We met a month ago online. Plain and simple. 26f, and he's 26 also. He's a fat hipster type who plays drums and wants to do stand up. hes anti religious. And has wonderful taste in music but he's emotionally unavailable. I want him a lot, but he starves me of attention and has admitted he's sadistic and likes to suffer me. He wants to choke me with bed sheets and barely talks to me but gets jealous when I hang with others? Wants to make me cum tributes but ignores me half the time. Very confilcting shit. Pls halp we are meeting irl end of this month. How should I act? Cold shoulder?
I want someone who don't want me
There's a rule for men, cardinal to having a benis.
"Never, ever stick your dick in crazy."
Thus, there must be a parallel for women and there is:
"Never, ever give a crazy man a reason to stick around."
Not only will he figure one out on his own, but encouraging him will just put you in more and more compromising a position.
Choke them back you pansy
So I'm the crazy one? Or he is?
Don't meet anyone IRL you met first online
He is, you silly.
He's a crazy man, bona fide. Sounds like BPD in all honesty (borderline personality disorder). Usually these people manifest 'cruel' outlets and are fine with expression over the internet but once experiences are at their fingertips, then they recoil and suddenly they're all regular-ass. Then they'll start compensating.
Granted, I'm not saying you're a catch-- falling for a guy like this makes me think you probably are also crazy-- but you can most assuredly do better than a guy who's just gonna leave you emotionally dead because he didn't get hugged enough as a kid and is a denizen of Jow Forums who thinks misogyny and sadism are the same.
This user, at least, says ghost it like Casper and get the absolute fuck out. Never, ever meet this person face-to-face.
Why not?
No accountability and they've already got your guard lowered.
Search for treatment, if you dont you will end up taking benzos and raising 30 cats after you get to 30. The mental ill guys you think are attractive will at max be one night stand for you.
This guy is also mentally damaged, he should search for treatment.
Things will just get worse if you dont go for treatment.
you shouldn't go after him for something serious, other anons are right you shouldn't enter so quickly into a relationship with a guy you met online even if you're desperate you should hold back or find someone irl. online relationships work best if you've known them a very long time
Stupid rule, I met my bf online first and then irl and we were happily together for 2 years.
But OP, your guy sounds like a piece of shit and very immature too. Don't let him treat you like some garbage, honestly either be straightforward and ask him if he wants to be with you, or not. If he says no or starts spouting memes instead of answering the question, drop him.
from how you described him, he doesn't seem interested in taking your relationship any further than cum tributes and sharing nudes or whatever you guys do.
Op here. That wasn't me who asked why not.
my bad, autism is a hell of a drug. do you think you're into him because of desperation or because you genuinely like him? i wouldn't recommend pursuing him further that you already have.
Op, whats your story? Are you just fat or were you abused or sth? Resolving this will help you with finding and falling for less degenerate guys
This is one of those things where- the mere need to ask whether or not this is a bad idea, means it's a bad idea
It's genuine. Im voluntarily celibate sure but it's because it's hard for me to really get into someone. First time in a while I've liked someone.
Stop questioning me you egg
right... it seems like he might not return those feelings. or at least not the kind you have. where are you meeting him irl anyways?
5 foot. 114 lbs. Blonde, brown eyes, Romanian living in America.
We're meeting in San Jose at a big video game expo, lots of friends so we won't get much time to be alone. Not that he'd wanna be alone with me.
Were you abused in the past? Or is it because you're a Romanian?
He's polish.. and has a knuckles "do you know de way" tattoo on his leg lol
Abort mission
proceeding with this
you have a degenerate fetish don't you op?
genuine question, what do you see in him?
He's funny and is low key intelligent. Doesn't take anything seriously and has a very nice cock. Makes me laugh, speaks truth, has a cute smile and gives me butterflies. He's social, has a lot of friends etc
No normal guy admits they're "sadistic". I would leave the relationship if i were you, user. Meeting IRL is always dangerous and should be done in public (after all you dont know for sure who he is). But to me he sounds dangerous anyway, so I really wouldn't meet him IRL. Tbh, he sounds bad and your relationship sounds kinda toxic.
>likes to make me suffer
Find someone who respects you. He doesn't sound like that person.
Tbh he doesn't know why I like him either lol he is low key insecure about his weight and thinks I'm out of his league or something nonsense
>low key intelligent
well boys, watch and learn, it doesnt take a lot to impress a damaged girl
What music does he like?
insecure is a bad sign but not a red flag.
you've only known him a month which isn't exactly a good idea since there's alot you might not know about him yet.
it sounds like this could be infatuation and it might wear off with another month or two.
if not then go for it i guess? he sounds like a degenerate but i am too so whatever floats your boat.
(i hope the sadistic part is a joke though or he's just being edgy)
op left, you can leave as well.
Op here. I said sheesh just absorbing all this in
He might strictly be into Asian girls as well
lol, you make a good point, how did we not consider this before?
Hey OP, I know your feel because I'm in a similar predicament. Granted, my guy is not openly sadistic, but he is autistic and I just can't deal with this anymore. I think I'll just ghost him and I advise you the same.