Why am I attracted to mentally ill guys (depressives, ragetards, shrinking violets, whatever) and find emotionally healthy men kind of boring?
Why am I attracted to mentally ill guys (depressives, ragetards, shrinking violets...
Because you subconsciously feel better about yourself and whatever flaws you have are shadowed by his.
Been there, done that and you eventually learn to appreciate a healthy man.
This, and/or you may have some underlying issues but subconsciously ignore them and look for people whom you can "fix" instead
As a guy that has done the exact same thing with girls:
It's easy to easy to dive into a relationship with anyone, because you want one.
Its hard waiting for a good person, or the 'right' one. But it saves the heart ache in the end.
I thought having a relationship with a guy with depression would be great because I suffer from the same mental illness but it was the worst time of my life. I just want some normal next door type guy pls
are you attracted to them after you find out they're like that, or before finding out they're like that, when they seem kinda normal?
because the subconscious thing wouldn't be valid in the second case.
I don't know. Mental illness seems like a springboard for closeness. I can try to cheer up the depressed, or heal the hearts of the traumatized. With mentally well people, I just think "is there anything that would bring us closer together?" Vulnerability is the key to close relationships, but mentally healthy people aren't vulnerable. And with mentally ill people (and lonely guys), I can really make them fall in love with me by bringing warmth to their otherwise cold and dreary lives. Normal people don't need me as much.
This is manipulation. You're basically their enabler.
Women generally like caring for people, its why they still dominate healthcare and teaching jobs despite huge pushes to get them into engineering. Its easier to care for someone who is fundamentally a burden.
What am I enabling them to do? I would like them to overcome their issues, not languish in them.
ITT: Op slowly reveals she is extremely mental ill herself.
Sounds like you have a problem with feeling inadequate and what you are seeking is really quite manipulative.
Your actively seeking out people that have Mental illness' because its a 'springboard for closeness'. That's enabling them.
People need to go through the hard yards to get to the good stuff. Otherwise you help reinforce the idea that no matter how bad they get, someone will come and 'fix' them.
And that's disingenuous.
This is pretty accurate. Go tee up a therapist OP and have a chat to them. They would be able to go into much more depth than we can here.
No. You know very well the mentally ill cannot be fixed with a relationship. It's momentary diversion of deeper issues. You are cradling their depression and mental illness rather than them taking responsibility of their state and making changes to improve.
It strokes your ego because you also have little to offer to a healthy man so the facades of attraction, love, nurture and acceptance in a mentally ill male, as a female makes you valued.
You are worthless to yourself and to a healthy male so you find self value in sick people needing you.
To add..
I don't mean to sound harsh Op but I've been in your shoes and the sooner you find your own self worth and work on your own issues, the better.
Not very accurate. I've worked with many people with this same issue and it simply has to do with trauma recreation. People are attracted to the things they were acclimated to as children. Chances are she's attracted to dysfunctional men because of some childhood dysfunction she experienced. She is attracted to the same chaos she grew up with and subconsciously she believes that if she can "fix" this dysfunctional men then she'll be able to exercise some kind of control over the chaos that was out of her control as a child. Its the reason why women who were beat by their fathers are attracted to abusers. Its the reason why men who grew up without mothers are attracted to abandoning women. The mind tends to recreate our greatest traumas in an attempt to rectify the disconnects in our brains. We return to our most painful moments and try to fix them. I've never experienced that being attracted to dysfunction has anything to do with mirroring your flaws. Sure, taking on "projects" such as dysfunctional men can be a great distraction from addressing the root of your own problems but it has more to do with wanting to fix them than wanting to use them to cover up your own issues. Also, without therapy people don't spontaneously learn to appreciate healthy men. Its something that has to be taught in years of highly targeted therapy. People who were not taught how to love or make connections as children don't just grow up and learn it one day. They're the people that remain embattled in chaos for the rest of their lives.
