I know my gf lies about her past, number of guys she fucked and sexual things she did with them

I know my gf lies about her past, number of guys she fucked and sexual things she did with them.
I know it because her stories sometimes contradict themselves also I'm not that stupid.
She sometimes lies about trivial little things that has nothing to do with sex or other men. I just don't get it.

Thing is I need to know why she's doing it also I need to know why I cant stop thinking about it...

She's 35 and has a very jealous 8 year old girl that hates me btw , I'm 28.

What do to stop being obsessed?

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it sounds counter productive but you have to seduce her more. show a vulnerable side of you then leave for a bit, let her miss you and let her guard down.

>show a vulnerable side of you
Why? Can you elaborate? We had an argument about she lying once that doesn't worked. What everything you said has anything to do with my problem.
Why do you think she does all that?

>my gf
>She's 35
>What do to stop being obsessed?
Grow up, mannish boy. And find yourself an appropriate wife.

Do you keep asking her about her sexual past or does she bring it up herself? It's not a good subject to talk about.

Maybe she lies because she knows you're so obsessive?

No. Talked about both pasts when the relation began 4 months ago and one other time I told her that she contradicts herself with those stories

She doesn't know that Im thinking about it all the time. I act cool with all that.

Thing is I do not think about that shit when we're together. That moment I'm just happy

Women lie so much they don't even have to think about it, it's just part of their daily routine. Mostly it's to make themselves look better, or add drama to a story, or to make themselves look innocent.

Women of course lie about sexual partners because having a high partner count for a women is shameful, makes them look promiscuous and lowers their value for future partners.

>What do to stop being obsessed?
obsessed with your gf having slept with a ton of guys and done a bunch of dirty shit? Well, unless you're a cuck, you'll never be comfortable with it.

Also, why on earth are you dating a single mom?

>I know my gf lies about her past
>She sometimes lies about trivial little things
Why are you still with her then? Partners are meant to be able to trust each other.

I don't want to sound like a cuck but I lover and I'm happy when I'm with her

Are you guys Russian?


Maybe she understood it anyway that it makes you feel uncomfortable. I remember talking with a male friend about a hookup I had and his face made me realise he had romantic feelings for me. His face made me feel like I killed him in that second.

Maybe you can talk to her calmly about it. Explain her that the little lies make you feel uncomfortable.

Just understand that you could love and be happy with millions of other girls who don't have children.

>the relation began 4 months ago

You're infatuated with her, I'd struggle that amount of time to be called love. Your in the honeymoon phase and that will pass within a year, and you'll start to experience the real her.

Just don't make any big commitments like moving in, engagement, etc.

>has a very jealous 8 year old girl that hates me

Why would you want to deal with this? The child will never see you as father, will never respect your authority, and she will always be a priority over you.

>Maybe you can talk to her calmly about it. Explain her that the little lies make you feel uncomfortable

Already did and we had an argument because she didn't admitted it and never did.

Abort mission. Immediately.

Is OP asking advice on wether he should date a single mother by any chance?

If you had an argument about it already, I think you should just ask yourself if you trust her enough. It sucks but keep on arguing about it it hardly lead somewhere.
Maybe you will find out later in the relationship why she lies about these things, but doesn't seem a major prolem now. is it?

are you me?

but that was my ex, I couldn't get over it so she broke up with me and I didn't regret a bit.

maybe what annoys you is what she did in the past and you are afraid she would do it again because there're signs, at least it was my case

take a decision, OP, if you're only happy around her, that's not good, you should be happy with and without her. take it from someone who made the same mistake

OP here. I know about the daughter being a handicap, guys. I hope she'll grow up and stop being a pain in the ass. Im just asking about the lies. Not just her sexual past but little unimportant things

Is not a problem because is HER past and she didn't even saw me as a possible bf back then. But I want to stop thinking in all that shit when I'm not with her.

>but little unimportant things

Some people are like that. Have a friend who once told me about a tv show he loved when he was 6, two weeks later I mention that tv show and he denied he ever liked it.
I guess I'm kind of like you because I confronted him and did insist that he loved that show when he was fucking 6, and all he could say was "I dunno, I really don't remember much".

What sort of little unimportant things are we talking?

The thing about lying all the time is that it gets harder to keep track of all the lies, so you start contradicting yourself.

My girl tends to lie a lot when she tells stories, like she embellishes things, adds in extra details, leaves out other details. It's like playing the phone game, but she's the 10th person in the line or something.

I don't think she does it consciously, and she gets irritated when I call her out on it and she accuses me of calling her a liar, but she always messes up important details of things.

I understand, but all you can do now is repeat to yourself that it doesn't matter since she's with you right now and she makes you happy.

Those little unimportant thing makes me wonder if she's lying about important stuff

Why do you type like that?

Well if she can't handle well such little lies how could she actually handle deep shit lies?

That's exactly it. Maybe she's doing it unintentionally because she forgot what she said because she's retarded but really pisses her when I tell her she contradicts herself

English not my first language. Sorry for that

My girl also is horrible with details of things like movies. She literally cannot remember the details of the movies, like the characters, the plots, what happened, etc.

She even forgets that she saw certain movies within a number of months. I'm convinced she just has bad short term memory, or that she doesn't remember details on things she doesn't care that much about or something.

I guess some people are quite used to distort details when they're telling some stories just to make them more interesting, then if you're openly skeptical about something they'd reply "it's a detail, it doesnt really matter, the whole point is..."

This is me. Sexual partners I remember because it's only 2.

>compulsive liar
Drop her like a fucking stone shes a single mother for a reason

totally agree with user.

This is not a girl but a 35 yo woman and if she lies about little shit she lies about big shit. I would be more worried about non sexual shit she lies about. Watch out for yourself OP

What things does she say?

She told me once she only did buttsex with me and her ex husband but months later she said she did it with some other guy and whem I told her ablut the contradiction she said it was a misunderstanding the first time.
But it wasn't. Im 100% sure what she said the first time