How can you protect yourself from false rape accusations?
How can you protect yourself from false rape accusations?
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Don't be ugly.
Well that didn’t work
conservative girl here
this doesn’t really happen
usually girls don’t even report... i was sexually assaulted but didn’t report because i didn’t want to make a mess of my life
dude that assaulted me was eventually caught and kicked off the Hoosiers’ football team
long story short don’t assault people but most of the time stuff goes unreported. if you’re not a rapist you have literally nothing to worry about
False rape accusations are statistically quite rare. "False rape", for the most part, is an incel/redpill/r9k dog whistle used to stir up an already incensed base who, for all intents and purposes, don't actually need another reason to believe that women are inherently evil. They want to believe it therefore they jump on every possible false rape accusation they can find to validate it. The fact of the matter is that thoughtful, intelligent dudes typically don't get caught up in rape accusations. You don't have to tell thoughtful, intelligent dudes to not have sex in alcohol fueled situations in which people are prone to forgetting things, blacking out and the lines of consent are blurred. Actual rapists use alcohol and drugs to purposefully create ambiguous situations in which their victims can't or don't want to remember what happened. They pretend to be your friends and acquaintances and play off their rapes as just a "thing we did while we were drunk" or say things like "she just regretted it later." The fact that anyone could use the exact techniques rapists use to get away with rape to have sex then act surprised when people question their behavior is beyond perplexing to me. If you don't want to be "falsely" accused of rape then don't do what this asshole did; don't get hammered drunk, fuck around with a bunch of hammered drunk girls and expect everything to be cool the next morning. Be a god damned adult. Don't have sex with hammered drunk people. Don't put yourself in dangerously ambiguous or vulnerable situations when you're depending on the consent of someone who is intoxicated. Make sure the women you're with aren't on drugs or fucking crazy. It really couldn't be simpler.
Don't listen to this dumb broad
I've been accused of beating TWO women who just didn't like me when i was in relationships with them. They didn't go to the police- but they definitely made it so all of my close friends knew it.
If you want to avoid it: stay away from women who show a lot of red flags. The women who did it to me were nutcases and i feel terrible about even giving them the time.
You call all your college mates and bribe them into making statements for you.
Make sure you wimper and rage on about your achievements and don't forget to cry.
Don't associate with crazy chicks.
Alternatively, don't become a prominent figure in a political party currently being targeted by the Clinton administration.
reading your post has only convinced me more you are an abusive asshole who got what was coming. false reporting is not a thing, it very rarely happens, while assault happens all the time.
Alright, I have a huge issue with the whole "false rape accusations are extremely rare" thing. Yes you're not likely to get in legal trouble of any kind, but I know three different guys who were falsely accused of rape and the police were never involved. So yeah, if you're innocent they're gonna have a hard time proving you guilty and they know it, but that doesn't mean they won't drag your name through the mud.
>wear hidden camera
>avoid red flags such as those that identify with leftist’s identity politics and crazy people
>do the Christian approach while dating (no sex before marriage)
>If she accusing you of rape or sexual assault but doesn’t go to the police then raise that question to anyone she lies to about you
There you go
>i was assaulted not her
You're actually wrong. There are nutcases out there who actually do this for revenge/social reasons and you disliking me is not an argument.
>if you’re not a rapist you have literally nothing to worry about
Just world fallacy. You don't have to do anything for shit to happen to you. Just look at blacks who are uneasy around the police, even though they've never done anything wrong in their life. Or people who have been tried, and sometimes executed, for murders they didn't commit (whom still exist in the US legal system). It's not about committing any actions to warrant these consequences (as much as we want it to be true), it's about being in the wrong place at the time wrong time.
I'm a guy, but I once spread false sexual misconduct accusations against someone in the office, simply because I really hated the fuck. The result? Everyone in the office took my rumor at face value, and campaigned to our super to get him fired (which worked). He was also apparently lacklisted from the rest of our town by our employers, but I could never confirm it. Word also, somehow, spread to his friends and family, who apparently turned on him and cut him off; even his relatives disowned him. I hadn't heard much about him since, just a rumor that he hung himself last year.
>don't get hammered drunk, fuck around with a bunch of hammered drunk girls
So he's responsible for what happens when he's drunk but they aren't?