No, its codependence. People who are attracted to this kind of chaos get it confused with love because that is what they were taught. They confuse the intensity of codependence and incredible dysfunction with love because, most likely, that is the same relationship they had with their parents. Really think about it; our parents are the first relationships we ever experience. A child's mind between the ages of 0 and 6 is basically jello. If a parent introduces chaos, abuse, dysfunction and abandonment into a child's life and also mixes that in with the child's intense need to bond and love their parents the result is an adult who constantly thinks that needing someone who constantly hurts you is what relationships are supposed to be.
I fell in love with a mentally ill person.. but I didn't know how fucked up they were until deep into the relationship. They seemed so normal at first but then a lot of disturbing shit became unveiled as they found themselves growing closer to me... Its kinda hot though and I still love them, I just want them to get help I can not provide and be there for them no matter what. They are still their old selves, just now there is another person I got to know as a result of getting to know the first one. Sorry this sounds crazy, they are probably making me a little crazy myself. I love them a lot and think even crazy people can find love... depending on the crazy in question of course.
You seem pretty mentally ill yourself. Maybe you shouldn't think too hard about it an embrace it. I am sure you'll make some crazy dude happy
I don't know about 'extremely.' To me she's only upgraded from 'potentially normal' to 'mildly mentally ill.'
the worst part is eventually you get dumped by that person,
I was a month ago
i’m currently in love with a mentally ill ragetard so i feel your pain.
what the fuck where do I find women like you
fuck me, maybe thats the reason i cant find a gf. lived with my father and he never talked much mother scizo. do you have some advice user ?
Therapy is a meme
Seek some therapy. The way we learned to process relationships as children is as deeply ingrained as it gets. It affects nearly every aspect of our behavior and personality. Learning to isolate these thinking/behavioral patterns and change them take a while and a lot of work but its very possible with therapy.
Which kind of therapy and i dont have money for this. I dont have money or time.
First post, best post.
>dude you should go to the hospital your hand is all fucked up and bleeding everywhere
>sorry I dont have the money or the time
Well, since I can be honest here.
I pick up and go after broken goods women because they're easy targets. If you know the right words and right actions you can gain their trust very easily. Their instability is not important because I mostly just get them to the point where I can fuck them and then just kinda leave.
Broken goods are trash anyways, so I'm doing them a favor by giving them some use before they are tossed out.
Modern psychology is neoliberal ideology mixed with pseudoscienctific babble to push people into what the state deems as normal.
Most "emotionally healthy" people are boring drones who go about their day looking at their next toilet visit as a milestone and live their lives vicariously through celebrities or their daddy's farm
Anyone with any sense or above average intellect and "sense" is going to have some sort of quirk that draws people in.
"crazy" / "quirky" people have stronger personalities and that shows in their appearance, behavior, presence and style of dress. They're actually individual and don't have their souls repressed by "BE NORMAL BE YOURSELF YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL" gaytheist propaganda.
The more khakis wearing drones we have male or female the more the economy gets stimulated by keyboard monkeys and cubicle dwellers. Show any signs of creativity, artistic talent or a "spark" and you get drugs shoved down your throat instead of being pushed into an environment where your natural abilities and spirit can grow to their true potential.
We are now told that people with one set of traits seeking out someone with a complimenting style of traits, the closest thing adults can get to real love and companionship, is a mutual psychological coping and coping with trauma and father abuse and blah blah blah blah blah
You people make me sick. I hope the west dies a bloody, horrific and painful death for what it's done to the human spirit. You secular priests aka "psychologists" should be the first ones to burn alive.
>therapist shill detected
>Everyone else is a drone and they're dumb and boring
Honestly the real question is, "What makes OP (or you) so interesting?"
Also I know it's called "borderline PERSONALITY disorder" but it is not because they are ~~quirky~~ and have ~~personality~~
Like shit man, Occam's Razor here. OP likes guys in the dumps because they don't maintain an upward momentum she has to follow. They maintain a downward momentum in most cases, a pace she is very likely comfortable with. That's my take on it.
