Jow Forums is just going to shitpost in this thread so I'm posting it here:
I've always been the more "conservative" one of my friends. Hated feminism, hated hippie dippie shit, hate basedboys and was all about embracing masculinity, standing up for yourself, not being a victim and having a close relationship with my father.
One of my best friends was the complete opposite. Male feminist who hated "toxic masculinity" super liberal, daddy and mommy issues, artsy basedboy etc. We had other things in common that brought us together but we went at it all the time with politics and whatever. As we got older he sunk deeper and deeper into joblessness, depression and obsessing over his two ex's and hated Chad and all that jazz. I went out of my way to help him out of that shit, tried to get him to get a job, exercise and give him someone to talk to when his therapist wasn't enough. He still hated my "patriarchal tendencies" and I still thought that being an overly emotional twink gets you screwed over in life.
One day I was on the phone with him talking about his problems and his ex, and the next day he hung himself in his room.
I knew he had issues, so did his family and the professional help he was seeing, and I still grieve every day for him but fuck, now I'm wondering if his political and social leanings are correlated to what drove him to fucking kill himself?
The hopeless soiboy who hates being male is a meme sure but now is there any truth to it? Since my friends death I've doubled down on my own beliefs and my own leanings and I've basically gone far right, fundamentalist and traditional.
I begrudgingly accepted the atheist, LGBTQ, women's rights and whatever egalitarian leftism movement before due to my "progressive" environment, but now I associate that line of thought with my friends death, and now I hate it. I've been pushed further to the right than ever before and I'm honestly confused and still hurt
What do?