Should I pick up smoking? It looks fun.
Should I pick up smoking? It looks fun
it's not fun, it fucking sucks, I wish I never started, it doesn't help you socialize
>t. 14 year smoker
There are faster ways to kill yourself. Try meth.
>it doesn't help you socialize
Yes it fucking does.
I smoke only when I'm with friends which is maybe a few times a week so one pack lasts long for me. You may or may not get addicted. It's how you put your mind to it.
But if you are worried about addiction I'd say pick up cigars instead.
Knock yourself out user. I've know 90 year old who smoked since 13 and have no problems with their lungs or hearts. You don't know before you try. There wo probably be a lot of people saying it's stupid to pick up smoking but fuck them. It's about you and your wishes. You will live longer as your own boss instead of trying to please others.
Not really. It’s just the most cancerous conversation starter.
What are the "cool" cigs though
Don't be a fag sucking on a cigarette, be a man and dip.
As a smoker I will tell you better off leaving it alone. It's expensive, hurts your health, yadda yadda yadda.
Just smoke weed.
It’s trashy. Don’t leech off other people and ask for cigs either everyone hates those people.
>It's trashy
Okay pal
If you have a lot of money that you don't need and don't mind shittier health overall. It's good for socializing.
Smoking isn't "fun". You just inhale and exhale. The nicotine buzz is nice, but it's not amazing. I really only smoke cigs if I need an immediate energy boost and have work to do. I also hate people like you who ask these retarded fucking questions. It's always accompanied by some stupid moeshit image too. Go buy a pack and a lighter and find out for yourself. Jesus Christ, do you need your hand held for everything?
Buy a pack of Camel Turkish Royals and fuck off.
I regret it. Dont do it. I mean, i can barely breathe now.
is this market research?
Starting vaping a few weeks ago have no problem stopping for a week or few days at a time. Thinking I might drop it completely just cause I'm thinking nicotine all the time might not be as safe as I think.
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
>it's addicting!!!
It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation
>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!
Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
I stopped after 10 years ( started Young).
It s real good.. But its bad.
Here is what i mean: the feeling? Omfg, real good.
The problem is that ( dunno if its only for me ), after i while, it made me feel sleepy, and i didnt even notice.
After i stopped smoking ( thanks to Jow Forums And the trauma of too many redpills), i realized how much more emerge i have, and its crazy.
Also, i dont smell like before, so thats a plus.
And btw, if want to try ( i suggest you dont, but hey, wanna kys slowly, go for it ), remember that its not the first inhalation.
That fucking sucks. It s smell and your mouth will feel like shit. Its the second inhalation.
You ll feel less disgusted, and thats the sign that you are putting chains around you.
Also, even now ( half a year later ), i feel t ha damage on my lungs after 10 years of smoking.
So that sucks.
Fuck, i wrote as if i am Autistic fuck.
".. more emerge i have.. " = " more energy i have "
" ... ), i feel t ha damage ... " = " I feel the damage ".
Sorry, i had to correct myself here, else i would have felt dishonest.
There are no "cool" cigarettes. As to what people like, most folk gravitate towards Marlboros. I like Lucky Strikes (the unfiltered ones), but I only smoke one every few weeks.)
If you have to ask, the answer is no. I certainly enjoy the act, the taste is somewhat nice and the nicotine has a very calming effect, but I do it exceedingly rarely- one pack of Luckies lasts me two months.
Lucky Strikes!?
Shit man, Can I bum one of you?
Smoking is lame
I don't smoke because it fucks with my lungs and overall health, and I need to be in tip-top shape for my career. I prefer alcohol anyway
Clayton you degenerate tranny loving faggot.
What's with these fucking smoking threads? is it just one retard shitposter like the "small town life sucks" idiot?
>the most cancerous conversation starter.
Be a social smoker if anything. Doing it every day can make you cough like fucking crazy and slowly kills you but having a couple of cigs once or twice a week is fine, it helps you socialize and chills you out a bit. I had job opportunities thrown at me, I had awesome LSD for cheap offered to me all after sharing a cig and having a conversation while smoking.
Smoking weed is generally more fun if you're looking for the effect, it's also less harmful as you usually don't smoke 20 joints a day.
Pick up vaping, it looks cooler and has better flavor and no cancer. I recommend an Aspire Breeze 2.
Waste of money and gives you wrinkles...