Jow Forums
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Advice #201
Be me
How do I view women as humans and not as NPC's?
What makes someone a girlfriendless virgin at the age of 30?
Do people legitamately get better after high school...
The only people worth knowing are those who are willing to sacrifice something meaningful for the greater good...
How do we ban literally Hitler?
Becoming a "cult" leader
How do I approach random girls on campus and ask them out?
Canadian Native American Boyfriend
Hey anons!
Gf thinks watching porn is cheating
About half a year ago,my gf of 4+ years and I went through a time of constant arguing...
What would you do if you had a girlfriend you got along with really well that you MAYBE wanted to marry one day?
ITT: ask the opposite gender anything
I had sex with a girl I met from tinder, and I didn't use a condom. At the time I thought she's 19...
How do I become known as an expert in my field?
I lost my virginity to a $260 hooker yesterday
Am I paranoid, or...?
Planning on marrying my fiance
Need some serious advice Jow Forums
Been dating a girl for about 2 and a half years and she revealed today she had a miscarriage 9 months ago...
I am a 23-year-old dude that's living with a fantastic girlfriend so to speak for over a year now...
Be me
How do you cope with the constant urge to just give up?
Femanon here
Should I just let myself get fucked by other dudes? I'm not gay, but I'm desperate for sexual attention...
If I become muscular, can I get girls to want to be with me? Will they want to hug me...
A sick thought that has me aroused and embarrassed
I've been working for kroger for the last couple of months and I've had no Issues. Until now...
A while ago I was posting on here about my gf meeting her ex-bf from HS who is now a junkie in our apartment for dinner...
Offering Advice
I'm 29, and my dreams of becoming a cartoonist failed miserably...
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Be me
My wife got fired
Wax buildup reEEEEE
Didn't get invited to a halloween party that all my friends were invited to
Will my standards make me unhappy?
How does a black person "escape the hood"...
Smelly Butt
How do you move on in life when the person who's been the only reason besides your parents who's kept you alive leaves...
Nobody invited me to anything for Halloween
ITT Free Dating Advice
Ask the Opposite Gender Anything
How can I get over XXX’s death ever since he died it’s left a mark on me
Erectile Dysfunction
Can men still find a girl attractive with body acne? Like on the shoulders, back, breasts, stomach...
My father is disappointed of me
Guys if you are really attracted to a girl or like her, does her having a boyfriend stop you or no?
Should my bf be the one to compromise?
Is there a cure for depression?
Good evening anonymous, I hope you're having a good week so far
How to have kids?
I am cursed with being beautiful. Like no joke, when several people look at me...
So I moved in with a female roommate and she's falling hard for me. Making jokes about having kids and shit...
Is it possible to turn yourself into a sociopath?
I want to learn an asian language
Where to hide sex toys and fem clothes??
I had a colonoscopy 4 months ago, because I was shitting alot of blood. The doctor said I was fine and healthy...
Just out of curiosity, what does this meme (pic related) imply? Or more like the meaning of this meme...
MGTOW - I want to believe but people are too damn hardcore about it
Under what circumstances would you say that getting back with an ex is a good idea?
Was meant to be getting married next week to the love of my life
Im going to do limb lengthening surgery
How do people make peace with living an insignificant life...
GF is a trans activist
How do you pick an online user name for games?
What kind of a career can you do if literally the only thing you care about/what motivates you is other people’s...
How do I deal with disparity in 'body count' between me and my gf?
Are there any people here who are in a relationship with a depressed man or woman while NOT being depressed yourself?
How do women feel about men who cuddle with other men?
I constantly neg my gf and flirt with other girls in front of her to lower her self worth because she’s more...
My long-term girlfriend's thinking about cheating on me
ITT Ask someone with borderline personality disorder who still managed to brute force his way into a career anything...
What is your favorite position to sleep in?
Guys would you date a girl if she wasn't particularly smart but nice and super attractive?
GIOYC / Get it off your chest
I'm in a mess and I still haven't realized it
Poisons - How To Shoot Web
How can I improve, in your opinions
User's who text their bf/gf or SO every single day... what the hell do you fuckers talk about?
If I never ask a girl out, will I be a virgin forever?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Is wanting to be a stay at home mother unrealistic?
Would this be of sufficient height to kill me? I’m tall but not excessively so...
Is my girlfriend too fat? She has the exact same body as the girl on the right...
Should I just ask?
Tfw soon you will stop existing
Is it a bad idea to text someone if they don't messege you first?
Dropping out
Am I being unreasonable?
What does a blowjob feel like?
I am deeply in love with two different men, but neither are okay with the idea of an open relationship. Wtf do I do?
Rejected again
Single in your thirties
Why do people cheat?
