Tonight, my gf is meeting with the guy she had her first kiss with back in HS. They are cooking together in our apartment while I'm at work.
I trust her completely, but you will probably understand that I still have a slightly uneasy feeling about this. I have the option to leave work early, but I promised her to give them time to talk and stuff. What can you recommend me to get my head off of this whole thing and be able to concentrate on work?
btw sry 4 no greentext
Tonight, my gf is meeting with the guy she had her first kiss with back in HS...
I love how waifu people are considered "mentally ill". While realgirl cucks sit around being paranoid all the time.
lmao, she gon gib the succ boi
Oh boy I hate my gfs ex so much id def never let this happen. Do you know the guy? Id say probably come home early, even if it makes you seem a little paranoid it’s better than the possibility of what “might” happen.
I dont know him. He texted her on fagbook a few months ago and now came to our town to visit her.
But she told me I am free to get to know him when I come home.
I think I'll probably come early, not because I dont trust her but just to put my mind at ease
Why is this event transpiring in the first place? What could she possibly have to speak to him about, especially that is important that you're not around for?
Catching up on stuff, I guess. As far as she told me, they stayed in contact and were pretty good friends throughout school
>catching up
Also what kind of cuck would go to a girls house and cook food for her boyfriend? He definitely wants something to happen even if she doesn’t.
Yeah Im pretty sure he does. Ultimately it comes down to her decision
I trust her 99%, almost 100, but I dont know what I would do if ....
You ain't gonna ever know what went down
This situation is super cuck
She is slurping his cawk
And even if she not (this time), this is a shit test and boundary push test
There is a limit dude, and shit like this is past that, I want to think long and hard about how fucking weird this is. You should also ask yourself how she would react to you having the first girl you kisses in highschool or whatever over at your fucking house to "cook" and catch up while she was at work. Slap yourself in the face and wake the fuck up dude and set some boundaries.
Tell her that you don't trust her, because if the roles were reversed, she should never trust you with that.
I am gonna be honest OP! you fuckin with fire.
>Tonight, my gf is meeting with the guy she had her first kiss with back in HS.
All I bothered to read. LOL
>Ultimately it comes down to her decision
LOL some man you turned out to be
I hope this is bait. I would never ask my gf to trust me with something like this.
Sometimes i feel this isnt bait, but a coordinated brainwashing effort to convince people being a pussy cuck is acceptable behavior.
I think real bait died in 2016. What you're seeing now is akin to "i am a white male and want an asian gf" propaganda and shilling
I'm on my way home guys. You're probably right, I shouldn't have allowed this in the first place. I'm having a bad feeling about this, somehow I don't even want to come home..
I really just hope they are only talking and that's it, I cant imagine what I'd do otherwise... wish me luck I guess
Ffffff please tell us what happened, if this is bait I’m okay falling for it fucking faggot
Tell her exactly how you feel and gauge her expression when you come early, whatever happenes OP, I got you.
God speed user
Glad you're manning the fuck up
Be strong
don't let her meet her ex in this kind of setting
>Tonight, my gf
sorry i think you meant to say "my future ex"
Keep us up
Good Luck OP!
lol OP got cucked
You have a stable and trusty relationship with your gf and you ask advice on a board where 80% of posts are about talking to girls or how to kiss.
Fuck off, Miss.
Hidden camera is the way to go OP, it's the only way to be sure
Set up cameras or outright disallow it.
Still set up cameras
Sounds like he's gonna get a healthy serving of roast beef!
Ok guys you were right. They were fucking on the couch when I got home. Pretty sure they didn't even cook yet. I just left without saying anything I was too emotional to even hear what they said properly. Idk. Might go stay at my Moms tonight I guess.
Not buying this. Either you aren't op or if you are this whole thread was a waste of time
fucking cucked
>Trusting women
>inb4 OP gets home and goes immediately to his room because he feels awkward
So ultimately nothing happened. I came home, they were sitting at the table and talking. She introduced me to him, he is pretty much a fucking loser with no job and a drug problem.
I learned something out of the whole thing tho. Next time Im not gonna allow it, Im not going through the paranoia and nervousness again.
Thanks Anons for your optimistic words
Lie that you kinda liked him so if she want to meet him again say you want to met him too
Why would I do that
If it's the three of you next time, you won't be paranoid and she'll be happy she can see her friend. Everybody wins dummy.
u are being cucked this instant and you are allowing it to happen.
Shit tier b8 but if real ur a spineless motherfucker.
Okay yeah, I guess that makes sense.
