Women wait for Mr. Right to walk through the door and approach them

>women wait for Mr. Right to walk through the door and approach them
>they pretty themselves up and ultimately objectify themselves
>some are incredibly cognizant of their "objectivity" and use it to bolster their status
>very few actually put in an equal effort to men
Am I wrong? Is the dating game skewed against men? Will women ever become aware enough of this inequality and improve themselves? Would this upset the dating game? How so?

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>Is the dating game skewed against men?

Yes. The quicker you accept this, you'll have more of a head start over the butthurt spergs who curse this system to hell.

Brace yourself for the obvious, but
>Eat healthy
>Dress nicely
>Take up a hobby

The only reason we have these type of threads is because these faggots aren't willing to just slog through the shit to better themselves as people. Don't be another faggot.

>take up a hobby
I just play video games all day. Not aimlessly, mind; but it's by far the most boring hobby to women, I'm sure.

Being pretty have a lot of benefits and you get to live on easy mode if you can maintain that.
Women have it easier in dating, but that is because they have something better to offer than most men.
But equality? I don't think anyone wants that.
Men are just as much to blame as women for screwing up the traditional family. My grandparents got married at 19/21. Back then, it was a necessity as well as they had a kid on the way. But they fought through life together regardless what happened.
My parents got married when they were 25/30.
I get that I am part of delaying this too.
I was a child at 19. Way too young at 21 and basically in my own head at 25.
I needed to do a lot of changes in order to be a person worth considering of dating.

Do women put in as much effort?
I don't know. Some do. The sad part is online dating skews you to only viewing the people who couldn't find a bf in person. And when you sort through people as characters in a video game, obviously they want to have the best they can get.

It is skewed against men, but you have decades to hone your game while women burn out quickly.

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>peaks at around 31
Why? Women realizing their value is lost much too late?

>women peak at 14-15 years of age

Kill yourself

>a woman's fertility starts to fall off when she starts hitting her 30's
>birth defects become far more common and infertility is more pervasive among that age group
>"teen" porn is so popular because men are attracted to young, healthy, generally sexually active and fertile women
How is this hard to grasp?

roastie detected

Oh no you dont like facts? Ok buddy go back into your fantasy world inside your mind. No worries the nurse will change your diaper while you daydream and drool.

>very few actually put in an equal effort to men
you don't know shit and this is what YOU want to believe. kys incel
>Will women ever become aware enough of this inequality and improve themselves?
have you ever heard of feminism? women can now do everything that was a man's job, including courtship. all men can do nowadays is play videogames. when will YOU better yourselves?

Found the 15 year old virgin.

Its boring for everyone user, even to people who also play vydia

tfw you can't accept you're an incel and at the bottom of the reproductive hierarchy so you blame it on women
"blame it on the girls who know what to do", quote

They can. Yes. They wont. If they will do anything then only the good stuff like muh equal pay for worse performance.

Stop with the delusion that only female fertility matters, or that teenagers are fit for healthy pregnancies. Your junk goes bad too, and you'll find yourself with children as autistic as yourself if you ever manage to fulfill the fantasy of being middle aged with a having teenage waifu.
>Autism rates were 66 percent higher among children born to dads over 50 years of age than among those born to dads in their 20s. Autism rates were 28 percent higher when dads were in their 40s versus 20s.
>Autism rates were 18 percent higher among children born to teen moms than among those born to moms in their 20s.
>Autism rates were 15 percent higher in children born to mothers in their 40s, compared to those born to moms in their 20s
>Autism rates rose still higher when both parents were older, in line with what one would expect if each parent’s age contributed to risk.
>Autism rates also rose with widening gaps between two parents’ ages. These rates were highest when dads were between 35 and 44 years old and their partners were 10 or more years younger. Conversely, rates rose when moms were in their 30s and their partners were 10 or more years younger.

Do you earnestly believe women will now realize their virtues and gain initiative because of feminism? Because feminism isn't an excuse for their entitled behavior, and its certainly persisted despite it.
You wanna combat my stance, then? Or are you only interested in shitting out yet another emotionally-driven response?
Who said I thought only female fertility matters? I was just positing a plausible reason why a female's sexual value peaks in their teens and the associated male interest. I'm not even that old, and I never once considered a male's age as irrelevant or nonintegral.

Christ, you all sound like women.

first of all, females of all species NEVER take the initiative because females are designed to be less interested in sex. YET, it is NOT rare at all to see a woman take initiative, if you don't see any that's because they just wouldn't take it with you. man up faggot. don't expect women to do everything for you

My current girlfriend approached me first, but she's an outlier and I have no interest in discussing myself personally (though, you seemingly do). I mean to approach this generally, if you could grasp that.

Men are generally considered the lead in the relationship, and the common consensus amongst both sexes is that men should make the first move as it portrays confidence and more masculine, attractive attributes to the other sex. But this creates an inequality in that women don't generally have to contribute much in furnishing a relationship as a man's value almost always decides his confidence, and is incessantly brought into question, and is the flint to the ember. Women, on the other hand, generally show no initiative in a way of gauging a man's worth, and have hardly equally developed the skills to court a male that doesn't devolve into just flirting. Because a man has to present themselves, and a women just has to be a woman as they are ultimate in deciding a relationship (with their value hardly ever being brought into question other than in platitudes) because men have an intrinsic desire to fuck. It's common among humans, and especially prominent in the animal kingdom.

Doesn't matter, your bitching about it isn't going to make you any more attractive to women

>better oneself
Oh, shut the fuck up.
No one would even feel the need to "better themselves" if women didn't care about the shit you listed.
Stop trying to make it sound like it's a fucking moral obligation.

>women wait for Mr. Right to walk through the door and approach them
No quality woman does that. And if you care about having some gold digger, just get a decent paying job and marry some mail bride.

You don't sound like a very pleasant person. Contemplate the possibility that not being a sanctimonious shit-bag is more important than being right. You can either have a healthy dating life full of people who want to get to know you or you can have your shitty incel rage that paints every woman as an entitled bobblehead. You can't have both.