Am I under any obligation to tell women I’m seeing about each other if we haven’t established exclusively yet? I’m having sex with/dating three girls right now and my roommate said it’s somewhat sheisty that I haven’t told them about each other. I retorted that they haven’t told me about any other men they could be seeing. I’ve spent six weeks so far with the longest girl.
Am I under any obligation to tell women I’m seeing about each other if we haven’t established exclusively yet...
Obligation? Absolutely not. I can assure you they are more than likely doing the same.
Now, if they ASK you if you are seeing other people, then you should be forthright. But just disclosing it unprovoked? Absolutely not. You're roommate is retarded and clearly hasn't done enough real world dating.
>Am I under any obligation to tell women I’m seeing about each other if we haven’t established exclusively yet?
Yes you do. You don't need to specifically tell them about each other in detail but simply that you're seeing other people. Don't think that purposefully withholding information that may affect their decision to have sex with you is a far shot off from lying. Don't use the technicality of "we haven't talked about being exclusive yet" as an excuse to be a shithead. If they find out about each other they would stop having sex with you and that's why you haven't told them. Its a pretty scummy way to operate.
If the fact that a potential sexual partner was not exclusive with you would affect your decision to have sex with them, then it's on YOU to ask them beforehand. At that point, then it is their responsibility to tell you honestly if they're seeing other people.
But it's not OP's job to to go around disclosing any and all information that may or may not have bearing on other people's decisions. That's their job to know and communicate their expectations.
I disagree with these secretive fuckers.
You have an obligation to tell a girl with whom you share custody of children of women you marry. You are morally obligated to tell women you are currently married to about women you are currently having children with.
>If the fact that a potential sexual partner was not exclusive with you would affect your decision to have sex with them, then it's on YOU to ask them beforehand.
So what about if you have herpes? I mean, its in remission and you aren't on an outbreak so it isn't your responsibility to tell them information that may affect their decision to have sex with you right? I mean, they didn't ask, after all. What if you're married? So its totally cool if you leave that information out because they didn't ask, right? See how dumb your logic is? Only children think excluding relevant information for the sole purpose of manipulating people to give you what you want is a far shot off from being a fucking liar.
We're not talking about people being married or having herpes; we're talking about someone who literally has no formal obligation to you or anyone else sleeping with with as many people as they want and at what point they "owe" it to someone else to disclose that information. And the fact is, the conversation about being mutually exclusive or being asked about it are the exact points at which someone else is owed an explanation. Period. Prior to that, it's not your job to assume or have to worry about their comfort levels with things that may or may not affect them.
So what if someone wouldn't want to sleep with me if they thought my dick was too small? Is it my job to go around telling every girl my dick measurements so that she can make up their mind beforehand?
See how dumb YOUR logic is? Clearly it depends on the situation, so stick to fucking subject at hand.
I guess it's important to know if the guy you're fucking is exposing you to STDs from other sluts. I guess the question is would they be okay with you dating other people or would they dump your ass.
They could just as easily have STIs from past partners while not being currently sexually active with anyone else.
The guy who's not sleeping with anyone now but has banged 30 girls in the past is somehow safer than the dude who's currently sleeping with 3 girls at once but they're the only girls he's ever hooked up with.
If you haven't talked about wanting exclusivity, the person(s) you're seeing should not expect you to be exclusive, nor you them. Even if they ask about it, while I would strong recommend against lying (simply because one lie today can easily fuck you over and establish you as a liar), it's none of their business and you have no obligation to confirm or deny.
Right, the girl has the right to ask if OP is seeing anyone else, and she also has the right to decide to stop seeing OP if he either is or if he decides not to answer, but the bottom line is that two people who are only casually dating or hooking up have no "obligation" to disclose what goes on outside of those dates or hook ups.
Come on, you know there's a massive difference between withholding information about seeing other people and withholding information about something like an STI.
>We're not talking about people being married or having herpes
No, we precisely are. We're talking about information completely relevant to the people involved. For someone to consent to an activity like sex you are morally obligated to inform them of any serious consideration that may alter that decision; whether it be the fact that you have herpes, are married, or are sleeping with several other people. It is your job to not be a manipulative asshole, not everyone else's job to suss out the shit you're purposefully hiding. Seriously, no matter which way you try to spin it, purposefully excluding information for the purpose of manipulating people into giving you what you want makes you an asshole. Its the same as lying. Period.
