Did leftism kill my friend

Jow Forums is just going to shitpost in this thread so I'm posting it here:

I've always been the more "conservative" one of my friends. Hated feminism, hated hippie dippie shit, hate basedboys and was all about embracing masculinity, standing up for yourself, not being a victim and having a close relationship with my father.

One of my best friends was the complete opposite. Male feminist who hated "toxic masculinity" super liberal, daddy and mommy issues, artsy basedboy etc. We had other things in common that brought us together but we went at it all the time with politics and whatever. As we got older he sunk deeper and deeper into joblessness, depression and obsessing over his two ex's and hated Chad and all that jazz. I went out of my way to help him out of that shit, tried to get him to get a job, exercise and give him someone to talk to when his therapist wasn't enough. He still hated my "patriarchal tendencies" and I still thought that being an overly emotional twink gets you screwed over in life.

One day I was on the phone with him talking about his problems and his ex, and the next day he hung himself in his room.

I knew he had issues, so did his family and the professional help he was seeing, and I still grieve every day for him but fuck, now I'm wondering if his political and social leanings are correlated to what drove him to fucking kill himself?

The hopeless soiboy who hates being male is a meme sure but now is there any truth to it? Since my friends death I've doubled down on my own beliefs and my own leanings and I've basically gone far right, fundamentalist and traditional.

I begrudgingly accepted the atheist, LGBTQ, women's rights and whatever egalitarian leftism movement before due to my "progressive" environment, but now I associate that line of thought with my friends death, and now I hate it. I've been pushed further to the right than ever before and I'm honestly confused and still hurt
What do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I knew he had issues, so did his family and the professional help he was seeing, and I still grieve every day for him but fuck, now I'm wondering if his political and social leanings are correlated to what drove him to fucking kill himself?
I don't think so. Men are statiscally more suicidal from the over competitiveness of our society, probably doesn't correlate with political leanings.

You kept redpilling your friend until he couldnt swallow it and killed himself. All leftists are being brainwashed since childhood if they introduced to harsh reality they tend to have suicidal thoughts and mannerism. Imagine that everything you know about world and life suddenly becomes lie. Him being weak faggot mentally and physically didnt help. There was nothing you could do. Blame every left leaning parasite for the death of your friend. They caused it.

>Blame every left leaning parasite for the death of your friend. They caused it.

OP here. Im really, really close to thinking like this.

>You kept redpilling your friend until he couldnt swallow it and killed himself.

I really really hope I didn't have anything to do with the act and I'll be honest I've had nightmares of this shit. His first breakup was by a chick (multiple years) who we all thought was a huge cunt and a man hater but he didn't listen to us until he got his heart crushed.

Years later after we let her know that he passed all she said was "oh" and went right back to posting butt pics on her Instagram story.

I think it's less likely that your friend killed himself because he adopted these politics and more likely that he got into these views because he wanted to kill himself or was the type of guy likely to kill himself.
Pic related I guess.
t. Canadian conservative

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Your friend wouldn't kill himself if he watched sports instead of caring with politics. He died because he was a retard.

>he watched sports
>t. Sportsball bread and circus ameriburger

Wrong. It's
>happy and successful Sportsball bread and circus ameriburger
I just come here for the "I'm a virgin waah" baits.

Jesus fucking Christ this is a stupid thread. You fucking Jow Forumskids are out of control.

Politics isn’t fucking everything. I doubt you’re even this masculine man you have to keep convincing yourself you are. It doesn’t sound like your friend’s problems were political or soi based at all, you’re just being a stupid identity politic faggot again and using your friend’s death to give you more of an excuse to go down a rabbit hole of being a shithead. Go outside man, you’ll realize not everyone fits your stupid internet crafted worldview.

>all about embracing masculinity, standing up for yourself, not being a victim
The fact you posted this thread speaks against it but let's see...

>obsessing over his two ex's and hated Chad
At least he doesn't sound any better than you after all.

>He still hated my "patriarchal tendencies"
B-but therapy is pretty basedboy, wth.

>now I'm wondering if his political and social leanings are correlated to what drove him to fucking kill himself?
You gotta be cray to even attempt looking for a connection there.

Such a good bait thread

>friend kills himself
>blames his politics and not his depression

What happened to your friend sucks and it's normal to look for reasons or justification. But this is a stretch if there ever was one. Your friend had issues, obviously, and you tried to help him. But this is a result of his mental illness and possible obsessive behavior. While his issues may have influenced his worldview, leftism doesn't cause depression or suicidal tendencies. People attempt and commit suicide across the political spectrum.

