How do u tell apart a whore from a good girl?
How do u tell apart a whore from a good girl?
The quicker she
>gives up sex
>doles out highly personal information
>insists on saying she loves you
>wants you to accompany her on mundane shit you clearly have no interest in
>uses her emotions to respond to situations
the more likely she is to be crazy and thus a ho.
Women worth the time will make you spend it.
Whore - fornicator
Good girl - Not a fornicator, plus other positive qualities
There are plenty of women that aren't whores but are nonetheless bad people overall. However, a whore is by default a bad person.
do you have morals and principles? great! use the same to judge her. I'm often shocked at how often dudes just accept shitty girlfirends just because they think girls are a 'certain way' and they think they have to put up with some sort of nonsense.
>A whore is by default a bad person.
If she stands on the street and offers you money for sex, she's probably a whore.
Fornication is immoral (stemming from the act, the antithesis of commitment, loyalty, and stability), thus if your only information about a person is that they are a fornicator, they are on balance a bad person.
Someone who is a shitbag in dealings around relationships can still be a "good" person in other areas, though. It's just not a good idea to get in a relationship with them. For example, I'm almost entirely certain, say, Jane Goodall has fornicated--which makes her a whore. But at the same time her work has contributed much more than the damage she's done to herself.
Impulsive decision-making and a tendency to materialism/hedonism do not generally make the bread for the butter of a good person
It seems like you're both talking about unfaithful partners.
What about legal prostitutes/prostitution?
I'm not. Adultery/cheating is only a small part of it (and undoubtedly the worst)--while this includes all sex outside of marriage.
>What about legal prostitutes/prostitution?
Shouldn't be a thing, first of all.
Legal prostitution is no different than illegal prostitution, in the sense of the act--perhaps with the exception that the prostitutes are more likely to be there voluntarily, and thus they are far more 'worthy' of blame and scorn than those who had no choice.
That's about as close as you can get to the word "whore" without actually saying it.
I see, thanks for clearing all of that up for me.
I really have to work on my ethics and morals and stuff more.
But remember, if I cant fuck whores for money and casual sex is also a no-no i'm coming for your mother.
>I really have to work on my ethics and morals and stuff more.
How so? You can have a solid and consistent moral system while disagreeing with me, it'll just be towards a different desired end.
I've been cheated on by 2/2 I've been with. So find one I dont like
all women are whores, and as our good friend hitler already proved, whores are bad people by default.
hence, all women are bad. avoid them.
>all women are whores
I never said that.
Currently, the proportion is about 95%. About 20% are whores but are potentially redeemable, and overall it's possible to reverse the numbers entirely with proper policy and moral standards, to a 95-5 decent/whore ratio.
Also, modern men manage to be slightly worse than modern women.
The failings of another shouldn't be used to excuse one's own--this kind of thinking in large part is what has led to the current situation of rampant sexualization and amorality.
>"Social and legal changes have given people more autonomy over individual and family decision making, including rights over marriage, children born out of wedlock, the use of birth control, abortion, and divorce (Stevenson and Wolfers, 2007). Once again, men may have been able to disproportionately benefit from these increased opportunities: Akerlof, Yellen, and Katz (1996) argue that sexual freedom offered by the birth control pill benefited men by increasing the pressure on women to have sex outside of marriage"
"Whore" and "good girl" are not universal metrics. The point of subjectivity is that it does not intersect with objectivity. Trying to use sexual activity as an objective measure of who is a "good" or "bad" person is nonsensical and a completely one-dimensional, inflammatory interpretation of human behavior. Anybody who has had any significant relationships with other human beings during the course of their lives understands that people aren't that simple. Morality isn't that simple.
Most of the stuff in here is kinda bullshit imo. You can't tell, really. Especially if they're a huge liar. The best thing you can do is try to make her feel free to talk without judgement, get her to open up and tell you her history, and judge for yourself if you're okay with what you find out. There are generally two types of cheaters, one, the girl who cheats because her boyfriend has essentially given up. That's not great, but it's not as bad as the second type of cheater by any stretch. The second type has no self control and values self gratifying behavior above loyalty. In order to tell if a girl is the second kind of cheater, just see if she can't prevent herself from engaging in self gratifying behavior. Can she put something gratifying off now for something good later? If it doesn't seem like it, there's an okay chance she's a cheater. Does she lie about dumb shit? Etc.
There's no real way of figuring out if someone is the first kind of cheater, not without someone telling you, though. Just gotta trust and keep dating your girl throughout the relationship and don't be a prick or a lazy piece of shit. Put in effort, and see how she acts.
Morality is (or at least, should be) an objective evaluation of a subjective goal.
The religious can say that morality is objective because subjectivity to God is the same as objectivity.
You know what he meant, you pretentious fuck.
All women are whores dude
Only difference is her price
I disagree with your analysis. I think the biggest issue around here is desperate, angry and frustrated guys attributing intent to dysfunctional behavior that, frankly speaking, doesn't exist. Contrary to popular belief, cheating is not an issue of morals. The belief that being a "good person" or having a commitment to doing the right thing is the difference between people who cheat and people you don't is just not at all accurate given what we know about intimacy and behavior. Cheating, especially for women, is an inherent issue with the individual's sense of intimacy. People who understand the value of deep, meaningful relationships don't cheat for momentary physical gratification. The psychological mechanics are more complicated than that. The whole point is that they DON'T understand deep, meaningful relationships. They don't understand the value of commitment or intimacy, most likely because of some kind of childhood dysfunction. People wreck good relationships because they don't know how to be in them. People who have experienced chaos and trauma in their early development find themselves purposefully seeking out that same chaos and trauma in their adult relationships. The best way to suss out someone who will be difficult to have a committed relationship with is to find out about their childhood and previous relationships. If this person has had a lot of abusive exes or their mother or father were alcoholics, abusive or abandoning, chances are they were never actually taught how to be vulnerable or commit to other people. Its not a matter of delayed gratification but more of an inherent attraction to the same dysfunction they were raised with and an inability to be emotionally vulnerable. Its essentially a matter of developmental delay. Morality is not the key here.
