Shut in NEET

>shut in NEET
>only online friend is another shut in NEET
>he manages to get a gf, now whenever we talk he never shuts up about how great it is
Well I lost my only friend it seems. What do I do now?
I'm working on building my CS skills to get a job and recover my life, but emotionally I am completely drained and alone.

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Why dont you try to expand your friend circle?
Or even better

No, I have a degree, I'm just filling in the gap on my resume after a bad mental break.

I'm just wondering how to expand my IRL friend circle. My friend serendipitously ran into the perfect girl, I want to do the same.

You generally have to go outside either online or offline in order to meet new people...

I would be so fucking jealous tho

how did your friend find the gf?

Maybe he wasn't such a great friend after all then, or too autistic to realize that it triggers you. It's like being poor and having a friend who is also poor, then your friend wins the lotto and lives in a mansion and drives a Ferrari and every day drives over to your house in the Ferrari and goes "Look how great it is, it's so comfortable, my life is great. Well nice talking to you, see you later." then zooms off.

Just get a different friend, even if it's just another retard on the internet.

Serendipitously at a local event.

IDK what she sees in a NEET.

His dick is probably huge. Also some NEETs are better than the others (you)

How do I become a better NEET so girls will like me while having a 4.5'' dick.

Find a chick whose into pegging

I don't like things in my butt though.

>How do I become a better NEET
get better at socializing
I saw "70h per week on steam" get laid because no matter how much NEET they were somehow not afraid to find a girl

Better learn to love it because with a small dick and shit personality thats your only chance for getting laid

Where does one FIND these girls?
I want to improve the personality bit.

Then improve your personality and THEN look for a gf

I mean, I'm a non-neet with a monster dong and so far I haven't had the chance to put it in anybody, so I doubt that's why.

Are you that 22 yo virgin?

You can put it in me if you want.

Not as far as I know.

Do u hav vagine or benis?

I have benis.

I diagnose you with the gay.

was meant for My bad.

What if the penis owner was a girl?

A dicklover is a dicklover. Even if it's a feminine penis.

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>claims to have a monster dong
>doesn't actually say his size
Sorry friend, 6 inches isn't a monster cock, no matter what you want to believe.

I mean, it's a bit under 8.6 inches, which I've been told is pretty big. Definitely bigger than some of the porn I see.

Build objective for mental health
Do exercise (either in house our outside) for physical health
Try joining some retarded anime club even if you find cringy whatever, you need social contact and at least have something to discuss, if you try to mix up with normies you will have to develop normie talk (eg: I love bacon. Haha me too so divine the taste)
You need to remove the pattern in your brain I feel tired therefore I want to do nothing.

Hope I managed to help somehow, have a nice day user.

>claims to literally be bigger than 99.95% of all men
Pics or gtfo faggot.

1) it's blue board
2) you're the gay one here
3) I didn't intend to derail this thread and make it a dick size shitpost.

Why are fags always so fucking thirsty?

you sound like you have a personality problem. be more chill and relax. secondly, ask him for a favor and see if she knows anybody they could introduce you to

Attached: raisins.jpg (600x400, 76K)

I doubt I could find another girl who wants a useless NEET...

Be happy that your bro is getting his dick wet

be more positive. women usually keep friends that are like them so your chances are good

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This seems like quite a conundrum.

I feel good for him now that I think about it.

dont look at this as a bad thing, just take it as a good sign that it could happen to you too. After a while even a neet will get sick of talking about his girlfriend, and if they break up you'll be the one there to comfort him. But like other anons have said, might as well go out and try and find one yourself, go to local events, and just dont be scared to try new things.

Be glad for his sake and try to ignore the jealousy.

The jealousy is so strong.

You NEETs are really awful people