How do I ever get over my crush? I'm keeping busy and avoiding him starting now...

How do I ever get over my crush? I'm keeping busy and avoiding him starting now. This is killing me inside Jow Forums help please.

How did you get over your crush that can never be?

I don't usually have crushes. I feel sick whenever I think of him and when he's around, it gives me anxiety and start feeling sick.
I sound like a fucking child but I'm an adult and not dealing well.

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maybe he's attempting suicide

Time heals everything. If you see him everyday it's gonna take a while. Just get distracted and meet new people.

Don't say that. He's not depressed.

I'm avoiding him at all costs. He is a part of our whatsapp group. When he sends voice notes to the group I want to die.

When I first met him he had a gf, then I dated a mutual friend for a bit. Nothing has worked so far especially now that we're both not dating anyone.

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Should I remove myself from the group chat?

But if you're both single why is he a crush that can never be?

Because the mutual friend still has feelings for me. Also because I am too shy to initiate anything privately and I don't think he even feels the same. He is awkward and shy too. By now he would've given me hints, right?
He once noticed my whatsapp profile picture (drawing of a monster) and called it "sexy" even though it wasn't.

How do you know he's not depressed? Guys with half a brain know not to show it publicly less they risk being ostracized or seen as weak, where as wahmen can and only receive comfort. That's life on rekrute difficulty

How many hints have you dropped yourself?

What do I do with your speculative information apart from worry about him even more?

Okay you don't wanna hurt your mutual friends. That's honorable. But it's also making you miserable and I don't think it's worth it.

Now if you're both shy and you think he's not interested in you than you must change that right? But let me tell you that if he noticed and said something about your drawing he wanted to interact with you. I don't know what you told him but I'd say you shot it down even if you didn't mean it.

Talk to him. There must be something you can talk about. Ask him about one thing you know he likes and go from there.

Oy vey, be a positive influence on his life, just be nice to him. If you have a problem don't bitch at him make a logical argument and don't bring old shit he did months ago. Just don't over do the whole being nice thing because if might come off as clingy. Keep it casual. Touch him like on his shoulder or something and say his arms are strong or some shit. 9 times out of 3 guys don't get compliments from anyone that's not their mom. Hell there are three instances where I got complimented by a chick and I'm an above average looking dude but I'm tall af

I'm "awkward and shy" i guess you could say and I'm too self conscious about the fact that i don't give signs to my own crush. Men are disposable and if your friend is not mentally ill will get over it (In fact it's liberating to be rejected directly) so just go with the guy you like and get it over with.

On some occasions when I was feeling confident.
I said to the group
"still waiting on user to marry me"
They all laughed and he typed a simple "lol"
Complimented his haircut
Asked for group's opinion on my dress, he commented "nice"
I complimented his new profile picture and he said "thanks :)"

He is not interested from what I can tell.

When he called it sexy I just typed "lol"

I panicked and couldn't think of a good line to come back with.

He likes comic books.


if you never talk to him how would you know if he isnt trying to die right now?

Yeah you shot it down.

So star a conversation about comic books. Ask him stuff about characters and stories and who is who and all that. People like it when they see someone else share their interests. And he'll see you in a different light. But do it in person. Pretend you care and just listen. Smile, try to look him in the eyes when is talking and have an open body language whenever you're with him. Touch him lightly but don't overdo it.

Don't go head over heels for him just keep it casual and try to develop a connection with him.

But you gotta talk to him.

I dunno, perhaps you could just go at him and say you like him out of the blue and see what he answers (after some decent build up), you fear heartbreak but you can only just delay it if you're both not meant to be.

>touch him and look him in the eye

I can't do this.

Sure you can. Look there's only one life to live. You wanna live with regret? What's the worse that can happen?

Let me give you a tip. When making eye contact draw a triangle in his face with your eyes. Go from one eye to the other down to the mouth back to where you started. But do it smoothly, or else you're going to look like you're watching a tennis match.

Regarding touching, let's say he's gonna show you a picture on his phone. He'll lean in to you and you'll do the same. Take that chance to make body contact like touching forearms or the knees or touch his wrist with your fingertips while his showing you whatever it is.

user please. Imagining these scenarios give me anxiety attacks. I will try to lean in but know I'm not good with it.
I'll probably have an anxiety induced coughing fit.

No reason for that. Just go talk to him and have fun.

If you feel good around him all these flirting "techniques" will come naturally.

Being shy is normal but if you give in to your shyness you'll only be left wondering what could've happened. And you don't want that.

Be sure of yourself and don't think that every little thing you do is being micro analysed by somebody. It's not. Most people are to busy dealing with their problems.

So, with this, just promise yourself that tomorrow you will walk up to him and say hi and will talk to him.

How old are you?