>girlfriend is my first girlfriend (and everything, kiss, sex)
>I'm her 4th (serious) boyfriend
It shouldn't, but it does bother me.
How to cope and accept?
>girlfriend is my first girlfriend (and everything, kiss, sex)
>I'm her 4th (serious) boyfriend
It shouldn't, but it does bother me.
How to cope and accept?
Break up
Talk to her about it
How do I be ready for this
>I've had sex with a woman and I'm upset that she has had sex before
"People" like you are wastes of oxygen
And you're fucking imposter. The real hitelr would have called the roastie a waste of oxygen for fucking someone beforw marriage since women are the ones who need to be picky. Admit it or I'm gonna call the cyber police.
>real Hitler would have called the roastie a waste of oxygen
You act like this excuses being a manwhore.
It doesn't.
Says the autistic sperg with no friends or relationship who spends all his time playing vidya and obsessively scolding anonymous people on a himalayan jump rope forum.
Lmfao. I like you.
>autistic sperg
>no friends
>spends all his time playing vidya and obsessively scolding anonymous people on a himalayan jump rope forum.
Not all of it.
But do tell me how OP isn't a faggot
Shut up chubby cheeks.
I don't understand the logic behind shit like this. As long as you're the only one fucking her, you don't have anything to worry about.
Learn to human.
That's what she'll tell her next boyfriend too
Every girl 4/10 and up has been around and has had her share of shit. It's something you just have to deal with.
Only if she's a whore
I'm in a same kind of situation except I'm his second. It bothers me a lot because I know way too much about his previous relationship (he with my ex best friend).
>How to cope and accept?
By being honest with yourself. You feel outmatched. You feel like this person has had more experience and opportunities to date than you and like you aren't equal in your relationship. You feel like they could easily move on to the next person and you'd be left in the dust. You're afraid of the same thing we are all afraid of; being alone, being rejected. It bothers you because you don't want to feel like you have less power than she does in this relationship. Power dynamics are a real thing. Not feeling like "the man" or feeling like you're more expendable to her than she does to you is a real thing. Your best bet is being honest with yourself and her about these things and not treating this subject like a secret weakness. We all have these feelings. Learn to unpack them.
Sup fake german. Did you learn better german yet?
I also never claimed to be German
>has been in a RELATIONSHIP with 1 girl
>calls him a manwhore
Nigga he is the very opposite of what you call him
This user is right, stop being a hypocrite. Next girl might be a virgin, imagine what she'll think if she learns you're such a manwhore.
Listen. She's with you now. It's a good sign she's had 4 serious boyfriends, that means she doesn't give herself to anyone with ONS. That also means she knows exactly what kind of person she wants to be with through trial and error. You don't.
She's probably more worried than you are
>not a manwhore
Pick one.
>in a relationship
You're more retarded than autistic
It's a like a used car, sure it had a few people before but it runs great so you don't mind, but with every new owner the price depreciates, even if it's well maintained. It's okay to feel that way but you need to get over it if you want to continue the relationship, OP. 4 isn't that bad. The only real way to feel better is to have the same or so amount of ex's
>he thinks that's not fornication
And you call me retarded.
In your opinion, is marriage that only acceptable form of a romantic relationship between man and woman?
It's the only acceptable context for sex.
If you're proposing arranged marriages, that's not what I'm getting at.
>Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
>"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
Okay then change your name from hitler to someone else since he had sex with his girlfriend and they only married to make it official before their suicides.
You're expecting the autistic tripfag to understand logic?
He studies so yes I do. But still I don't want him to change since it's fun to have a laughing stock on this board.
It's not nice to pick on the retarded kid.
I will genuinely never understand why people bought into the pure virgin girlfriend cult
You don't get why people want something that never had a dick inside? Are you autistic?
>not being a cuck makes you part of a cult
Lmao, that's what you get for not filtering (you) whores