>Have a very strict, very religious family >Wanted to wait and fall in love but never happened >Now i'm a 22 yo virgin girl >Deathly afraid of the reaction of my first when I tell him i'm a virgin >I'm horny tho
Should I just stay a virgin my whole life and invest in a hitashi erika lust subscription?
I’m the exact same as you except now I’m 29 and in the same position.
Joseph Scott
You are girl there is no shame in that, nobody minds what you do sexually outside facebook. You can do what you want, you are woman with unlimited ability to get men that are as, or less attractive then you.
>waited too long No such thing if you're not married. Don't feel bad, you are in an objectively better position than 95% of women your age, and while it's definitely hard given how most men act these days, if you find one who's willing to wait with you, it'll be well worth it.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.00996.x/abstract >Bivariate results suggested that delaying sexual involvement was associated with higher relationship quality across several dimensions. The multivariate results indicated that the speed of entry into sexual relationships was negatively associated with marital quality, but only among women."
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2003.00444.x/abstract >"I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution."
psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-25811-011 >"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
> (You) (OP) >You are girl there is no shame in that, nobody minds what you do sexually outside facebook. You can do what you want, you are woman with unlimited ability to get men that are as, or less attractive then you. > >> and show me your booty
>Should I wait for a guy I really like (which will probably never happen or when it does he won't be interested) or get drunk and just get it over with
Benjamin Lewis
plenty of guys virgin at this age
Juan Morales
Yeah no i never want to get married
Brandon Howard
It's more important that you get somebody who can do you right the first time, that's worth waiting for. Problem is you may end up falling in love with the person who takes your v card. I still get pangs when I see the person who took mine.
Cameron Hernandez
Do you really want sombody else to tell you that? Think about this! Which do you want? I reccomend that you do the one that is special to you. Getting drunk definitely would not make it better though.
Jaxon Turner
I lost my virginity when I was 21. Felt like such a big deal before it, and now I'm 25 and realise it made no difference whatsoever. The only way to be "too late" to lose your virginity is if you wait until marriage and find out the guy is a terrible lay. Always try before you buy. Otherwise it doesn't matter if you're a virgin til your 80
Noah Rivera
the majority of men won't see you being a virgin as a negative thing, they either won't care or will feel special if they get to the point that they'll be your first
Jackson Ramirez
Don't "get drunk and get it over with" I promise you it will set you up for sexual dysfunction down the line. I'm not saying to save yourself for your true love, but do not do this with someone you do not trust.
Benjamin Hill
I'm not the kind to fall in love easily but I do want my first time to be with someone I like and trust
Anthony Powell
Calm the fuck down, 22 is nothing that special if you had religious family and/or busy life. My friend was in a similar position and lost hers at 22 too. She was/is pretty attractive and outgoing, so it was a surprise for him but basically not a thing beyond "oh, okay"
Now 29 is definitely more eyebrow raising. Are you that much of an asocial fuck or just focused on more important things?
Justin Martinez
Would it be really wrong to not say it at all? Would you be mad if it happened to you?
Nicholas Allen
It's better for everyone to know what they are getting into. Just like it's helpful to know that you're driving with someone who just got their license.
It's not like you have to tell him at the first date.
Jason Gomez
>Should I wait for a guy I really like (which will probably never happen or when it does he won't be interested) or get drunk and just get it over with The former. This idea of virginity being something inherently shameful is an entirely recent one, with no basis in reality. You're driving yourself to irrational and self-harming behavior based off of the nonexistent morals of current society, and on top of it you're magnifying how much they would care that you actually have morals.
Even if we assume that virginity doesn't matter (it does), the idea that people will somehow approve of you "getting it out of the way" is almost wholly in your own head. Those who don't care about virginity won't give a shit either way, those few who do care will be disgusted, and you will be left worse off regardless.
I'm guessing you've seen horror stories of broken marriages. Guess what, abuse happens regardless, and whoring yourself out is a great way to make sure your relationships go down in quality.
>The only way to be "too late" to lose your virginity is if you wait until marriage and find out the guy is a terrible lay. >Always try before you buy. This is the kind of degeneracy I've been talking about. Setting aside the obvious bullshit in associating marital quality with sex, what is stopping you from learning together after marriage what you like? It's not a question of marital quality, that's just an after-the-fact rationalization. You're just an impulsive degenerate.
