My parents just kicked me out so I'm bascially homeless. I'm a 22 year old college student with about $10 and have a car which is low on gas. What do I do now? I asked my 1 friend who lives in the area and he doesn't have enough room.
Parents kicked me out
My parents kicked me out once too.
There are a lot of options like homeless shelters, sleeping at your university or trying to stay awake at a local mcdonalds. You can always chill at a park too if its not cold. Because you're young you won't look like a squatter to the police- so its okay to take a nap. Being outside is a positive thing if you can spin it that way.
Why did you get kicked out user? It sounds like your parents are expecting way too much from you.
Why did they do that? That's a super shitty thing to do...
Americans do that. They think it will make them stronger
A lot of young folks nowadays still hold jobs while living out of their car. Do you have a job already user? If not then that should be your top priority.
A lot of older generation parents get "sick" of their kids if they can't pay their way on their own yet and kick them out to "show them how the real world works". I got kicked out after putting out 1500 resumes and not getting a job, for example; when my dad would say "you can just walk up to a construction site and start working, like i did when i was your age!"
Unless of course OP did something horrendous where his parents disown him
Try to find a friend who’ll let you crash until you get a job and have money saved up to get your own place. All that matters right now is money. That means you only eat cheap ramen, you crash on couches of friends, you work any job you can get even if you need to start with minimum wage McDonald’s or pizza delivery, just do it and search for a higher paying job. Get that job and hustle, even work two jobs. Save up around $3-6k, make atleast $300 a week and then get a cheap apartment. Even if it’s a shitty negroid ridden shanty town looking complex, just do it. Then keep saving and working and try to get paid atleast $15 an hour (or more depending on area) and eventually get a better apartment. Then you can start chasing after whatever life you want to live or learning a trade to better support yourself. That being said most mothers cave and will let their kid back in the house because they can’t stand to just let them suffer.
I asked for some money for food since they stopped buying food at the house, they said no so I started yelling and they called the cops. I've been trying to move out for years so I guess this is the next best thing. But I don't know what to do from here.
Why did they stop buying food at the house? Was it to "teach you to get food for yourself", or are they under hard times?
They called the cops on you because you were angry/frustrated? Did you break anything or threaten anyone?
get a job
They make a lot of money, they are not under hard times. Their response was that I should get a job which I've been trying to do. I broke a couple objects in the house.
>I broke a couple objects in the house.
Honestly I can see why they kicked you out
Why didn't you calmly explain you've been trying but will try harder for their sake- then proceed to tell them you're really hungry?
Starving your kids is not right and neither is breaking shit.
I'm sorry you're from a bad home OP, what you did was wrong; but if you're coming from a turbulent place there's a reason you act the way you do.
Well I was in a similar situation as you. So first of all keep that 10 dollar for emergencies and ask a few close friends to help you with some cash to get through the next few months (which will be fucking hard). For food there are alot of places that give away care packages for people in need just like you.
When I got into the same situation as you I had 70 euro thou. I bought a gym membership (25/month) so I had a place to shower and clean uo. I bought a sleeping bag and tent on a site for second hand stuff (20 euro). THe next day I IMMEDIATLY went job hunting and got a FT job the day after. I slept in my tent and would get up early to hit the gym shower and go to work. After two weeks I got another part-time job in the weekend and I Lived off mainly bread and whatever the local foodbank could offer me. After my first paycheck I ate more diverse food but still mainly ate what shit the foodbank could give me. After 3 months of this sober living I could afford the downpayment on a decent appartment and lived comfy from then on. Not going to lie mate, it's going to be hard but you'll learn more about yourself and live than you'll ever will. I walked 40 mins from the forest I was camping to the gym and then worked out for 30 mins (so they didn't realise it was just because I was homeless kek) and then walked 30 mins to my job and after work I'd hit the library to be warm, recharge my cell Phone and find something to read in the evening. The rest of my 25 euro I mainly spend on washing my clothes and shampoo and shit. Thinking back about it I could've just hit up some buddies and crash there for a while but I was to proud to admit I was homeless. There were a few times I could stay at someones home for a night or two thou. Overall it was a really good experience for me, once I got over the oh shit I'm fucked phase and just focused on the small things in live I was very serene
Why did you get kicked out thou? Can you just make it up with your parents?
I recommend suicide. That'll teach them
I didn't calmly explain because they started yelling as soon as I asked. Which only made me mad.
What was the job you got? I'm looking for jobs now.
Just sleep wherever is comfortable until you get enough money to get some place of your own. Maybe McDonalds will hire you.
Then slash your parents tires for being faggots.
