Hello all

Hello all,

I've been seeing a prostitute and I have developed feelings for her. We have intimate sex, hand holding, kissing, etc. and when I am with her I feel very happy. Should I pursue this? She said she might not want to continue her work because she wants a boyfriend and when we were holding each other and kissing she said "boyfriend?" to me. She's Chinese and I took it as a flirtatious way of broaching the possibility of us being together. I don't know if she's just a great actress or if there's something possible here.

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The most pathetic post I've read on Jow Forums tonight, including the 2 DUI guy's post. Congrats cuck

This is gamble man. Like high risk casino kind of gamble. She could be genuine and you'll have a gf who's a pro at fucking, or it could be a trap so that she can live off of you without having to work. So either win some or lose everything. If you want to improve your odds of making the right call then ask some questions about what she plans to do with her life. Not in such a blunt/rude way, but just in general what would happen if you do get together as a couple. Always take her answers with a grain of salt if you go with this. If you feel the odds are worth the gamble then go for it. Otherwise just back out now in full. Rejection in any case won't go down well.


LOL you got the worst of the worst. That's a yikes from me.

I'd get far away from that. Is she still charging you for the sex too? And just think of how many niggas have been up in that!

Fuck you funboy

Cum inside her raw

>rawwing a pro
Why do you hate OP so much?

I don't, I was a pro and only did this for a man I loved who asked me to stop being one

>lying on a Vietnamese image board


Watch the document called Escorts on Netflix.
This is a tactic, they act all girlfriendy with you and even throw in a few free shags to keep you hooked.
Then you become her bf but you are really her sugar daddy, you are paying a lot more for her company and getting less sex.
And the kicker is that she promised she would no longer escort anymore but she still will behind your back.

This dude has it exactly, that’s why hookers are cheaper than actual gf anyways. Like daddy always said “you pay the hooker to leave son”.

Run like the wind but put it in her pooper first before you go.

She wants you to quit paying her fir sex and just paying her to be your wife so she doesn't have to fuck random jokers

Are you sure she’s not underage and a traffic victim? Maybe she wants you as an escape. Make sure her pimp doesn’t come sniffing around because he’ll pistol whip you for taking his hoe

She's in her late 20s

Go for it


Just remember, you're her job.

Is it really that simple? Why did she say boyfriend to me? To try to keep me hooked?

She's playing you man

>To try to keep me hooked?
Yes, precisely.
But before all your hopes and dreams are washed away due to lack of information OP, how much is she charging you for sex? And how rich are you? How many previous relationships have you been in?

>how much is she charging you for sex?

$200 CAD/he

>And how rich are you?

Not rich but I am 25 own my own home and have about $70k

> How many previous relationships have you been in?


Bump can't stop thinking about her

Gold grief, have some dignity my man. Falling for a chink whore who is trying to milk you dry (but only in financial sense) is about the most pathetic think a man can do. Even gay sex is less pathetic than that.

Hi daddy

She hasn't given me any indication that she wants financial support from me other than what I pay her for the time

I'm thinking I'm going to buy her a rose and tell her that I want to take her on dates, and that I'll help her find a job

Can you guys tell me what you think of this plan?

Even if she's not acting that relationship can only go wrong. Women who have had multiple sexual partners aren't good wifes. She will probably destroy your life if you go on with that relation.

Ain't nobody talking about a wife. And how do u think she would destroy my life?

You mean of all time kek. OP what the fuck are you doing

Attached: 1536268706597.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

If you're not taking her seriously there's no problem. But if you married that marriage will end for sure and she probably will steal you a lot of money and you couldn't see your children.

Yeah I can see that. I don't want some kind of serious relationship, just to make her my gf for a while. But then again prob most serious relationships start out not serious

She'd probably tell you that she left her 'job' for you and that you should take responsibility when you tried to brake up with her. Another bad posibility it's that she think you'll buy her things like clothes or whatever.

Please respond

Good plan. Just remember not to fond with her too much.

Not yet anyway

>holding each other and kissing she said "boyfriend?" to me. She's Chinese...

Holding each other and kissing she said "Green Card?" to me.

Attached: cat_standing_animated.gif (362x488, 378K)

Isnt that for marriage?

Nigger, what are you doing.

How long have you known her? Where did you meet? Does she do drugs? how bad is her living situation?

Lol, her holes will be more affordable you dont marry the bitch.

get her to move in with u.
pimp her out.
hell call another 1

It's pointless, you are not looking for advice. You want to be enabled and hear that her feelings are genuine and that you should go for her. You obviously don't care that she's a hooker who makes her living by pretending that she is into men and your self-esteem probably doesn't even exist if you want to pursue a legit whore. It's sad times when foreign hookers are smarter and more cunning than guys who use them. Good luck dude, you sound like a hopeless cuck so youll need it

>How long have you known her?
1 month

Where did you meet?


Does she do drugs?

Dont think so

how bad is her living situation?

She lives in a nice townhouse with a roommate


How faggot? Do you even know what that means?

Can I have her number? I’d like to pay to fuck her also

Bump hopefully if this thread stays alive until tuesday i can give you all an update

If not, do a new one

I will. I'm sick right now I was going to see her today but too run down. I'm going to see her Monday or Tuesday.

Do you guys think shed be creeped out by this or think it's sweet?

Try different girls and see if they're like her if so it's just something prostitutes do


Really need advice on this

Don't do it dude, she's just trying to get a sugar daddy, that or make her job easier because you'll come around more often

no, shes going to keep fucking randoms (that may or may not pay)
she just wants him to pay for her and give him less sex in return

Is it for bf gf too?

Do you know what GFE stands for?

Yeah girlfriend experience but she didn't have that on her ad

Not a good idea bro

But..., she's a ho'wah...

I say ask her what her plans would be if she got out of the hookering business. Like, as pillow talk. Get to know her a bit beyond the sex with more of such questions. Ask her out on a date after asking if there are any films she's excited for. No direct payment, but be a gentleman and pay for the movie and dinner since you asked her out (watch the movie before dinner, gives you something to talk about). And for God's sake, take her somewhere NICE. Then see if she's engaging with you at dinner, or more focused on the food/ambience/whatever. Afterwards, drop her off at her place and see how it goes. Then a couple days later, go for coffee and see how she's holding up/if she enjoyed herself. And then pop the question if she'd be willing to leave prostition, get another job, and join you for more dates, a real relationship. Tell her to call you after some thought. If she calls, she's probably serious.

You guys would be suprised on how often this happens, actually. Of course it never works out.

Here is what will happen OP:You get in a relationship where you only exist as a wallet. And don't think she will go easy on you because you aren't rich. She will also cheat on you for A LIVING. Imagine that. And now for the fun part: What people do you think she associates with ? As soon as you want to break up with her, assuming she doesn't emotionally overpower you because you are a faggot, you are getting blackmailed/robbed/killed by her pimp. Enjoy.

possibly the most beta thread on Jow Forums right now
OP what the fuck do you want to hear? ofcourse this is a shit idea but you seem pretty set on ruining your life