I'd rather she doesnt meet him again at all, but I guess thats not realistic
How am I being cucked if Im eating the food he cooked for me?
I mean that’s a reason to trust your gf from now on, so you don’t need to be paranoid in the future.
You're right user.. I trust her and should do so even more now.
Yet, the experience wasn't a nice one. Maybe it will be better next time, and I will be more relaxed
I mean I wouldn’t recommend encouraging a similar event but this should have made you realize that your gf is trustworthy and won’t cheat on you
>A loser with no job and a drug problem
Aye even if you 100% not even worried your GF is gonna cheat, why would you leave your loved ones around a person like this? I would never let my wife be in a position of potential danger, I could trust her, but fucking druggie losers? Not so much.
Tl;dr: your man instincts were right but late
Glad you didn't get cucked user
I didnt meet him before and didnt know what kind of person he was. All I knew was that they knew each other from school.
It did. I really hope I manage to be more laid-back about these kind of things in the future
You shouldn't be laid back about your girlfriends druggy loser ex boyfriend coming from cities away to YOUR home and cooking dinner for her while you are at work? In what fucked up society is this acceptable? Am I on Jow Forumselationships? What the fuck is wrong with you people.
The fact that your girlfriend would even suggest this or go along with it is a huge red flag and major disrespect to you, and you actually knowing about it and approving it let her know that it's ok for her to treat you this way and she can do pretty much whatever she wants.
You were cucked, whether the sex took place or not.
Your spidey-senses worked though
You knew BAD SHIT you're just too young and beta to know all the whys
>the experience wasn't a nice one.
I feel like a lot of that had to do with Jow Forums
I won't date women who stay friends with exes. My last ex told me off the bat she still communicated with her ex purely because they had a mutual debt, I was okay with that. But over time that turned into general talk, now they were "friends" (despite she told me he was quite abusive amongst other things) and eventually she moved in with him and acted like I was the cunt for not liking that.
Dumped that shit. Never again. Exes are exes for a reason, they have no place in your life.
Cucking avoided... for now...
OP do not wait till next time. You need to discuss this tomorrow and the first question you ask her is why in hell did she think this was a good idea? Seriously, having a drink or lunch but she invited another man to YOUR home to cook and spend the evening and you had never met the man. You shouldn't even have to point out the insensitive insanity of her decision. It was her decision and likely made between the two of them and then you were told what was going to happen. Furthermore the only reason they weren't fucking on the table instead of sitting and talking is because he wasn't now what she remembered before. She wanted him there and had he been more presentable you would not be let back into the apartment.
>for your optimistic words
I dont want to be some kind of asshole that tries to tell her who she can or cannot meet.
But youre right, the more I think about it the weirder it seems. I also told people at work today and asked for their opinion and they pretty much agreed that this is a very bizarre thing to do from her.
I dont want to force her to cut people out of her life, but I will have to tell her that there are boundaries and inviting some guy I dont know to our apartment is one of them. I just need to find a way to express this politely...
Honestly being restricting asshole may hurt people just as much as being a cuck. I've no clue what's the right answer here but talk with your gf and try not to go crazy
OP you are the wronged party here and if any apologies or light treading required it should be by her not you. It is not unreasonable to expect your gf and person you cohabit with not to invite a man you do not know over when you are not there. You stating plainly that is a no go is not being an asshole. Again most worrying about the whole episode is she didn't care what you thought or felt and did what she wanted to do and put you out like she would a pet.
I will also say again, the outcome would have been very different had this guy remotely resembled what she knew before.
You won't do it but this should be a deal breaker.
Her doing what she wants has kind of been a running theme in our relationship. She never crossed any boundaries tho (except once) and so far I didnt have to set any.
Tonight I will try to calmly talk to her, explain my point of view and ask her to not do this again in the future. Lets see how she reacts
>never, except once
dude, are you for real? or is this best bait?
Why are you acting like you have no say in this? Should've just been like "WTF? Nah, babe. I'm not cool with that," from the beginning. Not paranoid, just clear that you weren't okay with it. If she makes a thing about you being jealous, you just stay chill and keep it to facts. "Bottom line, I don't like some other man who was at one point intimate with my gf casually hanging around."
And if she can't see why that's obviously potentially bothersome and that basic respect for your current partner means not putting them in the position of having to guess "will they?" or "won't they?", then she's not a keeper. Period.
