Hide to die

Like an animal, I wish to simply disappear and not be found while I wait for dehydration to end my life.
What steps can I take to best ensure I won't be found?

This isn't a cry for help to stay alive. I don't need reasons why not to do this or why you feel life is amazing. I simply desire to exit silently, without putting further burden on others.

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Dont die like that, its terrible. Die quickly if you have to die at all.

Try somwhere remote and meditate

The best idea would be to fly to the desert (California if you’re in the US) and just start walking. Do rethink your options, though. The dumbest of hobbies or trades can give you purpose.

Jumping in a lake and taking a deep breath would still be preferable to dehydration. Btw, anyone that gives a shit about you will be burdened indefinitely if you become a missing person. The closure of finding your dead body would actually be less painful to them in the long run.

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I do already have my location picked. I would be leaving a note for the closure of those who would care to read. I only ask for the methods not to be found. Detach your morals and emotions from the subject. While your efforts are certainly commendable, I am beyond this now.

Try crawling up your own bunghole. Fucken pussy get your life together

Dehydration? Seriously?
Jesus dude, this is the last thing you'll ever do; put some thought into it goddamnit

I thank you all for your advice and thoughts on my chosen method, but that much is already decided. I only wish to make sure nobody finds me, at least until nature does the work of breaking down my body. The last thing I want is to be found, dead or alive, and bring about the financial burden of expenses. I want my life insurance to be completely available to my husband, without having to cover a funeral or body disposal. I've already checked if suicide still pays out on my plan, and I just had to have a full year's service. If all went according to plan, after a will and note are prepared, then I will leave no burdens that time will not alleviate.

Don't kill yourself user! Life is too great to end it now. Why are you killing yourself? Find God so you can go to heaven where everything is eternally perfect. I was once like you and I nearly killed myself by a couple of seconds but held off at the last second and got on some antidepressants a year later and now I love life, I can't imagine ending my life. It is so wonderful to not be depressed and worry about suicide or the evil that it brings that I can't believe anyone would suicide anymore. I can say that if you go to a hospital and check in to see someone and tell them you're very depressed they will help you out and put you on an antidepressant that will save your life. It will take like 4 days for it to kick in but you will immediately notice a difference and you will start to crawl out of that hole that you are in now. You may not even realize it now that you've been in that dark pit for so long but you will crawl out of the depression/suicide abyss. I did it, I know you can too OP!. Please leave a response in the thread so I know you're alive, I'll be praying for you.

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So why do you want to kys?

I've saved 2 suicides before, I'm

Because I'm fat and ugly and proud so fuck you.

Can't you just lose weight?

Those leaves are supposed to look like a pigeon rite? Cool pic desu.

Try going on Nutrisystem or some other diet like it so that you loose weight. You're married, correct? It should be easy for your spouse to pay for part or all of it and I'm sure he will be happy that you are trying to better yourself. Go get on an antidepressant and improve yourself, it's all you want anyway! It's easy to get one and you just have to say you're depressed and don't have to mention suicide but I recommend you do.

Everything sucks and I can prove it.

Welcome to the same old fucking scam. Same old shit in a dead fad.

Post it then and let us pick through the issues and see what we can do to help you.

You can start drinking more coffee a day to see if it helps cut down on your depression.
"The researchers found a linear relationship between coffee consumption and depression risk, with a dose-response relationship of 8% reduced risk for each cup consumed per day. "

They were trying to pull IP's off of /b/ for suicide threads last year, I noticed it after someone killed themselves over a livestream.

We are bipolar gods, you know what we are. My life was always shit and I don't think I need this anymore.

Everybody dies, shuffle on, remove it

Yeah, but can't you lose weight?

Well you can try to improve it by realizing that you want to loose weight or are suicidal about it and that you CAN loose weight easily by going on some sort of diet and or exercise program without killing yourself in a relatively brutal manner. I does you nothing good to take yourself out of life and send yourself straight to hell for eternity.

Please read this OP

At least consider the alternatives before offing yourself you fucking edgelord. Stop typing like your some great sage who knows all its fucking embaressing to read. Have you tried medication? Exercise? Not giving a shit and getting on with life?

The whole world is my enemy and I'm a walking target.

They're closing in I can't escape. I am hated.

The other side holds no secret but this side is done, I don't need it.

Going over your posts Its like reading a depressed 14 year old girls diary.

>The whole world is my enemy and I'm a walking target.
Yeah... good luck with your suicide, fatass

Who's closing in? You have to type common sense now and try to communicate what's wrong to us so we can help you. How much weight do you want to loose or how much do you currently weigh? I used to be quite fat but it took years of dedication in the gym to be the 275lb lifter position I was in. It felt like I was at the top of my game and I was a king. I know what it means to put hard work in and get results. It's not that hard to loose weight and it's easier than you think to go onto a diet system that works to you, hell, most of them are customized for your every want and need. I seriously suggest an antidepressant and then you'll feel better about helping yourself. Post a facebook or something and I'll contact you there.

I know you're all tired of the same old process.
But what's inside of me you'll never know.