A friend of mine was not let into the country on a tourist visa, she was detained and now is being sent back...
How to make a relationship last?
Asking men: Are we men supposed to pay for the woman on a date?
Cutting all contact with a lover or keep being friends
H e l p
Now I have been a virgin my entire life and no girl has ever wanted to kiss me let alone be near me...
Boyfriend in the middle of an argument that’s too tedious to explain, tells me
Is my wife right?
As an atheist, how can I achieve the fulfillment and meaning that religious people have?
I went through my boyfriend’s phone and found out he’s been texting this girl every single day for the past 8...
Any tips for getting over someone that acknowledges they like you, and would have dated you...
Bang Thots on weekend
Good Evening Anonymous! Got a problem with sex and relationships? Job driving you nuts? Mental health issues...
Love gf to death
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
I've been with my gf for a few years now and I noticed she's borderline obsessed with skincare...
Be me
I cant get hard to real wymmyn no more
Seeking brutal honesty
Bf turned into Chad?
I'm confused about what I am...
OMFG I just want a girlfriend, please, some girl, please let me love you and hold you and take care of you...
Help me feel like i'll find someone better
Why do I hate black people?
I'm 5'11" and planning doing Limb Lengthening, what's the ideal height?
What do I do if I have a curse trapping me in my small town?
Suicide Help
Women really are just large children who mature at 13-16 aren't they?
How to know if you appear to be an awkward nerd or a badass stoic dood?
What the fuck is the point of it all? I don't get genuine pleasure or pride or joy from anything...
Serious question to femanons
Go online
If women want a man who will stick around then why do they flake more often?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Is it ever ethical to ghost a person?
My girl complains that although I can make her cum multiple times...
Is it okay to quit a job I hate doing
Is it normal for people in a relationship to keep acting flirty with other people?
Sister gonna kill herself soon, help
I just beat the everliving Christ out of a guy. He was trying to drag a girl I’m into into his car...
I knew my best friend of ~5 years had a thing for me, but it was never really a big deal, at least to me...
How could I cope with the fact that I'll never get a gf due to my hair falling out...
I'm so bored with my life. I want to go on an adventure or just do fucking something. I'm late 20s...
Want to know why women wont fuck you most of the time incels? Its because you're horrible people. Genuinely awful...
At university
Help me not be cuck
What is it like to date a borderline personality disorders woman?
I'm better than other people
Tfw 29
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
You just walked into a new barbershop
I am a nurse, need advice?
My therapist took advantage of me and almost ruined my life and everyone wants me to report her but i can't do it so i...
Me and my boyfriend were out shopping and ran into this girl like 17-19 years old (we’re in our late 20’s)...
Anyone else grew up with a feminist family; or generally all women?
To all guys out there
Excuse me for my autism but where is the line drawn between Flirting and Sexual Harassment
I spent my entire 20s in a relationship with a BPD woman who wouldn't let me have much of a social life and I never got...
Too much bulli
At what age was the happiest time of your life?
Does dating and finding the right person get easier after High School?
How can i get around in canada without a passport?
Girlfriend can't take it
Is my lawyer a piece of shit? should I fire him?
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Getting Rejected on Purpose
How can I persuade a woman to have sex with me? I'm 26 years old and have never touched a girl before
Controversial Opinions
What do girls mean with the word cute, handsome and hot when describing a guy?
I am an over 30 virgin. I have only had one horrible relationship with a 5/10 girl with BPD who allowed only oral
What's the appeal of having a boyfriend except for sex?
Is my wife an NPC?
Why can't I talk to women...
At what age should you stop wearing backpacks? And what can I/should I replace my backpack with...
Sexual Troubles in Marriage
How do you stop being an edgy and retarded piece of shit...
If you could have karma arrive today to your ex, what would it look like?
I'm a 28 overweight khv with generalized anxiety disorder...
Ask a psychologist what you want to know about the topic
I've spent the last decade as an avid anime fan...
How can a short guy ( 5'5 and a half ) make himself look bigger and appear manlier to women with exercise...
I accidentally came on to/flirted with my ex boyfriend's friend. I was drinking and said too much to him
I need help flirting
Anons, my boyfriend found out that I have a really messed up fetish for horses last night...
What is the appeal of having a girlfriend except for sex?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Does a large penis loosen a vagina?
Femanon here. Why does my guy friend hate it when I call him bro or dude...
Going out, Social life, Partying
How do I ruin someone's life or at least make it considerably worse...
Grown man but still live at home and love your mommy? Don't be ashamed. Be loud and proud here
My girl will fall in love with me forever if I take her virginity?
Is it true most women feel unsafe around men in general...
