So, I'm 19 and the girl I was dating for 2 years & living together with left me so she could start sleeping with her 26 year-old boss, all while telling me every single excruciating detail about what they did. She was the ideal girl for me, I've got no family, and she was my best & only friend. How do I not kill myself? Or, alternatively, why should I just do it?
My First GF Left Me for Another Guy
>19 years
>still at least 50 years to turn your life back
>dying for women in fucking 2018
lmao stop being a cuck faggot nigger.
My first GF did the same thing, cheated on me with my best friend and left with him. We dated for 4 years and I met her at 21. I started seeing a therapist after it happened and I still am. I don't believe in love anymore. I spent all my time with her, did everything with her, I don't feel alive without her.
Did she describe the way his cock throbbed in her mouth as he unloaded each rope of cum down her throat? How about the way it tasted? Maybe how she felt basking in the post orgasmic glow and how they laughed together about how much better he fucked her than you did?
How about you stop being weak and beat the shit out of her? She literally did this to hurt you. So you gotta hurt her back
>getting in jail because of women
Jesus nigger, get a better life that she turns into dust, just a figment of a bad memory that will be long forgotten.
This tip works for you too. Keyword: Detachment.
First of all, you didn't love this girl. You desired her and wanted her for yourself because she filled a part of you that is empty. You depended on her for your own personal happiness, and when she left you for another guy, all of this came to the forefront. Now realize what's happening to you here. You've obsessed and possessed another person because inside you're alone and empty.
She did nothing wrong here. You fucked up by being so dependent on somebody else that you lost sight of what's real. Stop being a parasite and learn to be your own light.
I've been trying to detach for like 4 months now. She made herself a much too large part of my life. I think I might be depressed, as I have no motivation to do anything because I see her in pretty much anything I'd want to do
why dont you guys just fuck other girls? instead of putting your entire life into one person, try having multiple girls chasing your dick. i guarantee you will forget about these past girls quickly
I can stop being a cuck & a faggot, but ya got any advice on how to stop being a nig nog?
this guy gets it
you gave her power by being dependent on her. Most women can't handle power, so they tend to fuck it up.
you're young, be grateful you received this lesson early in life, you could have been married or, god forbid, with a child.
No you are not, are you trying new stuff? Meeting new people? Having hobbies to keep your mind busy?
You are dying for a lost cause, she is not returning to you. Just do the stuff, even if you remember her, if you start doing new stuff you will build new memories and guess what? Free yourself from this nightmare that you impose to yourself.
Easier said than done, I look like a cross between The Fresh Prince & Jack Skellington.
too bad faggot, its the only way. make do with what you have or be miserable. anytime you have a scarcity mindset you will repel people
YOU made her a large part of your life.
YOU must recover and better yourself.
...or stay a sad fuck, either way the world will still go on spinning
Oh, absolutely, it's burned in my brain. I'm just happy I'm not the jealous type, because then I'd be even more fucked up.
OP, lets be clear.
You need help and advice/life coaching.
I have time but I need money.
I'm wise enough to clearly have you, I can proof you.
Are you open to a deal?
I'm sorry that happened to you. What's especially fucked up about my case is that my ex-girlfriend was the jealous type, and I had spent so much time reassuring her that I was only interested in her, only for her to be the one up to no good.
Clearly help you.
If you stop being a cuck and a faggot, you will magically become into the feared Jow Forums black man that gets all the white women. That means you evolved and my job is done.
No way, fag
Ok, good luck on the abyss.
You gonna need.
Also, you are boring, below average personality, below average penis, cant spot gold diggers nor psychopaths.
May God Bless you, because the world Cock will rampage your anus.
Wow thanks, my guy
As if a kike who can ALMOST speak English has anything of value to offer.
I have a gf that I took her virginity, she is richer than me and pay my dues, I control her and we have a open relationship where I can get another womans and she can just get other woman too.
I'm doing two graduations, with many ongoing projects, even if I was born poor in the suburb I am still alive and I'm socially respect by many important guys.
Fuck you.
coking again i see.
No coke, I was in the hospital and had to pay the bill (my cousin is doing chemo treatment)
Fuck off
Yeah I suppose you're right....she was extremely clingy, like being on skype every night while she falls asleep clingy. We basically started living together just a couple months after we met. She didn't have any friends besides me, at all. I was her entire social life.
