Talk with a male friend who has absolutely NO feelings towards me

>talk with a male friend who has absolutely NO feelings towards me
>mention another guy who is also my friend
>get ghosted
He mentions his female friends to me and it doesn't bother me. And all I said about that other guy was that he recommended me a good film which we later discussed. Why ghost over something like this...

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Ask him, you lazy bitch

1. You were wrong about him having feelings, guys can't actively show that shit to a woman and still get results
2. What does "mention another guy" mean? What you actually said is important.

He ghosted you cause you're an annoying autist LOL

just don't take it personal and move on. this guy sounds like a shitty friend but maybe he had some sort of personal realization moment where he started prioritizing getting laid over having female friends (which he seems to have a lot) so he doesn't need you anymore. if he hits you up, i wouldn't be friends with this dope again

all guy "friends" are not really friends but use the guise to stay near you believing one day you'll wake up and be in love with them or have sex or both. I always make a point to talk about any guy I like around guy "friends" for exactly the result you experienced. Weeds them out or if they are foolish enough to stay around and live with the humiliation, thats their burden, not mine.

We were talking about movies and I said
>Mike told me to watch Stalker and he was right its an interesting movie but also kinda strange. When we talked about it later he said its based on some russian novels so maybe I'll read them to better get the movie

Nah,Mike is really chill and the dude who ghosted me was too. I was really into him some time ago and he made it clear that he doesn't reciprocate so I think he had a bitch fit for no reason

Doesn't reciprocate doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings. It's exactly like I said here
In the modern world a guy can't usually be outright into a woman and gain her favor. Guys generally don't talk to women unless they're interested in some manner.

Maybe he doesn't like guy? If you're suddenly into his enemy that would come across as a fairly sever betrayal.

Alternate theory: You come across as a raging misandrist when you speak of men like this, which means that quality men avoid you - which by extension also means the only guys that don't avoid you are shallow and disingenuous idiots themselves - thus reinforcing the original bias.

>Guys generally don't talk to women unless they're interested in some manner.
You say in a thread when there's guys talking to girls they're not interested in.

Don't be dense.

>so I think he had a bitch fit for no reason
So, do you like this guy but in denial? Thats the only reason I can think of if you don't see whats happened.

Seriously, there was this really chill guy I had and he would always deny, deny, deny when he acted pissy when he saw me talking to a guy and not him and I confronted him about it. Then I got a bf and he constantly talked shit about my bf and would blow up my phone at inopportune times so I had to stop talking to him. If he really was my friend he would be happy for me instead of trying his best for mess it up.

>his enemy
what does that have to do with me? most guys consider really decent guys an enemy but that doesn't mean I have to choose.

You talk from your butthole. I have had great bf's its the guys that lie to try and get into my panties the villain here.

If you were dating his enemy that would make you into an enemy as well. Regardless of whether they're into you or not, there's still two things that all guys take seriously. The first is protecting the people that they care about. The second related thing is doing so by keeping their enemies at a distance.

This is just a theory of course. The way to test it would be to talk about someone that's not this guy in particular.

He doesn't know him, totally separate social circles

I'm not in denial, I liked him alot in the past but got rejected so I moved on. We stayed friends because I got over my feelings. Whole thing happened ages ago. Normally your explanation would fit but I dont think it applies in my case. Maybe like some user said he ghosted me bc I'm annoying autist heh

It must have been something else. You didn’t even say you were into this mike guy, just that he told you something

>I'm not in denial, I liked him alot in the past but got rejected so I moved on. We stayed friends because I got over my feelings.

If your feelings can change, so can his. I went through the same thing, I was in love with my friend, he had a gf and rejected me. I worked really hard to get over my feelings and just be his platonic friend. But then he started getting pissy and jealous every time I would mention other guys I talk to, etc. I guess even if he didn’t love me back, he loved that I loved him? If that makes sense?

Maybe it’s the same with your guy and on some level he expected or wanted you to keep pining after him even after he rejected you.

That was some great leap in logic you just presented,are you sure you're not retarded?

Some guys don’t even need overt flirting or for you to say you like another guy to get jealous. My friend who I later found out had feelings for me would get upset just from hearing that I was texting other guys, content of said texts didn’t even matter. He’d also get jealous when I would say “gj” to guys other than him when we play vidya together.

