Why, despite abundant evidence of it working do people still don't believe in it?
Especially the last fucking video. Look at that fat fuck. He gets more pussy than the whole of Jow Forums combined.
How the fuck do you justify thinking its not real?

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I've been watching their shit for like 10 years, it's great self improvement in general. In terms of picking up girls, It is real, it's just not worth the effort imo.

Jow Forums - YT Videos

We all know it works
It just makes a fucking atrocious basis to start a relationship on, and if you do start one on it sooner or later s/he will wisen up and get outta dodge.

People bash it because morons who use it want serious results and long-term investment; it's like people looking for marriage off of Tinder. Why? You might as well buy a prostitute so you can date her and try to woo her. It's a mismatch of principle and practice; another symptom of people who want results, but not to do the work; who want to shortcut on hard work to avoid expending effort or 'missing something.'

The truth is, girls vulnerable to PUA are generally awful relationship material, and guys who use PUA are generally awful relationship material, but like polyamorists they just have to be right about it, whether or not people are even disagreeing.

Which I'm not; PUA shit is retardedly effective for getting laid because you become simultaneous low-hanging fruit (tempting) and yet emotionally unavailable (also tempting).

It's just that a month or two later, three if you're unlucky, they will realize you worked a game to get this far and didn't really have anything to go off of once it tapered out (or else you'd be using that instead of PUA).

Tldr: it's not the "what" of PUA that bothers us, it's the fact that people using it expect it to land them a partner for life, as opposed to the weekend.

>abundant evidence

lmao good one dude

>people still don't believe in it

It's not that people don't believe in it, it's just that PUA only works when you're an idiot acting to stupid to impress other retards. It's all "Chads" and "Staceys" even if that one Chad is kinda fat he still knows how to impress a dumb bitch with blonde hair and fake tits cause he's wearing 600$ jeans.

That shit don't work with regular people that live in the real world.

It seems like ur describing oldschool "mistery style" pua where u basically just learn lines and repeat them at a girl. Modern PUA is basically just self improvement with some focus on female psychology and using the crucible of talking to girls to become a better man. Because an incel who learned some lines (which can be very effective like you said) is still just an incel underneath. Learning modern PUA definitely helps you get and maintain a relationship. Ask any experienced PUA who did it more than 2 years or something. Most get into long and fullfilling relationships.
I have no idea what ur talking about mate. If you think a 600$ jeans gets u laid u are retarded.

>talking to girls to become a better man
Like I said, this is a godawful foundation to start relationships on.
>most get into long relationships!!!1
[Citation Needed]
I'm not sure I'm debating with an equal though, given your spelling of "mistery."
You seem convinced of PUA so I hope it works for you and please don't blame women when it doesn't. Thank
Gl hf

>talking to girls to become a better man
But thats not what I wrote and you know it. Way to strawmen.
>I'm not sure I'm debating with an equal though, given your spelling of "mistery."
Same, see above. Intentionally misunderstanding me is a bit worse than a typo I would say.
>[Citation Needed]
Seeing as I'm in that community, and I know alot of those guys I can only give anecdotal evidence. Not like you care.
>and please don't blame women when it doesn't.
Yeah, I'm obviously not the only one convinced of something here.

>I have no idea what ur talking about mate. If you think a 600$ jeans gets u laid u are retarded.

There isn't a single PUA out there that dresses like an everyday slob. They're artists and artists have to dress the part.

>mfw the rest of your post about how PUA study female psychology to get into long and fulfilling relationships

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You literally said "talking to girls to become a better person," like it's right there in front of me
Your guys' sole failing is that everything you do revolves around women and getting them. There's no improvement PUA encourages that isn't laden with the promise of "you'll score!"

I dunno you sound like you're just an apologist uninterested in hearing any counterpoints.
In closing, if PUA is good and you believe it demonstrably so, for getting long-term relationships, how long-lasting a relationship has it gotten you?

>I'm part of that community
We could tell. It takes a certain kind of person to just arbitrarily pick fights on Jow Forums-- and what a shocker, it's a presumably single man attacking a taken man on a perfectly reasonable stance of "pickup artistry is for temporary connections at best, and stands that don't make it past the one-night mark at worst."
>But you're fighting me on it!
Sure, I guess.

