Never spend money on a girl you haven’t fucked yet...

>Never spend money on a girl you haven’t fucked yet, because I guarantee you there’s a guy out there she gave it to for free

Is this sound advice? My roommate has sex with plenty of girls and lately he’s been trying to share wisdom with me because he knows I’m not Casanova.

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I'll just save you some time since this video is what your rommates 'wisdom' entails as will the advice of other posters:

That said I think your going down a dark path user.

It's very legit. Doing that puts the pussy on the pedestal. It makes some girls feel like you're trying to bribe her. Some full well take advantage of it and never giving you what you want

Money has nothing to do with love.
It is so much so that if you use it or don't, doesn't change the end result.

I don’t think so. My roommate is pretty happy and the girls he’s been with adore him even after he breaks it off.

Could you elaborate what you mean by darkness?

You're admiring a literal Pimp

That's what I mean

If you don't see what's wrong with this behavior then I have no nothing further to say to you.

>You're admiring a literal Pimp
He’s not a pimp, he sells houses
>If you don't see what's wrong with this behavior then I have no nothing further to say to you.
Maybe you could show me if you didn’t quit in a huff

Go fuck some girls.

The key is to just flat out ask them for sexual favors. You'll get what you want and then you'll understand.

Number of times I've taken a woman out for dinner: 3
Number of times I've gotten laid: 0

To be perfectly fair, they don't owe me anything. But hey, it's a gamble.

Sometimes you throw money away at the casino.
Sometimes you lose competitions.
Sometimes you get a degree in something and never get employed in the relevant field.

I kinda hate how pickup culture is so entrenched in the minds of impressionable young men nowadays. Men don't want a good relationship anymore, they just want to "get laid". Same is true for many women as well.

if you invite someone out you should be willing to spend some money, it's polite.

One reason this kind of thing is difficult in the west and especially America is this weird attitude that westerners/Americans treat sex as such a taboo. The whole concept of "sluts" and "slutiness" revolves around the notion that sex is a bad thing to do.

Calling women sluts for liking sex is a bit harsh. I like to say that there is a reason all of us are here, and it's not because of God's creation, or flying storks.



There's also the fact that 'sluts' are a real thing.

You should see the Middle Easts stance on this concept.

it's good to be polite, makes everything easier. if you don't have $15 laying around you should be doing something in service of financial solvency instead of fucking

What stance is that?

Yeah there's definitely people who like to sleep around. Again though, I think people conflate "slut" with girl who has sex with any other guy readily without forcing him to work for it, if not multiple guys. I'm not saying you should be with a woman who's values don't align with your own. In fact I personally value sex as a high form of intimacy and won't share it with just anyone even if she's physically attractive, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to be the same.

ok mom, sorry I'll have basic decency...

Spend money on her if you want to spend it - you like each other and genuinely want to treat her to something. Don't spend money with the thought that you're building up points to exchange for sex.

Sounds like we're on the same page Europe bro.

Also just so you know since it kinda concerns you now- they kill the 'sluts' by beheading in public.

We have the Mexican Drug Cartels, but oh boy do you guys have something to look forward to.

How the fuck does not spending money to fuck make you a pimp

grooming many girls to be your harem makes you a pimp user

Oh I'm not actually European, I'm an American born and raised, and I definitely feel it first hand.

I should've figured that's what you meant with the middle east, I thought maybe you were about their philosophy but we already know what that is by proxy of how they punish "sluts".

It's not that at all, he's saying the guys who say shit like OP's roommate did are players, plain and simple. He's slept with tons of women, so he knows how to "spit game" and while it may seem like it's nothing but just fucking around, there's usually a fundamental difference in the approach that sets the tone for any budding relationship. Said tone is hard to erase and re-configure especially after you've gotten intimate, which happens soon if you're like the roommate in question.

I agree that you shouldn't have to spend money, but you should want to like said. The point is that money is a means to express fondness and share a connection, not a way to get into bed with someone. It doesn't, nor should it, guarantee you'll see her with her clothes off.

You can go on a fucking spree without being so pessismistic about life. He might fuck a lot of girls, but they are probably unstable girls. Short term that will be fine, long term it fucks you up.

In general with advice, take most of it with a grain of salt. Test out his advice - if it works well for you, keep it, if not adjust the advice until it works well for you.

Roastie getting toasty.

But who started the downward spiral? I used to be the sort of guy who really wanted a long term relationship. But after a shitton of rejections I just gave up and started having one night stands. I'm sure things will change when I'm older, but I'm already jaded. The cycle continues.

>Not going dutch on first dates
Haha what the fuck nigga