So I fell in love with my gf's little niece. I'm 24, she's 18...

So I fell in love with my gf's little niece. I'm 24, she's 18. I met her druing a little concert in a pub where she sang and I was smitten instantly. The voice and face of an angel. Now, she's in a relationship with some guy, but we talked and there was a palaple tension. I asked her out and we did some things and of course last night we had drunk sex. Both of us felt guilty as shit afterwards, she moreso than me ( my infatuation kills most of my guilt tbqh) and she said she didn't want to see me anymore. But this morning she called me, I didn't pick up, and she left a message saying she's sorry

So girls/guys, did I fuck it up beyond repair or is there a chance?

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You fucked it up. Even if you both broke up with your partners, which she won't do because she'll feel far too guilty over leaving him for someone else in the first place, she will never untangle her guilt over cheating from her feelings for you and so will never be able to hold down a relationship with you.

Maybe with time things can work out, no?
It's not some one-sided obession, we're both intensely drawn to each other.

Is it not possible that that force strengthens the shaky grounds of our potential relationship, eventually?

You destroyed the possibility of anyone involved having a decent relationship. You just became the scum of the earth: a cheater


Still copulated.

Feces was currency.

I don't care about that. All I want is her, even if it costs me everything. Also I confessed to my gf, and she cried, shouted, but she didn't even have the guts to leave me so why should I respect someone that doesn't respect herself?

You're an awful person.


Ah yeah, you’re a fucking piece of shit. You’re like the guy in Lolita, just justifying your obsession and damaging behaviour towards people who care about you. You don’t deserve to be happy. Fuck off into the sea.

You are a lowly cheater, you made the girl you say you're in love with and care about a morally lose cheating whore, you disrespect your girlfriend whom you should treat with love and care. You disrupted a family just to satisfy your pathetic needs. You are selfish, but what's worse, you are impulsive and stupid. Now you act all tough, but remember: what goes around comes around.

Harsh. I'm not like humbert at all ( great novel btw), and funny because my gf accused me of being a pedo as well. Like what's so strange about a 24 year old falling for a 18 y/o and vice versa?

I care about my gf, but I care more about my satisfying my infatuation for this girl? Does that make me a bad person? I've stayed comitted for 4 years despite having options enough to cheat. It's not like I'm constantly abusive because I did something egotistical and damaging once.

I know I fucked up but I couldn't and can't resist it

>you made the girl you say you're in love with and care about a morally lose cheating whore

Oh boy.

All girls have it in them to cheat when the circumstances are right. Especially when they're young and in love

I don't act though btw, I made a premeditated moral decision and now I live with it

>is cheating, inciting someone else to cheat and fucking up your gfs family relations a bad thing?
Dude are you really that retarded that you don't see the damage you've made?

>All girls have it in them to cheat when the circumstances are right. Especially when they're young and in love
[citation needed]

I see it rationally, I just don't feel it emotionally, because I judge it to be less important to me than to possess her

And this is precisely what makes you a bad person.

That's called being a sociopath


Oh but I'm on 4chins, a site that collectively suffers from the biggest Madonna–whore complex. I get it, I feel it too, but the purity in girls you search for is a sham. At least in the current state of our culture

Sociopath dubs chekt

C'mon boyos, because I have somewhat egotistical priorities does that make me a psychopath?

I'm not deceiving ( I made clear my intentions from the start and confessed to my gf afterwards) and I try to be morally honest, it's just sometimes difficult to emotionally experience the fallout of the things I did

We said sociopath. Different thing. Lack of emotion and empathy for the misfortune, that you caused no less, is signs of sociopathic behaviour. Talk to a shrink and start from scratch. Do your gf a favor and dump her and stop seeing her niece

Isn't the difference between the two a matter of nature vs nurture? I've talked to a shrink about it.
It's not that I lack empathy, I just have more control over it, and when I really desire something it shut out completely. So it's not that I constantly live on parasitic robot mode, it just that I have moral problems like memory problems, I just can't feel sometimes.

I'm dumping my gf, even if she's forgiving and still wants me, but I can't stay away from this girl till this desire inside of me burns out

Good on you for living life on your terms. It's unfortunate that your end-goal to living on your terms is some young pussy that led you to hurting two or more people. What you did was completely reprehensible.

>C'mon boyos, because I have somewhat egotistical priorities does that make me a psychopath?
Nah, just a cunt. That's what it makes you.

You were deceiving. You should have broken up with you're girlfriend and then asked your in-law out, but you went behind your girlfried's back and broke her trust.

>it's just sometimes difficult to emotionally experience the fallout of the things I did
That's called facing the consequences for your actions. Congratulations, you're taking your first steps towards being a man. Shame nobody taught you that until now.

he's not saying difficult to experience as in unpleasant, the idiot is saying he feels nothing and doesn't care but can sometimes force himself to focus on the emotional pain he causes and sort of feel something

No. I can care, it's just more convenient to sometimes switch that moral brake off, and sometimes when I really desire someone/something, I go in tunnel vision and it drowns out completely

So what you are saying is you can change you feelings on the fly according to necessity? Classic sociopathic behaviour

why would anybody harbor any goodwill toward you then? why would any of us be inclined to help you?

