Is it even possible to get an interesting gf...

Is it even possible to get an interesting gf? Women always complain that I just want to fuck them but that’s honestly all they’ve ever been good for. I’ve never met a girl with an interesting life or personality. There’s always at least a 100 million just like her.

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For you? No way in hell.

That sounds like a you problem.

Tell me about the interesting women you’ve dated. Go on. Honestly.

So what would be interesting for you, if we don't establish this first, you're just going to dodge with ">interesting"

Fuck what I think. Tell me about a time a woman you knew personally has genuinely fascinated you with anything she had to say or think.

What would be the point of reminiscing of a traveling artist who hunted in her spare time, some migrant who got her first million at 25 or your average edge lord with a hearth of gold who went from orphanage in a second world country to biochemist phd in manchester; if the topic was something as subjective as "interesting" and you fail to provide your definition of it.

>Arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.

Sounds like a LARP. How did you meet these broads?

>Arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention
Which is perfectly subjective, hence I asked for your own shit. What would arouse your curiosity and hold your (positive) attention? What the fuck would be an interesting personality for you? These are simple ass questions, user.

Met one on fucking 4chains (was some dumb thread about smoking), one during playing fucking MMOs and one over a friend, while visiting that shithole country with her. So basically chance.

>What the fuck would be an interesting personality for you?
Oic sorry am tire.
Idk fammo, my only real interest is animals. Jane Goodall and Temple Grandin seem like cool chicks.

So go study some of that shit, or at least hang at some university event where they do. Hell, even try with farms, a lot of girls there know their shit and have some real life skills. And obviously the countless vets if you're willing to go a few levels lower. Actively looking for certain kinds of people is pretty tricky and rarely works generally, so you're better off focusing on some actual goals in aspects of life you're interested about. Eventually you'll find female specimen who share your passions. And who knows, maybe you'll hit off.

>you're better off focusing on some actual goals in aspects of life you're interested about
Ya tru. I’m finna start my own business soon so whom knows.

What kind of business? Also why the fuck making this stupid ass venting thread if you aren't as dull as the OP suggested?

Nice LARP faggot

A mobile petting zoo. My wild dream is to expand it into a regular zoo.

This isn’t a vent post, faggot, I genuinely wanted to know how to find an interesting gf.

Sounds like a bitch to actually make a viable business out of it but it's a cool dream for sure, best of luck, cunt.

>I genuinely wanted to know how to find an interesting gf
You're not dumb enough not to assume the obvious answers. There isn't some secret place where all the interesting gfs wait. Follow your fucking dream, be somewhat interesting yourself and you'll find her.

There's really no point in asking people questions if you're just going to accuse all the parts of their answers that you don't like of being fake. Did you come here for actual advice or just to convince yourself that everyone else has the same problem you do and accuse everyone who claims that they don't have that problem of lying?

>Women always complain that I just want to fuck them but that’s honestly all they’ve ever been good for
This may sound kind of bizarre to you but any woman worth a shit is probably emotionally intelligent enough to see what a shithead you are and actively avoid you. People with your kind of cruel mindset, lack of empathy and general sense of superiority have an air about you that most people with a decent social radar can see. You probably meet dozens of interesting women all the time but after taking in your general vibe for a moment they flee the other direction as quickly as possible. Contemplate the possibility that the women you attract and sleep with are a direct reflection of you. If the women you sleep with are all shitty and boring its probably because you are also shitty and boring. If you take your emotion out of it you'll agree that its a far more likely scenario than you just being a super intelligent, super interesting A+ dude who, for some reason, just can't catch a break.

>its a far more likely scenario than you just being a super intelligent, super interesting A+ dude who, for some reason, just can't catch a break
Likely, but incorrect.
To be fair, the women I do want to date tend to be taken.

No, it’s not possible. All women are vapid sluts so for your own sake please stop trying to get with them. Mgtow and never bother a woman again, it’s for the best

I love how everyone is bashing OP and not addressing the legitimate point most fems cant hold a even vaguely challenging conversation without going "hah idk" with that stupid fake smile and squinty eyes

Tbh user, good fucking luck. Ive met 2 in my life who actually have an IQ greater than 3. One is my best friend whomst I wouldnt fuck and the other I dated and then fucked up by being too eager. Your only chance is finding them in political circles and even then good luck finding one that isnt a historically ignorant communist or "haha im so different I like trump" blonde who is just feigning political interest to be different.