>They are together in our apartment while I'm at work.
they will be having sex.
well said
no need to be angry asshole BF, but being clear about boundaries and expectations is good for everyone
This isnt bait. It was one time where she danced with another guy and I made it clear that a second time, it would be instantly over
Yeah I realize I should have said something earlier. I was a bit unsure how to react and behave, but as I said, I will be clearer from now on
That she's entertaining this at all doesn't tell me good things. I'm not saying she's going to cuck you but why even put yourself in that position? Why make your boyfriend whom you presumably love so uncomfortable?
Bait otherwise you the biggest cuck of all time
It's not even about whether they kiss or fuck or not. It's the general idea.
You don't have to be that person but wow does it make sense to say to her this is a bad idea, why does she even need time without you to talk to him? Why couldn't you both visit him together? Why do they have to cook dinner?
It's good to keep in touch but all of it sounds really inappropriate and not really considering your feelings at all hey
Also I've been the ex twice and smashed both times so not looking good OP
Guys, she is a good person and I trust her.
Sure, it wasnt the most considerate thing to do but it's also my fault for not speaking up and telling her I dont like this. And ultimately, she proved that I can trust her
Fine, but you should still tell her that, for the future, it's not something you're cool with. Keep it 100 with her.
>"Look, I wanted to be respectful of your right to ultimately associate with whoever you want and I trust you entirely, but at the end of day, I'm honestly not comfortable with some other man who was at one point intimate with my gf casually hanging around. I should've been more upfront about the fact that it bothered me. I'm sorry I didn't say anything in the beginning."
That's it.
>a second time
well it has happened a second time but much worse. she invited a man to your home that you do not know without you there
You shouldn't have to say anything. She shouldn't disrespect your relationship like this and it would be very different had the guy been hot.
>girlfriend asks ex to your house
>not immediately talking to her about it and saying how you feel
>no job and a drug problem
Why, just why is it ok to have someone like this in your apartment while you are at work with your gf. Who does this kind of shit? She knew he was like this and still had him over. You can bet he gave her a pitch and she'll "help" him so if you say anything she will be pissed at you.
I'm just curious her rational for this evening.
If you did something like this she would cut your balls off.
and OP had to promise not to come home too soon. can you believe the audacity of his gf to even do this
OP, who pays the rent? You I bet.
Of course I do but thats because Im working while she is still a student. She does more chores around the house so its fair.
I dont think she knew all this before, she was probably just wanting to catch up and at home is the most convenient place.
No its too late anyway, but in the future I will make sure to tell her directly how I feel and what is and isnt okay for me.
Why is it okay to have anybody in your apartment while you're at work if you're not okay with it?
Obviously his girlfriend was scoping out a better option and he didn't turn out to be the changed man she was hoping for. Imagine if he was this big successful guy who shits all over everything you've ever done and she totally falls for it, she's opening the door for that and you're allowing it.
There's no fucking way I'd let my girlfriend have somebody over at our house while I'm out, let alone in general if it's somebody she's had history with like that. There's no way she'd let the same thing happen to her either.
People like your partner are insatiable in the sense that no matter who they find, their inner curiosity is always going to make them wonder if the next chad is better than the last, and girls like that are best treated with cold resentment. You should be making a very stern point to her that you are not okay with this, will not tolerate it and will fuck off and do better on your own if she continues to try and push the boundaries with it.
Obviously they've been talking on social media for a while now yeah? The actual extent of which I'm sure has been hidden from you to some degree. They're probably talking pretty frequently if he feels compelled enough to visit the town just to see her, right? Obviously he feels pretty confident if he's doing so in a house where another guy lives. She's obviously had to make him feel okay about it by reassuring him that you won't be home or that you're totally fine with it when you're not. The whole thing screams red flag, screams emotional social media cheater whore, screams you should get the fuck out while you can before you get treated like a door mat or at least you should tell her how you feel about all of this. If she ignores it and does what she wants anyway, that's fine. You'll come out on top. Men have a much higher SMV at older ages and she's about to be past her prime. Just leave, find some hotter little qt and let her wither away cycling through chad cock until she craves a man that knows how to talk about his feelings but can't ever get one again.
Thanks for coming here and asking for advice and reaffirming how disgusting I think the world's state with microcheating is. Good luck with it all.
Why was she wanting to catch up? Why is home the most convenient place? What's stopping them from getting a coffee at a public restaurant where there's no chance of them having sex and every way to prove they didn't? Why does she need to do it alone, in the home that you two have spent all this time making? She wanted it to be private, right? Super private? Why does she need to be scoping him out this hard? Sounds like a small scale I'm gonna scope out this guy from years ago operation and if all falls through, you're the bitch boy who gets his average cock sucked at the end of the night. If all goes to plan then she leaves you for him anyway.
