Is dating ugly or fat girls better because they will be more grateful and have less self esteem to cheat?

Is dating ugly or fat girls better because they will be more grateful and have less self esteem to cheat?

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Lol no
You'd think that, but they require just as much upkeep and maintenance as any Stacy. It's why they're such a terrible value proposition

Dating a hot girl that choose not to cheat is better than an ugly girl who don't have the option to cheat.
Also the only women who aren't hot are the people who refuse to go for a jog and black people.

Fuck no.

Get yourself a proper woman instead of settling down for a low-quality slob.

What about black women?

Im a slightly chubby woman myself (still under healthy bmi) and i have never met any other woman who was so entitled, self serving and narcissistic as obese women.
Its like all the fat in their stomach goes up to their brain and poison it.

>i have never met any other woman who was so entitled, self serving and narcissistic as obese women.
This happens quite alot to woman who are very fat and/or ugly. They know they are unattractive, yet they will still go full stop to make themselves believe they are the shit. Many of them will turn into these 'you go girl' type of feminists.

Fuck off, all chicks who say they are chubby in reality are ugly fat pigs

Op find yourself a normal woman. Don't go for uggos fatties or damaged girls who were raped or abused

It is worser because of their poor self esteem and they will be clingy and needy and annoying. Date a girl with self confidence!

you watch a lot of swoozie...don’t you?

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Wait you guys think she is ugly?

They won't be "grateful" that you picked them over a "better" girl. Jesus dude.

They like any other woman find good looking, confident and high status guys attractive in general. If anything they will joke that they need a bigger and stronger man to "handle them".

I don't think pic is related. The girl in OP's picture is not ugly and fat.

Its what they say to insult the man they couldnt land.

My girlfriend is fat and she worships me and definitely acts super grateful that I’m with her. She would probably take a bullet for me. I guess it varies though.

>My girlfriend is fat
A moment of silence.

I mean, she’s like 170lbs maybe so she’s not HUGE or obese but she definitely has fat on her. Everything else about her is great, she’s sweet, never argues, kind, pretty, always quick to apologize if she does anything to upset me, funny, cleans and cooks and takes care of me, genuinly cares about me and loves me unconditionally even though I’m a degenerate scumbag, etc.

What? Black women are hot as fuck

>Is dating ugly or fat girls better because they will be more grateful and have less self esteem to cheat?
That attitude is exactly why all your gfs cheat on you

Nice from you to think that

B-b-but, I have no girlfriend

Maybe you'd have better results if you didn't view relationships as a constant struggle for attention

She's average at best. I would still bang.

Lol no

Black women are subhuman pieces of trash they all need to be thrown in the sea or quarantined away with white men.

Found the narcissist yet low-self esteem incels.

Hate to break this to you, but ugly on the outside is usually ugly on the inside too. Not implicitly mind you, just that years to decades of others treating them like shit often leads to them developing shit attitudes as well. That's just how the cookie crumbles.

>caring about being cheated on
You're too beta even for the whales, user.

This is pretty true, though weirdly enough it doesn't work the other way.

Dont ever date fat chicks. Ever.

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Most black women in the US don’t take care of themselves and end up being obese. Have you ever seen a black woman going for a jog?

Consider the following:
She doesn’t care about herself, so why would she care about you?
*does cool dance move*

>is not ugly and fat.
She's fat which is ugly.

No. When you give a fat or ugly woman attention she immediately thinks her SMV is higher, making her even more delusional about herself.

And they have more sexual partners on average compared to pretty women. Fatties and uggos are HORRIBLE mates.

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Listen to dubs

you cant just generalize to everything but if i would generalize i would make some fat chart cause like the kind of fat but not obese are have generaly a normal state of mind
and then there is the obese one where you could find normal chill that just cant get themself to get in shape or the fat acceptance kind and finaly there is the fucking american obese one where you would prolly never get close.

Not the guy but not sure about it. Her face is just big and obviously her tiddies. But her arms look pretty normal.

