Met a nice girl, hit it off

>met a nice girl, hit it off
>She likes me, I like her, go on some dates
>She's 17 and I'm 25
It's legal here so that isn't an issue, is this something I should run away from regardless?

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just make sure you don't pressure her to do anything and only do whatever she's comfortable with

Always /2 + 7 user, 25 / 2 + 7 = 19 so I'd say don't do it it'll look weird.

Why should user care how it looks?

He obviously does because he posted this.

I'm talking about compatibility

The Math checks out. If you do this OP then you are actually breaking the law.

>is this something I should run away from regardless?
depends on what the parents think. if they show any kind of resistance, just simply back off for a year.

I wish I had the balls to do what you're doing.

I couldn't even bring myself to talk to one for fear of being shunned as a paedophile by all my friends.

17 year olds are pretty malleable.

Depends on the girl. The guy is pretty easy to read, but the girl can vary significantly. It definitely could work, because just because somebody is younger then you doesn't mean they aren't a better person then you.

Just do what you want, if you don't care about being called a weirdo and don't see anything morally wrong with it yourself go for it. But I'd say don't.

How is the guy easy to read?

I'm a guy

What's your read on him?

He's jerked off to hentai at least a dozen times.

you just described every guy on this website

Guess that includes OP too.

Don't know about that girl and hentai tho

Or even if she likes khakis

>It's legal here
that isn't an issue

All girls like khakis.

If I was you OP, I would just tell her to wait till she’s 18, then when she is 18 start doing what normal couples do.
That way it doesn’t seem that weird, but do tell her you want to be with her.

Where do you guys meet all these younger chicks

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dont care about her being 17 because its also legal where i am but if its anything besides sex, its pointless. she will be too immature and have different goals at that point in her life