Mosern psych, all my interactions with it at least, tell me they really prefer to exhaust non-pill options so as to avoid those kinds of upsets and inserts into your life. But, I'm not in the US and the US is a fucking living nightmare if you're not a mentally, physically healthy person with no inclinations towards virtually anything.
You have overly positive energy. Chances are you're an extrovert. Congrats you're an individual with traits that are a result of your genes, experiences and culture that make you an INDIVIDUAL.
You like men who have negative energy. Chances are they are introverted and might come from slightly repressive cultures. They are INDIVIDUALS who BALANCE you with their traits and create something harmonious and exciting for both of you. A man with too much positive energy is unbearable to you and an "emotionally balanced" man isn't BAD but he's not GOOD and makes you WANT him either.
This is literally romance and compatibility 101. We've gone so down the materialistic dehumanization rabbit hole that if people who want to actually DESIRE their partner is seen as a mental illness.
No wonder our birthrates are plummeting.
And stop trying to metaphysically neuter people who don't fit your mold.
We barely know anything about OP, what makes you think she has overly positive energy?
From her post:
>I can try to cheer up the depressed, or heal the hearts of the traumatized.
>by bringing warmth to their otherwise cold and dreary lives.
Congrats she's probably a bubbly pixie dream girl type who needs someone with a little "darkness" in them to balance her out.
Extreme cases medical intervention might be warranted but some people truly do have distinct personalities and outlooks on life.
Otherwise you risk the slippery slope of labeling EVERYTHING that is slightly from the "norm" as mental illness.
>metaphysically neuter people
>overly positive energy
>bubbly pixie dream girl
Wellp, I'ma leave you kids to your kool-aid festival.
Yes, I'm very extroverted and affectionate, though probably not to pixie girl levels. I guess that's why I gravitate to those who are hurting, because they need that love the most and will respond to it the most strongly.
Cool, you like introverts because they fill a need for you and you fill a need for them. This is called compatibility. Go find a brooding artist type of dude, shower him in affection, have great sex and live your life.
Ignore the idiots who call you manipulative and tell you to change yourself and whatnot.
Nothing is wrong with you or your taste in men unless they beat you or something. Have fun!
If you're a woman, it's because you're a woman.
Also this. Otherwise normal women fawn after serial killers all the time.
Attraction doesn't follow social rules ever
But if they overcome those issues they won't fit the profile anymore. Will you find them boring then?
Yes, that has actually happened once before! The good thing about mental illnesses, though, is that they very rarely fully go away. People often say that alcoholism isn't something that you ever fully overcome, but the same applies for any kind of mental illness period - phobias, addictions, depression, anger issues, post-traumatic symptoms, etc. It's much more common for symptoms of mental illness to simply become more moderated rather than be erased altogether.
If you plan on dismissing thousands of professionals and experts who have been studying human psychology for centuries you're going to have to do a lot better than throwing out a bunch of buzzwords.
The terms "positive energy" and "negative energy" don't mean anything. The terms are the farthest thing from clinical you can possibly get. Its drivel. Given everything we understand about the human mind its fairly common knowledge that people don't seek out "negative energy" because they need it to balance with their "positive energy". People don't consciously invite chaos and instability into their lives unless chaos and instability has, at some point, been normalized to them. This isn't even some deep intellectual knowledge; its psychology 101. The human mind recreates its deepest traumas. We have hundreds of years of research both clinical and anecdotal to support this concept. Its the reason people who were molested as children become child molesters. Its the reason why people who were beaten as children become violent as adults. Women with no fathers attract men who abandon them. Its a simple formula. When you normalize chaos people become attracted to it. It has nothing to do with positive and negative energy. Like I said, those terms mean nothing.
Positive energy equates to things like being cheerful, optimistic, resilient, and nurturing
Negative energy equates to things like unfounded pessimism, being acerbic or aggressive, gloomy or surly, etc
You don't always need science to confirm the obvious; science is best used for things that normal people have no way of figuring out on their own. You don't need science to tell you that things like introversion or extroversion exist (this is a random example, I'm changing tracks for a moment), those are concepts that people have had an inherent understanding of since caveman times.
