ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers. Use paragraph breaks where appropriate.
If you can’t handle upsetting answers, don't ask.
And please no derailing arguments. This means people who ask questions too! You will be bullied out of this thread.

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no “magic moment” (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. “Signs” of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may also work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Why is it that all the cute girls that flirt with me are in relationships?

my crush awkwardly smiled to me in hallway

We havent talked for a while now.
If she doesnt care about me why would she even bother smiling.

I think she used to be into me but isnt anymore


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Are you? That usually helps

Nope, but I’ve been trying to date around and meet new people.

How do I make a girl I see daily and am often near her start to like me.

Are you sure they are flirting?

Talk to her

Is Jow Forums really 30% women? I was expecting less than 1%

I’m in the same situation, see this girl in class. I’m talking to her but I don’t know if she likes me and I dunno how to ask for her number

you'd be surprised

she’s just being polite.

She probably thinks nothing of me atm, I'm just asking how to get her to like me, don't wanna go in blind

Well last year I got involved with someone who had a boyfriend, another girl who i am going to hang out one-on-one with tomorrow has a boyfriend, and a girl who I was talking to at a band event two nights ago was acting flirty with me and all my friends agree that she was

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.
>If she doesnt care about me why would she even bother smiling.
There’s a difference between not being attracted/into you and literally not caring about you.

Stalk her so you have some background info and drop relevant information casually

This is self-reported, and you also have to take into account the worst boards like /soc/ or /fa/, plus the difference between lurking and posting.
I would be shocked if Jow Forums was more than 5% female.

I have some low key mommy issues and anxiety around women which makes girls think I'm arrogant and stuck up, so I have trouble making and keeping female friends. What should I do?

MTF trannies probably report as female as well.

/soc/ is all homo men

Is like time when my sister Natalia say to my retard brother Bilo, "You will never get this! You will never get this, lalalalala!" But one time my brother Bilo escape from cage, and he get this.

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I broke up with my girlfriend a week ago. It was amicable. No fights or super drama.
But she came around today and wanted me to have lunch with her, she even had food in a bag with her. She said it's because she knows we can be friends and that she still wants me in her life.

I nearly cried, breaking up with her was a hard decision, why does she come back so soon even though I told her I needed distance.

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The only way is by talking to her and tryjng to go on a date with her. so that you can talk some more. You wont get her to like you any other way

/fa/ is exclusively faggots, faggot.

Does the last one also have a boyfriend? I honestly wouldnt bother to deal with them unless it was to get to know their friends who dont have boyfriends

Get over your mommy issues or learn to hide them. I don't make my daddy issues obvious to the guy friends I have.

It’s really a shame. Discussion of menswear should be popular among those of us out of college. But instead it’s all streetwear and sneakerfags.

Do men actually want to be in committed relationships filled with love? Do you even feel affection?

Well you can never really speak for everyone but personally thats the only kind of relationship i'm interested in, and yes.

So i asked out one chick from my gym
She said she has boyfriend.
So i just wished her nice day and we went our ways.

Next time i was working out she came up to me and asked if everything is alright.
I was just doing my lifts as usual and talking with buddies so its not like i was crying in corner because i saw her.

Shes getting off attention from random dudes at gym?

Of course. Clearly the guys you're going after don't.

Of course we exist

Too bad that is the least wanted type of man apparently

I'm guessing she wants you back and unless you pretty much cut all contact for a while she's gonna keep pushing. Tell me more about the relationship and breakup

I'm not a retard lmao
I don't even know if she has a boyfriend, I don't want to take the risk.

I just want to work out, play football, study the classics a little, drink some rye on rest days, and maybe watch some stupid '80s tough guy movies here and there, but my body keeps trying to get me to talk to girls

Yes of course.I'm guessing you've had bad experiences

All things you could solve by talking to her or someone who knows her

That's not quite what I was saying. I tend to avoid women and do relatively little to maintain friendships with them, due in part to my mother giving me an awful impression of what women were like. As a result, I perceived as thinking I'm too good for them, when I'm just anxious around women

Is a beard a good thing or a bad thing when kissing or having sex? I suppose not, but I like mine so much

Yes and yes. Next question.

Do you groom your beard? Do you use any products on it? It needs as much care as anything else on your body

>What do girls/guys think about
>Do most/any girls/guys like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

I do. I even comb it haha

Most girls won't assume you think you're too good to be friends with them unless other things you do, besides avoid them, point to that conclusion.

You should try beard oil, my father got some and it makes his beard look glorious.

Guy in his late 20s here.

