Pair bonding issue?

Why do I perpetually feel like I'm going to break up with my girlfriend?

Nothing is going wrong with it, her family likes me, I just feel like it's going to end and it's not worth pursuing. She's great for me now but something

Why? Is it cause I'm redpilled?

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I am kiiiind of grappling with the same shit. it might be a reaction to escalation of commitment. might be some latent issues you are not addressing. you might be thinking you have other options for dating out there that part of you wishes you could explore, I think thats what my issue might be.

ultimately this is stemming from something in your internal psychology. you need to prod around in your personal blueprints to figure out what the reason is.

same thing with me user, i'm always waiting for the end.

>people taking the red pill seriously
This is so sad

>you might be thinking you have other options for dating out there that part of you wishes you could explore, I think thats what my issue might be.

Couldn't she be thinking the same thing?

Dude same. We have no issues at all and she's crazy about me but for some reason it just feels like a temporary thing. For me I think its cause I've been betrayed by women before and it has left me a bit fucked up perhaps

I dated a foreign girl for almost 2 years with the first year her being au pair and we matched on tinder. She had to go back in March this year and being only 26 and a poor dude in the richest country in the world which gladly accepts refugees but hard working and willing to learn your language and culture foreigners have a big shit list of criterias.

She was literally perfect in every way except for her silent treatments even for things I think was not worth getting angry over like I walked first into a bus instead of waiting to hold her hand and walk. Into the bus together. I confronted a few times about the randomness of her silent treatments but she defended it with
>"I need time to think what to say"
>"would you rather like me to tell?"

Doesn't matter if in public or private. It was literally one of the few problems I had with her. Just a week ago I was thinking of surprising her with engagement ring for my now canceled trip in november. But after confronting her yet again about silent treatments she defends herself like usual and among many things sent pic related.

When I told her I'm cancelling my flight because I'm scared of what she and her mother will do to me (they can speak Thai amongst each other) because she sent pic related right after I finished talking last time. She was crying so much and said she won't do it anymore and that she is not an evil girl. She was a small shortstack petite Thai farmer girl raised by single mother. It was one of the hardest things I've done but I figured out I was about to go back into a 2nd depression and I don't want to fall back down so I cut it off and have no contact now.

Shits hard. But I'm too poor to bring her here so it's my fault to give her false hopes. Even if she said she was ready to live poor with me.

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You all suffer from boredom and complacency and what you are feeling is a complex based around the human symbolic need to overcome.

In other words, you did it, you made it to the top tier. And rather than keeping it that way and strive to go further, you are struggling with your need to overcome and subconsciously you try to create such a situation with what you currently have.
Have you ever wondered why many people with good lives feel suicidal? It's because they cannot satisfy that urge to overcome.
In the olden days, men underwent these rituals: losing their virginity, having a stable relationship, having a job, getting a career, finishing their studies, getting married, getting a house, getting kids and raising them and so on. Each one of those were difficult and also very rewarding.

If you lack this, you should get a hobby that you find challenging and bring your SO with you on that adventure. This way you strengthen your bond together and you feel fulfilled.

Remember, life is a series of steps upwards and once you reach greater levels, looking down will kill you but always striving for more and working towards it is what gives you the fulfillment you seek.


>Fall in love with OP's pic
>read thumbnail
>Facial Abuse

Fuck this world

What part wasn't clear?

>pair bonding
that doesn't happen with humans

Foxes mate for life Miss Ayn Rand

She's a jew though.

>not taking the red pill seriously

I believe thats called taking the blue pill fren

Well I am sure she does. I think everyone thinks this to some extent. The grass is always greener and we inherently never want to miss an opportunity.
If you are a rational and mature person then hopefully you know that's just your doubts and insecurities talking or whatever, but it's still something that can nag at you time to time.

It's because you're a kid and it's your first relationship.

Defeatist mindset. You either see a deeper reason why things won't work out in the future, you don't want it to work out long term, or you're arbitrarily convincing yourself that it can't work out for no real reason.

Be honest with yourself. If you see no reason it should actually end, commit. If you find yourself constantly stopping yourself from fully committing, investigate why that is.

Overthinking this will just help you torture yourself.

t. dude who threw away a perfectly good relationship for no reason besides bullshit in his head

Chuckled. Your post speaks volumes more about the sexual market than you know

Men do not biologically pairbond. We have about a year or two of hormonal bonding, staying with a partner after that is a choice.

Many people go to extremes trying to regain the spark, it won't work. Things you need to logically consider, is she a good match for you and can you resist the biological urge to stray?

That old fag is fucking stupid. I dont care if he is some novelist or some useless bullshit. Twilight and fifty shades of crap are literature too. Does not make it any less shit.

The part about everyone wanting more and more. Some people overcome their nature and find peace. Different user here btw