I'm about to break up with my gf because of her sexual past giving me anxiety

I'm about to break up with my gf because of her sexual past giving me anxiety

shes the nicest girl I've ever met. this feels like putting down a cute puppy. convince me to not do this (or continue)

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how bad is her past?

Unless she was a prostitute, has STDs, or kids - whats the problem?

She bang a black guy?

Use my mental trick OP. I had gf who had very feminine boyfriend i have looked up his facebook and he is literally cutest trap. So i have conviced myself it's okay if he fucked her because i want to fuck him too. Hard. Told her if she can tell him we can have three some he can fuck my ass. (he really can i want it) But she refused and wasnt talking to me for whole day. What a let down.

Her ex is an mma fighter.

Okay here's what you do. You jack up, find some matrial artist who teach you basic (he needs to be at least 94 years old saw it in anime), tell your girlfriend that you request formal fight with this MMA fighter. If you win you keep your gf if you lose you kill her.

How many guys has she fucked?

2 on tinder

I do want to learn to fight, but at that point id rather just look for another gf


Fuck man I'm considering the same thing my gf has had 3 partners before me all long term but the guys were total losers one raped her and stole her virginity and she stayed with him and the other was just a total neglective loser and she stayed with him for 7 years.

She took my own virginity even though she doesn't know that and I stay up at night thinking about how she could stay with these losers and have sex with them so many times and what the fuck i'm doing with her. But at the same time she is a good family girl with a good job, no kids, and no other sexual history besides these boyfriends and she's pretty much the perfect girl.

what do I do op, if you are breaking up with yours i'll do mine too but i don't think I can find anyone better at my age late 20s

Just a single one is already too much.

Are you a virgin?
How old are you?
Dump her, she deserves better than someone this immature.

OP here

You Just need to see other women. I mean this unironically, fuck monogamy. You clearly have the shit sode of the deal, a relationship where she has more experience means its an unbalanced relationship. You must have side hoes/mistresses.

Does she seem like a good wife? Does she like you a lot? If so keep her. When tou feep insecure fuel your rage into meeting and banging other girls. Itll make you feel a lot better. Im probably going to do this and when she finds out she can dump me or whatever happens. Either way ill probably be better off

Roasty we all know that you love to whore yourself but dont push any of your slut problems onto us kay?

I am a male you dumbass.

yes yes of course you are. Sweetie.

>I couldn’t get laid before her
>must project insecurities onto other girls now

Good luck finding a gf who isn’t a virgin and puts up with your stupid shit. Also good luck finding a gf that’s a virgin.

but she does really like me and would do anything for me because i'm the first guy who ever treated her decently but i'm afraid of being that nice guy cuck a woman settles down with riding the cock merry go round although in this case i think she was trying to settle down from the start just found shit partners with insecurity issues

but i agree with your advice i guess i don't have any choice. i'll never accept her having more of a history than me and i can't live the rest of my life this way. my mind is screaming at me that this is wrong and i keep trying to repress it thanks op i think you have the right idea.

>Also good luck finding a gf that’s a virgin

yes thanks this is my ultimate quest since i know all women are total whores.

You don't know anything about this girl and you say, "she deserves better". You're the definition of a white knight.

Attached: internet_white_knight_colored_4350.jpg (600x475, 62K)

you probably don't deserver her. do her a favour and take yourself out of her life

The girl I liked probably fucked like 100 dudes but she rejected me so its okay

>2 on tinder
the two isn't the problem but looking for dick on tinder is

One of the girl who i loved in school fucked like 10 000 guys. She was total whore but i didnt knew that. We were speaking, playing and all that bullshit i was holding her hand until her 28 yo boyfriend came to school she was like 15. I was in disbelief then i found out from guys who were next class that she is whore. She probably had terrible childhood i stoped speaking to her. She was killed when she was 21 by her another boyfriend.

Well shame. You cant pick your parents and how do you grow but i swear if she stayed with me she would be alive. So serves her right lmao.

first half of the story sounds like me lol, had friends of mine laughing wanting to show me her nudes but i was kinda devastated. sucks don't it

Absolutely do it. Leave the poor girl alone with your faggotory.

These beta orbiting white knight faggots somehow found their way on Jow Forums

I see this autistic faggoty daily, I sincerely hope nobody falls for these reddit larpers

Is the two guys on Tinder it?

Because if so, I'd say let that go man. Sure, there are girls out there who don't even have that on their resume, but they are few and far between.

Your girl is probably in the 90th percentile for chastity these days. Most women have done WAY more and WAY worse. If you get out there and actually date extensively, you'll see how stupid you're being.

Holy fuck you guys are so fucking autistic all these posts saying dump her better be satire because nobody can be this beyond autistic about previous partners. If you want your perfect princess virgin qt 3.14 gf then you might as well off yourself because they literally dont exist.

>because nobody can be this beyond autistic about previous partners
OP obviously is. Hence he shouldn't pollute the girls life further.

They will exist when im going to accept islam like you want to. Just wait when you will get stoned.

child predators found

Lol 1 less degenerate whore in the world. Dont have to worry about her passing on her genetics

Just the opposite, you're giving a cute puppy to a nice home after it was stuck with some idiotic owner. Free her from your insecure ass already.

Only on this website could a group full of sad fucks actually rationalize breaking up with someone who is genuine, sweet, caring and supportive because she had sex with two other guys. Some people wander this planet for a life time just searching for someone to give a shit about them. Some people are born into shit, starve and die in mud huts never experiencing the touch of another human being. The odds of being born as a human being in this place and time with a healthy body and economic standing to afford luxuries like computers and an internet connection is in the trillions. The odds of all of that happening and then meeting someone who actually cares about what happens to you and gives a shit about your happiness is even smaller and you're trying to tell me that you're willing to toss all of that away because she was attracted to two other people before she met you? Good luck with life, guys. Seriously.

if she's with you now and not the mma fighter, doesn't that mean something to you? like i feel like the insecurity is that you'll never be as good as them but here's the thing:

if they're that good. she'd be with them. something obviously went wrong for them to not be together. and out of all the other people she had known at the time you guys started dating she picked you. there's gotta be something about you she values over the people surrounding her and from her past.

And yet you choose to become whore. What are the odds now roasty?

im not a subsaharan nigger so I dont care

>if she's with you now and not the mma fighter, doesn't that mean something to you?

Yes, it means the MMA fighter dumped her. How would she stay with him if he dumped her? dumbass

Funny thing is even African niggers are strict about virginity in their little hut villages. its only liberal americans that are dumber than niggers

I'm a man and I don't envy you. Pettiness, toxicity, vitriol and anger aren't things I like to internalize. Its unfortunate that you've chosen to live that way but there is no universe in which I will at all feel ashamed for prioritizing happiness and personal fulfillment over idealism and the toxic compulsion you people have for demeaning other people. I strive to be a decent person and you, obviously, do not.

Well i am doing everything in my might to not become beta left leaning parasite like yourself. Faggot.

>beta left leaning parasite

>>>/big black dicks central/