
How are you supposed to compete if you’re just a barely average looking guy?

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Play Fortnite

Lift weights, dress well, and have a decent amount of confidence

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How much confidence does one need to get a single match?

you dont, the guys women want to hook up with no strings attached are 10/10s that the women perceive would increase their social value if people see them on a date together or on instagram. You can go ahead and try slogging through hundreds of swipes and getting 1 or 2 matches a month and spend countless amounts of mental energy getting them to like you enough to agree to a date onl yfor them to flake at the last minute because she realizes she likes one of the other dozen guys who she is talking to more than you. Theres a reason Tinder is 80% men and 20% women.

go on rebbits tinder sub and check out the profile review thing they do and check out all the average to above average looking successful and sociable guys who complain about no matches or getting 1 match a week and no dates.

Dont ask me how and why but a total qt matched with me. I'm a skinny dude that got rated 5/10 on /soc/ with boring/ bad pictures. This was after using multiple apps besides tinder for roughly 4 months. I can count the total number of matches I had on tinder on one hand.
This girl was engaged in the conversation and actually asked to meet up the same day we started writing.
After 5 weeks and 3 dates I'm going to sleep at her place for the first time this weekend.
What I'm trying to say is that we have to play the long game I guess. We can't expect a dozen matches a day so we just have to be patient. Dont worry about other guys. If you are anything like me you will swipe left on 95% of all tinder chicks anyways.

I’m happy for you user :,)

Thanks. I'm really nervous and anxious but also excited. Been a long time since I had sex or been close to a female. I mostly just want to cuddle with someone again.

You don't. On Tinder, women spend an average of one second (or less) on each profile. It is 100% about that first picture, what you write or what other pictures you put on there won't get looked at until after you match, if at all.

You think I spend more time?

The cute girls I match with I get a few messages and then they stop replying. I’m not even boring. It fucking pisses me off.

Never settle for being average looking. Exercise, weight train, build confidence!

Also, never use Tinder, that's a site for losers who just want to get laid.

But I am a loser that wants to get laid

Why do you settle for being that? I'd hate myself personally. And more importantly what are you doing to fix that?

Not much honestly. I have no motivation after work to do anything. Being a wagecuck is dreadful and I have massive student debt becasue I fell for the college meme so I need a job.

No girl will ever find that attractive. Well, no girl worth dating. You have got to do something to overcome that. It doesn't have to be one big step, just a series of small steps. 1. Figure out the steps you need to take to get in better physical shape. Start with walking, then running, then weight training. 2. Find out what pays money and figure out how to get the skillset to earn money. It rarely involves college. 3. You need to believe in yourself. Be proud of who you are. You need to be the person any girl with common sense would pine over.

Granted most girls don't actually have common sense, but that's a different problem. There's no excuse for not working towards being the best version of yourself you can be. Someone who's not motivated won't be attractive to anyone.

I guess I’ll try user. I just feel like I’m set up for failure and mediocrity though.

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So was I. I was an overweight weakling in elementary, middle, and the first half of high school. Now I make over 80k a year, have a nice car completely paid off, and my biggest problem is I can't find any girl worth dating or committing to. You have to improve yourself. No excuses. No attractive girl worth dating is going to view excuses as attractive. Ever.

>agree to a date only for them to flake at the last minute
This is the most demoralizing part, the idea that even when you stumble upon a girl who gives you the time of day, there's a 60% chance she actually just wants attention and has no intention of meeting you. Makes the entire thing seem pointless

Not him but what am I supposed to use to find people?
I don't have a big friend group, and not much time or interest in things like bars or clubs since I don't imagine finding someone there I'd have chemistry with.