>You know what he meant, you pretentious fuck.
No, I didn't. When you speak abstractly and use subjective metrics like "whore" and "good girl" finding any kind of accurate answer is near impossible. What exactly qualifies a "whore"? What is a "good girl"? Establishing exactly what he means is more important than tossing out a random answer and ignoring the blatantly illogical nature of the question for the sake of not appearing pretentious to some shit-stain on the internet. If OP wants an accurate answer he should ask an accurate question.
>Fornication is immoral (stemming from the act, the antithesis of commitment, loyalty, and stability)
Commitment, Loyalty and stability can all be motivated by immorality. This claim is not logically sound.
Sluts usually have a more masculine digit ratio (pic related), hairy arms, deeper voices, less attractive faces, and are usually skinnyfat to chubby.
Note I’m only talking about actual sluts here. All women have hypergamus nature either way.
>Morality is (or at least, should be) an objective evaluation of a subjective goal.
Well, that isn't what morality is. That isn't the universe that we live in. Understanding people and the nuance of behavior typically requires knowing and having relationships with them. This prerequisite obviously disqualifies you.
>Cheating is not an issue of morals
Oh but it definitely is. You could more effectively argue that cheating doesn't necessarily define someone's moral character, because the world is not so black and white.
You're beyond helping. I feel bad for anyone that has to spent time around someone so autistic as you.
Imagine living in a world where speaking concisely and asking people to qualify their incredibly vague questions before answering them is considered autism. I feel like the "you're autistic" insult is used so heavily on this board it has completely lost meaning.
For me personally, a whore is a girl whose body is her most powerful asset, and she uses it for her own benefit. She knows how much power she has over men because of her looks and she actively milks that power. Aka to control men, collect money or other goods, or she uses her body to persuade people. A whore would be willing to have sex with a guy if she thinks she will get something from him that she can't get herself. Again, this can be in terms of materialistic things. But it can also be some sort of gain in status or maybe even a certain position within a company (banging her manager).
A non-whore has other qualities about her personality that make her a good human being. A non-whore can be very pretty too, but she is modest and doesn't use her body to basically further her position in life.
>Oh but it definitely is.
That just isn't represented in the information we have about human behavior. The reason I say it isn't an issue of morality is because neither a lack nor a surplus of moral foundation is the main contributing factor in infidelity. In my professional and anecdotal experience simply teaching someone right from wrong is not what determines whether or not they'll cheat. Establishing strong, meaningful relationships with children and encouraging affection and empathy is the main factor. A person who is morally "bad" in their personal life, like murderers or thieves, are capable of remaining faithful to a partner and someone who is morally "good" in their personal life is also capable of cheating. The two things are not exclusive. Deny a child empathy and they won't have empathy. Deny a child intimacy and they won't know how to sustain intimacy. Knowing that cheating is right or wrong may affect that person's ability to experience guilt or make amends or acknowledge negative behavior but the reason we are drawn to chaotic behavior is relatively independent from being a "good" or "bad" person. There are outliers of course but this is the general structure of human behavioral patterns.
It depends what the desired goal is--fundamentally I support stability and happiness. Commitment and loyalty are really just outgrowths of the core principle of stability, and you're right, they're not intrinsically good. They're secondary supports and benefits of an already moral person.
And stability itself is not desirable if the system maintained makes people miserable. Conversely, a system based on fleeting pleasure (i.e. hedonism) isn't sustainable.
It literally is, and it's the only way to have the term be consistent between individuals. The nonsense of everyone having different "morals" (i.e. arbitrary preferences) just dilutes the meaning and makes the whole concept unworkable.
"Good" and "bad" mean nothing if you're unwilling to assign some external criteria for them; I do, and hence I can connect certain behaviors or beliefs in moral evaluations.
If she isn't a Christian virgin who was homeschooled she's probably a whore
why is it whore vs. good girl?
you should look for mentally ill vs. realist
You are making some bold claims for an anonymous poster. Provide some sources or fuck off.
Morality ultimately extends to all aspects of life. We do not live in an vacuum, your actions affect other people. If one thing is certain, it's that nobody enjoys being harmed. Cheating is harmful to the other party, and therefore it is morally wrong. I already said that doesn't necessarily make someone good or bad. But to argue that cheating is wholly detached from morality is quite frankly, retarded.
I meet a girl once in my old college. And I completely ditched her when she said that she hates it when people say the word slut. I never talked to her again.
Wouldn't that make me the whore?
The more partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to cheat and leave you, that's a statistical fact.
I will tell you Op.
Girls who
>have a lot of male friends
>post revealing or degenerate pictures on social media
>snapchat themselves a lot
>sleep around like it's charity
>get drunk every weekend
>frequently attends clubs
>has been to a stripclub outside of a hens/once off thing
>can be out late at night without the parents hounding her with calls
>has no problem wearing very short shorts or her torso showing out in public
Because whores and sluts are scum.
if a girl posts pictures like this. She’s a slut. They are sexualizing themselves for all of their followers. Avoid girls who post provocative pictures on insta.
dodged a bullet
here we go