"positive energy" and "negative energy" is an oversimplified metric. Human behavior is far more complicated than bad things = bad energy and good things = good energy. Its not that black and white. What science does is help qualify things that broad terms like "positive energy" and "negative energy" don't cover. Positive behavior to one person is negative behavior to another. People sometimes engage in negative behavior for good reasons and positive behavior for negative reasons. We use psychology and science to narrow the scope of these incredibly vague terms and actually get to the heart of why people do what they do. "Energy" has no bearing in the context of psychology. Its an abstract, mystical word that doesn't serve any purpose in truly qualifying or categorizing behavior. We don't need science to tell us that the things we feel exist but without science all we have is abstract concept of these feelings like "negative" and "positive" energy and not any actual knowledge we can use to dissect them into understandable, quantifiable parts.
Psychologists stopped listening to Freud and lacan right around the cultural Marxism lefty Frankfurt shit took hold. Taking psychoanalytics to their logical conclusion resulted in politically incorrect observations so that shit was hushed up.
But go on keep believing humans are soulless flesh machines I'll see you on the other side when you're shooting up Heroin and fucking your dog because you believe in nothing you fucking infidel
The above shitposter is the exact thing that's wrong with scientists today. They are just implementers retarded implementing what they were taught to implement without asking higher level questions otherwise they'd be out of a job
This is what happens when you abandon the philosophy of science and spirituality in pursuit of autistic data analysis and "evidence" gathering
>We use psychology and science to narrow the scope of these incredibly vague terms and actually get to the heart of why people do what they do. "Energy" has no bearing in the context of psychology. Its an abstract, mystical word that doesn't serve any purpose in truly qualifying or categorizing behavior.
Holy shit you can see the propaganda at work! No ideology pushing and misrepresentation of facts none whatsoever! The almighty scientific method must not be questioned we are the gatekeepers of information and if you question us you're just a baseless mystic!
I'm screencapping this post, thanks for the evidence ;)
>Its an abstract, mystical word that doesn't serve any purpose in truly qualifying or categorizing behavior.
>But go on keep believing humans are soulless flesh machines
I have no clue what you're talking about nor how you came to the conclusion that this is what I was trying to say.
Like I said, if you're going to knock over centuries of scientific study in the area of psychology performed by thousands of minds more brilliant than you or I you're going to have to do better than just saying it isn't true and expecting everyone to take you at your word. We have hundreds of years of well documented, well calculated and studied concepts of human psychology that has been confirmed both clinically and anecdotally throughout the span of recorded history and, seemingly, all you have is condescension and disconnected ramblings about politics. I'm personally going to stick to science. If you have some contrary evidence then feel free to share it but some muddled conspiracy theory about the truth of psychiatry being buried by politics and "autistic data analysis" is the opposite of useful. Its nothing but drivel.
Oh I see what the issue is. You appear to be lost. Antisemitic autist ramblings belong in
They kind of were. In almost every way.
>"Ignius, look! I have designed a type of construction to carry water throughout the city into our very homes!"
>"Well Stratus, what have you made these water-bearing elements from?"
>"Lead! Nothing can go wrong!"
>process is repeated with every idea ever until about the 1960s
>what is epistemology
>what is the generation of knowledge
>refusing to critique the concept of the undeniable scientific fact
For every psychological (not a 'science' btw) text there's at least two calling out its bullshit.
We have hundreds of years of research but the cuck shit you are more than likely referring to only goes back to the past 80 years or so TOPS
Accuse me of antisemitic when I clearly stated that Freud, lacan etc. were on the right path until the leftists couldn't tolerate "you have issues with your dad and want to get fucked by him" so they dismissed it
>They kind of were. In almost every way.
Human cranial capacity hasn't changed in recent history at all try again progressive basedboy
Most likely you have a subconscious need to "fix" people. Your brain is leading you to believe that if you find someone inherently broken and fix them that they'll have a reason to love you back. It's a pretty unhealthy process, but I can relate. I also typically go for the girls with issues and try to "fix" them even though I know it's wrong and not at all healthy for my own mental health.
