My cat frequently shakes her head and is having balancing issues not to the point of falling over, but she certainly stumbles, doesn't move as quickly, and tries to avoid jumping. This started two days ago and I would of taken her to the vet by now if not for the fact she's wild towards everyone but me and was once either feral or stray for several years before coming up to me. I cannot get antibiotics without going to the vet and have read the most likely cause is a mid-ear or inner ear infection that effects the vestibular system. What can I do to help the cat and if this does not clear up when should I take her to the vet?
My cat frequently shakes her head and is having balancing issues not to the point of falling over...
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Just take that poor girl to the vet.
What kind of fucking retard are you? Your cat is sick and you think some fucking incels on the Internet can help you? Even /an/ will tell you to take it to a vet.
>I would of taken her to the vet by now if not for the fact she's wild towards everyone but me and was once either feral or stray for several years before coming up to me.
Get her in a carrier and get her to a vet, this shouldn't be much of an issue.
She eats, drinks, and plays with toys like normal. If she seemed like she was in pain I'd of taken her immediately but she doesn't seem the least bit agitated. It's the same cat and behavior but without the same sense of balance.
My concern with putting her in a cage and transporting her is that she has never scratched or bit anyone, even when taking belly rubs, unless they try to hold her or pick her up, myself included. This cat faced off with a neighbor's pitbull at one point and lost a small piece of her tail but completely shredded the dog's face. I'm not as tough as that dog and my face shreds a lot more easily, I don't want her attacking the vet either.
Do you think that a trainer vet can't handle a cat?
Trained vet*
Maybe an ear infection or something in her ear.
user, vets are dealing with volatile ferals and other beastly motherfuckers. They can handle it.
I'd hope so but this is a big fucking bobcat that seems to of lived its life outdoors until recently and did damn well at it. She isn't your average sized housecat and I want to emphasize again that she attacks when held, that includes if I try to hold her at any point of the transporting process. It's not a scratch or a gouge when she claws you, it's a scar and I'm thankful in the past year I got myself clawed once. If the cat were to hurt the vet would I potentially be liable?
How is her breathing? Is she making short and shallow breaths? Are her breaths making bubbling or raspy sounds? How old is she? Have you noticed abnormal water intake or lording over the water bowl?
She's a fullgrown cat, I have no idea of age. She breathes normally, no noises, and spends most of her day napping but still goes outside on walks albeit slow ones I accompany her on.
An upper respiratory infection would have symptoms, her nose would at least be bubbling occasionally or in severe situations her breathing would be raspy and rapid.
Has she been losing weight?
Have you ever found a tick on her?
What's her diet like?
Are you feeding a bobcat store bought kibble? Also, you didn't talk about her water intake. Have you noticed an increase in water intake?
Has she been in a fight with other animals outside?
Is she outdoor or indoor, when outside is she supervised or do you let her run around on her own?
Also, does your cat have any black dirt or build up around her ears? Want to make sure she doesn't have mites.
Take her to the vet, your cat probably has an ear infection and needs cleaning/antibiotics.
No weight loss,
never found a tick,
she eats Kirkland Signature and whatever small animals she catches in a property packed with small animals,
she hasn't been drinking an irregular amount,
no discernible fights and nothing around able to take her on,
I'll let her run around outside on her own since I saw her on her own for years before she ever came near me. Anymore she follows me everywhere at all times when she spots me.
No black buildup. I looked in her ears and couldn't see anything as I grew up with housecats who have dealt with mites.
Your cat has inner ear issues which is causing the lack of balance. Failure to provide proper treatment can lead to permanent loss in balance. Go to the vet, dumbass.
I think you've diagnosed it right then, just wanted to rule out a few other things.
Vets will most likely refuse to work on a bobcat but you might find a supporter at a wildlife rescue place in your area. I would call around and to ones in your area and let them know the situation. If you find the right person they will help you without getting authorities involved.
Also, if you can't find anyone to help you then try to use Zymox ear products as a fallback solution. They should help the situation.
Talk yo a few vets about the issue with kitty getting super stressed & you should be able to find one who will write you a mild sedative for her to take before you go in for an appointment. I was in a situation like yours before and I don't wanna scare you, but my scaredy kitty ended up having a heart attack and passed away in the carrier on the way to the damn vets she was so freaked out. It was after this incident I learned most vets will write a super low dose of some type of sedative to help take the edge off for kitty. Hope you get the help you need OP!!!
Going to try this. Been watching videos of cats with different ear infections and hers is early or mild enough for it to seem viable, otherwise
sedation and a trip to the vet are in her immediate future should it worsen.
It's probably an equilibrium problem that can be cause from lack of oxygen. Like if she got stuck trying to squeeze through a really tight spot.