It's bumming me out to think that, by any measure, women simply aren't as sexual as men...
How can I hurt myself without my boyfriend noticing? We live together and I tend to be naked a lot around home...
I am currently cheating on my wife with 2 different women
What is the appropriate response when somebody confesses love for you?
Virgin seeking relationship advice
Why are white girls the worst people to interact with?
How/at what age did you come to terms with the fact you would have to settle for someone you didn't find physically...
I've recently taken the redpill very hard (full on national socialist, avid follower of Rockwell, Evola...
So I want to move to the UK for a few months. I'm American, but I have EU citizenship as well. I'd want to get a b.s...
Help me. I might be in trouble
How to stop being less attractive?
Gameplan to avoid HIV?
I have any chance in the dating market ?
Why can't guys here confess to girls that they like?
How do i stop caring about people?
I'm a 4/10 however due to my relatively high IQ (131 : WAIS - IV, s.d...
Real talk how are you supposed to afford bills if you're a full time student?
I'm 22 and don't know any girls
I'm 5'6'' male...
How do I get better at pronouncing and speaking English?
What's the best language to learn after English? I already know Portuguese, and was considering French...
Ask People pretending to be the opposite gender anything
Was I in the wrong here?
User who loved his gf got friendzoned
What do you do to make yourself feel better
Reasons Not To Kill Yourself
Im a pajeet, how do I get an American accent ?
Out with the old in with the new
Why do good girls like bad guys?
In a few hours I have to look "depressed enough" to be put on a "you're too sick to work for life" system that my...
Does porn.. or should i say is porn a good thing, ultimately for society?
How do I Become Fun to be Around?
My SO of 4 yrs
Should I go to a strip club?
I just found out that my gf cheated on me...
What things do you like a girl moaning in bed?
Advice for Dating a Military Chick
Please help me
My girlfriend (27) has a stuffed bear she got from her first bf that she broke up with five years ago...
Angrily ghosted trump supporter guy i was interested in
Unironically Where are all the good women at?
Technology that can cure depression
I don't think I have the mental strength to be successful in this life...
Should I tell my boss that I'm going to start looking for another job soon because they can't provide health insurance?
19f >Half Japanese >Virgin > Lives in University >Constantly approached and stalked by guys >Forced to lock myself in...
Yikes guys, kinda hurts a lot just experiencing unrequited love. I've been able to manage it but today it just hurts...
I'm a bad person
Shot at co-worker, maybe
Someone who I cared about very much out of the blue told me to stop contacting her. Do I have a right to ask why...
I want to shoot a few people in my school...
My sister brought back a Nigerian man home last night. They both smelled of Marihuana and ate dinner with no manners...
So I slept over at this girls house we had sex for hours and I couldn't cum...
Does fapping cause balding? Will stopping fapping slow it down?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Boys Vs Men
What to do my part in society and produce a family...
Discussing things such as empathy and improvement
What do women want?
I guess my daughter is a furry?
I'm in a ldr. We were together for a while before I moved and we decided to continue on with our relationship
Yesterday, my boyfriend performed for me a short love song that he wrote. Before he began...
Femanons, in what order are these things important to girls generally
The equivalent of the homeless at the bus station edition
Is it "cool" to never smile and laugh?
Why do women attach some emotional significance to sex and men don't? I know the biological reasons...
Is it possible to get house arrest instead of doing a probation sentence?
Don't know what to do
Hit girl with pillow
I tried to kill myself yesterday
Hey Jow Forums
I just cheated on my girlfriend. I feel like shit, and I can't tell her. It would break her heart beyond anything...
How do you control envy?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
Last time I had the chance, I asked an ex coworker if he'd be DTF...
Asked out a girl... got interesting answer
Is it wrong to have sex with my friend's ex?
Breaking up with my girlfriend
Long time lurker and shitposter: I need some advice for lying
ITT: Ask for Advice
Serious help needed please
GF best friends are males
Girl issue
Toy or possible fuck
See a hooker
What is your first impression of me? Rate me out of 10. What can I do to be more attractive?
PLEASE READ, I promise its short
How the fuck do i go from introvert to extrovert? Im tired of all the missed opportunities...
Is there really a reason to try and be happy? To follow your dreams?
How do you become content with doing worthless shit jobs for the rest of your life and knowing you’ll never actually...
Why do people ghost each other? Why not just confront the person, or dump them?
Getting Busted
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
How can I become a serious person? My friends treat me as the funny guy in the group...
ITT:Rate your life 0-10
Role reversal in relationship, dont like it
Gf of 1 month that I started talking to in June broke up w me over text...
Band dilemma - need advice
Is meditation real ?
One good and one bad thing that happened to you recently
How to tell if a coworker is sincerely asking you to have lunch with them?
