Im starting to get a problem. I really dont want this to keep happening but everything I see it making me more and more jaded.
I am really started to almost genuinely hate men. I don't know what to do anymore. I cant help but think they are selfish idiots who only move on instinct and don't care about others around them, like some sort of retarded animal. when they don't get what they want they start screeching that its always the woman's fault.
I don't know why i'd ever want to put up with that as a girl.
I am at a loss for what to do. maybe I need to take a step back and think about things
Hating men
Other urls found in this thread:
Honestly as a man I've been there for a while.
Your problem is with the average person honestly, though. Your problems aren't limited to gender.
What's important is realizing that being shitty is an equal opportunity field... and to not become part of that problem.
Well, you will sure as fuck receive more reasons in this thread.
Basically, yeah, step back and ideally give Internet a break, because a huge majority of men here do fit to your description and don't put a great light on the entire gender. Beyond that, don't be stupid and fall for some "everyone of gender X is Y" meme. Even if every single men you met was a complete retard, your experiences, and hell all experiences of all of your friends aren't with even 0,001 of all men. Can't make a reasonable claim based on that.
Im starting to get a problem. I really dont want this to keep happening but everything I see it making me more and more jaded.
I am really started to almost genuinely hate women. I don't know what to do anymore. I cant help but think they are selfish bitches who only move on instinct and don't care about others around them, like some sort of retarded animal. when they don't get what they want they start screeching that its always the man's fault.
I don't know why i'd ever want to put up with that as a man.
I am at a loss for what to do. maybe I need to take a step back and think about things
Yes you do need to step back because for every woman who hates a man there's an equal number of men who despise women for the same things you hate men for.
It's a two way street
Of course, I know women can be shitty to men, and it pisses me off when they do that. I've heard many stories from my friends and it makes me dejected that they color women in that light. I just wish people were better to each other. I just end up coming across alot of men who know nothing about me but as soon as I speak up I am some sort of enemy.
Where the hell are you to be surrounded by so many incels?
>they are selfish idiots who only move on instinct and don't care about others around them
Yeah, pretty much. You just have to accept reality as it is. It is no that women are that well-driven either. Our animal condition makes us that way and it can't be reversed before another millions of years of evolution, which probably we wont survive anyway.
t. a man
I hate women because they’re solipsistic irrational subhumans who manipulate men and throw us to the wolves when they’re done
Your problem is that you don't have any friends.
These types of blanket statements only come from people who get all their information second hand.
Men are mostly trash, let's be honest. Life without them is much better. For me anyway.
Can confirm.
t. male
I do have friends though;
I mean most people..are trash. I just think there is a growing divide between the genders that needs to be addressed before its to late.
>throw us to the wolves when they're done
See, your problem is that you're a stupid fucking tool.
Go pet your cats for me
The division is a result of feminism. Men no longer understand their position in life and neither do women.
Men are no longer suitable life partners while women are unhappy with what's available. It's a cycle driven by trying too hard to ignore biology and merge us into one. It just doesn't work.
>I just think there is a growing divide between the genders that needs to be addressed before its to late.
As people are doing for a while and slowly making progress. How do you contribute towards it? Is there anything that makes you less trash than the average person?
>feminism is why no girl wants me =(
I dont believe that at all, feminism was super empowering for women. modern feminism is very toxic though
Toxic? So you heard someone post "kill all men" on the internet once and now you think that's what feminism is?
Funny, I feel the same way about women.
What's happening here is for the normal women they're having guys only caring about their women parts and nothing else. The male hating women only care about the male parts and nothing else. It's rare for people to be able to get past their preconceptions and interact with someone as a Person. For guys they tend to have it embedded in them that their worth is tied into sex, wealth and looks. So, if they want to be worth something they have to look at women for the sex part. Therefore they value women for the willingness to have sex with them and how their looks will reflect back on them.