At the end of the day, there was probably a ton of factors that went into his decision. You might not even know about some of them. Shit sucks, and it's awful that he felt like that was the best choice. I'm sorry for your loss, but you probably will not find an easy answer or cause.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if some Jow Forumsak really thought like that. Not every retarded thing on the web is bait.

Who should I vote for unironically?
Politically i'm peak identity crisis. I try to say nothing unless i'm around the 2 people I know it's safe to say the n word with

Leftism didn't kill your friend. Your friend had mental issues and embraced leftism as a result.

MGTOW is politically blind.
People dont kill themselves just because they have opinions.
They kill themselves because of the situation they are in.
Im liberal but Im aggressive and think Im always right and I think we have moved to far away from skilled trades towards a service industry.
Your interests and personality play a factor in your politics but its ultimately your beliefs on society as a whole that shapes your politics.
However millennials are more issue focused and less government focused. Thats on both sides. No one is trying to achieve anything. They just vote down party lines and have opinions down party lines.

>They kill themselves because of the situation they are in.

What do you think about the "other people have it worse than you" point of view?

Not him but it's basically irrelevant because human brains don't give a flying fuck about logic and pleasure/suffering are subjective. Some richfag not getting 10 new cars on his birthday, can feel the same sadness some poor kid would if he didn't get shit.

The worst part about that pic that hits hard is that I don't want to be allowed to cry, I don't care about that
It's that I just want some sort of appreciation

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I feel you man.

Its a useless observation. The only way it benefits you is if you get pleasure from other people suffering. Otherwise its just another negative thing about life.

That guy in pic related seems like a twat.
Men don't cry in the company of others.
We are problem solvers, and if we can't fix it then we move on, have some fucking dignity is my advice.

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Your friend was an undisciplined man child who can’t let things go and grow up, suicide was his best option if he didn’t want to grow up and face reality


>I don't want Jow Forums to shitpost in my thread
>It is not bait at all

Well then you're just a big old retard for thinking that socio-economic beliefs is what drives a person to kill themselves, and not depression.

Conservatives, especially "conservatives" from Jow Forums and reddit are just as fucked as people from the left. They use identity politics as a way of shifting the blame onto the world and the universe (e.g. it's feminists' fault that I can't get a girlfriend, it's the mexicans' fault that I can't get a job) and a form of escapism. They're just as likely to kill themselves. Politics has nothing to do with it.

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I'll bet your constant injecting politics into everything made him kill himself.
Hope you're happy killer.

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It is statistically known that atheists have higher suicidal tendencies because they're more likely to be nihilistic. If your friend has troubled family and life in general, it doesn't even matter his political affliation, him having nihilistic/fatalistic viewpoints lead to his death, but we can also say all the negativity from his politics and obvious rebellious "fuck society/system" mentality aided in this.

why would you save this image

It's okay Hanz.. there..there

He's das Untermench

>and obvious rebellious "fuck society/system" mentality aided in this.

I thought being a conservative alt-right kekistan was the new punk rock

leftists, however incredibly delusional and misguided they can be, are more about helping society

Because it's funny and I've got 10 terabytes of space

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>I thought being a conservative alt-right kekistan was the new punk rock

Shut It Down

>Politics isn’t fucking everything

Goverment controls every aspect of your life. They control what do you learn in school, what work they need so they force propaganda for certain works and overal social dynamics between people. It's fact that parents dont raise their children but goverment dp. Everything today normies know is in form of propaganda.
Goverment can also do very foolish decisions such as accepting millions of foregin immigrants with culturally and racially different backrounds to country where people are also very different. See Europe. This causes huge unrest and is already destabilizing Europe.

>This causes huge unrest and is already destabilizing Europe.
This is what Jow Forumsaks believe.

That's not what i belive in that is what is happening. T. European.

Jow Forums is a mental illness

Just quit Jow Forums for 6 months and you'll see where we are coming from man. Their memes get old and stale.

Almost as if suicidal people have a pattern of depressive and anxious behavior which is largely to blame for their suicidal tendencies, eh, hoss?

I see you have internet still. Call us Americans over to kick the sandnigger ass for you when it's down.

>implying Jow Forums isn't here, too
Sorry about your friend, but from what you've said I don't think there was anything you could have done.
Depends on the country
Mainstream "conservatives" are usually just as bad or in some cases worse than leftists

>Stupid ameriburger who thinks he knows something about anything
Your entire continent is like europe's baby's baby ahahahah!

