Fucking horrifying dreams

Help me. I keep having horrifying, graphic, vivid dreams literally every night.

One dream involved me being trapped in a burning building from which I couldn’t get out, and I was slowly dying from the smoke filling my lungs. I was curled up in a ball in the bathroom floor crying uncontrollably, then I woke up.

Another dream I had fucking mushrooms growing out of my body and it was disgusting and the thought of that dream still makes my skin crawl.

I also dreamed that I found my own severed head, in graphic detail, in a basement.

I can’t remember any others in full. But literally every night I dream about death, violence, being stabbed or shot, drowning, burning alive, disgusting things, etc. Also I keep having jump scares in my dreams, like walking around a dark place and then suddenly a fucking eyeless baby pops up and SCREAMS at ear shattering volume and I wake up.

Fucking help me, I’m scared to go to sleep every night because of this shit, it never stops.

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try shrooms. they're being reserched and maybe legalized to help treat depression soon, and could help your subconscious let go of these bad vibes

you have been possesed by night terrors. Very common if you have lot's of stress. There was even a case where older man couldnt sleep without night terrors because he found them interesting and it excited him what he was about to see next. This also proves theory that human mind doesnt create their own ideas but it is something like relay device.

You might have some luck with this on /x/. They have a lot of dream interpretation threads and that sort of thing.

The thing that jumps out at me is that you sound trapped. Like you're being murdered symbolically as in your soul is being murdered and you're letting it happen and surrendering and suffocating. Your head is buried in the basement. Like your potential or true self is cut off and it's horrifying to you, but you can't recognize it in waking life. Does this sound plausible at all? What's your life situation like?

For me personally I usually start having nightmares when I'm ignoring or avoiding a growing problem in my life.

The mushroom shit is weird. Maybe you're growing into something disgusting? As in deep down you're disgusted with the person you are becoming?

Maybe this website will have something useful:

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Yeah it sounds right, I’ve suffered with a lack of confidence and depression and feeling unable to escape that, but I’m working through it

Mostly I just want this shit to stop because I used to really enjoy my sleep, but this year and in particular this past month I dread going to sleep cause I know I’m gonna wake up at like 5am in panic because I had another super vivid dream where I thought I was dying

The last time I dreamed of drowning I genuinely believed it was my death. The dream was so real that I spent 10 seconds within that dream coming to terms with my death like “this is it, I’m drowning and no one is here to save me, this is the moment I die”. I can’t describe it but I felt a feeling in that dream that I believe must be the exact feeling a human has when they accept their death. Like a mixture of regret, deep sadness, horror, but also a strange acceptance and contentness like “there’s no way out, I must come to terms with this”. It was terrifying

Seems like you keep dying in your previous world the pararel one. Are you in danger? Is there someone who is after your life? The night terrors could be becasue of this. You keep dying but your consicuisness is being transfered to the world where you live. If that's the case the nightmares wont stop until you wont make them stop.

I’m not in danger, no one is after me. I’ve done some stupid shit in my youth though (not illegal) which maybe has left me with a fear that my mistakes might catch up with me

Yikes. This is user who recommended /x/. again.

The blind baby and being lost in the dark also sounds like a lost potential thing to me, but idk.

I've never really had night terrors like that. Worst I've ever had, at least recently was a bout of sort of apocolyptic nightmare dreams. Where i'll be walking towards my apartment and I'll hear jets and i look over and realize they're dropping bombs on my city and i realize that everything's going to be destroyed and the world will never be the same and I start worrying about how to get to my family and stuff while everything is exploding. In another one in what looks like an old Soviet city with big concrete buildings and there's some kind of genocide going on. Every one is running around in terror and panic. Some people have machetes, others have babies in their arms.

At that time I had taken on too much at once and I was starting to let myself buckle under the pressure, and then starting to drink more and ignore that things were falling apart. I took the dreams as a warning that I was going to destroy my life if I kept it up and that was enough to help me take responsibility and make some changes to lessen my load before it got out of hand.

Back when I was about 18 I had some dreams that were more like yours I think symbolically though. I have an old dream journal I'll post one.

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Okay idk where that journal is actually. But I used to have a lot where I'd be blind or stuck or sinking into quick sand or drowning or stuck and I would scream for help and panic and people would ignore me. Often times it involved a descent down a hill or into a basement, or a hole in the ground.

Looking back a lot of it had to do with the problems I was having transitioning to adulthood, and how I didn't think I was capable of it, and I was stuck and unable to communicate or to see clearly what was happening. I didn't understand the dreams at the time and I did indeed get sucked into a pretty deep hole in my life for a couple years and I became stuck and cut off from other people.

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Orrrr they could fuck up his mental sate and give him like schizophrenia. But yeah if you wanna risk it go ahead.

I have terrible dreams all the time too OP. Even more fucked up than yours, shit like being kidnapped as a kid and taken to research facilities where they expirement on children. Or these kinds of beings I can't even begin to describe. I've woken up several times in pools of sweat or in a panic. I've learned to accept it and lift for the hope that I can overcome whatever struggles are in my head.

Yeah, for a lot of people "bad vibes" aren't something to be let go of but something to be worked through. It's also definitely not a good idea to take shrooms or any drugs and expect them to solve your problems for you, and no doctor would recommend this based on the limited amount of clinical trials.

In the barbershop with my niggas.

If we're recommending recreational drugs. Marijuana would probably be a better start. I've spoken to several people who say after they stop smoking after prolonged use they start to have vivid dreams. Personally I didn't have a dream, or one I could remember, for literally 15 years. Then I quit smoking and I started having incredibly vivid dreams. They weren't inherently bad dreams but it was incredibly surreal. It did kind of put me on edge for awhile when I realized what kind of shit was going on in my dreams.

Anyway, drugs aren't the answer though. Seek professional and medical help first.

Don't ever have a kid.

I used to think having paralyzed-in-bed-while-angry-ghost-thing-hovers-over-me dreams were bad, then I had a kid and she started showing up in them. The normal parental guilt plus new crushing guilt of being unable to protect her in dreamland has taken its toll on my psyche.

Are you taking melatonin or supplements? If so, stop for a bit. Otherwise you might want to try meditating or having some relaxing routine before bed.

Sleep paralysis doesn't effect that many people. I used to have bouts when I was a kid but I haven't had a case in like 25 years. I do still remember how terrifying it was though. Wish I could tell you what made mine go away. I do feel sorry for you.

OP is just having vivid dreams. I don't see anything about sleep paralysis.

I didn't write sleep paralysis anyway. I dream about being in my bed in my room exactly as it is in real life except I can't move and there's shit flying around me and other shit.

My dad has the same issue, he says only weed prevents it.


Do you sleep face down? Have you been diagnosed with respiratory issues?

What is your typical diet?

I've experienced this, and Terence McKenna reported the same phenomenon as well. I wonder what it is. Perhaps channeling some "vividness" into your waking state of mind distributes your quota for irregular thought patterns?

To which then they prescribe you medicines which are also drugs?

When i realize i have sleep paralysis, i will close my eyes so that i wouldn't see all those creepy shit but I'll still be paralyzed