How do I roast properly?
I can meme the other shit mentioned
How do I roast properly?
This unironically works. Minus the meme part.
As someone who once had a girl asked me to message her a new roast every day on Facebook, the most important things are to make sure it's clear that it's a roast and not a personal attack, and to not double down if you don't make that clear.
How you go about doing that is up to you.
Not OP, but just to be clear, what's the difference between a personal attack and a roast? Where is the fine line drawn? Some chicks are super into my banter and others just look at me like I've got brain problems
Yeah it works if you're looking to date a fucking tranny from Jow Forums.
No normal girl is looking to date someone who identifies as "politically incorrect" or gets their memes or wants to get roasted.
I give maintain about 70/30 flirt-to-roast ratio.
70% of the time I'm holding my girlfriend's face in my hands telling her she's beautiful or giving her a firm slap on the ass as she walks by and telling her that's what she gets for being fucking sexy.
The other 30% of the time I'm dead ass going in on how her morning breath smells like she's been nibbling on pieces of shit or how she's basic as fuck for preferring Chipotle to real tacos.
It helps a ton to not be making fun of things that are beyond her control.
Making fun of how she never wears matching socks? Fine. Making fun of how one of her tits is bigger than the other? Probably not a great idea.
>what's the difference between a personal attack and a roast?
intent, and humor. Most importantly how close you are to the person. The closer you are to someone the more it's accepted that you make fun of each other but if you've just met a girl or you've only gone on one date you can't be like TOO BAD THAT YOUR TITS AREN'T AS BIG AS YOUR EGO LOL and expect good results
>her morning breath smells like she's been nibbling on pieces of shit
Well the last thing she did the night before was to kiss you goodnight.
BOOM that's how you fucking roast someone, amateur
A girl didn't make this. They don't want this.
*if you're tall and handsome
No normal woman will fall for a memespouting edgelord unless he's real cute. Don't be obnoxious.
No the last thing she did was pass the fuck out without brushing her teeth, which I'm always telling her to stop doing.
Damn youre beta
I'm not tall and handsome but the girl does need to be at least somewhat interested with you to begin with otherwise you're just insulting her. I guess the more difficult part and the one you can really fuck up is detecting who it can apply to and it really doesn't seem to be related to interests or social affiliations but rather a personality trait.
And 'politically incorrect' is just a buzzword for 'dirty' but it's still valid. I have a friend who is pretty extreme with this behavior without even being particularly aware of it and slays pussy left and right. He is tall though(but overweight)
I cant tell if the image is saying she's trying fight the guy being described or putting her up so he can fuck her doggystyle while oulling hair??
>not understanding bantz.
How do you communicate with people in your daily life?
There's only one kind of girl who actually likes it when a guy insults her, and it's the kind of dumb Stacey bitch that goes for Chad and only Chad gets to insult her or just outright physically abuse her and she'll stay with him regardless.
It's a lot of things. Delivery and your relationship with the person are key. I'll say shit like "Nick can you honestly just stop talking? I don't want you stealing my oxygen." but it's fine because I say it right and because I know he likes that kind of humor.
But one time I was making a joke in the group chat to a different friend, and the gist of it was that people care more about Bill Cosby than they do him because Cosby at least raped some people instead of doing nothing, and he couldn't tell I was joking in this case, so I immediately apologized, made a much safer joke to see if he was OK, (I'm sorry dude. We care about you *slightly* more than Bill Cosby) and then held off on the roasts for a few weeks.
You just gotta get a feel for it.
virgin detected
>he unironically doesnt pull hair during sex
spotted the low t s o yboy
fight me phaggat
orange california in 10 mins
Don't make fun of a trait someone feels genuinely insecure about
You can joke about stuff that the person either doesn't really care about or is so confident in that your can't have the chance of being offending
This works as a general rule at least, and then you can expand on it when you get to know them better