Does wearing makeup sitting on the face all day drastically ages the skin?

Does wearing makeup sitting on the face all day drastically ages the skin?

Attached: 1537998224581.jpg (960x960, 91K)

That can happen?

t. normal guy that never wears makeup

no women just age like dogshit

Hahahaha you fucking nigger

If she hadn't plucked her real eyebrows away to nothingness then she'd look way better un-madeup.

Just take care of your skin when you get home
Moisturizing is the most important part

why do women do this
do men honestly prefer the one on the right?

Its an illusion of younger skin

Though she shouldn't have plucked her eyebrows that much and maybe a little makeup to hide the baggy eyes since her glasses bring more attention to them. Other than that she looks good and has a good hair color.

i do , id rail the right chick and run from the left chick

Right one is pretty, left one is okay.

>t. virgin
Almost all woman comparatively look like dogshit with no makeup on. Even when you see a girl in the office or at school with "no makeup" on, she has makeup on it's just her "no makeup" makeup. Girls with literally 0 makeup basically all look like the left side of this picture.

yo fr tho the left one looks old af like some 50 year old bitch
I know girls who look good without the excess make-up

Damn that's scary. I'd consider marrying the girl on the right

Eh, I think the problem with her is that she's got big cheeks but no jawline. Like even on the right her jaw isn't really that visible. Girls who look like they have man-jaws when they have makeup on look the best without makeup because without makeup their jaw actually just looks normal sized so they don't get the old lady jowls-look like this bitch.

Right has a healthy glow, pretty eyebrows, big blue eyes, and a modest girl smile. It's bizzare how this works. They have it down to a science. I don't understand why I'm attracted to that either

>t. never goes outside
Plenty of women wear no makeup, you are paranoid if you think the OP picture represents the majority of women who wear makeup.

>plenty of women wear no makeup
A woman recently told me that what guys think is no makeup is just a natural look. According to her, plenty of women do wear makeup and guys just can't fucking tell

Attached: NoMakeup.jpg (500x326, 36K)

Makeup is a blight on western civilization. It gives certain women an inflated opinion of themselves, it gives women something completely stupid to waste time on in their day, it encourages vanity and causes girls to think ill of themselves if they don't look as pretty as the computer touched up girls in magazines.

Only if you fail to take it off. In my experience, girls who wear makeup everyday tend to stick to their cleansing and moisturising routine more than girls who don't wear makeup, so they can have better skin (if they're using the right products).

No worries, your eyes are just fucking broken.

So basically women are freaking ugly. Makes sense since in most animals the males look fancy while the females look plain. Except our females are not even stronger and bigger like in many other species. Women are weak and ugly?


> i am everyone on this planet and my word is fact

I dont really like it too though.

No, it can worsen acne and if you really pull at your skin while applying or removing it, it might eventually cause wrinkles. But the main causes of aging according to science are
>sun exposure, literally like 90% responsible for premature aging

Makeup is very aging while they're actually wearing it though, in the sense that it makes a young girl look way older.

God no

go to bed with the one on the right
wake up with the one on the left
get violently ill and regret your decision
tell her it isnt her its you and that you like her as a person but you arent interested in seeing her again right now