>19 y/o virgin
>too bored of /too tired all the time to masturbate
>can't have sex because nobody wants to have sex with me
>horny all the time because I'm a human being
>no real relief
>constantly frustrated
I don't know what to do.
19 y/o virgin
I showed u boobs answer me
Hire an escort
I have no money nor would I like that
>nor would I like that
You'll probably enjoy remaining a virgin significantly less
Do you want to have sex with me?
Nobody wants to have sex with me :(
Yes. What are you willing to do about it?
Give up and die
That doesn't seem like a smart plan.
Fucking a prostitute does not count as losing your virginity.
>the correct answers are actually
Work hard to improve myself, exercise to improve my health mentality and make myself more desirable. Fill my time with interesting hobbies that i enjoy. Actively learn and do things that extend my Knowledge and abilities.
Read Models by Mark Manson. If you apply yourself a bit, you'll be able to bang whatever you want. I promise you that
>having sex does not counts as losing your virginity
Are you retarded?
It is literally losing yout virginity idiot
Cringe ad
Look up Mat.i on Instagram
Any good escort sites
There was one guy or girl willing to bone you and you neglected them.
nu uh they never explicitly made it obvious enough
>can't have sex
Meaning you are impotent?
meaning I'm not attractive
But you said you can't have sex? Why did you lie? You are not impotent.
I can't have sex if nobody wants to have sex with me
Stop lying. You could have sex if you wanted to.
With who? Do you want to have sex with me?
I'm not gay. But if you wanted sex you could just set up tinder. Or go to a prostitute. Or go to a bar or social event and talk to girls. You have lots of options, why are you not taking any of them?
I've tried clubs and tinder but I am not good with conversation and I'm not attractive so nobody wants to sex me
So you made one half assed attempt once and gave up. You have so many options to have sex but you literally do not want it.
I've tried more than once
Thats bullshit and you know it. A single person asking chick to chick autistically all alone will never get laid however they try.
Why aren't you swiping on tinder right now? Why aren't you going out tonight, it's friday? Why aren't you going to a prostitute?
ow don't make me feel bad cause I literally did this
I deleted it cause it sucked and nobody responded to me. I probably will go out, especially on the weekend.
I have no money for a prostitute and I'd rather die than do that cause my dad did and I don't respect him for it
>don't make me feel bad cause I literally did this
Nigga dont feel bad because i did it aswell before i completely gave up.
On the contrary, you have giant balls for attempting it, even to no result.
I may be too blacklpilled to be taken seriously but i now just thing some people are just not made for this.
I've started medicating and dropped my masturbating to once a week or so, working towards getting completely apathetic to sex
Fuck modern phones
First of all, a very honest question: are you autistic? If you're not, then congratulation, you are able to improve you social skills above the level of a young child!
Honestly, if you're a chaotic mess, it's normal that nobody will be attracted to you. Stop any drugs you might be doing. Never drink alone. If you're in school, keep it up. Go buy a new pair of glasses and new clothes. Find an activity that will force you to socialise with others. Shut up and listen to what other talk about. Imitate what you like about them, and try to avoid doing what you dislike. Apologize when you say dumb things.
It might take a while, but it's worth it.
>19 yo virgin
Lmao kid, come back when you're a wizard.
No, it's cheating
found the roasties
A woman wouldn't understand.
Ironic because roasties are the ones who generally say shit like "it was only anal, so I'm still a virgin tee hee!"
Prostitutes give off the illusion that they desire you, that's how they get you to them in the first place. Women work the exact same way, for free. Fucking is fucking.
I'm like this
I smoke cigarettes for a brief moment of joy
sometimes venture over to the town where I used to live and do pills/coke at a friends house
>Lost my virginity when I was 19
>This was about a year ago
>Hooked up with 3 more women since
>Literally nothing changed, still get horny, still sit around on Friday night playing vidya with my friends hoping Tinder spits up a handjob and then smoking epic weed when it dosen't
There is no escape OP
>I'm also a 19 year old virgin
I just use. My depression and isolation as fuel to jerk my dick dry. Then I cry myself to sleep and feel okayish in the morning. Once you've given up hope in people, god, and the universe you can enter a state of thought that's devoid of physical longing.
>fuck a conversation would make me smile
My advice is that nothing matters and were all going to die, so just rub your cock silly.
Unironically yes lose your virginity to an escort and you'll realize how overrated sex is. Normal niggers like to say to do it with someone u "loove" which is a whole different level of mental gymnastics of COPE when we refer to sex as men,we referring to casual sex.
also mat.i is a nigger
OP's girl is 16 by the way
I can't really be attracted to her. Cute faces and great bodies need good personalities to go along with them. If she was an intelligent, loving, and sweet person, she'd be perfect.
What are they putting in the water these days?
Uhhhh do you know her @?
Either you're right and she's putting her own CP online, shes 18 now, or someone is using her images with fake nudes for twitter followers
>horny all the time because I'm a human being
Nah, actually you're the opposite.
yeah same