>first & only high school "girlfriend" lasted one week
>reason we split: she cheated
>went to tech school instead of college/university (ie. Asian sausagefest)
>tried online dating on separate occasions
>currently on account #3
>have dated sporadically
>the longest I've lasted with the same girl was 5 weeks
So yes, I can definitely say that I would like to meet a girl who can stick around for a while.

Yeah I want to try but they are pretty expensive in my country.

I think beard can get itchy for a girl if I'll kiss her on a date.

Well I wasn’t sure if she had a boyfriend, but then I saw her insta and she did. And desu I haven’t really seen any of their friends that are that cute

Try to find it cheaper online if you can. A little bit each day will make your beard really smooth in the long run

My experiences and the input of others indicates I am actually pretty desirable. From what I understand, combining this with being kinda cold and aloof males you seem like an asshole

It's the only thing I think about anymore and its ruining my life.

Alright, my advice to get past the anxiety or learn to hide it sometimes still stands. If you're just concerned with your image, small bursts of acting social with girls in your friend group would be fine I'm sure.
It sucks that your parent issues led to an anxiety, rather than a preference.

No, not anymore.

Everyone: how do I make more friends?
Currently just working, not in college anymore and I was shit at making friends in college...

Still looking for advice.

find places where people share common interests

is it a question for boys?
or is it for girls?
because you're in the wrong thread

is it weird to meet online friends irl? all we know about each other is pixels and wavs.

To girls.

Is going to the gym unattractive? If I’m not naturally strong and I want to make myself strong, is it unattractive?

Well did you do anything besides mope about it? You just resign yourself to the fact that you can’t and you won’t. Did you try? Did you give it a good honest try? Meet new people, make new friends, ask people out?

I’m you in a few years but i don’t really care about being with someone. However , you can’t complain about being alone if you never tried to begin anything. The rest of your life sounds fine so you should have no problems meeting girls

Not if you've all been together for like 8 years in teamspeak.

Just shut up and hit the weights, the ladies will follow soon after.

Well the main problem is that I don't go anywhere, I guess. The secondary problem is that I don't understand why autocorrect isn't bothering to fix the apostrophe in 'dont' anymore since I bought an S9 but that's irrelevant. The big issue is that I have no intention of attending anything that I don't have a legitimate interest in, so things like rock climbing or tango lessons are out because I would literally only be there to meet girls. I don't like the idea of expanding my friend group because I don't want to change the pace of maintenance. If I make more friends I'm going to be expected to hang out with them and do things or text them, and I really like my current pace of hanging out in one big group once every month or two and not really talking in between.

As long as you’re not obsessive about it or going every day it’s fine.

Is movies really that bad of an idea for a first date?
I asked a girl I'm taking out on a date who binges Netflix regularly so I know she is a movie fan.
I'm of course gonna get dinner and probably have some ice-cream and a walk in the nearby park afterwards.

You sound like me
>t.wizard but with actual prospects of escaping wizardom

Here's my advice - you have to put yourself out there. You have to seek out people because you know what? No one is gonna seek you out on their own unless you're smoking hot or loaded with money.

That doesn't mean you can't find a girl who will like you. It just means you have to be the one looking for people.

You sound like you haven't hit the bottom yet. You are content enough to just drift down your life since you're juuuust comfortable enough.

My attitude was just like yours until about 2 months ago. I started losing weight and gaining confidence + I didn't give a fuck anymore. 2 weeks ago I met a really nice girl online and we're meeting up this week.

Leverage your apathy. Use it to justify taking the initiative and flirting more than you normally would. Who cares if you fuck up, what do you have to lose?

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My boyfriend is suffering from severe depression. He says he’s dead inside, snaps and yells at me over the smallest things, doesn’t say I love you back anymore, just wants to sit in his room playing video games all day. Everything he used to enjoy doesn’t interest him anymore. I have a hard time knowing if he doesn’t love me anymore because of the way he’s been treating me lately or if it’s just because of the depression? Does he still love me deep down? He used to be so kind and loving. Any guys here that suffer from mental illness and maybe treated someone they loved badly because of it?

Do women care if I need to drink to really open up to new people right away? I'm more of a "need to know you first" kind of guy.

Old virgin here (older than 20, younger than 30).

If it were up to you, how much leeway could I possibly get in terms of the kinks I have? I obviously want to make up for lost time, so I want to try a whole bunch of shit other than vanilla missionary.

I like movie dates, I’m not the best conversationalist and it gives us something to talk about.