I'm not pretty and I'm not cool.

I know what's inside you: mental illness, teen angst and laziness

I'm sure that to a new crowd you could regain some self worth from the people who have taken it away for years with their rude remarks. The ultimate decider for those shitty people is college. If they didn't go and you did, the shoe is on the other foot and now they're the looser. Hey there's only so much I can do. I can shoot you my email where I can help you out there without people berating you but you honestly have got to try and help yourself a little bit because there's only so much we can do.

Lock yourself into the empty room w/o any food, water or furniture, just walls; and live stream your death

I am hated. You are hated. We are hated.

Individuals, indispensable... I'm the paradox deity vessel.

My ex was like this before she got institutionalized. I had to fill in the role of anti-suicide doc before so I know what to do so to say.

You are a 14 year old arent you? Please tell me you are because Im cringing internally at the thought of a grown man or woman typing the way you do.

My feeling is that in order to dehydrate yourself to death would be remarkably difficult in terms of willpower, especially if you have easy access to water.

Thats sweet of you (and naive, and stupid). Hope she got better.

You can't be a deity vessel if you die, it doesn't matter what religion you are but I'm firmly going to say that you need to get on an antidepressant. I'll drop my email or something in a second so you can email me if you'd like.

They all lost their dad or their wife just died or they never got to go outside, shut up. Nobody gives a fuck.

She did. It was a little stupid as I should have reported her to the police and a bit naive but it worked until she went to the institution. She got out in the street a month later with the medicine she needed. I stayed with her for 2 more months until she cheated & she was much more stable than before. Open up to your husband OP I'm sure he will be supportive of you.

The cringe is unreal, fuck

Why would a fairytale help her/him?

You'll be rotten by the time you're underground.

Lol what a pussy. Runs away from problems and hiding forever. Be a man and get along with your problems.

A couple of years ago I was chatting with mad guy. He was really mentally ill, tried to an hero before we met.
I was giving him some requests like "cuting my nickname near the scar", "burning it with cigaretters", "eating only dog food from a dog plate for a fay". I liked such a freak show even though this guy was a pussy amd denied to do some of my tasks.

So one of the denied tasks was to lock hisself in a wardrobe with no food, water and gadgets for 24 hours and live stream this for me. Also he'd not be allowed to sleep.

Op, try this. Have a good lock which can only be unlocked outisde in order you try to exit and good luck

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There's only one thing left, and I can't leave until it's sated.

The source of conscience: (We are) distorted sentients.

that's like the most painful way to die.
it takes a long time and it is excruciating and if you decide otherwise you cannot physically move and left out in the woods you have a chance of even greater pain of an animal eating you slowly.

you might be in so much pain you feel numb to this but wouldn't you rather make it quick?

Wow you seem like a complete piece of shit.

>They were trying to pull IP's off of /b/ for suicide threads last year
how do you know this?
>I noticed it after someone killed themselves over a livestream
when did this happen?

There was a redirect to an IRC where the IP was present on the posts or something similar. I went there, looked at it, saw the IP's and left. The technique got posted like 6 times.

Put your trust in the mission

Jow Forums mods themselves can see actual poster ips? thats kinda creepy, these guys are weirdos. ip visibility should be admin only.

It was a link posted in the thread with the same woman's photo or the same guys posting the same IRC where they were openly showing IP's and it happened after someone legit killed themselves over a livestream. It's like the feds were pulling IP's for the people telling them to kill themselves. I'm fine, I know I'm fine, because I told them not to do it.

Don't blame me. He was clever enough to understand that I was communicating with him because of these tasks. Ofk, I couldn't force him to do it, everything he'd done was his own will.

He wanted to chat with a girl, I wanted to have some lulz /b/ tier. Because of me he forgot his previous irl crash, tried to pick me up, banned me and a year later wrote really enormous message telling he loves and hates me both (and than banned me again)

BTW, I was 15, 2 years posting on imageboards. I couldn't believe that creepy people are so close to us, normies

That's just fucked up shit my ex would pull or something when I was with her. A complete degenerate and had no feelings over screwing people morally.

But he was mentally ill and ready to harm himself upon request by you. The fact that he was even willing to do that should of been a red flag for you to fuck off and not toy with him. Not seeing how you look good in this situation?

>coerces a messed up guy who clearly needs help into self-harm and humiliation
>"Don't blame me!"
Hopefully karma will take care of you

but people write kys on this shit all the time. its happened 3 times today to me already lel

Since we've met on /b/ I was always telling him he'd never be my bf or ever internet-luver. He knew I was just making fun of him and he agreed to be a clown

do people still unironically go there?

Are you dense? Just the fact that he agreed to do these things was a red flag for you to STOP. I know we joke around on this site but holy fuck you seem psycho.

I wish I could so something to help out the OP.
OP post your name so I can talk to you over facebook.

WTF?? He already had no future. He was born in very poor family, didn't finish school, was in the asulym because of the try to become an hero.

He told me he was planning to an hero but later claimed it to be a lie to keep a girl like me interedsted in him.