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So you havent.

>I love how everyone is bashing OP and not addressing the legitimate point most fems cant hold a even vaguely challenging conversation without going "hah idk" with that stupid fake smile and squinty eyes
Oh I have but it just pisses them off. Like a lot. You dont want to have such an engaging conversation because they get board and will want to leave.
They dont like being challenged either especially from a stranger who may or may not want to get in their pants.

Really women dont want to talk to men. They just dont want us around at all.

>There’s always at least a 100 million just like her.
so you think there are no guys at least a 100 million just like you?)

I met an interesting girl but she destroyed my soul so idk if it was worth it, but they're definitely out there. If I had to guess you probably should try somewhere where you can find smarter grils, like a big city with a bunch of professionals or a museum with a bunch of art hoes

This is an advice board, women hate threads are on Jow Forums. If the problem is with women themselves how is OP supposed to change that? Once again, MGTOW with all your interesting male friends and don’t bother with women.

3-4 years ago I couldnt get a date nor could I get a half decent conversation out of a woman. I always felt like I was the one lacking. Women are really good at making themselves look like they have a lot going on when they actually dont. After a series of dates from RSVP I felt I wasnt interesting, engaging or providing anything to the girl. Their lives wernt bogged down by Hearthstone and looking at thots on instagram like mine.

I have gone on the road of self improvement. Ive spent a lot of time talking to women at speed dating to get my conversation skills in order, went even harder on gym and exercise, I started controlling my diet and being more disciplined with regular sleep. I gave up alcohol, bread and caffeine, I started reading an hour every night, I began to learn to speak French and have been going through my high school maths books to sharpen my mind any way I can. I no longer find video games fun nor do I feel any need to watch rick and morty or whatever else you "smart people" are into these days.

I have ascended and its even harder to find a girl who isnt just going to be trying to pull me down to their level.

Consider yourself lucky that you can still relate to the common man and get a girl before you over value yourself

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probably is but not for somone like me

From reading your post, it’s not your intelligence that’s the problem but your superiority complex. Drop that and you’ll be happier

And i gave it dawg.
Women dont really want our opinion. They dont want us in general tp be around. I know its hard to believe but when it comes to going out what is it they always say?
>we go yo bars to be with our friends not to get hit on
>we go to clubs to dance not to get hit on
>we go to gyms to excersize not get hit on
>we go places to do stuff not to be around men
Women hate men.

I know its hard to believe but when you challenge them on what they do or ask them challenging questions they do get annoyed and mad. Women arent stupid its just they think we are trying to take power away from them when only we want is to talk to them.

Here’s some tips to get better conversations out of girls:
Leave flirting and compliments out of it. Talk to her like you would your male friends.
A lot of girls have been socialized to be people-pleasers and not step on any toes. Encourage her past this. Listen to what she has to say, too— DON’T interrupt or try to start arguing. Most girls aren’t interested in debate but they are open to conversation. Jumping down her throat with counter arguments is a surefire way to get back to her smiling uncomfortably and going “lol idk.”
You’ll probably find that she does have opinions, insights and knowledge that she doesn’t usually share either because she wants you to like her or isn’t interested in debate, but just wants to get to know each other.
If you must give an argument, frame it as a non-attacking question. Instead of going “that’s retarded and you’re retarded” ask her “Yeah, but what do you think about....?” Or even just go “Wow, I completely disagree but I appreciate hearing your side of things “
It may feel like coddling but if you REALLY want to find the interesting side of women you like you have to be less obvious that you’re testing them like an SAT

Not if you're someone with a very high IQ it isn't.
Male geniuses outnumber female ones by at least 8 to 1. Therefore settle for any woman that at least puts in the effort.

>going to the gym to exercise and not flirt is misandry
This is why women hate you

>Leave flirting and compliments out of it. Talk to her like you would your male friends.
WRONG-O right there. They dont like that form of familiarity. You dont know them and they dont know you so dont do this.
The rest is ok but the end here about disagreeing. It wont get you any points my friend.

Right, thats what I said....

Maybe you come across as prying when she’s not comfortable with you yet. People of both genders get defensive, it’s just that women tend to “shut down” and say nothing in response to the question while men go out of their way to defend themselves and their position

How about talking to her like you would when you’re getting to know a male stranger?