Because it works for girls that are looking to have sex. It doesn't work on girls who are just out having fun. Literally the entire basis of all PUA is
>you're gonna get turned down a shitton, just keep doing it until someone finally says yes
along with some basic make up to hide the fact you're shit, like decent clothes and not acting like a sperg.

It "works" but it works for something most people don't actually give half a shit about

What's more is that it only works on a specific kind of girl looking to have sex with a specific kind of guy.

I've been with loads of girls including one night stands and FWBs and threesomes and I neer once used any PUA memes.

PUA is just a game of chances, c'mon keep shooting nice pickup lines until one of the girls says yes. Statistically speaking is bound to happen. Whether you want to participate on the game or not is your call, I don't think it's worth it honestly.

It still makes me laugh that someone thinks they're going to say something so original or special that a girl will just instantly drop her panties and mount him.

I had a friend that would always try thinking of ways to make girls like him, and it was always the most cliche and dumb shit.
>see that hot chick! she's probably used to jerks! I just have to be nice and she'll love it

Hey OP, I've always been obsessed with interacting with people. When I was 18, my friend gave me 'The Game' to read. It changed my whole perspective on things and I dived into the culture a bit.

Around 20, I realised that I wasn't enjoying the lifestyle and that the things I learnt were applicable to almost anyone in any situation, not just picking up girls.

As a result of this, I am considered the most friendly, charismatic person my friends know. Which is fine for the most part.

I think the scene can help introverts get out of there shell and help just about anybody socialise better. But when I introduce someone to it, I tell them to ignore the part about picking up woman and think about in broad generalised sense's.

For example, negging works best on other men. Or kinoing in general, in a good sign that someone, anyone is comfy around you. Not just woman.

Like most user's have said, we know it works. Just people don't want to hinge their every waking moment on going out to bars, reciting acts over and over again, until some chick sucks your dick.

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A number of reasons, brother.

1. The “Women are Wonderful” effect. You’re literally fighting against biology. Imagine if you could see ghosts everywhere making shit happen but everyone else just dismissed you as crazy. Humans are hardwired to protect women and side with them on everything. These guys are so bluepilled that they will attack you to protect the system that enslaves them.

2. Women are solipsistic and LOSE THEIR SHIT if you try to expose the feminine imperative. Liberal, conservative, and all women in-between will fight to the bitter end to prevent men from waking up to the truth. Their biological strategy has worked for over 200,000 years and they aren’t about to let a bunch of bros with slightly bettter than average perception breech the masquerade. Women prefer to betas to be ignorant cattle for them to prey on, bumbling dummies who will always think of women as these “mysterious” yet ultimately benevolent and tender creatures. Awakening the herd would ruin everything.

3. Women HATE men who don’t naturally understand them. They don’t want men who had to learn. They want men who were born with proper biological wiring to treat them appropriately. The idea of any old guy learning how to get inside their vaginas is a living nightmare.

4. Humans hate being told they’re wrong. Telling a man that EVERYTHING he has been conditioned to believe about women since childhood was just an enormous lie is emotionally & mentally devastating. Even the most vitriolic right wing Jow Forumsfags will plug their ears and refuse to accept it.

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I also hate PUA because it for some reason is filled with people like this.

every single guy in one of these videos is attractive and/or tall.



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>edited youtube videos
>abundant evidence

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Worked for me. Once I stopped acting like a beta cuck and started treating women like bratty children my notch count went up.

Is rather keep my values. Sell yourself out sure.

>Once I stopped acting like a beta cuck and started treating women like bratty children my notch count went up.
Oh, well I don't doubt that at all. When you act like an asshole, emotionally damaged women with daddy issues and no self-esteem throw themselves at you because your cheap one night stands are the only form of validation they have. You remind them of their asshole fathers and they fuck you because they don't think they deserve any better. I'm sure, on some level, PUA techniques have a basis in truth but what autists don't realize is that it just makes you a scummy piece of shit. Women will have sex with you and you'll be a hit at parties but no one will love or respect you because decent human beings with a modicum of self-esteem won't put up with being treated like a game animal by some chubby PUA shitbag in a pair of $200 jeans. Good people will avoid you like the plague. If, however, plowing clinically depressed single moms and club rats with self-harm scars is what brings you joy in life then go for it, bro. Rock on.

Truth is, you only need to stop acting like a big faggot and you'll eventually land a nice girl anyway. No need for PUA shit.