I still need somewhere to actually DO that. As I said before, online dating is not an option, I still get recognized on occasion and anyone who dates me is gonna find everything online when they google my name, but if I want to try IRL there still needs to be a place to go. There is literally an arcade around the fucking corner for my job, but I've been in there dozens of times and you just dont fucking talk to anyone other than the people you came with, unless you're piss drunk and babbling at some other guy who is also piss drunk. I do my job, run whatever errands, and go home. All my hobbies are solitary and homebound like hobby electronics or virtual reality, and the last time I saw a woman at the gun range was like six years ago. And she was like 65.

Why would it matter how old you are? I'm sure you can find someone in their mid 20s that is willing to experiment with your fetishes.

Unlike younger people, who have all the time in the world to experiment with all the partners they want, I won't have as much time, nor as many partners. Hell, the older I get, the rustier I'd probably get. But hey, what do I know? Advise the shit out of me, doc.

Not much, honestly

A guy told me he feels sympathy towards me, in the "greek" way.
Wtf does that mean?

He feels for you, even though he's in a far worse situation.

To girls.

Which one is more attractive, a “naturally strong” construction worker, or a software engineer who goes to the gym?

But it's someone i've been dating, someone that is supposed to actually like me, what this "sympathy" thing means?

Find younger girls to experiment with, act like the experienced older guy who is introducing them to new fetishes. You can do it user.

Would you date a guy without a job?

I graduated this year, but have yet to find a job. It's been 7 months, but I'm still trying to get a job in my field (I have a masters in a STEM field). Currently living at home.

I do plan to get my own place and car, but I just can't afford those yet.

To girls: how do you actually express an interest in liking someone? I've been too long on my own so I misinterpret girls being polite or just plain friendly as interest when I know it's probably not interest 99% of the time.

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A gun range is a great...second date. Unless shes a gun nut, then its a great first date. Nothing wrong with impressing a girl with how responsible you are with your weapons.

Good first dates are generally things like lunch. The way I've heard it explained is that its a non-committal meal, during the day which makes girls feel safer.

>You can do it user.

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It means he shares the feelings you're experiencing. Like, you're sad over something that happened to you, and he will feel sad as well. It's like empathy, but it's not just understanding what the other feels, it's co-experiencing it as well.

You literally cant tell. Just ask a girl you like out.

Go to the gym retard.
Building functional strength through a workplace will take you years until your body will look like it.

I was never bothered much by beards desu, but you can just make it softner using conditioner. It's quite fag but a friend proved me it works

Guess that's that.

Okay, but where do I find her in the first place?

Well thats the hard part. If online dating isnt your thing then.........I cant help you.

>femanon, living abroad for a while
>back home I keep contact with one male friend
>our conversations get quite intimate and almost on daily basis
>after months I'm catching feelings for him

Should I cut contact?
We are far away and in person I never got any romantic vibes towards him, it's just me feeling lonely. My feelings are just in the way and he seems to be there to catch feelings for me too. How do I stop this disaster?

>our conversations get quite intimate and almost on daily basis
>after months I'm catching feelings for him

So... this actually does happen?

Honestly, it's probably for the best.

Long-distance relationships never work out. Also, the guy's friends would probably call him a cuck for having a girlfriend who is abroad.

I try to stick around that person as often and as long as possible, observing their behavior and being careful not to cross the creepy stalker line. I’m too much of an assburger to do anything like flirting or light physical contact so that’s my only option.

I wouldn't get in a relationship with him even if we lived next door actually, it's just that we happened to talk a lot and opening up about many things.
Should I explain the situation to him or just make the contact less frequent?

You see where it can get pretty easy to lose hope, then. I'll see if there's anything else I can do locally although my optimism has run thin.

what's there to explain? he probably doesn't care abot the distance and enjoys tlking to you. don't push it just take t slow

We were together for 4 years, living together for one. She always worshipped me and did anything for me, I was happy save for the problems that came to finally break us up. We had 2 months left on the lease and I decided to tell now that was going to break up with her, she took it badly, contacted everyone we mutually knew and told them I was leaving her. She threw things at me and asked me to pack her things so she could leave. I did, she asked me several times that night if that was what I really wanted, I confirmed it every time.

It's only been a week since we broke up, but she is still calling and trying to get my attention through text. She desperately wants to remain friends and get a move on. She apologized for the way she behaved and wants to make things better.

Our main issues were me not being able to trust her because she had lied about her finances, driving her car without a licence and her diet and gym going.

I could not trust her so I left.

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>driving without license

who cares about this, like what makes this a big deal i do it all the time. fuck the police