I recommend trying to avoid dating while you really identify yourself and come to terms with what it is that you're looking for in a partner.
Good luck OP.
Firstly, psychology is most certainly a science. I'd recommend googling the definition. Secondly, are you going to continue to speak as broadly as possible or do you actually have some specific rebuttals to contribute to the conversation? I've laid fourth a very specific, popular and well verified concept in psychiatry and psychology yet all you've provided is vague, hyperbolic hinting and mindless buzzword slinging like "cuck shit". As I said previously, you are deftly uninformed on the topic you're debating. Its hard to take the rebuttal of trauma therapy and concepts seriously from someone who isn't even familiar with the topic. I have a hard time believing someone who isn't even moderately versed on the science would know how old it is. You've yet to establish that you even mildly know what you're talking about.
Cranial capacity has nothing to do with simply not having enough accumulated knowledge to not cause mass death and disease every time they do anything simply because they dont know better.
The last 80 years of research done with modern technology are probably worth more than the hundreds of years you refer to spent stumbling around in the dark. I don't even agree with that guy ("positive energy" and "negative energy" do have a definitive and useful meaning and think he's overcomplicating things), but at the same time I definitely don't agree with you "Uhhh people in the era of Robin Hood disagree with modern scientists so obviously everything from the 20th and 21st century is bullshit"
You are the small ray of sunshine in our eternally rainy lives. Please never change and just stay the way you are. [spoiler]Unless it makes you miserable... Then change. I'll be sad, but it's okay, since you have to put yourself on the first place in your life.[/spoiler]
>t. depressed guy
I thought I was on r9k ffs
>Uhhh people in the era of Robin Hood
People in the Robin hood Era didn't teach Kindergärtnerin its ok to to be transexual
The also thought headaches were demons and half their kids died by the time they turned 5 so I don't really see your point.
Same here senpai
I tend to attract guys with mommy issues, it sucks
None of that was an argument fuck off
Don't you have some black toddlers to prescribe Ritalin or something?
Assuming that our ancestors were retards who didn't know anything about the human mind and body is the core of progressivism. That we always progress to something greater. The elders of old had it right that women shouldn't be allowed to vote and you lock up your crazies in chains. Now look where we are.
>misses the point
Autism detected
>I tend to attract guys with mommy issues, it sucks
Why does it suck?
Because they have difficulty connecting in a healthy way with women.
I dated a guy who was abused by his mother and while we didn't date long thankfully, it made me realise just how difficult it is to date someone with unsolved mental issues.
As attractive as I find them, I do try to avoid men with mental and emotional problems now, but I still find 'normal' guys pretty boring. Guess I'll just be single
>tfw still ended up dating over the summer a guy who hates his mother, but he was much older than me so he dealt with his problems already and was pretty emotionally stable
Your answer is an Anglo centric lefty way of dealing with women. Everything you know is culturally biased.
The Islamic method of healthily connecting with women is outright domination and benevolent leadership. Along with multiple wives.
To criticize this is to be Islamophobic checkmate
>None of that was an argument fuck off
Just because you failed to understand it doesn't mean it wasn't an argument. The basis of trauma theory is pretty simple. As I can see you don't have anything of substance to add to the conversation other than blind hyperbole and sarcasm.
>Assuming that our ancestors were retards who didn't know anything about the human mind and body is the core of progressivism
I suggest you crack a history book sometime. Modern medicine was fairly barbaric until just around 80 years ago. It seems as though your issue is with the concept of "progressivism" yet you don't actually know anything about the topics you rail against. You're just a rhetoric filled moron. If "progressivism" is including women in our political processes and treating mentally ill people with modern medicine instead of chains then nobody who isn't progressive belongs in civilized society.
>I suggest you crack a history book sometime. Modern medicine was fairly barbaric until just around 80 years ago. It seems as though your issue is with the concept of "progressivism" yet you don't actually know anything about the topics you rail against. You're just a rhetoric filled moron. If "progressivism" is including women in our political processes and treating mentally ill people with modern medicine instead of chains then nobody who isn't progressive belongs in civilized society.
