So none of the other jobs, other than McDonalds have called me back...

So none of the other jobs, other than McDonalds have called me back. Looks like I will be working at McDonalds until I can get myself out of it. Please, tell me I am not an utter fairly, and any advice you might have?

I promise I am working to get out of this, and will keep applying at other jobs, I just need the money...

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Yes you are a fairy. Sparkle fag.

Who fucking cares if you work in fast food? Money is money dude at Least you're trying.

I don't understand what this even means.

I at least don't want to be constantly reminded that I am a loser, working a shitty job, for a shitty day in and day out after applying at jobs for weeks user... It's soul crushing, that's all.

I worked at mcdonalds, just take it semi-seriously, you know do what you're expected to do.

If you can assemble a sandwich from instructions and push a button you'll be fine.

It beats the shit out of washing dishes.

Really user? I don't know, somehow I thought dishes would be better, since you usually make the same amount, and aren't bothered the same way.

But if it is really that simple, then maybe this is the best starting place. I will of course take the job as seriously as I need to, I have just had two previous jobs in food, and both were terrible.

Go figure why nobody wants you except mcdicks.

>has high school diploma
>previous work experience
>well written resume
>has lots of references that vouch for me
>is known all around my town as a reliable and good guy

I don't fucking know user...

>proud of hs diploma


I had to drink booze in the back just to get through dishes, mcdonalds was more relaxing.
But I worked there in 2008, but I doubt it's gotten any harder.

Mcdonalds isn't the best fast food place to work, Arby's was my favorite fast food place I've worked at.
Just think of the people you see working there, if they can handle it, I'm sure you can.

I worked legit hard to get that stupid worthless piece of paper everyone said I should be proud of, so kindly fuck off.

Strange, I had the opposite feeling working in food, but that was a privately owned business, so maybe this will be different. And most of the people I see working there are either incredibly over weight, massively underweight, or the look like the really don't want to be alive anymore... I already feel that last one a lot, but I am trying to improve.

Chains are easier, they make cooking and stuff there fool proof, that's why people are afraid it'll be automated by robots. I'd compare it to using a microwave (which you do a lot in some places.)

Local bars and restaurants are where I've done dishes, it's not a fun time. Usually when someone does dishes at those places they aren't doing them long, I lasted 3 months tops.

So, what you are saying, is that, for quick money, this isn't bad?...

I'm saying there's worse.

Having a positive attitude about it goes a long way. Who you work with also makes a difference. At arby's every manager I had either watched anime or was into vidya, so I had something to chat about with them.

>misspell failure as fairly a common misspelling for fairy.
>Calls op a fairy fag.
>op is so dense they don’t understand
>op wonders why only McDonald’s will hire them

Oh jeez I wonder why

>nobody else ever had to work "hard" for that hs asswipe of papet, only me Im so great

Okay buddy. Have fun at mcdicks. I did worse jobs with cut up hands from glass shards and dissolving skin from constant moisture and chemicals. Fuck off yourself you pussy bitch.

You ruined my joke :(

>explaining a situation is ruining the experience for others

Fuck off this is advice, op wanted to know why they’re a fucking retard and I told them and explained it to them in a way that will make them realize that they need to do better.

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”

So basically:
>if your life is meant to be shitty, be good at being shitty, until you die, because fate didn’t give a shit about you

Wait this isnt /b/ Version no. 2? Fooled me. So much stupidity and even dumber advice here. And then there is you. Actually trying to help. Wow. Thats nice.

Fate. The lazy and weak mans coping mechanism.

But that’s literally what the quote is implying user... It says to do your shitty job well, and not seek something higher. If I can do something well, that I wouldn’t have a shitty job.

No need to defend yourself. Im lazy and weak too.