Why is it so brutally difficult to get a job yet everyone seems to have one?
Why is it so brutally difficult to get a job yet everyone seems to have one?
You have no talent or social skills
Just like with getting a partner, if you fail at something so simple:
You are lacking.
Your method of search is lacking.
Your expectations are too high for what you offer.
Chance just isn't going your way. The most unlikely possibility.
I don't fucking know dude, I ask myself the same shit every day. Seems like every single normies has a career and takes it completely for granted, but then the stats show that tons of young people are unemployed and in my own experience it's crazy difficult to make progress. It just doesn't add up.
The current job market is all sorts of fucked up right now. There are a tremendous amount of tools that have been developed to assist job providers and they've created retarded feedback loops due to the antiquated culture they were developed in and lack of evolution. Almost every job search engine is overly selective and will discard a vast majority of perfectly capable candidates simply because they didn't put the buzzwords included on the job description in their resume. A job description I might add that was written up by some intern who had little to no idea what is actually involved in the job.
I'm not saying its right but if you are cold applying to jobs I would seriously suggest copy pasting the job description onto your resume and turning its font white. There's still no guarantee you will get an interview but at least you'll know you're getting through the retarded HR filter. There is honestly very little chance of getting and interview if you dont know someone personally responsible for hiring. After I graduated college is spent six month and applied for a couple hundred jobs, I got a dozen phone interviews, one actual job offer, and an offer I took because I got an interview from one of my friend's dad who could put my resume in an actual manager's hands.
My advice would he to circumvent as much HR physically possibly. Youd probably have better luck stalking someone on LinkedIn and asking if they know of any job openings than applying to a company website
Because boomers fucked you over by pushing for open borders.
>apply to hundreds of postings
>Get a handful of interviews
>Get zero offers
>user what have you been doing for the past 6 months?????
A LOT of people think they're 'too good' to start at the bottom.
Obviously, I need not say anyone actually good would recognize the value of the earnest start to virtually any undertaking.
You have to keep on fighting bro. I do agree that getting a job is difficult but it's not impossible.
Why not go through a hiring agency. Yes they take part of your pay but it's pretty much an assist tool.
If this isn't my life right now.
Except I haven't even landed an interview. Plenty of people have looked at my resume an told me it's golden.
This is too broad of a question. What are your skills and what kind of jobs are you looking for? There's many reasons why someone can't find a job but they are often too specific to apply to everyone.
> unemployed for 14 months now
> have Master’s degree with honours
> done 2 internships
> 7 interviews in the past year
> no luck
> in the most recent interview it was between me and 2 others, personally knew the CEO
> told l was ”an excellent runner-up”
fuck this shit, I’m starting to give up
In my area there are plenty of sub $15/hr jobs and the skilled jobs want to work you to death.
Found a job after being on unemployment for 2 months, so I can't complain.
Just keep applying you fucking baby. Jesus Christ applying for jobs isn't hard. It takes some time but what else are you doing with your time anyway? Boo fucking hoo. Try going back in time and applying for jobs soon after 2008 before you start crying about how hard it is to find work now.
For how long have you been unemployed?
How do you guys manage it?
>unemployed for 4+ years
>college drop out
>get at least one interview in twenty applications
How do I fuck up my job application in a subtle way so I get left in peace?
I'm guessing you live with your parents?
Naw, with my FWB, she's working but my finances don't really affect her. State-money and all. Seems beneficially for everyone if I would flag myself as the "please no" candidate right away and safe the HR time for people who do want the shit.
Don't be that person, please.
Shouldn't we go for stuff that works for us? There are people who are depressed about not getting a job and feeling like shit attempting to get one. Others get depressed from having a job while feeling amazing without one.
What I am asking is serving both sides. Less time wasted on me, means more time left for you. And I seriously don't get why the time without a job isn't enough to disqualify me already. Not even applying for the lowest kind of shit. Isn't the job market in US (the whole focus on college make it sound like most posters are from there) way better too, making this even more confusing.
Ever heard the phrase "you have to spend money to make money?" The same applies to jobs. You need to have a job to get a job.
In college? Great! Work on-campus part time, hopefully related to your major but not a requirement. Not in college? It's time for some bottom rung retail or food service while you apply.
I applied to 500+ jobs
Got 2 on-sites
Failed one, which was my first
The second wanted me out of desperation
In the end, I took a job I found through networking with my female professor. Been there three years, now I have recruiters constantly calling me
Turns out finding a job is a lot like getting a girlfriend. If you've never had one, you'll need to make friends. Have a girlfriend? Prepare for other girls to want you due to your social proof.
This thread makes me feel a little better. I got my Bachelor's in May and still don't have a full-time job despite my efforts. I'm starting to get depressed too. At least I'm not alone. Sure would be nice if my parents would drop this bullshit "incentive" about kicking me out of the house if I don't have a full-time job by the end of the year, though.
This, although nowadays it can be hard for anyone.
- one shitty neighbour with a master's in economics; she moved to NYC for a few months for a scrum internship, burned lots of money there, now back in her room at her mom's
- a friend's friend from university; spent some thousands for a networking event in Brussels, didn't gain her anything
Meanwhile I'm a lazy fuck who has only applied to 3 banks; first one dumped me half-way through the application process, second one dumped me straight away and third one for some reason seems quite enamored with me, gotta do the assessment center thing on Monday as final evaluation and if I pass I'm in. (Despite me not having any experience with banking, just having crypto and forex as a hobby, kek?)
And if that fails, I've got 3 spare banks to apply to. We're all gonna make it.
sorry don't wanna hijack the thread but I have a similar question. I applied online at a video game testing company, they called me today but I missed the call. They didn't leave me a voicemail, what should I do? Last week, a similar situation happened. I missed a call but they left a voicemail, I called back and left a voicemail and never got a call from them after that. I wish people would just email me instead...
Never just leave voicemails, that's a luxury only employers enjoy. Call back ten times if you have to but make sure you actually get to talk to someone.
lmao so what you're saying is that I have to spam the shit out of them now? What kind of script should I say:
Hello, my name is X, I missed a call from you guys potentially about the X position.
then what else can I say? gibe interview pls?
Personally I wouldn't leave voicemails at all. Don't they have opening times during which you're sure *someone* will pick up when you call?
it's going to be the receptionist so I'll have to ask to speak to HR. But what happens then after I say who I am and why I call? What if they just say: ok?
Getting a job is easy. Getting a good job is hard.