How do I get a date when I'm 22 and have never had any interest from girls?

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Other urls found in this thread: no interest in me/type/op/filter/text/

Ask one if she wants to go out. It boggles my mind that you retards think the rules of the game change based on your age bracket.

But no girls show interest in me at all. Surely if I ask a girl out the answer will be guaranteed to be no?

>I've never tried but I'm absolutely sure of the results

Why would a girl say yes to me asking her on a date if she has never even hinted at any form of romantic or sexual attraction to me in the past?

Sorry if I sound retarded. But my sexual confidence and self-esteem is at rock bottom because girls never acknowledge me as a potential partner

If it is ask another one.

What's your problem?

No girls show interest in me, so I presume that no girl would ever consider me as a partner

Women are most passive shits on this planet. They will never make first move and especially the type that is attracted to you. They are spoiled children who can have any cock they want.

So yea they are not attracted to you but if you make your first move and show affection to them then as a by magic they suddenly are all over you and want to fuck. Happens every time.

I'm a 22 year old dateless virgin. Do you really think I have anywhere near the level of seductive skill to be able to make a girl who was previously unattracted to me become attracted to me by speaking? Fuck no. I'm clueless.

I'm fine with making the first real move but why do I have to do everything? Can't the girl smile at me or compliment me first so I know she's interested, then I can take it from there?

>I've never tried but I'm absolutely sure of the results
I forgot how Isaac Newton discovered the principles of gravity by just assuming how it worked. Or how Marie Curie studied radioactivity by just intuiting the results. No experiments necessary.
I can gurauntee that whatever stupid shit happens asking girls out, it will be less harmful than radiation poisoning.

As i said beta boy. They are not attracted to you. You are epitome of beta. Girls dont simle at guys who they want to fuck they, play with their hair, bite lips, are overly touchy. All of the signs you probably missed becasue you have autism.

I've discovered that I'm probably not actually that afraid of rejection. I used to think I was but I think my fear was misplaced. I find rejection awkward but, really, I can deal with it.

My problem is more that I just do not believe that there is any chance of success at all. Girls never flirt with me, they never compliment me, they never even touch me unless it is absolutely necessary. So why would any girl say yes to going on a date with me?

If there's no chance of success, why even bother? You see what I mean? If I believed there was even a small chance of a girl saying yes then I'd ask her out because it'd be worth a shot, but I just don't believe there is a chance

Okay so do you have any actual advice for me, or are you going to just spout these 2012 internet memes like "beta"?

>If there's no chance of success, why even bother?
Die alone for all I care retard. Nevermind the fact that you have zero evidence to believe this. You literally have two options, try or don't. I don't know what so scary about trying and failing this isnt a fucking knife fight.

Yes. Stop being a bitch.

Fucking Jesus Christ why do you have to be so abrasive? Just give advice like a normal person

>zero evidence
Well, my evidence is that girls don't ever flirt with me, AT ALL, and they only ever talk to me entirely platonically and in a friendly manner. Also I have never ever heard of even a minor rumor that a girl might have a crush on me, even though I hear all the time about other guys that girls I know have crushes on

>I don't know whats so scary about trying and failing
I just think that if I asked out a girl she'd be disgusted, like "ugh, why is user asking me out, I've never even hinted that I liked him, why would he do this?"

Quit wasting your time. This guy always posts the same thread and repeats himself like a broken record. He literally does not want help, he will deny all attempts of you telling him what to do.

Okay, I'll tell you the cycle of what always happens

>I post on Jow Forums asking for advice
>People give me it
>I go outside and try to put it into practice
>I still receive no attention or flirting from girls
>I get sad
>I don't know what to do
>So I post on Jow Forums again

It's a deadly cycle. I've tried everything, but I just can't get girls to flirt with me or show me affection. It just doesn't happen. It's as if I don't even appear on their radar, I'm sexually invisible

Okay answer me my following questions.

what race are you

Don't know, but I'm a skinny guy

>doesn't know how much he weighs
Get it together dude

Okay here is my advice. You will die virgin. You will never find love of your life. You will die alone childless under bridge with dementia and parasites. Your whole life is just a dream. There is nothing you can do to change it.

