Why shouldn't I kill myself for being born short?
Why shouldn't I kill myself for being born short?
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Plenty short girls in Hawaii.
For the same reason you shouldn't kill yourself for being born tall.
Cause you dont want to die, otherwise you wouldnt be on here challenging us to prove you wrong
It doesn't matter what I want.
Society wants me to die.
Yes, society wants you to die because you spam your shitty whining all over Jow Forums all day long. Get out of here and never return.
>moving the goalposts
Because I'll live a long and fulfilling life with plenty of women being attracted to me solely because of my height?
What is this magical height thing that gives someone a fulfilling life with plenty of women attracted to him?
>average/tall men or women giving opinions on something they LITERALLY cannot comprehend
this is an actual good reason, OP. try going to thailand or some other southeast asian country, or maybe latin america. you won't find love in the west since even tallfags are having to work damn hard these days. i snagged myself a cute latina in north mexico after being a kissless virgin for 27 years.
It's a cruel world for short men, user.
Incels like you just can't handle the truth. Lots of men shorter than you are fucking attractive girls. Lots of men taller than you are kissless virgins. It's obvious you have nothing going for you. Try leaving the basement for the first time in years. Finish high school. Get a job. Lose weight. Shower. Get a haircut.
Who cares? It's your life. Personally I think that killing yourself over being a manlet is pathetic
According to studies, somewhere between 5'11 and 6'1
Okay, what cannot we comprehend? Keep in mind you have a sub-80 IQ so we might have a hard time connecting with your mental gymnastics.
I've done all of those things.
i have literally never met a happy manlet or one in a relationship. things die down pretty quickly after college user.
but you're right about one thing, manlets do make some pretty attractive women. they should try that route more often.
>tfw 6 feet even
you're being pretty belligerent already so it's clear that you're not able to have an actual discussion on the immense benefits of height in men. just be thankful that you don't have to suffer.
I don't know a single manlet not in a relationship. Height is a fucking meme.
This is what a coping manlet looks like.
>finish high school
Of course a braindead college kid thinks his opinion has any weight.
I’ve met several. Get your anecdotal bullshit out of here.
Not all of us live in Indonesia.
>this degree of cope
You are either lying or stupid. I only know one permavirgin and one or two permasingles. All of them are over 6' tall.
What is it about height that gets people so heated? I can understand the manlets, but why do normal people get mad?
Is it because the notion of height being universally attractive trivializes their "hard work" in becoming desirable?
Because being short is no reason to kill anyone. It's as simple as that.
man you are one sad little fella to be blatantly lying to me like that
>I’ve met several. Get your anecdotal bullshit out of here.
please tell me you're not serious with this post, lmao
It's usually the same story: tall guy is a virgin, and bitter that the girl he beta orbited for years started dating a short guy. He tries to make himself feel better by making up all sorts of anecdotes about why it's always better to be a tall man.
It's really high school level, I agree with you. None of this happens in the adult world. This is why most posters on these are clearly out of touch with adult society. Common Jow Forums thing.
I mean, yeah, if we're counting 5'10 and 5'9" guys as manlets. I don't live in a shithole like California, so any genuine manlets are filtered out pretty quickly.
What's far more sad is that you are lying about knowing manlets and none of them with girlfriends. How tall was the guy who hurt you? What did he do? And why are you so bitter about being a kissless virgin when it's entirely your own fault?
Why do people keep bringing up this stupid subject? It has been proven over and over again what the most attractive height is. There's no room for discussion. Everyone who is angry and bitter about height is just making excuses.
>this thread
back to the pit little guys lmao
Then why don't you have a gf? Or fucking attractive girls?
that link is a dud, as in it doesn't work
Women don't find me attractive.
What are you on about? Why wouldn't I be bitter about height if I'm not on an attractive height?
I live in Canada my guy. Now I'm sure most of them are severely overcompensating, given that they all hit the gym like mad, but nonetheless they have gfs.
>no one has provided a sufficient argument against OP
so I guess I'll just die too seeing as I'm a turbomanlet myself
Find out why, and fix it.
Wow, you basically solved the entire board with just one post. No wonder you get laid so much.
>Find out why,
because I'm short
>and fix it.
Average people tell you to feel better.
Average people put you down for being short.
Average people prefer other average or above people.
Average people don’t understand why short people have low self esteem.
It’s a painful cycle.
chances are you are unfit or just plain ol average, hit the gym
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Attractive people associated with all positive personality traits
>Height is extremely important
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Why don't smart teens have sex? (study with 1k+ people)
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Love at first sight is real
>On tinder bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
that will just get him laughed at for being a compensating manlet
Stop posting this debunked garbage.
Why are you lying? It's not because you are short. Proofs: all the men your height getting girls. Also the men over 6' who are virgins.
Why can't people admit that being a short man is a death sentence for dating? Why deny reality?
instead look at this uncited chart
The bitter virgin lanket copypasta again.