That kind of works, because here is the thing when we talk to each other as guys we are blunter. With women you talk to her like a guy but be more mindful of her feelings, so take your wording and make it softer and kinder.

No, i know what I did wrong, i took the convo too long thats all.

>i have ascended

tips fedora. you sound laughable my dude

It’s unfortunate but yeah you do have to be mindful of her feelings because that’s the barrier between a woman staying silent vs speaking her mind. If she feels threatened, attacked, or that you secretly think she’s a vapid whore it’s a no-go

No, women don’t hate men. They hate you.

Its always walking on thin ice for women.

They hate you too buddy. Just face the facts.

If you really can't stand it, you're better off not getting a gf until you find a girl who doesn't give a fuck about what you think of her and speaks her mind. Feminists often are like this but... lol

It infuriates you to know that women hate you, huh? You are alone and women dont care about how you feel but you pretend to not care. Sorry bro, its ok, maybe some day you wont be so beta.

The only women that hate all men are the inverse redpill ones. But all women do hate the men that don’t think of them as people (you)

I never said they werent people

I have a girlfriend and female friends. You sad, sad man. Please mgtow

Sure you do pajeet, i am sure she lives in canada where you own and run a karate studio too.

You get mad when women go outside to do things other than please your dick. that’s not how you treat a person

I never said that either, i dont care if women do stuff, they just dont like it when men around.

Really it boils down to women automatically assume all men are there to hit on them. That is what I was implying.

They dislike men harassing them for sure, especially when they explicitly say they’re not interested. Some of them get snippy even being approached which can be annoying but it’s not a sign of hatred of men. They just want to be left alone or with their girlfriends. Don’t take it so personal, that’s how you end up hating women

It helps to not hit on them. But if they’re being bitchy about you being in their presence at all who cares, it’s a public place and they can’t hurt you.

Oh I dont, really i dont, but from a distance and third party perspective any time a guy were to talk to a female and or group of females it is often unwanted.
And how they treat men is actually totally the opposite of compasion and its simply waved away like the guy has no feelings of his own. Basically when a guy talks to a female the guy has to take the female feelings into account but since the female is recieving it is often times shooed away with out a second thought regardless of how the male feels after words and that female is supported by her gal pals.

And I should say that the reason women are like this is because they have to deal of men like you, who they hate. They don’t hate all men otherwise the population would die out

>they cant hurt you
People have been thrown out of bars because of issues from women. I know us guys are a pain in the ass but at the same time women will come off as apiteful because of it.

>population would die out
I think you totally missed the point here user.

You’re a man, aren’t you used to bluntness from conversations with other men?
And rejection is not a lack of compassion. In fact most girls are really nice or at least non-aggressive about it and the ones that aren’t are just assholes, nothing to do with being female

You think every woman on earth hates her husband, father, son and male friends?

>And rejection is not a lack of compassion.
Oooooh nonononononono
I am not talking about rejection oh no, simply put i am talking about how women view men on a social scale. They already assume some people are assholes and even start rumors on people they dont know, they often are quick to judge no matter how much you try to be specific. This isnt about be rejected its how women are so judgemental that they look at men as agressors with out getting to know the individual.

One way or a other yes.
Talk to any woman and they will tell you what they hate about their son or husband or bf.

I am use to far worse than bluntness user. Especially from women i dont know or talked too. You would probably say, "well you must have done something wrong" but really women like to take their anger out on people like men do and you will be surprised how many women hold grudges over stuff that may not even exsiat.

This is an unfortunate effect from the actual harassment they usually receive from men. Men do have to go out of their way to show that they aren’t assholes because too many women have been date-raped or at least harassed by men they trusted. They are wary of men, but they genuinely don’t hate every single one.


But unfortunate harrassment carries on to a male who didnt do anything. Frankly a lot of resentment gets passed on and really its hate for the few men that end up being passed on to us all. You may not realize this but your emotions your actions are seen, often times comes of as contempt. Its not rejection, its the issue that you treat al men as possible rapists or monsters because of the jocks and the guy you "liked" turned out to be a douche.

>most girls are really nice or at least non-aggressive about it

I’m glad you recognize that the caution women usually have is not actual contempt.
Tbh if you’re a decent non-rapist and non-misogynist you should be fine and unaffected by this caution. It’s like locking your doors at night even if you like your neighbors.