If you don't want to deal with this then you have a few options as a woman. The one I recommend is avoiding the people focused on there own interests (the source of all garbage behavior) and focus instead on people who show genuine interest and understanding of others. From there you'll just have to worry about non-gender specific garbage behavior. Do try to tell apart what actions are being carried about because of a person's sex and which aren't. That'll help not getting carried away with writing off 50% of humanity as worthless. Once you do that you severely limit your own freedoms.
Guys do intend to be jerks. Not because of a chromosome though. Instead it's due to cultural indoctrination. So blame society and the patriarchy for bad male behavior and not one the male sex. Same for you guys. Yeah some women are abusive and selfish, but that isn't because of their vagina's. It's a survival tactic. Not one that all women adopt, reasons can vary for this, and not one that would exist as much as it does now if oppression of women wasn't a thing.
So basically everybody stop bitching about the opposite sex and deal with issues like rational humans. Fix your own damn issues too. You know you're fucked up in some way if you believe what you've been posting in this thread.
I'm female and although empowering in terms of human rights, we created a division and conflict between the sexes.
Sexual liberation and equality has basically destroyed society.
well, I don't really know how to answer that. I try and keep an open mind and most of all listen before speaking. I know I have problems and know this exist, and want to work towards fixing them. I want to fix my fibro so its less painful, I want to become a happier person in general.
No i think modern feminism has a lot of bad apple that cloud that the original meaning of it.
>Sexual liberation and equality has basically destroyed society.
It looks better than it ever did in human history with most trends looking pretty positive.
I have the same problem, reversed, I'm a man starting to despise women. I also know a guy, a friend of mine, who confided in me a growing hatred of black people. As well as this my second cousin is infamous for his burning hatred of disabled people, in 1995 he threw a woman in a wheelchair down a set of stairs when she asked him for directions. That women, so I hear, developed a loathing for all able-bodied people.
The two things we all have in common is hatred for people based on the fact they belong to a group, a hatred borne in ourselves as a result of our own inadequacies which we reflect onto others, and the fact that our hatred is inconsequential lest we act on it, I know these people as well as myself so I know that's not going to happen, I also know you're a woman so I seriously doubt you'll act on your hatred no matter how much it grows or recedes.
Holy shit roasty who the hell gives a fuck. Who gives a shit what do you want or what do you think. Fucking egoistical cunts. BAWW MEN DO THIS THING! Well fucking roasty i hate you women than you hate men.
What movement didn't have them? Hell, there is still the whole prostitution debate going on even between the older ones.
Such as?
The only trends that are positive is for those who are biologically flawed.
>two opinions posing as facts
So which is it. Is equality and sexual liberation good or bad?
Why don't you both state your cases and reasons for why you both think it's good or bad instead of just making broad generalizations with nothing to back them up
>What's happening here is for the normal women they're having guys only caring about their women parts and nothing else.
This is part of my frustration with guys. Its feels like either outright hatred of I'm some sort of meat. And thank you for your insight it was actually very helpful.
I will probably not act on it. I would take something very drastic.
ebin post
I just feel like a lot of people see feminism negatively lately, but my judgment could be the one that's clouded
Except men’s worth is dependent on how much sex He has. It’s basic biology, the more offspring he has, the more his genes get spread, the better of a man he is. The other 2 things you meantioned , looks and wealth, are peices in the great evolutionary game
Roasty let me ask you something. How many cocks have you had before you wrote this post? If you hate men so much why not go into celibacy? Why not just reject everything you hate so much? Roasty i know you are retarded but this is new kind of retardness. Fuck off with your shit.
>but my judgment could be the one that's clouded
I am sure spending to much on the web and specially this shithole has no possible relation to that. Seriously, just take a month break from 4chains and social media. Clear your brain from all this cancer.
True enough;
stop chasing after chad
>What's happening here is for the normal women they're having guys only caring about their women parts and nothing else.
Blame feminism for this. It's openly taught men and women that women aren't here for men to take care of the home and kids because in our progressive society men and women can do all those things. Women aren't expected to learn how to cook, how to sew, how to clean, or in general be a good wife. Men are taught that women used to do this but that because women are our equals it's fair for us to learn to do this. So instead men become good wives, while women don't and now the only use women have to men in a relationship is, how good does this women look or fuck, because what they bring to relationships nowadays is substantially less than what they used to. Same could be said for men whose fathers didn't teach them how to do yard work or fix things around the house. Sex has become important to relationships because humans in general have become substantially more shit because the skills and perks and beneficial things that used to be good things about a person, don't exist anymore. It's why women always latch onto a man that can cook, or why men latch onto the women who can fix cars.