I'm just a skinny guy. I like it that way. I feel confident about my looks

Why even post this? What is the point? Why can't people on this board just talk like normal people?

>Why even post this? What is the point? Why can't people on this board just talk like normal people?

Sweetie cutie poopie pie. It's because you have autism and autistic people will die lonely. Im talking normaly to you with being honest. It's time to end it. It's time to ascend to different plane of being so you can bitch there how your life was horrible and shit. They might care or not. I certainly wouldn't. So yea even if you die no one will give a fuck.

Lmao get dabbed on

You know nothing about me. There is no reason to come in here with a troll post that reads like it was written by a 12 year old from India

Where and when is it even ok to ask girls out? Asking for me.

Never. Keep your loser genes to yourself.

Don't lie.

Find a fat one. They have low standards and are desperate. Although be warned, sex with them is more of a chore than something enjoyable. After the first few times you will be over it because she probably weighs a third more than you.

Source: Me

Sounds like you are afraid of rejection though. You have to be the one who shows interest and asks girls out because they take on a passive role when it comes to relationships. What you’re asking for is a big neon sign on their heads that says “ask me out, I like you” but that’s not the way things work.

But I feel like you're not understanding me. When I say I get no signs of interest, I mean literally none. You could sit there and dissect it for days and you would not find one thing within the interactions between me and girls I know that would suggest any of them has even briefly considered me as a romantic partner.

Given that evidence, how am I supposed to have any confidence that a girl would say yes if I asked her out?

I always feel like having fat gf would be something like RPG. You train her throught day to lose weight and fuck at night to gain confidience. Then when she is lean she is your ultimate slave with hot body. She will probably leave me but looking at her now makes me feel so proud. Gotta do it.

Even fat girls don't show any interest in me. Honestly.

Did you actually ever try? Because all you have ever done is make excuses for why you should not try.

Then you’ll fucking die alone. Relationships aren’t easy, girls don’t show signs all the time. YOU have to be the one who shows interest.

You again? You have no shame user, no wonder no girl wants you

can you gf me and bully me into losing weight?
asking for a friend

It depends on the type of girl. Most girls are sluts and want to either get free money or fuck a fit, tall and sexy guy with a penis above 20cm. Even if that girl is ugly.

Apart from what she sees the important thing is how you act, think and your body. All about it is based on psychology. Once i was a fat guy and decided "you know what? Screw girls. I will just go to bars, meet friends (male or female) and have fun. Try to enjoy them. They don't want to join me? Screw them. Delete them from my brain files."

I failed at the first months. Later on i found friends. From those friends i met with friends of friends and grew my "friend cycle".

3 reasons.
1) Girls enjoy guys that have friends around them.
2) Girls enjoy when you can make them laugh.
3) If a guy doesn't need help from anyone means he is a strong guy.
These things are based on hormones.

There are much more bonuses if you work out to make a good body, a nice haircut, and a nice dressing style.

This whole progress needs about a year and even if you fail don't go into depression. Build your character and keep moving.

If you fall you will rise again.

>girls don't smile at guys they want
not true

be careful though, I did this and now I have a baby on the way with a fat whore

But they NEVER show ANY signs.

I really don't think you're understanding me. Imagine if you met dozens of girls, and not one of them appeared romantically attracted to you at all. Like, literally nothing, no signs.

I guess what I'm asking is: if girls show no signs of interest in me, then do I even have a chance?

I don't know what trying is.

I mean I try to flirt, in subtle ways, and it goes unnoticed or isn't reciprocated. Or I'll try it but it'll be in a group conversation so it just kind of falls flat. And then I get really discouraged.

I mean, should I just go balls to the wall and say fuck it? Should I just start being up front and telling girls directly that I find them attractive, and asking them out out of the blue? That seems to be what people are telling me to do, and my current strategy is obviously a miserable and crushing failure, so what do you think? Should I just go nuts?