>but they require just as much upkeep and maintenance as any Stacy.

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Black women legitimately have the highest level of obesity rates in America, I think it's something insane like 60% or 70%

Why not? I married mine, and she’s half-black and fat. No regrets whatsoever. Just last night, after she squirted all over my dick, we just held each other for an hour. Felt like like I was floating. Best feeling ever.
I don’t think she is “grateful” for me staying with her, we just compliment each other so well.

Is the delusion that only skinny women deserve to be boffed? Or that some guys prefer bigger women? Or is it that you only deserve the cream of the crop because you’re you?

>Or is it that you only deserve the cream of the crop because you’re you?
Yeah! Though basically everyone gets what they deserve when it comes to relationships.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

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When you love someone, it doesn’t matter either way. The point is, I gave her a mind-blowing shuddering orgasm and I am willing to bet you could never induce one with your pencil dick.

While I'll admit the chances of me ever putting my dick in a woman are slim, I assure you the odds of my dick being smaller than yours are 1 in 2500.

Then share with the class buddy!

I would, but the class doesn't want me to so I think it'd be rape if I did.

>When you love someone, it doesn’t matter either way
Love or not, I'm not letting my girlfriend piss on me.

Because this world sucks. There are people that literally kill themselves to escape it.

Has nothing to do with looks. There are fat slobs that will cheat on you. The only way to find a faithful woman is to date and find one with a good personality. Even then there are no guarantees.

Mate, Im sorry but I dig fat girls as it is XD

My ex was 200lbs when she told me she wanted to ride the cock carousel because I fixed her problems and gave her self esteem.

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Hey, raped girls are best!

No, they're even worse because of the self esteem issues

Would you grunt if a guy liked it when you work out?

Is that nightmare tranny goblin

This. I don't mind fat but have never dated a fat girl who didn't run the relationship into the ground because of overwhelming self esteem issues. I've just come to terms that for most people the fat is a symptom of mental issues you don't need in your life.

No it's a legitimate thing. Women feel insecure about being bigger than a guy, either if she's taller or just physically heavier, or both.

I agree, my melinated friend.
White women are hairy and have manjaws, stay away.

Dude... Are you me?
[spoiler] is it literally the only thing stopping you from ringing that shit as hard as possible?

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I wanna kiss you all over

They're retarded and fuck dogs and shit

Myself and every sensible white man agrees that black women are not attractive, or Indians.

In my personal experience non attractive people are also less nice and less friendly in general, people have that dumb hot girl smart ugly girl holywood cliche in their head but I have found the opposite more often, guess attractive girls are just less jaded and mad with the world

They are but they hide behind a facade much better because its easier for them too. Where ugly people are just like, fuck it!

Fuck you I find all races to be attractive. And i am very sensible.

Man I love taller women. I mean i wouldnt mind an andriod 18 to krillian type of relationship. I would call her my sexy amazon!

Literally the opposite.

>fucks fat chicks
>gets mad when people make fun of his pissing fetish
>"ur dick is smaller than mine"

You cant make this shit up. Your boar of a wife probably doesn't even feel your dick lol

Are we looking at the same picture? She was definitely fat when that picture was taken.

There are only bits of her arms to work with, and they don't seem fat at all, just not super skinny.

It's about how you connect with the girl, not if she´s a model

Shes fat you retard. Raise your standards

She might be, but where do you see it on the pic in OP?

Go back to Jow Forums
This board isn't yours anymore

Her fat disgusting face. She's using camera angle-fu to hide it.

On average they're slightly better cooks, but only slightly.

Some people just have shitty face forms. Wide-face =/= fat. For fucks sake, why are we even having this discussion, given her job, it's given that some dude here jerked to her, where is the user to send full body pics and clear the mystery.

