How long do you wait for somebody...

how long do you wait for somebody? This girl ive been talking to expressed how much she liked me and we both feel mutual. but shes currently got things going on in her life and is starting to be kind of distant.
I know shes got her own life as I have mine, but I'm starting to second guess if its even worth investing the emotional energy on this right now. I turned down a date with an old Ex who I really did care a lot for, for this new girl who I've enjoyed getting to know and learning about her likes/dislikes her family, her career , dreams etc.

I know the whole "ill wait for you forever" concept is super romantic and sometimes it's part of life, but should I just do my own thing or should I take a shot in the dark and give this a chance?

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Dont wait, date and fuck other girls. Youll catch oneitis this way and that doesnt end good

whats oneitis?

Turns you gay
Look like you've already caught it

PUA slang term for being attached to a girl who probably dorsnt really care about you that much.

Im not promoting PUA stuff here, but Im using the term because it describes your situation very well. When a girl wants to be with you she ALWAYS finds a way bro

heh heh she has kindof (un?)fortunately for us both

ah i see. so its kind of like making a poor investment in a stock or business.


So build up your own life?

you sound dependent and needy.

aren't we all in some aspect or another?

>When a girl wants to be with you she ALWAYS finds a way bro
this truth extends beyond relationships. If there's a will there's a way

I guess yall are right.
I'm just going to do my thing, and stop dwelling on it. its just hard you know, when somebody is telling you all this stuff and talking / seeing you every day then things just change over night. I just hate coming to terms with the idea that I might have wasted my time or was being lied to.
I guess its just how it is sometimes.

In case the other replies aren't clear enough, medical conditions often end in -itis. Like appendicitis, but instead of your appendix it's "the one". Hence oneitis is thinking somebody is "the one".

What if she really is the one tho

yeah but its weak shit that iwll turn off people, discard it

I understand. sorry, I was just trying to vent and talk and stuff.

yea just build ur life and share ur goals with her, share that energy with her, dont be a needy mope orbiter thats hanging on to her every word

do u love her? do u want to ride [off with] her into the sun set? she might be hesitant because u are hesitant. follow ur heart user

I was just explaining the word. I can't really speak to it's validity.

Forgive my phoneposting.

I'm not really trying to be a mope or orbiter I've been debating if I should just leave her a lone for a while. I mean we talk every day kind of but its been like really brief lately. Which kind of got me dwelling on it.
But I guess its just intrusive thoughts, at the end of the day I can only do so much and if she's not reciprocating then I should just let it go for a little and hope maybe she gets her stuff straightened out and hopefully something works.

I'm debating if I should just bring this up to her point blank how I'm feeling. but I'm afraid it might make me come off as "that guy"

Most times being "that guy" will help speed up your rejection or make her have genuine feelings and reciprocate. Ask her to fuck point blank (maybe more eloquently) and watch her noggin fizzle and her panties soak.

idk if a girl won't talk to you ah well. Re rolling life now.

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id rather her just say she doesn't want to talk any more or shes had a lot on her mind or something. Because thinking about her all the time is really cutting into me having any desire to talk to other women. And I don't wanna have to feel guilty banging another chick thinking somethings going on that's not going on. Women have this weird habit of wanting to keep guys emotionally attached by being very vague emotionally, when they should just be upfront about everything




There's no such thing as being "too busy" to meet someone. OP better tell her to fuck him on a day he wants or cut contact.

I WISH I had the guts to tell my oneitis

yeah guys if you want an Update

we're cool shes just had a lot going on we just talked for like 2 hours. And everything is fine, I didn't have to go through any cringe questioning or anything, thank god I didn't

sorry for killing a thread for my insecurities guys

I somehow feel like I would not even be in your situation, take from that what you will.
But to answer your question, If a girl told to me "I like you but I'm not ready to be in a relationship" I would move on right away. No anger no nothing, you don't even gotta tell her anything. Try to meet other girls

As I thought. We all can be VERY autistic in relationships and even in friendship. Just discuss shit bois, it's always worth it.

yeah especially the beginning of a relationship when you are just getting to know somebody. I think it just stems from not trusting somebody you don't know but you WANT to trust them