I'm a 26 year old shutin virgin (although I have a degree)...
I'm a 25 year old woman and I want to start dating
Most of my friends and all of my "family" forgot about my birthday can you guys tell me happy birthday
Reasons to start smoking?
Got 1 cannabis joint
I need some outward opinions on this
To all cheating anons, how do you keep it up? Any stories and tips to share?
What is the youngest do you think a 29 year old guy could date?
Distracting co worker
How can I get a cute gf that likes baking and other cute feminine things? Trannies need not apply
I'm going over to a girls house to sleep over...
It's been 2 weeks since our wedding and my bride still wishes not to consummate our marriage...
I have hemorrhoids and I don't want to waste 500 dollars on a fucking doctors visit
Apparently size matters and now what? What are you going to do about my small or average penis size? Can anyone explain?
I want to date a server at one of my favourite restaurants. I'm thinking of being a regular, getting to know her a bit...
Hopelessly in love with new girl at work
Is there anyway to get good at math? or am I doomed? I have trouble with basic multiplication most of time
Is coffee worth drinking?
30+ Thread
What's the point of working at a job if you only make $200 a month?
How do I stop being racist...
Should I rejoin society? How do I?
I was at the bar with some acquaintances of mine and when I put my hand on that grill's thigh she didn't mind it at all...
How does one make money selling nudes as a female? especially without showing face
Ask the opposite sex anything
Aside from a suit, what is the most attractive clothing for guys?
Gf and i have been dating for about 3 months now
How do i afford to live alone on a £1250 month wage in Scotland ?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Guy in work
What question would you ask a being that literally knew the answer to everything?
Finally get loving normie bf
Is this true?
Is it worth putting in all that work just to get a gf?
My gf's vagina smells very strong. I've been around a good amount of vaginas...
I'm going to quit smoking Jow Forums cold turkey
Not born Asian so will never be an academic high-achiever
How do I deal with ADHD without medication?
What happens if you dont pay taxes on your own business...
I'm starting to think I may be pregnant. I have no one to talk to abndI can't get tested...
My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and intend to get married later on...
Me and my girlfriend just had another huge fight...
Lets say you have a gf. She goes to a party and you tell her to be safe. She comes back saying she got raped...
Good Evening Anonymous! It's Sunday night again! Got a problem with sex/relationships? Job giving you the blues...
Should I commit suicide if I can’t get into the college I want?...
Need a good suicide method
What's the best advice you've ever heard?
Why do I feel a tingling buzz feeling behind the top part of my head. It is where the frontal part of my brain is...
He hates me more than he loves his son
I'm 26 years old and still live with my parents
How to get a nonNPC gf?
Now what?
ITT: Ask the opposite sex anything
"Hooking up"
Where my /sad/gals at
Psychologists of Jow Forums: redpill me on the link between BPD/ASPD and childhood trauma...
Can becoming very skinny make up for being an ugly girl? My face is huge...
Is it better to wife religious girls ? atheists seem dead inside
Committing Fraud to Pass a Class
My wife is a reddit model (she posts sexy pictures in exchange for donations...
Give me the exact how-to on committing suicide through benzos and alcohol
How do men get matches on Tinder? I have a wide variety of photos and a personalized bio...
Anyone here who has extraordinarily bad luck? How do you deal with it?
How could I make conversation last for more than 30 sec...
Get called handsome or cute by females at work that are already in relationships or married
Gay blowjob
I want to try tinder but I really don't want anyone to know I'm on there. I really don't...
Is a bigger dick attractive to women because of the confidence usually attached, or is it actually more stimulating?
How the fuck do I get all my international friends to stop being such assholes about me being American...
How can I get back at a girl if she's scared of me and threatens me with police?
Using my final years
Balding fucking sucks. What do I do
Can I have some opinions on this?
I'm a dumb...
Why do people cheat in relationships?
What's the point of bothering with dating is every single girl alive exclusively wants Chad?
If you work a 9-5 everyday workout eat and sleep your soul is drained...
Can I get some advice on what is the best app to browse Jow Forums on iphone...
I am lonely
So basically when you're looking for an attractive girl to settle a little while with...
I'm thinking about changing my name before I graduate college...
Online dating/ insecurities
Dis true? (See photo)
What makes you think you are capable of giving good advice?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I'm talking to this 7/10 girl who has a boyfriend...
Be 24 y/o kissless virgin aspie
How to meet girls when you hate socializing?
Is it true that Asian women are more family oriented and less likely to cheat on you than western women...
I'm considering doing LSD next week. Anything I should be cautious about? Any major reasons to avoid it?
