How do I get this grill to fuck off?

How do I get this grill to fuck off?
Some time ago, I met an exchange student while staying at a hostel, and she wanted to keep in touch. She's 6/10, I thought nothing of it and agreed to it. Ever since she has been texting and calling, she is obviously wet for me. I do not feel the same way.
She is a nice, naive, European girl and I am a suicidal degenerate drug addict living in eternal debt to society. I wouldn't want to fuck her life up by dating her, or even worse, getting into a relationship. She is persistent.
Worst thing is, no matter how soft I try to get her to fuck off, she victimizes herself and later on, next day or few days after, acts like nothing has actually happened or has been said between us. This is textbook crazy, red flag and fubar by any definition. Help me, Jow Forums.

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Tell her you're in love with someone else and proceed to exalt your imaginary crush

Easiest answer is to tell her whats going on and then just ghost her and block her.
Dont make it a conversation.

Have you blatantly told her that you are not interested?


I do fancy someone else, and I don't think she would let up.
Well, she already knows where I live. I Fucked up.

Should I just go with it, spend a year dating her and have her throw a tantrum and break it off?

Why are you making this difficult you fucking idiot? Send this in a text to her:
>I'm not in any position to be involved with people, right now. Good luck.
Send, block.

No, wth, are you a cuck? Just tell her: I'm not interested in dating you or having sex with you.

I do fancy someone else, and I don't think she would let up.
Well, she already knows where I live. I Fucked up.

Should I just go with it, spend a year dating her and have her throw a tantrum and break it off?

Have you considered sodomising her?

>Well, she already knows where I live
What? Who the fuck cares? Call the fucking police if she goes to your doorstep. Stop wasting your time, or are you really so cowardly that you can't send her a simple text telling her you're not interested and then blocking her?

Tell her that you came to terms with being gay.
Seriously, there are a million ways to break this off since she is in another country.

Youre lucky i wish I was fucking a girl obsessed with me right now

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>"I'm having the grossest shits right now, my toilet bowl looks like an abortion clinic"
>"I caught herpes off this 9/10 the other day, it's like a furnace down there"
>Hey, what size bra are you? I'm transitioning soon"

Disgust her. It completely cuts off the conversation.

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Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks.

You wouldn't like that trust me, it's always some weirdos

You can say that again, brother.

The only ones who like strange fucks like us, brother, are strange fucks themselves.

>She is a nice, naive, European girl and I am a suicidal degenerate drug addict living in eternal debt to society. I wouldn't want to fuck her life up by dating her, or even worse, getting into a relationship

So it’s not because you don’t like her but because you think she’s too good for you and you don’t want to fuck up her life?

Honestly, my boyfriend used to say the same thing. Took me years to finally convince him that I loved him so much I didn’t care that he was a degenerate drug addict/alcoholic.

Do you not regret it?
Does he not regret it?
Are you two happy?

I don’t regret it at all but I didn’t go into the relationship with any delusions about “fixing” or changing him, which I think is common with girls who go for addicts. I’m happy if I can just encourage him to sleep a bit more, eat a bit better, things like that. But I don’t give ultimatums. I hope one day he realizes he’s a good person and deserves better than the way he treats himself, but I love him unconditionally either way. I don’t know if he regrets it. I know he still feels guilty and like he’s holding me back from being with some imaginary amazing guy with zero issues and a well paying job sometimes, but I just calmly remind him that it’s not up to him to decide what I deserve. I want to be with the man that I love, period. We are happy most of the time. We have arguments and fights sometimes but no matter what it is, we always work it out.

This warmed my dead heart a little.


OP seriously try the gross stuff, and maybe you guys can work out your multi-faceted perceptions of what kind of relationship thing you'd have because it sounds like you haven't explored that avenue yet.

>how get grill fuck off
Fuck her til she bleeds