If you're not a degenerate nothing would come of it, but going to a drunken party is itself degenerate. No sympathy for rapists (even in the meme "I was drunk and regretted it" sense), but no sympathy for the whore "victims", either. They should both burn.
The only good thing in this is that you know what you did and seem to regret it, unlike women that do the same shit. You're still scum, though. Repent in your own way.
Not even sympathy for a girl who got very drunk and then sexually assaulted by a sober man?
Based and redpilled
It was still her choice to get drunk and go to the party in the first place.
Is the man worse? Absolutely. But she's still degenerate trash.
If a girl threatens you with it. Screenshot with conversation and be the first to go to police about it. It shows initiative and no actual rapist is going to expose themselves. It shows you are confident in your innocence and are willing to cooperate with authorities.
My ex pulled this shit on me and was nothing more than chickenshit when I was the first to report to the authorities and they were knocking on HER door asking for her side.
Bullshit story
Stay away from people with BPD.
don't be famous, rich, important, etc.
While it IS rarer for such things to happen than Jow Forums or Jow Forums would have you believe, a certain, very specific type of women would not hesitate to use it, and that type commits 95% of false rape accusations.
Allow yourself to judge a book by it's cover just a little bit, don't be too friendly with girls who have a history of trying to spin a story in their favor, avoid girls who are always "prosecuted unjustly" for whatever reason and keep an eye on their mannerisms and any trends that girl might have related to sides taken in a conflict.
Yes, I am basically saying be wary of the stereotypical SJW, I'm not saying all self titled SJWs are false rape accusers, but a lot of false rape accusers associate themselves with that group, with practice in social skills it becomes easier to tell which is more and less 'stable' so to speak.
Being attentive is more than enough if you're not a person of authority, if by any chance you are, avoid staying in the same room as them alone, log everything within reason (chat, messages, I think certain apps exist to record phone calls in advance), make sure someone always knows where you are and if you're suspicious of anyone in particular consider recording your IRL conversations.
If for some reason you're already caught up in such a story your best bet is to be as cooperative as possible with the police and call a lawyer ASAP, be as truthful and earnest with your lawyer as possible, present yourself as honest to the police (which if you are innocent, is just a matter of cooperating) and hope for the best.
It's a terrible situation to be stuck in, but realistically, if you're not a prominent figure you're at no real risk of being targeted by it.
You are as bad as he is, just on the other side. Assault doesn't happen "all the time". You arw a bitter man-hater, no better than incels.
You know how all those Russians have those cameras in their cars? Just get a very small one and you're good to go. Btw I'm not saying record the sex, but the things that lead to it, or even the absence of it.
haha, goddamn. don't drop any damaging info - just give the name of his team and the nature of the event so it's easy linkable
do you need to talk some more? that can happen. moving on isn't about all this stuff that you're doing
>As part of his faith, Pence won’t eat alone with other women or attend events that serve alcohol without his wife. Within the faith, the practice of not being alone with a woman has been called “the Billy Graham rule,” after the famed evangelist preacher who encouraged it to avoid even the appearance of infidelity.
Remember when everyone was laughing about this? Well, it does not look that stupid now. If you are a man in any kind of position of power, then never be alone with a female subordinate or generally any female you are not married or related to.
>While it IS rarer for such things to happen than Jow Forums or Jow Forums would have you believe
There's no way to know for sure, they might even be right. Academic papers on topics for which you cannot gather accurate data are only useful as toilet paper.
>if you’re not a rapist you have literally nothing to worry about
Well here is the thing, there are also many cases that dont come forward because sexual assault cases arent actual sexual assault and the dude gets accused by it any way. One was that Aziz Ansari case. Or that football player that recorded the woman confessing she lied.
Now not to say thats all cases here and i get the fear of making accusations, but some people do shit out of spite than any real justice.
But in the case of Ford. I actually believe her.
>reading your post has only convinced me more you are an abusive asshole
>stay away from women who show a lot of red flags
> false reporting is not a thing
Good lord, you are either a really fucking retarded hoe or a pretty pathetic troll.
Either way kys
women are children, hitler. despite being strong and independent, they can never and will never be held accountable for anything.
you should know this.
The fake rape accusation gets uncovered by investigative journalism.
Don't rape people.