Start Talking
Be 30
On tinder
Just saw my moms nudes
Movie made my new boyfriend cry, now I'm turned off by him
My gf is cheating on me and I have the guy's number
Fucking done scros
I am dating a girl who is "planning" our relationship by asking me countless questions (even about marriage and sex) in...
Weird Girl
How do I develop the ambition and ruthlessness of Daniel Plainview?
Why does most of Jow Forums think being female is easier?
Knowing how to Fuck
How do I accept that I'll never have a family on my own? I thought dedicating my free time to lifting would help...
35 y/o unemchildless virgin with a cold
Hey adv, a troubled femanon here
I'm balding, really badly
Anyone else feel this way or know why it happens?
How to get rich? I'm tired of my life. I'm 19, a student(accounting and finance), in the UK
My boyfriend really likes this one candy store in our city. Every time he goes, he picks up specialty candy for himself...
Since I was a kid I’ve always been that awkward kid bcz of traumas and shit...
Is my father a pedophile?
Weird girl
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I live in Australia and I'm in love with someone from the States but I regularly sleep with women to try and kill the...
Brothers keep jacking off in the bathroom with their phones
I want a divorce, but it's confusing af and I can't afford help
28 Year old male here. I was raped as a kid...
This is why I don't make the first move
My boyfriend beat me this morning. how do I stop wanting him? even now all I want is for him to hold me
Free Speech is irrelevant
Talk me out of trying to become a lawyer
If you think school is too much for your mental health is it a good idea to quit?
My virginity was important to me, I lost it to my boyfriend whom I had been in love with years before we started dating...
Can I get a step by step guide on how to convince a woman to have sex with me?
How do I find out some bad shit about someone online? If I have a name/Area...
How do I stop loving boys
My girlfriend is too friendly with other men and doesn't see anything wrong with it. I never confronted her about it...
Why is getting a girlfriend laughably easy for 99% of men...
My fiancee just cheated on me
On numerous occasions, I've fucked multiple different girls on the same day
Can a woman truly respect a man if his fetish includes being submissive?
Is the whole "Travel while you're young" thing a meme? I'm 20, and I ponder this constantly...
Pic related
Feeling like there's something wrong with me F(18)
Only girls I'm physically attracted to are 15--20
Been dating a girl since we were both 16 (now we are 19)
40 hours a week for $100k a year doing something I will hate or 80 hours a week for $75k a year doing something I might...
The only girls that ever interest me are incredibly out of my league
What are your thoughts on open relationships?
Me and my girlfriend just recently had a baby boy...
Do men like when women wear less makeup?
Why do I feel like I changed? My friends also say I did. I don't laugh at the same things anymore...
Girlfriend's ex boyfriend used to post nudes of her with half her face cut off in pics you shouldn't share threads on...
Brother won't change
Am I ever gonna get over the fact I'll never fuck an 18 year old? How? I'm 33 so actually doing it isn't an option...
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Why do guys usually encourage their girlfriends to dress "modestly"...
Sex is awkward
I'm so flat I'll never be able to get titfucked and I'll never know how to please a man with my breasts...
Pussy unresponsive
How do I raise my daughter's so that they won't dress like this?
Have 10/10 coworker
When to quit?
You're an old soul
Are all women bisexuals?
GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest
Honestly, how do people date in 2018?
Do girls like bodies like this?
Why do women struggle to achieve orgasm?
I did it anons. I found a pure, innocent girl just trying to find her place in the world...
Why do my feet hurt when I wear most shoes...
I have an old email address for her from 10 years ago that no longer works, and this single old pic
Is finding a girl really as hard as r9k makes it out to be?
Pussy eating
How should I accept the fact that I will be alone for the rest of my life?
Work for small company, 8 people in office, 2 guys 6 girls
Why do NPCs like to pretend that they are socially awkward but would shun real socially awkward people like most...
This fucking creep just took a picture of me on the bus wtf??...
I'm addicted to collected women's hair. How do I stop?
Bored Faggots
Women are only sexually attracted to the top 20% of guys
How do I stop being insecure about not having friends?
Need female advice on sex and intimacy
I have established a friendship with a 7/10 girl...
How do you make yourself more approachable for girls?
I'm 19 and I wish I had my innocence back
No sex = weak
Why do most people take drugs
What do you think about girls chasing guys?
How do I get my skin to NOT do this every single time I shave...
Can't get it up with my GF
Very close on quitting college
Should I just sit alone at a bar until a girl approaches me?
30+ Thread
Friends with lolicon fetish
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
My friends are all working six figure jobs in tech. I went to do my own startup and failed miserably after three years
Older dude talking to younger girls
I was hit by a car today while I was biking to work...
Didn't see a thread. Time to start one...