>pic unrelated
Reminds me of my home, user. I grew up with a borderline mother who would fly off the handle at me waking up a little late, or trying to do chores around the house (literally get blood-boiling rage tier). When i tried to defend myself my dad would grab me by the neck and shit where i had to defend myself literally with my guitars (since he's fucking massive).
Now that she's got cancer and is barely surviving she sends me monetary gifts once a month because i don't see her or my dad anymore because of the way hey treated me as a teenager.
It really tears you up inside; because i can't forgive them for what they did and know they're just trying to manipulate me with money which is genuinely helpful; but she's on deaths bed and i don't know if i can face her without blowing up like she did once to me.
sad stuff
FT in a call center and part-time as a waiter. This was 2 years ago thou and now I'm a recruiter. I hated the call center but I was extremely motivated to get myself out of my shit. Tbh you just need a job now, any job. You can't be picky now or dwell on the past and unfairness of the world. It's do or die motherfucker.
How far are you into college? I'd say in this situation loaning money to keep gas and insurance on your car probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
Forgive them faggot. After they die you will most likely regret not forgiving them. I've been through something similar and didn't do the right thing before they died and I regret it still after 12 years
I'm this guyI know your feel bro. My dad is severely detoriating and unhappy and is reaching out to me but I just can't face him. I just can't forget the shit he did. I wish I could just go to him and have a laugh or bond but everytime I tried it he tries to control and degrade me.
>loaning money to
I mean if you get a direct subsidized loan that wont accumulate interest while you're in school.
Live with one of your friends for college until you get a job? I don't know how your country works but maybe sell the car?
You could try calling the sheriff and explain that they did not give you 30 day notice which probably makes it an illegal eviction. He will see that they let you back in (that at least gets you 30 days to figure things out).
This seems like good advice
Does it though if OP didn't pay the rent?
This applies to renters or leasers. You're neither unless you were paying them for letting you live under them.
>An adult child who won’t leave home can be evicted. If there’s no lease, and no agreement to pay rent, you can just give them a “Notice to Quit” that says: “I hereby demand immediate possession of the premises at (your address).”
Nope. If someone allows you to stay, say after 30 days, they become a tenant regardless if money exchanged hands (think of people that move in and don’t pay rent, the landlord has to follow the states law for eviction, they cannot perform a self eviction, that opens them to civil damages).
If he’s been there for a long time, not every state allows immediate possession.
Before you begin any legal action, you must first determine how the law classifies the unwanted family member: Are they a licensee or are they now a tenant? A family member or friend occupying your home may be considered a tenant regardless of whether a lease was signed or rent was paid. If the family member paid for things like utilities or food, the payment of these expenses can be considered rent. Accordingly, some state laws will treat them as a tenant. To remove them from the premises you will have to file a formal eviction proceeding (known as an unlawful detainer action) as in any other landlord-tenant relationship.
If no form of rent has been paid, many states permit you to simply ask the family member to leave and remove their belongings without any legal proceedings. However, in other states, someone who enters your home and stays with your permission will be classified as a licensee. This status grants the family member more rights than a general guest. To revoke the permission you gave them to remain on your property, you will need to go through the steps of a formal eviction to have them legally removed.
Maybe his does. And isn't his aggressive behaviour and destruction of his parents property a factor in the whole thing too? They can say that they are worried about their safety, and since he called cops on him, there's a proof that the altercation was serious enough.
Actually their illegal eviction trumps what’re his actions were because of the diy eviction. (At least generally in the eyes of the court).
were they allowed to? some places you can't kick your family out if they don't have anywhere else to go (because you would become a burden to social services or some such travesty)
It also gets the sheriff there to oversee the actual eviction when it comes time in order to keep the peace. (That’s part of the reason why it’s unlawful to perform a self eviction).
Having a car in this situation is such an upside, please please keep track of it and don’t treat it roughly. Hold onto those keys like they contain your soul and for the love of god don’t lock yourself out
I'm very impressed user.
People like you give me hope for humanity.
You can still do that, in a way. Find a temp agency in the industrial sector, bring steel-toes and you're set. Work hard and you'll have full time jobs being offered to you on-site and/or from the agency.
Its possible to just walk up to a place and get a good job in the current market. The problem for a lot of people is its not generally some cozy office job. I lucked out and walked into a dealership in 2015 with a nice shirt on, got a job on the spot and I work 60 hours a week. Its fucking tough, but I made $2500 last week.
Why are you poor and unemployed? You're 22. I had a job at 16 for Christ's sake. Time for tough love OP. Quit being a fuck up and stop whining on 4Chinz about your lack of ambition. Fast food is always hiring and you can sleep at a mission for a few weeks until you save up for the first month's rent and down payment. Excuses?