Not OP but you should probably get out of the basement every so often, maybe even give the internet a short break. Sunlight is good for mental health.
Cooking is a basic fucking skill for anyone over 14.
Not the guy who wrote the post but let me respond. You roasties need to hang. You go after chads cocks and now you are crying that boys are mean. When will your egocentric behavior end? When you will lie in grave? There is no end to your retarded bitching until i will make it stop. You took internet from us, you took videogames from us, anime, porn. Everything is fucked because woman join. There wont be end to suffering until womankind is alive. We need artificial wombs so it will finally be over and we can go to space.
You say that, but I know plenty of people who just leave the cooking to their SO because they absolutely refuse to do it themselves.
So many people in the US would starve if we didn't have fast food
In this day and age, the only people who can't fix some kind of food for themselves are the infirm, children, or lazy assholes. If you expect a woman to do that for you, then I don't really know what to say to you.
Take a break from the internet for a while, seeing videos of men doing dumb as fuck shit will rewrite your brain to view things differently. If you don’t youll fuck yourself over big time
which videos
Caring about what your peers think of you isn't genetic. Wanting to fuck is. When you care only about the sex then you don't care as much about the how or with who. You don't alter your tastes to match those of your fellow guys. Fat girls were sexy in another time. Now they're aren't so much. Not because of genetics, but because of social constructs. So, no. The way men value sex nowadays isn't something ingrained into their y chromosome. It's something ingrained into their way of thinking. Which hopefully will change when feminism gets past the attack phase and can shift into the teaching phase. When love and understanding are the focus, rather than accusations and righteous fury, is when misogyny and all these perceived evils will vanish.
Not sure if brain dead or decent bait.
>If you expect a woman to do that for you, then I don't really know what to say to you.
You missed the point. Men are only expected to cook now because society evolved into us not having to rely on women to do it for us. But you see women everywhere who can't or just won't cook because they have this idea that it's sexist or beneath them to do it. It's a basic skill that everyone should have, but women just don't learn how to because "well men can do it now, why should I have to?"
no no roasty im pretty sure you are the braindead one.
>fat girls were sexy in another time
Wrong. Fat girls were only "sexy" because fat meant that she or her family were wealthy. No man's penis ever got hard because "man she's so fat I wanna fuck that" his dick got hard because "she's going to make me so rich I'll get to fuck all the pussy I want"
My case would basically be regurgitating Jordon Peterson's sentiments. I formed my opinions before he boomed though, he just states the facts better. If you wanted a personal take, I could obviously do that with ease.
Equality and sexual liberation is mostly just a pardon for flawed humans. It removes personal accountability and responsibility in exchange for the illusion of some type of freedom...that we didn't ask for.
How many women actually don't wear bras? How many women actually want to do a man's trade? A lot less than the movement makes it seem.
>this post
well it was a nice thread guys but I think its time for me to go since I woke up the incels
Yeah I think this is the best option for me, thanks everyone for having this talk. I hope we can all find a better tomorrow as men and women. some happy medium that everyone can be happy if we all work towards it.
Haha holy shit, you're seriously touched in the head if you believe everything you just posted.
Got any proof for your groundbreaking theory?
why should I not be selfish, or care about anyone else?
Take care, user.
>>well it was a nice thread guys but I think its time for me to go since I woke up the incels
Dont let the door hit your fat ass. Roastie
Do you?
>going against established science while demanding proof, because he's too stupid to google
Peak male entitlement.
You don't hate men, you hate boys. Real men take responsibility for the needs of people around them and assume leadership roles when necessary. This video explains your problem concisely.
Only problem is it takes pressure to create diamonds and removing masculinity from our culture removes any pressure for men to do well.