Christ you're as dense as a neutrino star with weight issues

Please tell me which bits of what I said were wrong

>I go outside and try to put it into practice
I am 100% sure you've never tried anything that was ever suggested to you in god knows how many weeks you've been posting the same thread every day, otherwise you'd have figured out how the game works or at least having a basic grasp of what you should and shouldn't do. At this point I'm left to believe you're either trolling or is so desperate for self-validation that you're willing to post retarded stuff on a zimbabwean trainspotting forum for the sake of (You)s.

Not him, what should he try to do?

>not him
Sure thing buddy.


Referring to my post here >I mean, should I just go balls to the wall and say fuck it? Should I just start being up front and telling girls directly that I find them attractive, and asking them out out of the blue?

Is that it? Is that what I must do?

>worried about girls
Kill yourself. Problem solved.

Do you think there's only one person on Jow Forums who struggles with women?

No, but I think there's only one faggot (probably you) that makes the same thread every fucking day, receives the same fucking advice every time but refuses to act on them, and them complains that no one likes him.

Can you link another thread by him, then? no interest in me/type/op/filter/text/

Have fun.

Well this guy seems to have friends who happen to be girls, so he's better off than me. How do I make friends with girls?

Bee yourself.

Date boys

I'm serious, though.

So am I. Most girls can notice when you're trying to be someone you're not and they'll stay away from you if that's the case. Your best bet is to approach women, act normally and see what goes from there.

>approach women
But you said to be myself. Never mind, this is too hard for me.

women aren’t men. u need to learn this because it’s fundamental. u can’t base ur thoughts on women on ur thoughts on men bc they are 2 completely different beasts.

also the meme that men seduce women is just that - a meme. all of my successful female relationships have involved the female being the first one interested in me. women will fall in love with a guy and then try to get the guy to ask them out, giving the male the false impression that he’s doing the seducing. always remember - females are the gatekeepers to relationships & sex, but males are the gatekeepers to marriage & children. a female loses all of her power once she becomes dependent on a man (aka gets into a relationship with him).

Get over your fear of rejection/approaching girls and just approach ones you like and have good rapport with. It's not that hard.

How did you know the women in the first place?

How are women not the gatekeepers of marriage & children too? Any kids she doesn't want she can simply abort, and getting replacement semen isn't exactly hard. As for marriage, women initiate most divorces, so it doesn't sound like men aren't in control of those either.

>they never show any signs
So? That's not how the female mind works, and that has been made explicit countless times on this thread. Sometimes they aren't even attracted to you at first (or are just good at hiding it), but as the relationship starts to gain some speed, they usually fall for you.

If this isn't easy for you to understand, I fear you just want to hear that you will be rejected, and the world should pity you. Once again, that's not how it works.

>ITT OP assumes
>Realizes through his assumptions he takes them as fact rather than finding out the truth
>Says he isn't afraid of rejection
>Still doesn't go through with it through the lense of assumptions
>Shoots down other advice with his unconfirmed hypothesis saying "nobody understands"
>When in reality he has no actual confirmation but bases all idea through assumptions, and through asking out you find out if the assumptions hold
Its like you don't want to even bother. Hell you write your own story, but at least back your shit up other than through a guess. You forget the variable of human behavior and go to the route of A+B is C

Honest question: What makes you think they have no interest in you? To put it another way, what would they need to do in order for you to think they have interest in you?

Not OP but talking to me would be nice.

Not OP, anyone ever tried the asking girls on a date you barely know at all strat? There's a girl in my chem class I kind of like, but I don't even know her name. I was gonna just walk up to her one day and basically say "hay can I get your number?" I did that once before but under the context I wanted to study but that girl ended up cancelling the plans. Not because she needed to but I could just tell she didn't want to study with me.

Do you talk to girls? Or do you expect them to start conversations with you?