But I let her do that to me, for 4 years, without really standing up for myself. Because I knew she probably would have left me. And the ironic thing is she did leave anyway, when I had the gall to go on a trip with my grandparents without proposing to her before I left...
I think she's hurting herself way more than I ever could. All she does now is get drunk, cry, and act as a semen receptacle for her boss.
So, are girls who are the clingy or jealous type typically unfaithful? I've heard so many stories about chicks like that ironically being the ones to betray their partners in the end.
I think it's very common among girls with BPD and girls with some of those traits. That could be the origin of a lot of those stories
Did you know that brazilians have highest rate of cancer? Americans are blasting you with radio waves.
It's just so wild to me that you can spend so much time helping somebody out with their feelings of jealousy/insecurity, just for them to leave you behind for someone else, with no thoughts of hypocrisy or guilt whatsoever.
>you're young, be grateful you received this lesson early in life,
Are other men really this petty? Why does this matter? If a man said that he fingered any/every girl he thought was cute, would you have the same issue? Who gives a shit about her past? She's not cheating. And no one's entitled to sex just because you're married. If the guy cares so much about it, he should ask if she's willing to have an open relationship. Otherwise, shut up and stop getting mad at women who have the balls to express their sexuality.
>She was the ideal girl for me
okay well first step is realize that you're delusional because i doubt the ideal girl for you wouldn't do this to you. you also let her treat you like this. I really suggest you get your shit together.
"Most women can't handle power, so they tend to fuck it up"
Almost every man who has power is coming out of the woodwork as a rapist. But yeah, women fuck it up.
God, you're such a tool
Yuck, do you have any respect for yourself at all?
So basically I don’t believe a word of your story because I’m pretty certain this is some sort of cuck fetish LARP, and you threw in the “should I kill myself” so people would take it seriously. On the off chance this is real I have two solutions.
SOLUTION A: move on and block her on everything, getting cheated on isn’t that bad it happened to me and there are plenty of other girls.
SOLUTION B: in every way she described the sex with him and made you feel small, you need to find a better looking girl. Smash. Then tell her about it in the exact template that she did with you and then you block her.
I still say this never happened though
I mean, I didn't know she was gonna betray me like that, obviously. I'm sayin' she was my ideal girl, because she was a super hot white girl that was into all the same dorky bullshit as me, didn't wanna get married or have rat children, and was seemingly damn near obsessed with me.
No, unfortunately for me, it happened. I don't understand the whole cuck thing, nor would I ever want to, having that fetish is more pathetic than my life as a whole.
It's not just that. It's the contrast between
>the last blowjob she gave me was on my honeymoon
>I suck off every guy I find cute
>Almost every man who has power is coming out of the woodwork as a rapist
This is so stupid that it's tempting for me to just class all women as histrionic half-retards
>19 years old
It happens man. I know how hard it is. You HAVE to move on. Don't speak to this girl ever again, and don't feel sorry for yourself. Get with your friends as fast as possible, get a beer bottle in your hand, and start talking to new women.
When I was 27 I met the girl of my dreams. Hot, nice, great in bed, good sense of humor. She was a hot blonde chick who was just great all around. She had a good job too (nurse) so I did not have to worry about paying for everything. She took birth control so we could have unprotected sex and not worry.
We were together for 6 months. Then she told me she was talking to her ex-bf. The guy was a piece of shit who cheated on her and treated her like garbage. I tried telling her that I really wanted to be with her and that if she talked to her ex the relationship was going to end. Well she calls me one day and tells me it's over. 1 week later she got back with her ex.
I was pretty devastated. I had so many bad GF's over the years and this was the first one I had real hope. And the girl leaves me to go back to her cheating piece of shit ex.
But I moved on and so will you.
>MFW about 3 months after dating her ex again, the guy dumper her and the girl tried to contact me again. I blocked her on everything.
Thanks, man! I've only got one friend, because I'm a fucking idiot that isn't enrolled in school, where I can meet new friends & girls. And then I don't even drink, but I've been trying to do other shit like go to the gym and draw a lot more. I also just got a State job, so I'm making good money for once. But I can't help but feel inadequate for a relationship, and like every girl I'm with will just leave me for someone else they've begun lusting after. Pretty sure I have abandonment issues now...