Caleb Hughes
I wouldn't say mad but I'd hope that if someone were close enough with me to have sex they wouldn't hide something like that
Kayden Reyes
Just to tell you that there are guys like me out there, who are 25 year old, virgin, and are afraid to take their pants off because they have a small penis. Me too.
Ayden Anderson
I don't want to date because the guy might catch feelings, happened to me in the past and I still feel bad about it. I want to be upfront from the start but I don't know where/how to find him
Camden Jones
I’m that much of an asocial fuck.
Guys who find out constantly accuse me of lying about it for some reason.
Julian Morales
Because men are extremely fragile and will literally cry if you say anything other than "yes your rhythmless pumping was great for me" especially the type who want virgins or wait until marriage. You're clearly a virgin yourself and therefore have no idea what I'm talking about but trust me.
Henry Lee
ayy, im currently 28 and lost mine at 21, if you live nearby, you want a hand?
Camden Wright
>You're clearly a virgin yourself It would be extremely hypocritical of me if I wasn't. And I can assure you, whatever manwhores you've been exchanging diseases with do not share much in terms of personality with me.
There is no reason past pure hedonism to "try before you buy". It's laughable that a saying like this comes from the same "people" that complain about objectification.
Aiden Anderson
I don't live in the states
Jayden Hernandez
pls be my gf OP. are you in socal?
Henry Clark
People always catch feelings. I bet some of your male friends already did but has to balls to confess. It's not something you can realistically avoid, so better learn how to deal with it sooner than later.
Well, it's definitely surprising if you're not some landwhale but hey, at least you know right away that you're dealing with a retard if he doesn't want to believe you.
Daniel Thomas
Hey, is this true youre from poland?
Justin Allen
Idk why you’re replying as me but you were right anyways, I don’t live in the states.
Wyatt Morales
>Deathly afraid of the reaction of my first when I tell him i'm a virgin I have literally never, in my entire life, personally known or seen a post about a woman who got rejected for being a virgin under 30, or a man who would reject a woman for being a virgin 30. I cannot say the same for reversed genders.
Dominic Cook
lmao no i'm not I live in europe people. Wish I could find a cute nerdy guy, I wouldn't mind if he's a virgin too if he's nice.
John White
Well, good luck. I'm sure it'll work out just fine for you. Just don't stress over it too much.
Dominic Morgan
Xavier Barnes
> (You) (OP) >>Deathly afraid of the reaction of my first when I tell him i'm a virgin >I have literally never, in my entire life, personally known or seen a post about a woman who got rejected for being a virgin under 30, or a man who would reject a woman for being a virgin 30. I cannot say the same for reversed genders.
Thanks. You're all slowly making me realize I was worried for nothing. I just couldn't bring the subject with friends so thank you all for your advice, you're the best
Kevin Miller
Sorry I'm new here I literally downloaded the app two days ago, still get confused sometimes
Anthony Wilson
Whatever dude. When you marry some chick who lays there like a dead fish you're gonna regret every word you've just written. You're a child, and so is anyone who thinks sexual compatibility isn't important in a marriage.
Alexander Sanchez
>you marry some chick who lays there like a dead fish you're gonna regret every word you've just written. Doubtful--compromising my morality for "muh dik" is not going to happen, and I'd already be very pleasantly surprised if I met someone where the interest in marriage was mutual. I promise you, should this ever happen, I'll kill myself and write my trip in my blood beforehand so you'll know it's me in the news story.
>so is anyone who thinks sexual compatibility isn't important in a marriage. Find where I said that. This is something you can easily discuss beforehand, and it's frankly a moot point if you're referring to nymphomaniacs that wouldn't be able to wait regardless. Are there outlier cases? Of course--I could probably find an example of "that guy" who develops a scat fetish midway through a marriage. But is that indicative of the norm? Absolutely not. The bottom line is, degenerates will always be degenerates, and I'm not interested in stopping them. But most people aren't inherently degenerates, and the worst of the population can and should be stopped from infecting the rest.
Wyatt Foster
>Doubtful--compromising my morality for "muh dik" is not going to happen You're either asexual or you're denying that you're a filthy hairless ape like the rest of us
Wyatt Nguyen
Apparently I have an ounce of self-restraint, then. I'm not asexual.