>do you expect them to start conversations with you?
Yes. How can I talk to a girl without her thinking I'm trying to fuck her?

but my retarded friend girls know they want you to fuck them if you talk to them. They want fuck.

But you are trying to fuck her. They know that. It's okay, it's not something to run away from. Girls generally aren't going to be the one to start the conversation, but if they're interested they'll be receptive to you

So I can't make a female friend without the intention to fuck her? What am I even going to talk to her about?

Yes my slow friend. Femal want pee pee and male want pipi. There is literally nothing else interesting to talk about. They are retarded and they take you as retarded. It's endless cycle of misunderstanding because femal has ego thought the roof.

Now enjoy your gf faglord

Well, if girls never show signs, how am I supposed to know what girls like me?

>Sometimes they aren't even attracted to you at first (or are just good at hiding it), but as the relationship starts to gain some speed, they usually fall for you.
What chance do I, a 22 year old dateless virgin, have of making a girl attracted to me over time by speaking to her? I don't see how this is supposed to be encouraging. It just makes me more disheartened.

It's just that every piece of evidence points towards the conclusion that there are no girls that find me attractive, and no girls who would consider dating me.

I really really really don't want to believe this. But its what all the evidence points towards. I need evidence to the contrary before I can confidently make a move, surely?

You sound like you got issues too

-Another user

You're not supposed to date anyone. If girls show no interest in you that means your genetics are bad. You've been selected to be terminated from the gene pool.

>If girls show no interest in you that means your genetics are bad
Fucking kek

>You've been selected to be terminated from the gene pool.
There are plenty of objectively (yes, objectively) unattractive people out there who manage to reproduce user.

You have no evidence, I just said that. You're not even proving me wrong in any fashion, but instead you're doubling down on something that you assume. I don't think you ask chicks if you're attractive, so how can you say that bullshit claim? You're forgetting that chicks won't always display that if they like you, some of them have anxiety too. Like I said, there's a variable you're not accounting for which makes your A and B is C logic flawed. Don't respond to me if you're not gonna back your shit up, a wise man once said assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups. You're fucking up

Straight up ask a bitch to fuck, what have you got to lose at this point?
Easy as "ayo bitch, lemme clap dem chimps"

Admittedly, yes, I have no clear cut evidence that no girls like me.

All we know for certain is that no girls show interest in me. I socialise with women all the time, have friends who are girls, and partake in hobbies with a good male/female ratio, but never receive any romantic interest at all.

It just seems strange to me. The logical conclusion here is that I must be doing something wrong, because I'm not getting any interest. I know that Jow Forums's first instinct would be to say "you're ugly" but I genuinely am not. I'm a decent looking guy and I take good care of myself, and all my friends both male and female would agree (I've even had male friends confide in me that they're jealous of my appearance). I'm not stunning by any means but I shape up well. I also get plenty of matches on Tinder, but my game is nonexistent so I have zero success with them.

There must be something wrong. There must be something I'm missing. It shouldn't be THIS hard, surely.

I am genuinely unironically considering doing this in a more palatable form. Obviously not that vulgar. But part of me thinks I should just start flirting outright with girls and telling them what I want. I have nothing to lose anymore, I'm so sick and tired of being a dateless virgin, I'll do fucking anything to get out.

Bro, wanna get sued for sexual harrasment?

Mostly from past generations becuase they weren't subject to the same pressures. Ugly millennial men are being culled from the gene pool at high rates.

The vulgarity is what makes it effective

It's not harassment if you only ask once

Lol this is some bullshit Jow Forums meme. Go for a walk in any major western city and count how many ugly as shit couples you see. Bonus points for the couples where the dude is ugly/fat/a slob and the girl is cute

Girls dont show interest automatically you idiot. You have to poll them for it and then they return a boolean value. You're literally complaining that your lights dont work when you wont flip the switch. Girls dont come with a Clapper.

>I also get plenty of matches on Tinder
>All we know for certain is that no girls show interest in me.
are you mentally ill?

If you are ugly you can always date ugly chicks right?