You totally ignore what I think and who I like. Thats not up to some guy "friend" to determine for me nor should I ask permission to like whomever I want to like and be friends with. From my experience, most guys dislike a guy and call him an enemy because they are a sexual rival. Maybe they are and maybe they aren't but if I don't want the guy "friend" and I want the other guy the "friend" doesn't get a vote. The guy that wants in my panties doesn't get to prohibit me allowing another guy to get in them.

Men don't vote in that situation, they break contact. There are aspects in which you don't have a call too, plus ALL men are sexual rivals to other men. Nevermind this is a simple possibility that you're losing your shit over. We don't have enough information so you're getting possibilities.

>I liked him alot in the past
you should have said this earlier. he believes you should always like him even if he didn't want you and mad you may move on. I wouldn't be friends with him any more. I will tell you this. The time for making him jealous was when you liked him and before he first rejected you. There was this one guy I liked, he suspected but I was unsure so I agreed to a date (not a real date but hang out) with his friend. The guy I liked showed up where we went, came right over all fidgety and shaky, wanted to talk alone and when we did he kissed me. Mission accomplished!

>I guess even if he didn’t love me back, he loved that I loved him?
femanon you have this entirely CORRECT. Guys are like that and love to collect girls

Well then there are plenty of guys who would breal contact if you make it like that, and he's probably one of them. Not saying he's wrong, just a different set of morals than you.

>ALL men are sexual rivals to other men
and I guess it doesn't matter if I want any of them, you fight among yourself and believe the winner gets me. Men are crazy

>different set of morals than you
WHAT! What does morals have to do with liking whom I want to like despite what a guy "friend" thinks? You think the guy "friend" owns me and I must be a shamless hussy if I don't like HIM back and do what HE says.

Why is this such an issue? He likes you and you don't like him back so he just quit talking to you so he's not wasting his time. Get your feelings hurt if you want but it seems like he didn't value you as a friend

You dont owe him anything, but you have to understand that niether does he.
He has all right to end whatever relationship he has with you, and what you want does not and should not matter, he's not your dog.

OP here. Do you guys think I should ask him whats wrong? Idk, I'm not convinced that he is jealuous over the other guy so maybe its something else and we can resolve it?

Being pretty crazy and self-centered yourself.

Dont feel bad OP you didnt really do anything wrong. I'm not sure if you realize it but alot of women do this. You can always tell if a guy is insecure if you mention other guys. (Friends or otherwise)

He ghosted you, any attempt to contact him again is just going to make him feel like he won by getting you to come to him

If you mean I make decisions based on what I want and what makes me happy and not the demands of a guy I'm not involved with but wants to have sex with me. Ok I'm guilty

While this is true, thinking in terms of winning or losing in something so minor is childish.

Won what?

It doesnt seem like you made any decision, but are overly bothered about someone else's decision and want him to change that just because you want him to.

Don't feed the trolls/insane women. I can't tell which this is.

I agree, but no one said these are mature people
>girl not into guy
>guy stops talking to girl because of that
>girl notices and tries to salvage friendship
>guy takes it as sign she IS into him
Nobody wins but it's just going to cause more drama

This, she isn't the OP anyway

If you don't care what he thinks about the men you're dating then quit pretending he's a friend. Friends always get a vote.If a friend doesn't approve of any girl I'm dating then 9 times out of 10 that means the girl is out. Because they wouldn't be my friends if I didn't value their judgment.

'Bros before hos' is guy code 101, and it still applies even when the bros in question are girls and the hos in question are dudes.

We're both in early 20s but maybe still immature. Im just sick and tired of today's culture of ghosting. It leaves more questions than answers. And I miss my friend


Well then fuck him if you miss him so much

Guys don't hang around girls because you are good sports.

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I miss him as a friend, nothing sexual there

He wasn't your friend he was your orbiter. Unfortunately, he also had a sense of self-dignity, so he actually fucked off when he came to the self-realization that he wasn't a planet.

men and women CAN’T BE FRIENDS. only way it ever works is if both of you find each other unattractive or if one of you is homosexual. otherwise at least one of you will end up developing feelings, guaranteed.

He rejected her, not the other way around. Don’t orbiters jump at the chance to date the female they orbit?

he rejected me, so I assume he doesnt find me attractive
I used to find him very attractive, now I don't care because my feelings went away
so why can't we be friends?

Everyone in the thread has been telling you to just let him go but you insist on trying to stay "friends" with him
I don't get it

weve been friends for years so it's hard to let go

Girls too ah, everyone feels nice if someone decent catches feelings for them

Ask him, you're friends it's normal you ask what the fuck is wrong

It can be very inconvenient
Only retards like collecting people's hearts