I did and she broke my heart

You would think so. But often times those locked doors turn into security cams, motion sensors, alarms, big angry dog that attacks, electric fence, etc. There is being cautious and then there is over doing it and women have been over doing it like a mother fucker.


It’s not overdoing it until the fake rape allegations come out. Women not trusting men is unfortunate and annoying but it’s not like being attacked by your neighbor’s guard dog in your own yard

While I haven't dated anyone in a while, I have been friends with girls who are interesting.
The biggest hurdle I see is it can be hard to understand different interests. Eg, a lot of girls are really into fitness, jogging or something like that because they realize that they can't be treated like royals without it.
But jogging is not a fun conversation topic, so I get if that makes a person look boring as fuck.
Similarly, if your hobby is some game she doesn't care about, you sound boring too.

This user is right on.

I was using your imagery to make my point. Women over due it, they already judge a man to be an incel when he has a difference of opinion, or say anything you disagree with to a point women will feel ita an attack on their character.
But even then the point was that there is just over doing the outrage and overdoing their defence because of the evils of the few. Women take that stuff and take those stories both true and fake and use it for an excuse to be extreamly judgmental on a male's character.
Not every girl is like this but the hate every woman has is from the few men in power and that is expressed to the rest of us men. Its hard to realize that a male just want to talk but its even harder for a male to prove he isnt a monster.

>Its hard to realize that a male just want to talk but its even harder for a male to prove he isnt a monster.
Not in my experience. I guess I don’t come off particularly monstrous.

I don't either but it happens, the truth be told they do you do and they won't say it because they're afraid of you.

Of course there are. What would an autistic frogposter have in common with an interesting person though?

this has to be fake. what kind of retard brags about "sharpening his mind" using highschool math

They will never tell you. They are afraid of you. You are a monster or a powder keg waiting to happen. The fat ones try to set you off on purpose to prove you are a monster.

Probably the type of person who though basic algebra was too hard

why do people want an interesting gf

I just want a rich gf

You're an idiot

You're good

I have a gf who I like and she likes me. OP doesn't.

>in canada

>Please be a woman

if you are in an isolated clique and good looking enough you might find a girl who interests you on a level other than validation/sex

otherwise you will have to become a cool dude, so if you are a cool dude with a normal girl here is your answer

I don't know who the few cool girls out there are sexing, or what drove them to be cool, but I imagine it is random.

Tell me why you are interesting OP

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so much evil stuff written in this thread...
you can literally feel the pointless anger and judgement off some of the posts.

overcoming the social alienation and default low status (or resource leeching for high status) is a common issue for men of all cultures

thus the only way to get a good gf is ironically to have 5 good bros. once you are with them everything you do will be 100x more attractive and each of you will get a gf above his league because so few males genuinely care for other males the vibe that your group would give would massively attract women.

if you want to be the highest status duche who judges everyone as a loser or a mysoginst or whatever you might succeed but the girls you will get will be lower level than you and oftentimes have desire to hurt you

Maybe boring people attract boring people.

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Fuck you are actually right!
See in my early 20s i was with 5 good bros. I did everything parties and bar hopping and shows. Got hang with hot theater dancer girls. None i could get to date. I was still like i am now with women just trying too hard. But still it was a whole lot better now since we split up to live our lives. Fuck i miss my bro.

You realize women dominate the animal field right? Most vets, vet techs and vet assistants are women...
I think you're just tarded OP

Funny that you say that, as I feel the same way about men. They're generally absolute retards who can only think with their dick when they're around girls and try to puff up their chest to show how "unique" and "interesting" they are.

>I work out.
>I travel.
>I have a nice car.
>I play guitar.
>I enjoy popular music, TV, and video games but act like it makes me cultured.

With a woman I can discuss the complexities of a political issue for hours and build a comprehensive argument. With a man I only get to hear him talk about himself. No thanks.

>I can discuss the complexities of a political issue for hours and build a comprehensive argument
6/10 got me to laugh, you LARPing faggot

>I don't want to believe it, so it must be fake!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

This. Chicks love animals and nature and shit. Biology and animal science majors at my school are mostly female

or you'll make her.
just like everyone else does.

>With a woman I can discuss the complexities of a political issue for hours and build a comprehensive argument.
With out screaming? Oh because you are agreeing with eachother, ok no wonder?