I'll respond since you've admitted that. Look man chicks won't show interest in you if they don't even know you, we do the same to a bunch of people in our daily lives. Just go talk to them and get to know them. They'll give a shit about you if they can know you. You're not telling them you're some dateless bloke that never got his pecker wet, you're getting to know them better as they will too. That's when chicks take interest, don't rely just on pure appearance all the time. Even then if they did they'll hide it. Be a man and start talking and asking them out. Just fuckin' do it, godspeed

Are you sure? Is it not even the slightest bit strange that I don't get any interest from girls?

No interest in real life.

Tinder is so superficial that it barely counts. They're swiping for my pics alone. And like I said I get zero success when I actually start messaging so its not like any of the girls actually like me

>Look man chicks won't show interest in you if they don't even know you

But there are plenty of girls who know me. You're acting like I never even talk to women. I do. But none of them seem interested in me as more than a friend

quadruples of truth

I don't see it. Every guy my age I see holding hands with a girl, the guy is noticeably tall and at least decent facially. I'm 5'6''. I've only ever seen a guy my height with a girl only like once. When I did, he was much better looking than me facially.

Ugly girls don't have to settle for ugly guys.

Do you live in LA or some shit? Idk I'm from London and there's some ugly as sin couples out here

Riverside, which is basically LA. Yeah I'd imagine things work differently in the UK. There are too many males in LA, makes the market favor women big time.

Attached: 20 34 singles.png (887x591, 131K)

Go to any kind of public setting where there is a hobby/pastime that you like. It could be anything from fishing to tabletop games. That part doesn't matter. What matters is being somewhere where people want to interact with other people and that right off the bat offers a shared interest. From there just talk to the person.
Say hello. Don't be creepy here. Literally just "Hi, I'm user." is enough of an introduction. Flourish this introduction with your personal touch at your own peril.
Talk with them, not to them. You show interest not by blabbing to them, but by talking back and forth. For newbies to this form of social communication a good method to follow is F.O.R.D. That stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Dreams. Stick to these topics at first if you can't think of anything better to talk about. Once a topic is being discussed then enter a pattern of asking a question, listening to the response, validate what they just said and then ask another question. Remember that the goal of this exchange should be to get to know each other better.
Next, remember that all conversations have a natural end. Pay attention to when you both seem to be out of things to say. At this point then ask if they want to chat again later. It can be over coffee, internet, smoke signals or whatever. If you make actually plans to keep talking then you've succeeded in making a new friend. "Friend? I wanted a soulmate!" Shut up. That takes time. "But I don't want to get friendzoned!" Then make sure to flirt. Flirting essentially consists of spoken physical attraction with appropriate intonation. Saying "I think you're really cute." can lead to both the friendzone or a relationship. The difference will be how you say it. Saying it with confidence, a smile and intimacy will be what turns it into flirting.
Last, but not least is knowing when to move on. If they don't show a desire to talk then move on. Not giving up means not losing hope. It doesn't mean hounding them.

>You're acting like I've never even talked to women
Yeah, you don't talk to them in the way you want to go about. It's easy to be friends, but you gotta show your intentions for an answer. Either do that or look for them elsewhere. Which still holds my claim, which you ignored my last part of
>asking them out
Don't come back here till you do

>I'm 5'6''
rip my dude
Some girls will openly show interest and even chase guys, yeah. but it rarely happens for guys who are ugly or fat or short. for a girl being open about being thirsty is basically devaluing herself (even tho feminist tells them otherwise) and girls have big egos they won't risk rejection of disinterest if the guy isn't really really worth it. and by the sound of it with your 'tism and height on the shorter side, you should never expect a girl to pull moves on you. It's so unlikely that you're wasting time. ask girls you like yourself and see how they respond. girls enjoy to be chased

You don't get interest until you make a investment.

Attached: You just have to make it happen___ meme - kitten timesheet (52992) Page 7 • MemesHappen.jpg (600x642, 56K)

What if you can't even make friends?