I don't think selfharm or killing oneself is bad if one wants to do it. Why not? It wasm't mental illness, it was his choice. To play or not to play with me also was his choice.
I did nothing wrong. If he was so mad for not being able to take a responsibility, he'd be locked in the asulym

You did plenty of wrong things, and you honestly sound like a rotten, stupid person.
Kid's brain on /b/, I guess

It wasn't Jow Forums.
Why the fuck I should care about someone's else mental health. His mum is an alcoholic, she beated him when he was a child and even broke him some bones. Even she didn't fucking care who her child was chatting with.

Don't pretend to be a humanist, people like him have no future and no chance to live in normal conditions

so lol
/b/ is retarded everywhere

Yep, I was 15, he was 17. Now I'm 18 and still don't find something wrong in such games with b-tard who didn't mind it

However, let's return to the OP's question. I told him the way to become an hero cause OP wants it. What's wrong? Psychotherapists don't save these people, I think. Nothing can save 'em

You should spend more time on learning proper English, damn user, I can immediately tell you're from some shithole of a country

English is not my native, lol. I'm from shithole but not from US shithole. Prove me, please, if you want

Prove you what? It's obvious that English isn't your native tongue and that you come from a shithole. Work on your language skills if you want to be taken seriously.

I don't want to go to heaven. I'd much rather be destroyed entirely, as to not spread my many failures.

I've lost the ability to know what is the right thing to do. I thought I was going to be a better person. I'm now being counterproductive, which I consider worse than being useless. I've somehow fooled so many people into believing I'm worth something. I was born with no purpose and have never had one. I use resources, but don't return anything worth it.
I don't deserve a quick or painless death. I should suffer for the pain I've caused and lies I've let people believe.

I'm sorry that so many people have hijacked my thread, especially those who came to rp, or just be edgy.

I just want to keep myself from hurting and lying to others. I should have never gotten this far in life. I'm a parasyte who makes people like or feel sorry for them with a false face and act. I wish people could see me for the trash I really am. This would all be easier if they could.

You're being a fucking idiot. Stop with this cringey suicide bullshit and pull yourself together. You dont need to prove to anyone you're worth anything. None of us are born with a purpose. Apologise to the people you've harmed and if they stay in your life then they love you and understand that you're going through shit. If they leave, fucking fantastic, that's life, you'll find new people. Guaranteed.

Don't think for one second you're the only person living in this situation, there are MILLIONS in the world who think the way you're thinking now.

If you're so worried about hurting people and being fat and being ugly, fucking better yourself for your sake and theirs. Start being mindful of the things you do to cause harm then avoid those things. Go to gym and get your body sorted out so you can actually look attractive because guaranteed you aren't as ugly as you think you are.

Suicide is so fucking dumb. You only get to live this life once. If you don't have a purpose, make the purpose to enjoy every single fucking thing you can enjoy in this life because no one actually knows what comes next. Seriously, there's so much joy to the world if you could get rid of the cloud in your head and fucking see it.

Don't kill yourself, its the stupidest fucking thing you can do. Don't be another statistic of a weakling who can't handle some rough bumps in their lives. Fight life back and persevere. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones. Do whatever it takes to make your life enjoyable.

I'm not the one with body issues.

Was my last post before I decided to put the name up.

Either way, none of you have answered my true question. You are all crying about something that is my decision. I never adked for your sympathy. Disconnect your emotions and beliefs from the why, and focus on the how. I know I'm not the only one, I've never pretended I was. I'm just the only one who makes decisions for me and the only one responsible for my actions.

Now, the only thing I give any fucks about is how to best keep anyone from finding me and stopping me or being responsible for the expenses of burying my corpse.

>all this bullshit
You made this thread to get the attention and see that some strange people care about your pathetic life. Your question is so simple that anyone with working brain would figure out the answer. It's not some great philosophical quandary.
Go deep into huge woods, hike there preferably, preferably in new clothes and with a baseball cap on, so that identifying you via cctv cameras will be harder. Pay for your expenses only in cash. This is really not that hard to figure out. That being said, don't kys. Being edgy isn't lethal yet, you may successfully recover

No one is going to help you because you're making a stupid fucking decision.

I hope you come to your senses, because the only person who can help you now is you.

You'd think that you'd realise how dumb you're being if you literally come to Jow Forums and people are telling you its a stupid idea.

Becoming a better person with a better life is super easy, and the best place to start for you is ridding your mind of this toxic, ignorant thinking.

You said you're a proud person right? What kind of proud person goes out to die in the desert and shrivel into a lifeless pathetic husk? What kind of proud person lets life beat them up to the point of pathetically killing yourself?
What kind of proud person gives up like this?

Start asking yourself those questions. If you still want to carry on with suicide afterwards, you are not proud.

Welp, thanks for being a bunch of useless white knights. I wish you all continued happiness and good fortune.

Cheers. I sincerely wish you new-found happiness and good fortune. I hope you fix things within yourself.

Told you to go meditate. You want to die? Then what? Be born to want to die again?