You're exaggerating, you could be a PUA master and people wont "avoid you like the plague". It's not all that bad as you make it out to be.

I don't really think you need to be a PUA to land girls anyway, you just need to be confident in your own skin and be somewhat physically attractive.

>You're exaggerating, you could be a PUA master and people wont "avoid you like the plague".
No, people won't avoid you. Good people will avoid you. The thing is that good people can smell manipulation and toxicity from a mile off. It has a stink to it that you can't rub off no matter how hard you try. Now, a lot of people will put up with it. Some people will even go along with it. It can bring you a great amount of success and accolades and friends and relationships but, ultimately, it will all be empty. PUA is manipulation. PUA is using people's insecurities and lack of self-esteem to get what you want out of them regardless of how it affects them in the long run. It is precisely as bad as I make it out to be.

Enjoy being a cuck
Jesus, do you leftists ever get tired of repeating yourselves like broken records? It’s pathetic

>Y-You’re just a piece of shiiiiit!
>O-Only women with issues like you!
>Please stop tearing down my idealized image of women!

I don’t fuck with stupid, damaged, or trashy women
Keep lying to yourself. Women cannot be “nice”.

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This nigga believes in psychic powers and shit.

>People can sense your wicked intent like in my animes

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This post is off-topic.

Incel at its best, but I guess you people are the norm on Jow Forums these days.

Nope! Incels whine about their looks 24/7 and hate ”femoids” picking “Chad” over them.

I love women for what they are.

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I've got a buddy who read "the game", and a bunch of other "self help" books about being a valuable asset and good at relationships.

The same author wrote another white covered book (i forget the name) about valuable relationships and he basically fumbled and failed the entire time since the only aspect of a relationship he was interested in was sex.

My bud mostly ends up swiping on twitter in the middle of the night "practising" on bottom of the barrel fatties that are longing for love when they can't even respect themselves.

People who are interested in becoming pick up artists as "self improvement" are completely retarded. Zero inter-personal skills.

PUA basically teaches boys how to act like men. I wish they would just stay that way but they end up dropping the show and become emotional little bitches anyway.

>So I have an anecdote about how my retarded friend half-studied game and he’s a shit so that’s my argument


It's not an argument, its just advice for this thread. If he wanted to know why it possibly might not work- thats my personal experience. I'm certain there are a lot of guys like this anyways.

Why are you so agitated about people not being manipulative to multiple women until they finally get their way?

Sensing is an extreme word. But PUA shit is extremely easy to pick up on. And most people will see you acting like a tool for 2000 feet away and immediately put you on their shit list.

Dude. Get the fuck out of here. You know damn well you don’t treat your parents, coworkers, teachers, friends, bosses, authority figures, and subordinates the same way.
Yeah OK. If you met me IRL you’d think I was a chill friendly dude.

I only act like a dick if I’m out to fuck.

Thats not an argument. The book literally tells you to "neg" and attack a girls self esteem to manipulate her. Bringing up multiple people is a strawman, because we're talking about women in general.

The reason why you "act like a dick" to fuck is this culture lowers your opinion of the opposite sex. - and yet, in the book, a low opinion of the opposite sex is required for PUA.

You're basically a babyboy who doesn't know how to have a positive relationship. KEK

>Thats not an argument
>The book literally tells you to "neg" and attack a girls self esteem to manipulate her.
Women love that shit. I’m not particularly into PUA myself but I draw plenty of inspiration from across the manosphere to maximize my own sexual prowess. Hoes wanna feel like you’re better than them.>Bringing up multiple people is a strawman, because we're talking about women in general.

>The reason why you "act like a dick" to fuck is this culture lowers your opinion of the opposite sex
Not really. My dad started redpilling me at an early age but I thought he was just an old fashioned sexist jerk until I grew up.
>in the book, a low opinion of the opposite sex is required for PUA
Duh? Sexist men have the highest sexual success

>You're basically a babyboy who doesn't know how to have a positive relationship
What does this even mean? Lol. I’m getting my dick slobbed on.

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No. People do not love to be manipulated. You're only seeing the positive reinforcement of being deceptive.

You haven't grown up despite what you're saying. "sexist men" don't have the highest sexual success. Having successful relationships give you children and sex whenever you want. That's evolutionary success and a strategy to continue properly in life.

If you think getting MUH DIK "slobbed on" by a woman who falls for your garbage is success, i have bad news for you.