Hear, hear. Unfortunately you're on Jow Forums, where everyone was born in the wrong century (the 1800s being the last acceptable time period) and anything that's new is some far left Jewish conspiracy.
>nobody who isn't progressive belongs in civilized society.
Holy shit
You left off the first half of that sentence, user.
>expecting 4channers to understand the context when they could just jump at boogeymen instead
Homeboy literally is saying that any deviation of personality from the norm (arbitrary) is a psychological illness that needs to be treated.
Do I really need to break down and explain why this is fucked up?
He called positive energy and negative energy bullshit. Instead of reading them as abstractions of a collection of PERSONALITY TRAITS he interpreted what I said sooooo literally where he goes MAGICIANS AINT REAL NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON YEAH BOI DRUG DEM KIDS UP then went on to sperg out about how extraverted people getting with introverted people is actually cause your dad fucked your mouth and being "emotionally healthy", whatever the FUCK that means, is the only way to be Right.
American psychology is culturally biased towards anglocentrism. The nuances of Islamic culture or far east Asian culture or Russian culture would be reduced to mental illnesses if this kike had his way.
This is why nobody in the science community takes psychologists seriously. Philosophers have more credibility.
>Homeboy literally is saying that any deviation of personality from the norm (arbitrary) is a psychological illness that needs to be treated.
That is the shittiest strawman I've ever read. I never said anything of the sort.
>Instead of reading them as abstractions of a collection of PERSONALITY TRAITS
Being attracted to dysfunction is not a personality trait.
Again, the shittiest strawman ever. I also never said anything about medication.
>American psychology is culturally biased towards anglocentrism
Its glaringly obvious that you know absolutely nothing about psychology, American or otherwise.
>The nuances of Islamic culture or far east Asian culture or Russian culture would be reduced to mental illnesses if this kike had his way.
Unhinged jew-conspiracy rants belong in
>Being attracted to dysfunction is not a personality trait.
Define dysfunction in the context of this thread. Being attracted to a brooding introvert type of person is not a sign of mental illness. If you are taking OPs words at face value as everyone she dates has literal clinical suicidal depression and violent anger issues resulting in her getting beaten then you're fucking retarded
and try not to drool when you spam your gb2pol crap
>Define dysfunction in the context of this thread
Dysfunction, in this context, is behavior that invites negative consequences. In this context it isn't necessarily the diagnosis of her partners that we are classifying as dysfunction but more her general attraction to people with prominent psychiatric issues. OP herself is able to acknowledge that inviting these types of people have negative consequences on her life. Its the same way we use to interpret addiction. Addiction, in its simplest form, is an inability to cease a behavior despite negative consequences. Dysfunction is not always a universal term but again, in this context, its a way to categorize behavior that has negative consequences.
>Being attracted to a brooding introvert type of person is not a sign of mental illness
OP didn't say "brooding introvert type person". She said mentally ill. She said men who are very depressed and have anger issues. Also, I never said or implied that having intimacy and relationship that require some therapy is equivalent to mental illness. Either you're purposefully strawmanning me or you didn't read my posts accurately.
>If you are taking OPs words at face value as everyone she dates has literal clinical suicidal depression and violent anger issues resulting in her getting beaten then you're fucking retarded
That isn't what she said nor is that what I was implying. You're wildly strawmanning her statements.
>and try not to drool when you spam your gb2pol crap
Antisimetic conspiracy theories belonging on Jow Forums is fairly common knowledge, user. We're here to talk about reality, not alt-right pipedreams.
>If you are taking OPs words at face value as everyone she dates has literal clinical suicidal depression and violent anger issues resulting in her getting beaten then you're fucking retarded
That isn't what she said nor is that what I was implying. You're wildly strawmanning her statements.
Try again black bitch
What about emotionally healthy men who used to be depressed and anxious? (It is what I am trying to become).