>Is dating ugly or fat girls better because they will be more grateful and have less self esteem to cheat?
I never believed beggars could be choosers until I worked somewhere with mostly morbidly obese and old women. The girls who were just fat ended up wrecking entire departments with sex drama and leading on their friendzoned orbiters. The few genuinely attractive girls, like pearls before completely turgid swines, usually quit within the week because they got sick of a bunch of smelly ass redneck guys making every excuse possible to pollute their air with the smell of periodontal disease, alcohol, and shame.

In short, no, that's an awful idea. You only entertained it because it seems like a viable copo ut for the subtle art of dropping your goddamn BALLS and talking to a cute girl.

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>less self esteem to cheat?
Absolutely not. Most individuals I've found out were cheating on their partners were ugly as sin.

Hit the treadmill. Once you put effort into yourself, life will get a lot better. I believe in you.

That's how fat people are. They have no self-control and it's purely a psychological issue. It spills over into the rest of their personality. Greed, lack of self-awareness, entitlement etc. and these traits get built on by their life experiences. They become jealous of normal weight people, they are ridiculed by others and just makes them into even worse creatures. Their body is a reflection of their mind.

>That's how fat people are. They have no self-control and it's purely a psychological issue.
Wew. It really is brainlet season.

t. fatty

no fat and ugly girls are just as hard as anyone else and they can cheat just as much as anyone else, you shouldn't assume that because someone may have some shit that could hold them back looks wise that they know better to not cheat or whatever, they're people too.

t. manlet virgin who is angry because even fat girls turn him down

He's right tho.

I find fatties aesthetically disgusting and would even struggle to be friend with one but you have to be a complete retard to think it's as simple.

You’re fucking stupid. It’s well known that fat fucks tend to be dumber and more impulsive.

I can tell that you're fat because of your incoherent lack of self control in reacting to my post. It digs at your greatest insecurities and here you are.

To a point sure, but being fat is down to a lot more. Like, even with your level of ignorance, you can simply look at the rise of whales in the recent decades. "A huge part of the population suddenly got way more dumber and impulsive" is below kinder-garden level of reasoning.

>implying he's me
No matter how you want to cut it, it comes down to their own mentality. Even if you want to claim that there are other factors like modern food being unhealthier, the simple fact of weight is energy in-energy out. They are consuming more calories than their bodies burn and it they pack on fat.

>implying he's me
Like I give a fuck, who is who, both of you are childish and refuse to look at contributing factors that are the actual key here. The situation might not be completely out of a persons control but it's just isn't very realistic to be handled by someone without help any more than "dude, just stop using heroin".

>They are consuming more calories than their bodies burn and it they pack on fat.
Do you want a Nobel for that? Though before we go there, take a closer look at the WHY. Again, using muh mentality is simplistic given at the rise of fatties in a pretty recent time across cultures.

>insults someone
>they insult back

>the simple fact of weight is energy in-energy out
It objectively, scientifically is not that simple.

Fat chicks are bad mmmkay?

There's a reason blacks love fat white chicks, besides the fact that they will fuck anything.

Also the chick in that pic is a hog. Shit, Ms. Piggy even has a fat head for fucks sake. And you can always tell the difference in cleavage between push-up bra and fat tits resting on her fat gut.

I'd rather fuck a retarded chick.

My ex was like this, initially anyway. I'm like a 5 tops but she was maybe a 3 with makeup so I guess so long as she was punching above her weight she was happy.

Fatties are fat because they eat lots of fast food, because they cannot cook. And depression because they're fat.

Ah yes, their "genetics", I forgot.

Grateful? No but they'll certainly like the attention. Cheat? With their market of interest so small, not likely.

The good thing about them is that they've always felt like an outsider since middle school, meaning they're more likely to be more introspective and interested in more things like vidya and books. Because of the meme that only black guys shoot for fat white women, some are actually quite racist.

I'm not a chubby chaser, I just seem to attract obesity and/or mental illness alot. The two often go hand and hand. On a side note, if you find a thin schizophrenic, bang her. If you're not getting overweight chicks, they're gonna be crazy one way or another. Pick the mental illness that's right for you.

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