Basically we need to stop our fellow bros from chugging onions by the gallon.
It was more common for the female to prepare dinner for the family while the husband was at work and she stayed home raising kids.
Now because both parties work to support one another, it's less common in the western world to see the female take on the primary role of cooking and cleaning. Afterall, she is doing her man's job anyway (going out to make money)
Should read s o y, as you can see the assholes coding this site have had plenty.
>established science
I don't remember any ancient societies depictions of fertile(aka beautiful) women ever featuring a fat woman. Greece, Rome, Egypt, the Nordic societies. Never once were any of those women viewed as beautiful because they were fat. This "Established science" notion you're hiding behind is something that came about during the renaissance/victorian eras because the average human didn't have food in the surplus that we do today. Being fat in those eras was a sign of wealth, because they could afford food that most people couldn't. So if your notion of standard beauty is defined upon the looks of the rich elite, then I don't know what to tell you.
>peak male entitlement
Quit relying on google to make your arguments for you, and think for yourself for once. You only exist and are allowed to speak because at some point, a room of men agreed that you should have the same rights I do, so maybe you should use that right to make your own arguments instead of insulting those who can
You mean American society and we all know that no one gives a shit about Americans
I mean, I legitimately don't of many women who cannot cook, so your point doesn't really resonate with me.
But also, why does it have to be about women giving up something at the expense of men? Maybe people are just tired of annoying gender roles, and see daily tasks as something that should be split evenly by both partners.
I approve of these digits.
>I cant help but think they are selfish idiots who only move on instinct and don't care about others around them
This is 95% of people of both genders, and odds are you're one of them. Still, there's nothing wrong with hating your typical impulsive degenerate. Most men are unthinking manwhores that only listen to their dicks.
>Afterall, she is doing her man's job anyway (going out to make money)
So you agree, that if the man is going out and making the money, that the woman should be learning how to cook? Or if they're both making the money, then they should both be sharing household chores?
With OP being gone I don't know why you guys keep venting. I mean it's not even close to looking like advice you lot. Just let this horse corpse rest. Stop kicking the poor thing.
roasties need to be hung. They think that men must act towards them with nice and gentleman like manner. They are entitled children who swallowed propaganda pills since they were born. Now when they found Jow Forums they started to screetch INCEL INCEL and they dont even know what does it mean. They are worse than cancer but treatable with bulled into their heads.
Of course. Then again I am this femanon
top lol
OP is not gone she's probably lurking still
>why does it have to be about women giving up something at the expense of men?
I've actually been arguing for both sides here. Men aren't men and women aren't women anymore. That's why society is fucked. We evolved and advanced for thousands of years because we had clear roles in our societies defined for us. Those clear roles are gone and yet I see men expecting women to be housewives and women expecting men to be bread winners. Truth is both these men and women can't expect either to be these things because they both lack the traits and skills that made both the bread winners and housewives beneficial.
>n-no, fatties were indeed considered beautiful b-but who cares about the elite, their norms are never passed down
If that wasn't bad enough, you also had to reveal your ignorance about cultures that go beyond whatever some talkinghead on yt told you about. I wish I could say it was disappointing.
Why do you keep calling yourself this? You are nothing more than beef courtains or vaginal hole simply a roastie. If you wouldnt have your genitalia you would be dead by now.
>yet I see men expecting women to be housewives and women expecting men to be bread winners
Maybe low uneducated retards who didn't get the memo that the times changed?
Has your mother died? Or is your father successful beating her into the ground slowly thus producing an angry little boy?
Or is she just a bad egg?
So then if both parties are working let's provide a semi realistic scenario. A man is working his trade job: rough shit he shovels dirt for a living in 90 degree weather making $20 an hour. His wife works in an office as a secretary making less than he does, not working as hard as he does. Most people expect the man and the woman to still split household duties despite him obviously working harder than her and being the bread winner. Now she still works and brings in money but not near as much as him. Why is it on him to share equal house work with her?
Lol, worst board on Jow Forums for sure. I'm going to assume my position is correct, since no one has offered a rebuttal.