>telling me how I'd think of you
Naw. You're just a dick.

holy fuck the amount of reaching and mental dissonance you make on your own posts is ridiculous.

>i'm not bad to women on purpose!
>except i am!!
>only because of my dad!!

continue jumping through hoops for the other user, its hilarious to watch you fumble

>People do not love to be manipulated
We’re talking about women here dude, not people
>You're only seeing the positive reinforcement of being deceptive
How? I’m pretty open about my contempt for women. As long as you’re not an angry asshole about it they don’t care.

>You haven't grown up despite what you're saying. "sexist men" don't have the highest sexual success.
Objectively wrong. Sexist men have more sexual partners and children on average. And women rate sexist men more attractive on average.
>Having successful relationships give you children and sex whenever you want
Wrong. Female libido drops off in LTRs.
>That's evolutionary success and a strategy to continue properly in life.
Stop attributing agency to nature
>If you think getting MUH DIK "slobbed on" by a woman who falls for your garbage is success, i have bad news for you.

Just shaming language and attempts to redefine what success means

Next you’ll tell me to go to church and work 9-5 as an accountant


I’m bad to women if I want sex. And if you could read I said he began the process of redpilling me, not completely altered my worldview. Kek.

You're either a troll or a very sad person who will not find success in life, but i still wish you the best. Try reading The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships by the same guy who wrote "the game". If you want to be a successful person you'll learn to criticise yourself and see where you're going wrong. This is part of growing. Having contempt for half of the worlds population is rather silly and i hope you can see past that someday.

Honestly anyone who says redpilling really needs to be banned from the internet until they learn basic socialization skills.

>You're either a troll or a very sad person who will not find success in life
Of course, I forgot you define what success is. I am actually very depressed and sad about myself. Every tiem at night I cri because I want a sweet girl to cuddle with and show my sensitive side to. Thank you. You’ve exposed me as a scurred little boy. You should become a psychologist.

>Try reading The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships by the same guy who wrote "the game"
He was a fag

>If you want to be a successful person you'll learn to criticise yourself and see where you're going wrong
I always question myself, that’s how I know I’m right
>Having contempt for half of the worlds population is rather silly and i hope you can see past that someday.

Because you say so?

I agree. People who piss me off should be silenced. I wish we could throw people in jail for wrongthink. Or at least cut out their tongues.

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haha I like this guy

Ahaha epic strawman dude!
It totally makes your use of the most cringe and overused Jow Forums meme so much more original and funny!

>hitler removing trip so people don't skip his nonsensical replies

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I mean all you really need to know is that women emotionally mature at 13 to understand how they work.

This doesn't require thousands of videos and a guidebook.

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>Autists becoming enraged at the concept of basic emotional intelligence
Its amazing because nothing I'm saying is not some special knowledge that only I have stumbled upon. Literally every normal person knows what an asshole looks like when they meet one. Its really not a complicated process. The fact that only women with issues like dudes that treat them like shit is also pretty common knowledge.

>Literally every normal person knows what an asshole looks like when they meet one
If that was true then no politician would ever get elected. If you’re charismatic & fun to be around nobody cares what a prick you are.
>The fact that only women with issues like dudes that treat them like shit is also pretty common knowledge.
No evidence for this besides women trying to SHUT IT DOWN and betas who don’t want to imagine their princesses falling for their old high school bullies.

>If that was true then no politician would ever get elected.
You're a moron. How do you think politicians get elected? Playing into people's fears and insecurities and promising them that they are the ones who can fix it. Exactly the same thing that PUAs do. Also, take a look at the opinion polls lately. Politicians aren't very popular people with a large cross section of the population. Your comparison is idiotic.
>No evidence for this
No evidence besides a universal understanding of basic human psychology. Seriously, this was junior year of high school shit.

>Playing into people's fears and insecurities and promising them that they are the ones who can fix it
Nope! Stop pretending this is complex

>Treat girl like shit
>She’s wowed because most guys are soft cunts
>Gets more excited because meanness from a man = high social status
>She wants that sperm

Not hard.

>No evidence besides a universal understanding of basic human psychology
Wrong. Psychology is a meme. Women just like assholes for obvious reasons.

>entire thread dedicated on how to obtain females


It’s not like men can sit down and say “Hey who wants sex?!” and have every chick in the vicinity try to jump him

Woah, speak for yourself beta male.