Girlfriend wants me to be more Manly WTF does that even mean?
30+ men in college who've been successful at scoring with much younger college-age girls (hookups or dating)...
In love with 2 women, help!
Should I circumcise my baby boy?
Rejected by a girl again, I'm tired of approaching women
What are some good lite-philosophy books about life, existence, and/or self improvement?
How do I get involved with BDSM?
All right fellas enough is enough. How do I get a girlfriend? I'm 20 and I've never even held hands...
Should I quit gaming? is it a waste of life?
How and why do women manage to make you question whether you're even allowed to love the things you do?
Why do no girls ever interest me?
What is a strong man like?
What are you waiting/ hoping for?
Erection problems
Rope or cliff?
When is it too late to date women who are in their late teens to early 20s? I'm 19 and I still don't feel ready to date...
Theres this guy at school who LITERALLY insults me until school is over. any advice pleas...
TL:DR People are trying to get me to join the Navy, what should I know before deciding if I should join?
A break from all the "tfw no gf" questions
Do you guys think this is a normally portioned meal?
Missed dating at the age girls were actually attractive
How do I get over the fact that my girl is more sexually experienced than me...
How do you know whether someone really does not have a single aggressive bone in their body or is actually full of...
Cuckolding date
Husband found out I did porn, now he's destroying our marriage
Women, how do you view awkward guys?
I started living with my gf recently...
I was strung out on prescription amphetamines that turned me into a zombie that only focuses on schoolwork and kills...
My girlfriend broke up with me, saying that she leans on me too much and she needs to figure out how to be on her own...
Just change your personality bro
Are you ugly?
I have difficulty socializing
I need girl advice, /biz
I have super bad dark circles. Are there any good remedies to get rid of them? inb4 "eat healthy, sleep well"...
Why do people still bother with online dating when infinitely easier to find someone in real life?
Question about masculinity
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I need a psychologist or sociologist, or someone with a background in either, to help me figure something out
Why do white women always scream rape?
I had SEX with a friend for PITY
Born in cold shitty small town
I had a dream I murdered someone and then fucked their corpse. I woke up with jizz in my pajamas...
I'm very redpilled, I'll drop some advice to the losers of this board for free
Stung by a scorpion
Give it to me straight
What does it mean if an aspie is skirting the topic i.e. not giving any clear yes/no response...
Why is violence discouraged?
Date girl for year
I'm getting kicked out tomorrow...
How do girls react to hitting the wall
ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything
Tell me what's bothering you, anons. I'll do my best to listen and advise
Are you lonely /adv?
How do men beat women at the gender war?
Babies are Cancer
I wish to be dumber but more hot
How do i find a girl to do pic related with?
Am I racist?
I want to break-up with gf but I'm worried she'll commit suicide, help me
Try nofap and hit the gym last spring
How to get over my hate for women?
I can only cum when I fuck my gf in the ass
Just turned down sex cause she was drunk
I want a clingy bf
The user 8 ball
How do people waste their lives working shitty full time jobs and see it as what they're supposed to do?
Gayfag here
Female Prisoner Penpals
Do you think it is worth it to work 70 hours a week for 50,000 dollars a year?
I feel insecure about being thin and flat-chested. Swimsuits look bad on you, women always make fun of you...
Good Evening Anonymous!
How do I fool myself into thinking that people aren't horrible?
School troubles
So I'm a fatass weirdo introverted femanon interested in a lanky autistic aspie guy...
Not interrupting women or mansplaining
I hate being black
All of my problems come from the fact that 9 years ago, when I was 11...
Looking for a drug combination in order to OD
What can I do to make the most of my twenties? I'm 20 next April. I wasted my entire life up to this point
Why doesn't he want to see me?
Gf issue
Why do people assume Im gay all the time? Im socially awkward, have pretty niche interests...
Tired of being called "adorable"
How can I forgive my parents for fucking me up (albeit involuntarily) they way they did?
How do stop my puffy hair?
Is it ok to have an imaginary girlfriend?
Is it unfair of me to want my future wife to be a virgin when I myself have had oral sex one time with my...
My current bf is sleeping with my ex bf
Why do girls/the world only seem to like guys if they are reserved and gruff? I just want to be happy, smiley...
How do you feel about short hair on average-looking women? Models cutting their hair is one thing...
Am I a sociopath/psycopath? This is a serious question
I posted late night about the used towels in the house my
ITT: ask the opposite gender anything
Cuckold or no?
Tattoo cover
Daily reminder:
People who thought they'll never get a girlfriend / boyfriend but got one, what did you change about yourself?
Where does an octave begin?
Why would a girl I went on a successful date with (out for ages...
What is the difference between confidence and arrogance?