You can't do anything to change any of that.

I used to be sort of like you. I used to think that the government was bad and that corporations were even worse.

but it doesn't matter, you can't do anything to fight an entire government or a coalition of world governments or a global mega corporation. I don't care about what's happening in the world, I don't care what's happening in the rest of the country, I barely care about what happens in the ass-end of my own city. None of that shit is my fault or my responsibility and in reality it doesn't affect my daily life.

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>None of that shit is my fault or my responsibility
>and in reality it doesn't affect my daily life.

That's funny Piotr


It really doesn't. The worse thing that happens is that sometimes I stumble into some retarded argument on the internet, like this thread, but I can just close the tab and do something else

As am I. Living in a city with 40% people who have migrant background. Not too long ago something horrible happened to me too and fucking liberal jew media ignored it as usual. Some black guy, talking fucking English, clearly not knowing where he is, asked me for a cigarette. I was literally shacking. Stay save, Euro-bro. It starts with cigarettes but then they will want to convert us into Islam and take our girlfriends!

That's why i said the political affliation doesn't matter there. The "everyone is trying to get me" is present in both sides to some degree.

>Government Recruiter

Oy vey!

Most of those immigrants are males so your theory >take our girlfriends, seems to be proven true. Have you heard what happens once the ration male to female is 5:1? Either war or civil war.

> Have you heard what happens once the ration male to female is 5:1? Either war or civil war.

Do it

They seem to raping their own women in refugee camps more besides naive whites.

>Have you heard what happens once the ration male to female is 5:1?
This will take centuries of selective breeding, and the majority aborting all girls. If you get off worrying about the future so much, there is something way more pressing like climate change.

>take our girlfriends, seems to be proven true
If your girl leaves you for Ahmed, you clearly wasn't a catch in the first place.

Your country is funny mr. John.
Europe always was, is, and will be the best place EVER on this godforsaken rock.
Until caucasians leave

>This will take centuries of selective breeding, and the majority aborting all girls. If you get off worrying about the future so much, there is something way more pressing like climate change.

Or import millions of males from foregin countries and... violonchelo! You shortened centuries of selective breeding into mere decade! Congratulations!

Gotta step the numbers up massively then. Europe has the population of 400m, we gotta import ALL the male refugees that exist around the world and hope they won't have any girls to even have a chance to hit your target.

>If your girl leaves you for Ahmed

Or if he takes her and rapes her and kills her afterwards. So many cases!

You probably have a better chance winning the lottery.

>Gotta step the numbers up massively then

Worry not! European union is working on this hard.

Lottery which would never happen in first place if they were not here.

Theres literally a thread in adv right now of a dude who's girlfriend got raped by a third worlder

This shit is not as rare as winning the lottery. Use your brain.

>EU achieving anything beyond pickles legislation
Yeah, this will take a while.

Fuck the data, we have an user and his totally legit story!

and there's a good christian white rapist who got sworn in as a supreme court judge

>doesn't believe rape stories


This is the real threat with immigrants from the muslim world.

They run Human Trafficking

Most human trafficking is from out Christian friends from East Europe.

>we gotta import ALL the male refugees that exist around the world and hope they won't have any girls to even have a chance to hit your target.

Can you even imagine being this retarded? You wake up from bed you take shower you go to work and unironically think like this? This is literally most retarded shit i have ever read since i came there. Roasty if you have no logical thought you can write just keep your mouth shut. I literally cant even respond to this because if you think for 0.1 second you know that you are wrong. Holy shit.

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Most human trafficking is run by Japanese porn studios on Russian imports


I'm just saying there'll be a rise of more sophisticated nigger gangs.

Obviously, not the actual Mob

>>EU achieving anything beyond pickles legislation

>cant legalise pickles
>legalise immigrant rapes instead

Nice numbers. Great point. A bigly job.

There really isn't. Human trafficking is a huge market, some scary brown people also trying to get a share of the pie is absolutely irrelevant for the problem. Assuming you actually give a fuck about human trafficking.

>immigrant rapess legal in Europe

Wtf I want to take a Swedish vacation now

Rapes and crime generally is on all time low the last five years. EU clearly failed at that.

Eh, It's what I read online about it. Gangs come in and take girls so white gangs come out to patrol the streets.

>Assuming you actually give a fuck about human trafficking.

Yeah fuck you too buddy

>Nice numbers. Great point. A bigly job.