How tall are you and why are you lying? Why can't you admit the truth? Why deny reality?
>Then why don't you have a gf?
You tell me, champ.
Unironically this would solve at least 50% of all Jow Forums posts. But simple advice is sometimes too hard or scary to take.
Well, for one, you seem like an insufferable whiny faggot. Maybe you didn't know this, but that is not considered an attractive quality.
I know a few people just as short as me, arguably uglier and borderline alcoholics that have attractive girlfriends or wives. It does make it a bit harder but it's really not the end of the world. I'm 170cm. Don't really have an excuse I just literally sit at home and go to work and do nothing else all day. I haven't met a new woman outside of store cashiers in more than a year probably.
Not him, but
>have job
>have college degree
>have my own place
>shower and shave daily
>don't wear a fedora or trenchcoat, just normal clothes
>never rude to anyone, or ever outwardly negative to anyone
>never gotten an ounce of female attention in my entire life
but yeah, definitely has nothing to do with my height or face
keep telling yourself that you worked for your success, delusional idiot
Try actively searching for some attention instead of waiting for it to just happen to you. As long as you don't freak out after the first few rejections you should be fine. Practice on mild crushes and don't save all effort for love of your life though.
I remember when I was 13 and "crushes" were a thing.
It can't even be called advice, though.
"Man up, and stop being a faggot" is the answer to most of Jow Forums problems. Including OP's.
>don't save all effort for love of your life though.
That seems disrespectful to her though. I know I'm going to marry someone someday and I want to save the vast majority of things for her.
Let's play a guessing game
>never asked a girl out or tried dating sites
>no hobbies, never leave the house except for work
>boring and dry
All of those apply to you most likely.
How old are you?
So essentially "just pretend the problem does not exist".
>ask out girl I liked
>get laughed at to my face for being short by her
>all her friends start getting passive aggressive, calling me "creep"
>all my male "friends" stop associating with me
>social life ruined for the rest of hs and college
"Just ask her out bro!"
How did that high school thing ruin your college social life? High school kids are dicks. If you let that define your adult life then there's no hope for you. Grow up.
because I went to a state college and so did 250+ people from my class?
How did you get that from "man up, and stop being a faggot?" Reading comprehension problems?
Tell me your interpretation off it, then.
Like many on Jow Forums, OP is being a faggot. He needs to stop being a faggot.
>user thats meme short, it's ave-
>kevin mcbride, 6'8, knocked out
>eddie richardson, 6'6, knocked down with first punch
>every single opponent he had was above 6'
>50 wins
>44 knockouts
You can either keep pissing and moaning or you can gain strenght that you never dreamed of
>but that's overcompensating
Who gives a shit, people can think whatever the fuck they want, if they go down from a single swing it won't matter
>but women dont like that
Bitches loved Mike
>but even then, im ugly
Yeah and Mike's a fucking model?
If even after all of this you still want to kill yourself, then why not, but it won't be because you're short, it'll be because you're weak
5'10" isn't short, idiot.
You're a fucking moron
He's 5'10 and yet had to fight 6'8 and 6'6 opponents, and fucked up both of them
His other opponents were all taller than him, yet he had 44 knockouts
He's not short to us, but he's short in the heavyweight division
So you can't actually explain it.
How is it not obvious? OP is behaving like a faggot. He needs to stop doing that.
Yeah, it's a good thing everyone in this thread is a professional fighter, otherwise your posts would be completely pointless.
I normally jump on these threads and troll for a while, but I've suddenly developed empathy so would like to try something different.
Yes, a lot of women state they have a preference for tall men and I am sure this is true to a point, but not everybody ends up with their total preference in life. I also feel that the reason women are so fucking savage about height is because its one of the only things they know men are sensitive about (other than dick size, which funnily enough, they also want to be massive despite it having very little benefits).
My group of friends are dating men of all sizes and I don't think height has ever come up as a genuine issue. If somebody finds you attractive, interesting and appealing in terms of your personality, they are incredibly unlikely to turn you down because your height doesn't meet some unrealistic requirement. What will put them off is the bitterness that seems to exude from shorter men, because they obsess with their height and convince themselves its a disability or shortcoming (lol).
I'm not going to lie to you - height is a big thing for some people. I'm on the taller side for a woman, so it's relatively important to me that my partner is taller than me. However, that's due to my insecurities and if I was shorter, I wouldn't give a single fuck about my boyfriends height. If I met a guy who I truly loved to be around and he was shorter than me, I wouldn't write him off for that reason.
Try not to make everything about your height. Most people don't realise shit like this until you make it obvious that you have a problem with it.
Also, you can build muscle a million times better than lanklets, the world is designed around average height and its easy as fuck to dress stylishly because you're not freakishly abnormal.
>Try not to make everything about your height.
I have literally never once mentioned, brought up, or said anything about mine or anyone else's height to a real woman.
Seems like it's not *my* fixation on height that's the problem, moron.