>le current year
>"measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men."
Eat a bullet, dipshit.
Actually intelligent people understand biology very well. Again it's the biologically flawed who have a problem with accepting our fate.
Roasty before you open your mouth watch your sentence syntax. It's absolute cringe. You tried to insult me so your woman ego would feel better but you failed. You simply embrassed yourself. Yikes!
A more realistic scenario is both working in the office. Or the women having an exhausting working class job too.
What fate would that be? Our times now are the absolute paradise compared to any point in the past, people couldn't even imagine 100 years ago how much better everything would be.
Sorry didnt watch your retard ass video dont want to give views to some pseudo scientists. Can you give me short description of your video so i can btfo you to the fourth dimension like dark skin you are?
>n-no, fatties were indeed considered beautiful b-but who cares about the elite, their norms are never passed down
You didn't read my posts did you? My exact words were "Fat girls were only "sexy" because fat meant that she or her family were wealthy". It wasn't about beauty. It was about wealth and status. Again you need to make your own arguments instead of just going "lol wrong you're wrong" and expecting me to take you seriously.
>you also had to reveal your ignorance about cultures that go beyond whatever some talkinghead on yt told you about
Your cognitive dissonance is astounding. Present an argument if your thoughts and "Facts" are so reputable and undeniable then
In that case he would be more physically exhausted than she would be. Case by case situations and it truly depends on the personality types but I find most women around me assume the role of being the cook and washing his clothes. The men will help on the weekends and with kids while she cooks. Or even help with dinner.
For a man to dump the load of working, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids while he sits on the sofa would indicate lack of empathy on his part. Most good men would at the very least tend to the kids while she took care of dinner.
PragerU is boomer neocon central, and it can get extremely insufferable having to watch more than a few minutes of it at a time.
I had the unfortunate experience of watching the thing, and from the outset they picked a young woman to deliver the message so the target audience wouldn't immediately denounce it as sexist. The rest of the video mostly gave a bunch of quotes from "authority figures" that sounded nice but provided no information, and the statistics they did give were from the US, and thus heavily, heavily skewed by blacks (i.e. fatherlessness and high school graduation rate).
This isn't to say that gender roles are wrong--quite the opposite. But PragerU is not going to get it right, because they're the ones that shill for "equality" and then demand men still be men.
Actually even your fellow male companions are quite embarrassed by you. You are the minority here. Sorry.
>Or the women having an exhausting working class job too.
Fucking what m8?
>How many women actually want to do a man's trade?
These are your words. These are your exact words. Women don't work working class jobs. You said that yourself.
>You are the minority
Wow so you suddenly hate minorities?
>evaluates life in material conditions alone
Found the subhuman
SeeModernity is hardly a utopia, it's by and large an increasingly atomized and unhappy mess fueled by hedonist consumerism.
most people are shitty, but there is a significant minority of good people out there.
in all likelihood you're shitty too, which means you have a better chance of having a good experience with a man.
you just gotta find a man who is normal to good
And I would agree with you. The point I'm trying to make here is a lot of women fall on the "we both work so we should split housework completely even" when the facts are that they don't work equally and shouldn't be splitting the housework evenly.
Men can't be expected to be men if women scream and demand they also be women as well as men while not taking the equally demanding duties that men do
I already did bud, it was the original post that I wrote.
So you nom saying we kill all betas? Dont know what do you mean by this.
Our fate as humans. Women eventually do stay home for any period of time to give birth and raise a child and does need the support of her child's father.
Casual sex does in fact not make a woman happier or feel any more liberated, it triggers hormones that crave stability and 1 partner.
Men are not any happier being equal to women because it triggers their biological instinct to be the leader.
Again, assuming a healthy person. Not a trans, homosexual, high testosterone female, hermaphrodite or high estrogen male.
I think most healthy couples try to communicate and be reasonable/fair about these things. When you throw kids in the mix, women definitely get the heavier workload though.
Minority in the sense of invalid arguments and absolute degeneracy, sure.
So you hate blacks? Because you perfectly described them. Little racistic arent we?