>So what if someone wouldn't want to sleep with me if they thought my dick was too small?
That isn't even remotely the same thing, you moron. I'm not talking about sharing physical quirks that would affect the enjoyment of the sex. I'm talking about the morality, health and safety in the context of a continuing sexual relationship; like whether or not you're sleeping with several other people. Hiding relevent information from someone because you know they'd stop having sex with you if they found out makes you a shit head. Letting someone believe something that isn't true so you can keep fucking them makes you a shit head. "You never asked" is not justification for being a manipulative shit head. There is no way out from underneath that and, furthermore, this isn't a concept that decent people need explained to them.
>you know there's a massive difference between withholding information about seeing other people and withholding information about something like an STI.
That's what I'm getting at. How pertinent it is is completely dependent on the person withholding it, isn't it? The point isn't that there is a large disparity in severity between the two. The point is that YOU DONT GET TO DECIDE THAT. The person who is making the decision to have sex with you gets to decide that.
I love how in the same post you rail about how two entirely different situations are essentially the same, and then immediate follow it up with how two situations are totally different so long as it furthers your argument.
But whatever dude. You continue with your fantasy notions of how people the world needs to be anticipating and protecting your feelings. Clearly you haven’t actually been out in the dating scene because no one who has could be that willfully ignorant.
Wow. My sex life is literally no one else’s business. It’s not lying to anyone that I keep the details of it to myself. I’m not hiding anything and certainly not because I think it’ll keep them from sleeping with me. Fuck them if they dont like what I do. It just a private aspect of my life that I don’t reveal to relative strangers, which is what someone is you only gone on a few dates or whatever.
Seriously, get over yourself. You sound like one of those dudes who calls a girl a whore if she’s not a pure virgin or whatever.
Formal obligation, no. Moral obligation... kind of. I mean if OP wants to, that's his call, but obviously the decent thing to do is mention that he's seeing other people.
Why? Because it's something that could be harmful to another person, that is easily avoided by simply mentioning the situation. It basically takes no effort on his part, and can avoid a lot of pain and trouble further down the line.
Yes, technically he's fine doing what he wants, but technicalities don't really hold up in personal relationships.
You're a fucking moron. Your sex life absolutely is the business of the people actively involved in your sex life.
It’s really not and you’re gonna get told to fuck off all the time if you treat it like it is.
And if you care so much, just ask them. Honestly, why wouldn’t you?
I do ask. And I've yet to be told to fuck off. I also let the people I'm dating know if I'm seeing seeing someone else. Because that way, I don't worry about someone getting unnecessarily hurt.
Beyond the emotional issues that can arise, like it or not, when you're sleeping with multiple people, you are increasing their risk of exposure to an STD, and they should be made aware of that, so they can decide if they are comfortable with the situation.
>I do ask
So then what the fuck are you going on about? All anyone here has been saying that if you want to know, just ask, but don’t expect that people are supposed to tell you if you don’t ask.
If you're sleeping with multiple people in the first place you're probably trash and the relationship you'd have with this person would be unfulfilling. I suggest you sort out your other issues before trying for a relationship.
Exclusivity is literally implied by sex. You are a retard and a scumbag.
This is gonna be good.
I’m what way does sex “literally imply” exclusivity?
>I retorted that they haven’t told me about any other men they could be seeing.
if these women are even mildly hot, they are swimming in a sea of potential dick to suck. dating life as a woman is insanely easy compared to as a man - your only problem is deciding among th emany options.
they are probably banging other people too
You're obligated to establish rules and boundaries for any kind of relationship. If you don't, you're still an asshole.
"Hey are you wanting this to be exclusive? Because I don't."
[if she says yes]
"Then I think we can't see each other anymore bc we don't want the same thing and I don't wanna lead you on." [proceed to bang the other chicks]
[if she says no]
"Alright, cool. Lemme know if for some reason it ever becomes an issue for you in the future." [proceed to bang her and the other chicks]
Repeat for all three chicks. It isn't hard to be decent and communicate, OP.