I'm 30 years old, and I suffer premature ejaculation
So I was banging a chick and she started bleeding (not period) and I got blood all over my todger. Is that normal...
Why is it so hard to get a gf? Compared to getting a degree and a well paid job, it seems impossible
Advice please
Is it normal to have a fear of sex? shit seems fucking nasty desu
How the hell do I meet women that aren’t extremely basic?
Is casual sex something that someone in his late twenties is supposed to be having a lot of...
Today my anxiety and depression has flared once again leaving me with an urge to blow my brains
My girlfriend wants a threesome
Is ugly gf better than no gf?
Do you guys think its okay to smoke weed if im medically allowed to on probation?
Is my bf cheating on me
Anxiety thread
How do I get over the feeling for love over a girl who is taken?
Meet cute girl
What's unironically the best advice you've received that you use in today's world?
Have had severe depression for the entire semester
Can a virgin still have an outie?
Dating a ENFP as a INTP?
>fetish for Germans
How fucked am I?
I've stumbled upon the red pill handbook
Half-Sister getting a divorce,should i pursue her?
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
I had this girl come over who I used to hangout with years ago when she was in a relationship and there was always...
A male doctor saw my wife's vagina today. I was there and nothing inappropriate happened at all...
How do I get a qt black gf?
How do I deal with NPCs on campus?
What career would you into if you had unlimited funds to learn about it and weren't a brainlet, and could learn stuff?
Is it a good idea to pay an escort just to cuddle with me? I don't even interested in fucking her...
Be single mom
Mom tried to rape me?
Call doctor for medical marijuana
What qualities do women find attractive in men?
Girls under 25, would you date a guy over 25?
My crush got stood up by her boyfriend and wants me to spend the day with her at the renaissance fair...
My fiance of 4 years (been together 12 in total) has absolutely ZERO sex drive...
I find most guys really unattractive
Gf suggested dressing like a slut for Halloween
How do I land a manic pixie dream girl?
Mom, who doesn't even have high school diploma, says I need to go to college
Be diagnosed bipolar
Be me, virgin
Beard Jow Forumsice
Are most girls bad looking without makeup?
How to start a conversation with a girl on the street or in a cafe?
Normies will get infuriated if you even imply you want a virgin gf
Heading to apartment last night
Why is bumble so shit?
I just got on addrall for adhd about 2 months ago...
This use to be my favorite board and now the Jow Forums cunts have completely overran it...
Help me Jow Forums, no matter how many hookers I fuck, I'm still lonely. What should I do?
Do women get like "holy shit I need some dick" horny or are they always normal and only get aroused when they find...
Hey anons, strange question
Prev sexual partners?
Hey Jow Forums
I'm getting engaged to this great guy and we both agreed we won't do anything sexual until we're married...
Random dude in club started shit with me for no reason
A girl I was interesred in got a boy friend, any tips on how to move on and get over her?
Can a relationship work if I'm not particularly attracted to his body or lifestyle?
What can someone do RIGHT now to look better? Replies other than "work out" are welcomed!
What kind of man gets bitches like this?
I just saw a fucking alien
How do I get a gf that isnt a fucking NPC...
What is the best dating and relationship advice you have?
Mom is getting laid off from her job next month
It's late and I'm bored. Anyone want some advice from a real fem user? Shoot
I've just realised what Nietzsche means by 'God is Dead.' This universe is absolutely fucked...
Gf is an SJW
How do I stop wanting to be a woman. Every time I look in the mirror I feel disgust
Is it generally a bad sign when a girl you’re on a date with spits “Men are fucking PIGS...
How do I stop being a sadist?
I turned eighteen years old a few days ago and I’m going to kill myself tomorrow...
I'm talking with a guy who says he is extra busy nowadays and he takes weeks to respond. Like 7-20 days...
I want my boyfriend to abuse me, and I have no idea why. I want him to control every single thing I do...
I consider doing leg lengthening surgery
Just wanted to say thanks to the advice you guys gave me
Why do men want sex with plus sized women but won't date them? It pisses me off
Is this too fat
New gf doesnt want to have sex
How to deal with the fact that she doesn't want you, never has, is already taken and that it's going to be a long time...
How do I find a gf to go on road trips with?
My sister asked me if I wants to try dating a girl she knows from work who is my age
I'm in a bit of a predicament. Grew up in an EXTREMELY physically and mentally abusive household...
Wills and who gets my money
I'm bored, who needs adviceb
How do I stop thinking?
Help me find a new job
How do i lose my virginity?
I was considering suicide for the past few weeks since my life hit a new low and I'm pretty much ready to give up...
So yea I pulled back from messaging my gf all the time and sometimes she messages me this phrase: "why didn't you...