Just get out. Find someone hotter or go make money and fuck hookers.
Guys, this is another demoralizing cuck thread. Remember to always sage
She was not 'scoping out a better guy'. She legitimately just wanted to know how this person she knew years ago had been doing. Sure, the timing and location were far from ideal, and Im sure in the future it wont happen again this way. But I wont be leaving her over something like this, where nothing actually happened in the end.
Why exclude you then?
The amount of mental gymnastics OP does is insane. But i understand him, when you are married and invested in a woman so much it's extremely hard to accept she is cucking you.
The only thing you can do is be blunt to her. Abusive even. Slap her if you need to. Im serious. If she doesn't instantly turn apologetic and tries to flip this around fucking slap the cunt. She will love you more for it, trust me.
Basically make her understand this shit won't fly. She is your WIFE, she is obliged to not cuck you. You offer her a house and stability, she offers you her pussy. That's the deal.
The ideal would be you cheating on her, women love that shit. But you sound too beta for that.
Maybe because I had to work, or maybe because they were talking about old stuff that I wouldnt get or be interested in anyway
How would this psy op even work?
>Rare cuck shit
>All anons pile on with anti-cuck advice
>Anons reassured they aren't the only redpillled Bros
>Lurkers learn the ways of anti-cuck
Wtf. First of all, we are not married, she's my girlfriend not my wife. Secondly, I would never cheat on her, let alone slap/abuse her.
We have a loving, trusting relationhsip, and granted, this thing was pretty weird, but otherwise I have absolutely no reason to turn on her or throw our relationship away
Oh. Sorry didn't read.
Even easier then. Do what i said. She is bored of you and is looking for other dicks. You either take action now, or you get cucked and break up. My ex was like that and we had a 'loving relationship' before we broke up 'yeah i'm gonna go out with some guy friends' she did it once, she did it twice and soon afterwards broke up with me and now is getting fucked by someone else. All this could be salvaged by simply slapping the bitch.
Do not trust women. Even they themselves don't want to be trusted. They want a leader, who will put them in line.
Do you understand the gravity of this? She put a stranger, into your house(that you provide for her by slaving away all day), and didn't want you to be around?? This is one step before those cuck porn vids where you jerk off in the corner while your gf is getting railed.
Im through giving you advice, either follow it or expect a breakup soon. Don't say i didn't warn you.
so she is getting a free ride from you and tells you not to come home early so she can be together with her old bf IN YOUR OWN APARTMENT. What is wrong with you?
not OP but the guy and OP's gf have no job so she pitches OP out of the house, makes him promise not to come home early while they cook the food OP bought.
I just wanted to be respectful okay? Its not like she is fucking other guys or looking for it. She is happy in our relationship, as am I.
Of course I will make it more clear what I want from now on, but Im sure as hell not gonna break up with her.
They only talked about old stuff, and nothing more. Thats it
>this thing was pretty weird
its not weird its disrespectful and you are a fool to accept it.
>Your apartment
>Her ex whom you never met
>she has no job
>he has no job and a doper
>your food that you bought with money you made
>she decides that they'll cook dinner together while you are at work
>you are forced to promise to not come home early
>you are grateful he's a loser and a doper and therefore no way she would fuck him
>and you are afraid to say something for fear of what? that she throws you out of YOUR apartment onto the street
First she was not respectful to you. She told you what was going to happen and when and made you promise to stay away. All you did was tuck your tail between your legs and went to work so if you call that respect, I don't. Thats called being a coward.
For you to think all is fine just because she probably won't or didn't fuck him because he is a loser in your eyes a win, you are mistaken. You realize they had plenty of time to fuck and cook dinner while you worked and did your hand wringing.
OP would you ever do what she just did? If she wanted this so bad all she had to do is discuss it and offer for you to meet him first.
You're blinded now but she's going to cut your heart out and stomp it when she doesn't need you to pay the bills or finds someone else that will. This guy failed that test but the next one might not.
I don't care about what did or did not end up happening OP. It's an unacceptable 'event' that took place and your girlfriend agreed to it.
You don't just invite someone you fooled around with at some point in the past over to your home to chill with, while you're in a relationship with someone who isn't present at that moment (you were at work). If your girlfriend had some intelligence in her brain she should have known that you wouldn't be comfortable with this. Maybe she knew you wouldn't like it but she took note of the fact that you allowed it to happen anyways. So either she is a retarded or she is a cunt. Pick one.