Germany accepted 800 000 immigrants last year.

>Rapes and crime generally is on all time low the last five years

No they arent.

Since your kind isn't big on reading...

>The number of crimes committed in Germany is the lowest since 1992

>It's what I read online about it
From sources that care about human trafficking or some fear-mongering propaganda?

You cant possibly belive in this. do you? Most of crimes from refugees go unreported because it will be deemed as racistic. See Colonge rapes at new year eve.

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I'm bigger on independent media now like most 21 century people.


Dude... what the fuck man. What's your beef?

It's news stories that actually happened. Sorry I don't have an in depth expose by your favorite journalist covering whatever you think I'm saying.

People who get heavily invested into such things - whether it's left- or right-leaning nonsensical matters - tend to have way deeper issues they try to destract themselves from or the opposite dump all the responsibility for their troubles on.

There's nothing you could have said or done to prevent his suicide, and I dare assume that his leftist friends he chatted with even extended his life because he at least had some people to relate and talk to. That's quite a luxury not all people have; a neighbour who killed himself two or so years back has been kicked down in life repeatedly, going through 3 suicide attempts (the last one being successful) without having anyone who'd listen to him (although my mother tried, but honestly, the dude's life was so fucked up and hopeless... I do hope he's in a better place now).

>Now I'm wondering if his political and social leanings are correlated to what drove him to fucking kill himself
Correlation does not equal causation. For every liberal retard who hangs themselves, I can find some magapede who follows the lead.

>Anime avatarfag acting like an authority on what's dignified or masculine
Gets me every fucking time

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>I don't care about the official data, my feelz know better

>It's news stories that actually happened.
Pretty unlikely but even if we assume every single of the story is true, where would be the actual data?

>Sorry I don't have an in depth expose by your favorite journalist
I couldn't give half a fuck about that. It's a topic outside of the scope of a single journalist and needs data from organisations that work with victims and obviously the law.

>Everything today normies know is in form of propaganda.
People like you need to stop acting like you're some light in a sea of darkness. Less people are mindless puppets than you think. It only damages your legitimacy to underestimate your opposition.

>>I don't care about the official data, my feelz know better

How about you post one in english?

>Pretty unlikely but even if we assume every single of the story is true, where would be the actual data?

Is this really such a hard story to believe? Gangs are everywhere

love getting advice on the advice board

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Germans are too autistic for that. It's not like instant ways to translate text are available these days.

Sure but the way they act tends to be different from the portrayal in these stories.
>Gangs come in and take girls so white gangs come out to patrol the streets.
Sounds like a joke, and sure it could've happen in a location or two but generally it's just not how the whole thing works.

*farts in your general direction*


Can you leave me the fuck alone now

>Germans are too autistic for that.

Hahahahahaha this

How about sweden? Do you have one for sweden?

It's literally a fake-news site (who have a long ass history of blowing nazis), friend. SORRY, CAN'T DO.

Surely there has to be something on the web. Though keep in mind they changed their laws when it comes to sexual assault and rape a lot lately, so the number obviously risen. As an example into the opposite direction, you'd get a massively lowered crime in Murica if they stopped the whole weed paranoia.

Germany is a better example because they laws remained quite consistent since 1992. And their percentage of rapefugees is similar enough to Sweden too.

Not him but the last I bothered to read up on Swedish immigration efforts was female teachers being attacked and sometimes raped by "teenage" refugees.

You win. Congrats. Jokes on me.

I'm clapping for ya

This it was contributing to his mental decline not the cause, I think a reinforcement pushing him towards suicide.

>leftists, ..., are more about helping society

Leftists are all about destroying society not helping.


First of all
They changed the crime definition to exclude crime committed by migrants and refugees as a separate statistic last year

Second of all
Check the crime statistic the previous year

THIRD of all
Why would Germany crime rate divebomb in such a short time? A drop in crime to 1992 levels is evidently their attempt to cover that up

>informative content
>Jow Forums
This board is only helpful when it doesn't have to do with relationships, so 5% of the time.

Here you go. adl.org/resources/profiles/soldiers-of-odin-usa

Surely this group is fake news, even though they are somehow gaining traction across Europe and North America. Certainly nothing real is motivating these men to take action, it's all a ruse!

I'm not even fucking white and I goddamn, people like you are the worst. Can't see the forest for the trees. Did it ever occur to your retarded ass that most of these people don't even care about your "facts"?

I'm just happy knowing Germany is in good hands