Because everyone harbors secret evil desires to some extend. I'm just honest and self-aware enough to pick out the least damaging urges and comit to them

Yes, to varying degrees. Does that make me evil?

>Does that make me evil?
Yes, because should the situation arise and you felt like you wanted you would not hesitate to murder someone and you wouldn't even care about doing it either.

Not necessarily kill, but he would manipulate anyone to get what he wants without a second thought to the consequences to the other person

My logic dictates that you created a lot of problems for this girl, and that she's going to have difficulty dating until this fades.

My proposition is that you take responsibility and at least ask her if she wants to just go out with you instead.
>All these people saying she'll NEVER GET OVER THE FEELING OF CHEATING WITH HIM!
She sure won't. You probably gave her masturbation material that she'll still be thinking about 20 years from now. There's a reason those trashy novels almost always feature some sort of justified cheating.

She's 18. Age is just a number, unless she's older than you.

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don't even want to manipulate people, let alone kill them. I just want this girl. I want to feel her little body quiver in my hands. I want her to follow and admire me. Is that so wrong?

By itself? Debatable
The way you went about it? Very much so

Also, I've only seen you talk about what you want so far and it's all relate to your self satisfaction. Nowhere have you considered others feelings, and again, classic sociopathic behaviour

No. It's mutual attraction. She just texted me, said sorry again, and asked me to go out again.

Obviously, my desire is her desire. Maybe mine is more malignant and her is more innocent, but ultimately it's the same.

Well you'll do what you want in the regardless of anything we tell you but I'd bet your relationship won't last. Don't build something on top of misery and betrayal it won't end well

I will try regardless probably, but I'm afraid you are right. I don't think she'll ever be able to trust me unless I can break and remake her untill she slavishly devoted

You didn't want advice, you wanted us to tell you you were in the right and not a sociopath. Either way, I hope you get what's coming to you

You're right, she texted me and I agreed and we're going out again tonight. I'm so hyped I feel weightless. You know the sparkle of adoration/admiration in a girl's gaze when she gives you those doe eyes? It sets me on fire

No I just wanted some self-reflection mostly, and I got it, so thank you srs

you fucked up and you are mentally fucked, take care of yourself before you find ANYBODY

Calm down OP, the only thing that matters is that you got your dick in some young puss.

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Based. And I just did it again. What's morality compared too cumming balls deep in some tight young vag while her eyes roll in every direction and she pulls you deeper

>24/m got 18/f drunk and had sex with her

lol she will end up saying you raped her
also providing alcohol to underage
also your "GF's" niece

you have more problems than if or not the kid likes you

>Amerifat assumes everyone else is an Amerifat

I live in France. Things like that aren't nearly as frowned upon here than in Burgerland. I talked with her dad today too and he was pretty chill about it

>immoral degenerate
it all checks out

Bet I could swoon your mom by citing some Boudelaire though
American foreign exchange students are some of the most cock hungry girls Ive met, even by French standards

Ye you're a sociopath. I don't expect much from /r9kadv/.

user ruins a family.

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Yes. Nobody loves a traitor or a degenerate. Move on. Cut off contact with that family. You have humiliated yourself beyone repair. You obviously have a weak sense of family values and boundaries.

You must be a fat dumpy little inbred retard. Your neice may have slept with you but she will always remember what kind of guy you are sleeping with a neice of your gf. She will not want you around her neices im sure. People who do this shit are scum and if your banging a trashy bitch she will always know your trashy as well and will treat you like trash. The infatuation will end even if you do give up everything to be with her. And then youll realise how big of a pig ypu are.

Au contraire, I'm charming, handsome and well-off. How do you think I get away with things like this otherwise?
Her mom and dad even welcomed me today because I'm so much better than the deadbeat bore she hangs around with.

She's not trashy at all, no ONS, only one bf, and I've known her since she was 14

I'm keeping my little angel no matter what happens

It's alway hilarious how people try to tie ugliness to moral bankruptcy btw. You're a brainlet that buys into lookism

>I'm keeping my little angel no matter what happens
She will cuck you at the first opportunity given and leave your ass at the second so stay realistic about this relationship. Young chicks who cheat stay this way well into their early 30s

We"ll see. You underestimate the power of persuasion and attraction. I'll gently reshape the parts about her that I don't like, like I did with my gf

I think you underestimate the call of fresh dick and the thrill of cheating
But gl mang, you will need it

Ok reading on thru this thread its clear your a LARP. Good one.

>>How do you think I get away with things like this otherwise?
Your literally scumbag bro, this is what happens when some rich dickheads raise a privileged asshole who doesn't respect anyone but himself and his desires. Dosen't matter how good you look if on the inside your the ugliest mofo around.

>So I fell in love with my gf's little niece. I'm 24, she's 18.

What is your girlfriend like 40 years old?