Do I need to have female friends in order to have sex and get a gf? Is that the piece of the puzzle I'm missing...
Talking to girls for noobs
Social cues
I broke up with my gf 5 days ago...
How viable is a physics degree if i want to earn a respectable living...
I was in a relationship for close to seven years, from 2007 through the March of 2014...
Why are people allowed to be bad?
How come I have a totally regular life except I don't get any at all?
Is there any respectable career where it’s beneficial to be infinitely stubborn?
Is respecting women a good idea?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Help mey
So none of the other jobs, other than McDonalds have called me back...
ITT we share stupid decision
My gf just hit me with the bombshell that she thinks all drunken sex is rape, and got really angry when I disagreed
Old one's dying
I Feel Like I Always Need to be 'On'
No bullshit, what are ways I can start being a substantially happier person today?
I want to become a stay at home mom
How do I get a 100 girl harem?
My sister has a problem with inappropriate masturbation. She's 20, lives with me, doesn't make much money...
Talk to girl for couple months
Women wait for Mr. Right to walk through the door and approach them
Pair bonding issue?
Does wearing makeup sitting on the face all day drastically ages the skin?
What do I do if im on probation and constantly afraid of failing...
How do i hook up with coworker?
Tl;dr My wife is working as a prostitute, should I confront her or go see a lawyer and start preparing for a divorce?
Met a nice girl, hit it off
Can't concentrate on work because of sex
How do u tell apart a whore from a good girl?
Cold approach
People I cut out of my life keep trying to get back in and act hurt when I tell them it's not happening...
My cat frequently shakes her head and is having balancing issues not to the point of falling over...
Is this kind of hairstyle too childish for an 18 year old...
How do you flirt with a girl
Annoying roommate
How could I accept that I'm too ugly to get a gf?
So my girlfriend works for Starbucks and has recently been promoted...
My ex-girlfriend was raped abroad
Need help
Did leftism kill my friend
I cheated on my girlfriend
So after being separated from my wife for nearly 5 months, she asked if I would like to go on a date this weekend...
Why do girls only wear ankle-length socks?
Short Guy Dating
These are the conditions my mother lives in. This is a picture of her bed...
Never spend money on a girl you haven’t fucked yet...
Pulling out
So, say I see a cute girl who I have never seen before, and may never see again living in a big city...
No GIOYC thread?
How does the process of getting a gf work
I hate my roommate
Should I pick up smoking? It looks fun
How do you know if you're good looking or not...
Help me please
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
How do i minimize my social interaction at college?
My Loliconcerns
What if I just give up trying to lose my virginity and just accept being permavirgin? Losing weight didn't work out...
Got beat up by bf's old side chick
Housewife problems
Improved my appearance
How am I supposed to cope with the fact, that I'll be a kissless virgin for my entire life...
How are you?
Why do men kill themselves more than women?
Why are men so obsessed with their dicks...
So I fell in love with my gf's little niece. I'm 24, she's 18...
I know my gf lies about her past, number of guys she fucked and sexual things she did with them
How the fuck do I not kill myself on probation?
How many dildos is it normal for a woman to own...
What are some legitimate reasons that an entire month and change would be missing from Google maps timeline history?
What's a non-cringe way to ask a girl out at work?
What am i doing wrong Jow Forums? Every other guy just wears jeans and a crew cut tshirt or a hoodie and track pants...
QUICK, somebody tell me how old this woman looks
I finally lost my virginity at 31...
How do I ever get over my crush? I'm keeping busy and avoiding him starting now...
Every time I do something in front of this girl, I hear her call me cute or something similar...
I'm about to break up with my gf because of her sexual past giving me anxiety
Are there late bloomers on this board who, when they first had sex, their partner couldn't tell that they were a virgin?
Fucking horrifying dreams
My boyfriend is suffering from severe depression. He says he’s dead inside...
I waited too long to have sex
Good day anons
How do i stop getting flaked on on Tinder?
ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
How long do you wait for somebody...
be me
How do I roast properly?
How do you break up with someone you like...
Tonight, my gf is meeting with the guy she had her first kiss with back in HS...
Reality Hit me
I want to move to England but I need some pointers. The flight will be arranged for me...
Is being a virgin bad Jow Forums?
Why shouldn't I kill myself for being born short?
Suicide accidentally
Staring girl ridiculed me in class
Hit the gym and got Jow Forums
I am 37 years old. I am 6'3 and have a good job and have never been married and don't have any kids
ITT: Ask the other gender shit
I'm under the drinking age, I finally talked about how im suicidal to my parents that I'm still living with...
Talk with a male friend who has absolutely NO feelings towards me
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship